JFreeChart change text color - jfreechart

I have recently implemented a JFreeChart library in my program, but I struggle to change some of the colors of the text, so I can use it in my dark theme. The screenshot below highlights the labels I was not able to figure out how to change the color of.
I am using java swing library with the latest version of JFreeChart and JCommon
If there is any way of changing those colors to some brighter colors, I would be really glad.
Thanks everybody for their answers, I really appreciate any kind of help with this problem. This is the image showing which parts of the chart I want to change the color of the text.

Try setTickLabelPaint() on the Axis that you want.
See all Changing color of labels in JFreeChart.


How to change background color of Rader chart in ChartJS?

Copied the example of a Radar Chart from the react chartjs site.
I have managed to get it working and have this:
However I really want to change the background color of the chart itself. Here is an example of what I mean:
I have looked through the docs and cannot find a solution. Any help will be so appreciated.

Is there any way in react to Blend text color with image?

Background images are floating on the page according to mouse movement. What i want is that whenever there is an image behind/above the text the color of that specific portion of text get's change similar to given image.
I had tried multiple libraries like Frame-motion, GSAP but I am unable find the solution. If there is kindly let me know.

Unable to change ColorPalette property on Telerik Report graph

I'm using the Telerik Reports graph wizard to create a bar chart. Even though I can change the ColorPalette property to GradientPalette and can choose the desired colors, the results are the same flat single color. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help and advice.
The Graph's Color Palette applies gradient coloring on the whole series, not on each of the the data points. I believe you're trying to achieve gradient-colored bars, but this feature is not supported. If in your bar chart you define series groups, then the first bar will be colored using the palette's BeginColor, the last bar will be colored with the palette's EndColor all the bars between them will have solid color, calculated based on their count and offset from the BeginColor towards the EndColor.
The Gradient Palette makes much sense when used in the Choropleth, where the color represents an additional data measure - see a demo here.

How to create pie chart using wpftoolkit with shades of only one colour

I am new to wpf, I am using wpf toolkit to create pie chart. I have created pie chart using wpf toolkit but my problem is that I have to create Pie chart only with a particular color shade. Say for example green, then my pie chart should use shades of green only. Also this assignment of color to pie pieces should be done pro grammatically.
Can anyone please advice how I go about it?
There isn't a simple answer to your question.
You can set the colors manually, or let the framework pick random ones for you.
What you could do, is have a method that takes as an argument the amount of series in your graph, and a color, and returns an array of colors of that color shade.
You'll have to look at how colors work (RGB) and figure out how you want to do that (keep in mind if you have heaps of series, this will not look good).
Have a look at this colorpicker page for a quick understanding of what you're looking for (in shades).
an example going from dark blue to white will have the following values:
and it shouldn't be hard to pick from that array 4 shades for example.
Then you'll have to manually (well, with a for loop, but still, in code) add them to your series.
You can use below code in order to change the shades of the charts.
if you want to change from XAML then use this code:
<chartingToolkit:PieSeries x:Name="piecharts"
ItemsSource="{Binding DepartmentwiseGroupedEmployee}"
<DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth="10" BlurRadius="14" Color="Green"/>
or if you want to change from code then use below code:
var shadowEffect = new DropShadowEffect();
shadowEffect.Color = Colors.Green;
shadowEffect.ShadowDepth = 10;
shadowEffect.BlurRadius = 14;
piecharts.Effect = shadowEffect;

Change my CTAGS theme

I'm using ctags, which I installed in Ubuntu. When I autocomplete something in vim, the autocomplete text is white on a bright pink background. It's quite painful to look at. Is there a way to change these colors? I haven't found a way to do this, and none of the docs mention anything about theme or colors. Thanks!
I figured it out. You can change the color using:
:highlight Pmenu ctermbg=<color> ctermfg=<color>
Pmenu is PopupMenu, the menu tab-completion brings up. To format the currently selected item in the Pmenu, use PmenuSel.
ctermbg is the background color, and ctermfg is the foreground color. These can be named common color names such as red, green, blue, etc.
I set mine like this in vimrc:
hi Pemnu ctermbg=blue ctermfg=white
hi PmenuSel ctermbg=yellow ctermfg=black
Adding to the previous answer by 'mouche' for setting the colors for terminal vim, the following commands can be used to set the color of the pop-up menu for GVim:
:highlight Pmenu guibg=brown guifg=white
:highlight Pmenusel guibg=yellow guifg=black gui=bold
