I have created a SQLite database . After quiting CMD, I issue .tables command but I can’t see the tables. When I try to query the tables, it returns no such table exists even though the database is showing . Please help am a beginner . Thank u
Sorry friends . It failed because I didn’t add the .db extension . When added everything works fine . I am leaving this here just in case another person makes the same mistake
I have Configured server database with My SQL server 2014. My database montage name.
i have not seen my table in left object explorer . but i have use select query its showing Results but i can't able view table left side.
please any one tell me how to generate Full script my server database. Even also i cant able to see tasks also .. please any one tell i want generate full script .
and tired to get script from i can't able . even i tired stored procedure got script using "Sp_helpText" . how to get script from table using query
I have a database named housing that I want to export. However, everytime i export it, it generates a blank dump file. I cannot identify what I've been doing wrong. Please help.
I'm trying using phppgadmin, I clicked export, selected SQL, structure and data as format and then download, but the dump file generated is always blank.
I think I know now what the problem is, I have different two versions of postgreSQL installed on my laptop. postgreSQL version 9.3.6 that comes with Bitnami WAPPstack) and I forgot that I had previously installed postgreSQL version 9.4.1 too. I get a pg_dump aborting because of server version mismatch. How do I fix this? Can I just simply uninstall the one that is not with the Bitnami WAPPStack? Or will my database be deleted along with it? I'm sorry I know nothing . :(
In /usr/share/phppgadmin/dbexport.php.
Change the line from :
$cmd = $exe . " -i";
`$cmd = $exe;
and then change
echo passthru($cmd);
I am trying to do a rollback with South in my django app. I am getting this message when I run my command: DatabaseError: table "forms_logo_version" does not exist. This is the command I'm running python manage.py migrate myformsapp 0044.
I've checked the DB and the table does not exist, but why is this a problem? If I am deleting the table anyway, why is this throwing an error? Is there anyway I force the script to continue?
I have simply created a blank table in the database and the script ran fine after that. I would still like to know the answer to my questions above.
You can find in your migrations file 0044_*.py method named backwards and remove line with something similar to db.delete_table('forms_logo_version'). If you do this makes some tests.
Connect to empty db and make forward migration and backwards, to be sure your changes don't affect another migration file.
I recommend you to figure it out why this table is missing from db? Probably South create this table (look into migrations) and only South should remove it.
I'm working on IIS. I am trying to copy a table or create a new table in phpmyadmin so I can mess around with a database to try and fix some other problems I am having. However when I try to create a new database it says "No Privilages". Can someone help me fix this. Thanks.
The person responsible for your MySQL is the one to contact.
After I uploaded my application created using cakephp, I found out that I had to rename the database. I renamed my database accordingly and changed the settings in the database.php file in the "config" folder. But my application is still not running.
I am being shown this error message
"Missing Database table"
"Error: Database table tbl_topics for model Topic was not found."
I have double checked the existence of tbl_topics in the database (it is there in the database) but the application says "table not found"
what might be the problem, please help me out...
Make sure the host/user/pass that you've set-up in the config.php file have access to that database and table
You could also try running cake schema generate --dry which will spit back any problems with the connection that you might be having
Also have a look in your app/tmp/logs for some extra information on the problems you are experiencing
Take the username and password you are using for cakephp and it's db connection and connect to the database from the command line. I'm presuming you are using a unix-type system and mysql?
mysql --user=user_name --password=your_password db_name
...and then try to run a simple select:
SELECT * FROM tbl_topics
If you get an error there, it will at least identify that it is a low level db problem and the likely solution is that you need to grant permissions to that username to select from that database. Your current access levels for that user is probably granting access to the db under the old name.
You have probably uploaded your cache files as well. Make sure you delete all the files in /app/tmp/cache/*
Warning: Don't delete the folders, files only!
Also, make sure your tmp folder and all the subfolders are world-writable.
One last thought would be to check your model cache. I don't know why that would impact you with respect to connecting, but it's worth taking a look in app/tmp/cache.
finally got it.... :-D
I forgot to assign the user access to my application's database on main server. After assigning the permissions all went fine.
Anyways thank you all for your valuable answers... It helped me gain some additional knowledge about cakephp.