DotnetFX35 Winforms Embeded IE replacement - winforms

I have one very old application with millions loc developed using .NET FX 3.5.
The winforms embedded IE 11. But since MS is going to retire IE 11 soon. May I know is there any other browser which I can still embed into my WinForm?
I have no luck with WebView2. Doesn't seems to work.

The reason why WebView2 does not work is related to your current environment. WebView2 requires .net Framework 4.6.2 or later.
For more detailed, you could refer to this document.
Regarding the IE 11 you mentioned, how do you embed it? Do you use the WebBrowser control or something else?
According to this official blog, IE engine MSHTML (Trident) will continue to be supported, so I think you don’t have to worry about it.


Is Web Browser control in WPF perfect enough to support modern browser features?

We did some experiments loading sample HTML pages in to the latest version of WPF Web browser control which comes with VS 2017 IDE. Seems perfect in most of the cases except when loading following URLs which throws error messages, which is not the case in modern web browsers like IE, Chrome.
1. Error message for W3Schools:
Error message for HTML5Rocks :
Please let us know whether WPF browser control is perfect enough to render/support modern web technology features in our desktop application projects?
-Thank you
I believe the "modern" browser experience on Windows in Microsoft Edge. You could use the WebView control to use it in your WPF application as explained in this blog post. This assumes you are targeting the April 2018 release of Windows 10 or later.
If your users are still in Windows 7, you may want to look for a third-party browser control such as for example CefSharp.

Does silverlight really solve browser compatibility issues?

I'm planning web application and considering silverlight as development platform. Will it help to solve browser compatibility issues? The app intended to be used on desktops only (no mobile).
Yes, it will solve browser compatibility issues, and could work on both Mac OS and Windows with the very same code.
The only drawback is that, the first time your user connect to your application, he will need to download the Silverlight plugin.
Awesome you would say? Well, unfortunately some people that probably never try to do something like image processing or advanced line of business application in a browser decide that plugins are not so cool and that you would be able to do the same thing with the magic power of HTML5.
We are still waiting to have the same possibility in HTML5 that we have in Silverlight or Flash, but plugins are already dead. At least as long as no big compay want to push them again.
So, my advice would be: don't start a project in Silverlight. You will have problems, even if you do not target mobile. For example it becomes harder and harder to find compatible good tools (like ReSharper, NCrunch, or even just a decent unit testing library). And in further release of Windows and Mac OS, it will probably not be supported at all (IE for Windows RT already does not support Silverlight).
Sorry man, Silverlight is dead, you arrive after the battle.
If your developing your application for an Intranet, I would say Silverlight is an excellent choice.
If you are developing for the Internet, use an HTML based language

upper IE 8 does not IE Embedded WinForm

I know that It doensn't work.
But It's so late to develop another project.
I just want to know how to excute it on Windows 8 and IE 11
whether direct way or indirect way. It's OK.
I'm almost crazy 'cause of this problem.
for a long time I coudn't find any information on searching.
Microsoft said ..
IEHost.dll is the runtime host that provides the ability to host
Windows Forms controls and run executables in IE. IEHost is a .Net 1.1
technology that provided a better model than ActiveX to host controls
within the browser since they were lightweight and the controls
operated under the .NET security model, where they operated inside a
For Dev10, the proposal is to remove IEHost.dll for the following
IEHost/HREF-EXEs are surface area exposed to the Internet. This poses a high security risk (we already have bugs filed related to
this), and most customers (by far) who install the Framework are
getting very little value for this security risk. If IEHost and IEExec
is left as-is, a new model needs to be designed where either (a) using
this technology is safe and is always on, or (b) is as secure as today
and can be configured to be turned off. The cost of doing this is very
Customers who want IEHost/HREF-EXE-sytle controls or apps have numerous other technologies they can use, like ClickOnce, XBAP,
Customers who want the exact same functionality as 3.5 SP1 for this feature can continue to use 3.5 SP1. This change, of removing
IEHost takes effect only in .Net Framework 4.0.
The opportunity cost and risk of continuing to support this feature for the CLR team is high. Going forward, we will be able to
deliver more features and bug fixes that benefit more of our customers
if we can remove this from NetFx4.
I know that your clients won't wait for a full re-write of your website, the show must continue right?, then for now follow these steps to make it work:
Basic steps used in previous versions
In IE add your site to TrustedSites.
Use Caspol.exe to grant full trust to your site.
New steps to use with .Net Framework 4 and IE 11
Re-enable IE host support for IE (Review this post)
Optional: If your site needs to run in compatibility mode add it to "Compatibility View Settings" (Review this post).
Something important to note:
This behavior will be the same in any version of Window/IE if you have .Net Framework 4+ installed. i.e. If you have your site running in IE 8/9 and then you install .Net Framework 4 your embedded winforms won't be loaded, you will need to follow the new steps below.
However I completely agree with #HighCore, you must get rid of it, it is a time bomb.

Is Silverlight recommended for new development?

At my job we are developing a GIS application which will be developed using Silverlight + .NET
But, I heard that Silverlight will not be supported by Microsoft as also they are stopping Silverlight, is it true ?
Is it suggestable to use Silverlight if so with which version of silverlight we can use. ?
Use Silverlight 5. Current version have 10 year support, and it better than Flash, java or damn it html.
In the future you can migrate to another .NET-based framework by easily porting code.
About silver light support, you can find these answers from Microsoft Silverlight Support Lifecycle Policy.
Keeping in mind that MS would support these browsers till 2021, I would recommend using Silverlight5 if you really have to use Silverlight.
However for new developments I would recommend you to evaluate Html5 as well.
YES! Silverlight is still the best technology to use for web based Line of Business applications. Silverlight will be supported for another 10 years and it will be available within Windows 8 desktop. Silverlight +[Arc]GIS are a great combination. It is so easy to create full functioning application and with little effort. Silverlight is not dead. It is still a great technology to use that is available on (almost) every platform.
Ultimately it comes down to:
1) What do you know: Are you an HTML/JavaScript ninja? Then use that, do you know Flex better then your own children? Or are you a skilled .Net assassin?
2) How much time do you have? Do you want to learn something new and have gobs of time? Then go for that new shiny object (HTML5) and get yourself some street cred.
This probably belongs on However:
Silverlight will continue to be supported for some time, but all signs point to it no longer being actively developed.
If you want a technology that's actively developed, I'd recommend HTML 5 for web based applications and WinRT for Windows 8+ native applications.
Ultimately, though, you should go with what works best for your situation. After all, WinForms is still used on many successful greenfield projects.
Silverlight is based on the NPAPI architecture that is no longer supported on Google Chrome (from browser version 42 upward) though you can still run it on IE and Firefox. HTML5 is supported on all browsers.
From a career standpoint, using Silverlight (which uses XAML) gets you an easier entry into developing apps for Metro/Windows Store/Universal Windows Apps (these can be developed using HTML5/JS too but you'll find a larger developer base using C#/XAML).
Finally if you're already a WPF developer, it's fastest if you develop for Silverlight. See Silverlight vs Flash vs HTML5.

IE 6 and Silverlight

Does Silverlight work with IE 6, are there any gotchas?
Just wondering if this is an alternative for customers stuck with IE 6.
I have worked on sites that run on IE6 and we were able to work well in Silverlight. As Silverlight is a Plugin, it doesn't matter what they underlying browser is, as long as it is the once supported by Silverlight team. We didnt come across any issues, we had worked on data driven app.
For client OSs the answer is yes
More detail on wikipedia about compatible OSs and browsers
