How to check Next-Js component state? - reactjs

So I'm adding react-placeholder package to my component but that requires ready parameter to take this.state.ready, what's the equivalent of that for nextjs?
When I try to console.log(this) in my component I just get 'undefined'.

Ready is just plainly a true/false boolean value that you pass to the component.
const [ ready, setReady ] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
getData(); //fetch data on first load
const getData = async () => {
const data = await fetch(api endpoint);
if (data) return setReady(true) //data is ready
You can then use the following, where the placeholder will hide once the data is ready from API.
<ReactPlaceholder ready={ready}>


Results from realtime db not available when called

Im having some trouble with realtime database and react native.
I have the following useEffect in a component that is supposed to listen for changes and then update state as required, I then use that state to populate a list.
The component gets a data object passed as a prop, the data object contains a string array called members that contains uuids, I am trying to iterate over those to get the attached user from realtime db and then save those objects to a state array.
const myComponent = ({ data }) => {
const [users, setUsers] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const userArr = []; => {
item.members.forEach((username: string) => {
.on('value', snapshot => {
}, []);
return (
{users} <----- this is in a flatlist
It works eventually after refreshing the screen about 5 times. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The simplest way to get some data to show is to move update the state right after you add an item to the array:
useEffect(() => {
const userArr = []; => {
item.members.forEach((username: string) => {
.on('value', snapshot => {
setUsers(userArr); // 👈
}, []);
Now the UI will update each time that a user is loaded from the database.
I also recommend reading some more about asynchronous loading, such as in Why Does Firebase Lose Reference outside the once() Function?
Your database call may be asynchronous, which is causing the code inside the useEffect to act a little funny. You could push all those database calls (while iterating through item.members) into an array, and then do Promise.all over the array. Once the promises are resolved, you can then set the users.
Hope this helps!
add an async function inside useEffect and call it
useEffect(() => {
const getUsers = async () => {
const userArr = [];
//wait for it with a promise
Promise.all(userArr).then(array => setUsers(array))
}, [])
not sure if the function needs to be async

React Native I can not store an array with AsyncStorage

I am newbie in React Native and I am trying to store and get an array with AsyncStorage in ReactNative.
I have two problems.
First, I do not know why but when I storage data, it only works the second time but I am calling first the set of useState.
const handleAddTask = () => {
setTaskItems([...taskItems, task]);
Second, how can I call the getData function to get all the data and show it? Are there something like .onInit, .onInitialize... in ReactNative? Here is my full code
const [task, setTask] = useState();
const [taskItems, setTaskItems] = useState([]);
const handleAddTask = () => {
setTaskItems([...taskItems, task]);
const completeTask = (index) => {
var itemsCopy = [...taskItems];
itemsCopy.splice(index, 1);
const storeData = async (value) => {
try {
await AsyncStorage.setItem('#tasks', JSON.stringify(value))
console.log('store', JSON.stringify(taskItems));
} catch (e) {
const getData = async () => {
try {
const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('#tasks')
if(value !== null) {
console.log('get', JSON.parse(value));
} catch(e) {
console.log('error get');
Updating state in React is not super intuitive. It's not asynchronous, and can't be awaited. However, it's not done immediately, either - it gets put into a queue which React optimizes according to its own spec.
That's why BYIRINGIRO Emmanuel's answer is correct, and is the easiest way to work with state inside functions. If you have a state update you need to pass to more than one place, set it to a variable inside your function, and use that.
If you need to react to state updates inside your component, use the useEffect hook, and add the state variable to its dependency array. The function in your useEffect will then run whenever the state variable changes.
Even if you're update state setTaskItems([...taskItems, task]) before save new data in local storage, storeData(taskItems) executed before state updated and save old state data.
Refactor handleAddTask as below.
const handleAddTask = () => {
const newTaskItems = [...taskItems, task]

Return data from Async function React Native Redux

I am having trouble with accessing the data after fetching it with SecureStore in Expo for react-native.
Here is the simple code:
const infoofuser = SecureStore.getItemAsync('userInfo').then(value =>
console.log(`this is the vlaue from infouser: ${value}`),
console.log(`infoouser: ${JSON.stringify(infoofuser)}`);
the first infoofuser constant definition returns the object of the intended data.
console.log(`infoouser: ${JSON.stringify(infoofuser)}`);
however returns {"_U":0,"_V":0,"_W":null,"_X":null} which U understand is a promise. I would like to simply get the data that comes from the SecureStore call and use it to set my initialState in redux.
const infoofuser = SecureStore.getItemAsync('userInfo').then(value =>
this does not work either to access the data
You can use async method using async/await. Try this:
const userInfo = useSelector(state => state.userInfo);
const getData = async () => {
try {
const infoofuser = await SecureStore.getItemAsync('userInfo');
console.log('infoofuser:', infoofuser)
/// strore on redux
} catch (err) {
// handle error
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
if (!userInfo) return null
//render something else
You can check the Expo Secure Store docs for reference.

Not awaiting for data in useEffect

I have a useEffect in my component that is waiting for data from the context so that it can set it in state. But its not waiting for the state and is moving on to the next line of code to set isLoading to false.
I'd like it to wait for the data so that I can render the loading.
I tried setting the isFetchingData in the context but I had run into problems where if another component calls it first it would set the isFetchingData state to false.
First call to ReactContext is setting the isLoading sate to false
It is fine for results to come back with no records. The component would render 'No records found'. Therefore, I cannot check the length on state to say if length is zero then keep loading.
Following is my code:
const [activeEmployees, setActiveEmployees] = useState([]);
const [terminatedEmployees, setTerminatedEmployees] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
.then(response => {
/// some code...
const EmployeesTab = () => {
const { activeEmployees, terminatedEmployees } = useContext(BlipContext);
//Component states
const [isFetchingData, setIsFetchingData] = useState(true);
const [newEmployees, setNewEmployees] = useState([]);
const [oldEmployees, setOldEmployees] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
async function getData() {
await setNewEmployees(activeEmployees);
await setOldEmployees(terminatedEmployees);
}, [activeEmployees, terminatedEmployees, isFetchingData]);
if(isFetchingData) {
return <p>'Loading'</p>;
return (
// if data is loaded render this
export default EmployeesTab;
Since you have useState inside your useContext, I don't see the point of storing yet again the activeEmployees in another state.
If you want to have a local loading variable it could something like:
const loading = !(activeEmployees.length && terminatedEmployees.length);
This loading will update whenever getEmployees changes.
And to answer you question, the reason await is not having an effect is because setState is synchronous.

FileReader - how to update local state after store is updated?

I'm playing around with a food recognition api.
I have a component with a local state called ingredients.
In the component, I have an input tag that accepts a file image upload and calls cameraHandler method onChange. The method uses FileReader to convert the image into Base64
Once the FileReader is finished encoding the image, the method calls a redux action fetchIngredientsFromImage to post the base64 image into a route to trigger to trigger an API call (to analyze the ingredients in the image).
The response is sent back to the front end, and used to update store.
So basically, the API call is successful, I get the data I need, and store is updated successfully. Great.
But what I also need to do, is update my local ingredients state. But I don't know how to wait for store to be updated before calling setState.
I've tried componentDidUpdate with if(this.props !== prevProps) methodToUpdateLocalState(), but this doesn't work because for some reason the component won't re-render after store is updated.. Turns out that everything inside componentDidUpdate runs first, and store is updated afterwards. I feel like also isn't necessary (probably).
I also tried .then the awaited readers inside cameraHandler, but .then is undefined.
I'd appreciate any input I could get. Really at a loss here, because I have the data, and I just need to somehow grab it so I can setState.
class RecipesSearch extends Component {
state = {
ingredients: [], //need to update this after store is updated, but how?
cameraHandler = async (event) => {
const { fetchIngredientsFromImage } = this.props;
const file =[0];
const reader = new FileReader();
await reader.readAsDataURL(file);
reader.onloadend = async () => {
const imgBase = reader.result.replace(/^data:image\/(.*);base64,/, '');
await fetchIngredientsFromImage(imgBase); //.then here is undefined
const fetchIngredientsFromImage = (imgBase) => async (dispatch) => {
const { data } = await`/api/camera/`, { imgBase });
return dispatch(setIngredientsFromCamera(data)); //successfully updates store
as a workaround I made an call inside cameraHandler. Not proud of it, because I'd like to utilize store and keep it consistent with my other methods, but for the time being it'll do I guess.
cameraHandler = async (event) => {
// const { loadIngredientsFromImage } = this.props;
const file =[0];
const reader = new FileReader();
await reader.readAsDataURL(file);
reader.onloadend = async () => {
const imgBase = reader.result.replace(/^data:image\/(.*);base64,/, '');
await axios
.post(`/api/camera/`, { imgBase })
.then((response) => this.setState({ ingredients: }));
