How can I remove the React App symbol and name or the "Website created using create-react-app"? - reactjs

I have deployed my website with firebase hosting. Everytime I go the site, there's still the name React App on the tabs of my browser. Do I have to purchase a domain name to get rid of it?

You can change the title of the index.html page in the public directory. And for the customizing the icon, you can change the favicon also located in the public directory.

simply go to the /public folder of your react app and change the <title> React App </title> in index.html file to whatever the title of your website is.


Netlify is not renderign what is inside the div with the "root" id in react

I upload a react app to Netlify, it uploads fine, but when I visit the site, it´s all blank, the index.html is working fine, but there is nothing inside the div with the "root" id
Here are the buils settings
here are the enviorment settings
here is the package json
and i also include the redirects file in the public folder
Can you help me to make the react app works
Create a file named _redirects to the public folder of App with the following content:
/* /index.html 200
Sometimes work!

Nginx + React fail to load resources

Hey. I have a problem with react. I use '/' path for client (some static html content), and '/panel' for example for another server using 1 domain.
But i have errors which don't load my react page.
So on home location (http://localhost/) all good.
http://localhost/panel - only 'react app' in title.
That's because your React app tries to load the CSS and JS from the root path. Configure the homePage field in package json to be
"homePage": "/panel"

How to embed existing react app to WordPress

I'm trying to embed an existing react app to my WordPress site using the plugin ReactPress. I created a react app inside the plugin section:
and added my build folder of the existing react app inside the path where is needed (using file administrator plugin):
The Path is wp-content/plugins/reactpress/apps/dase-mural-design. The problem is when I click on the URL Slug in order to see this section (where the build folder is placed) I don't see the react app I've just uploaded, I just see header and footer and these errors:
What I'm doing wrong? How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance.
I used FileZilla to upload these files but is still not showing anything. Any idea?
I changed the package.json homepage to: "homepage": "/wp-content/plugins/reactpress/apps/dase-mural-design/build",
But in the console of the WordPress site I see:
It's an encoding issue, try setting your site encoding to utf-8 or uploading the files of your react app with a different tool, it could be the file manager plugin is changing the encoding when uploading.

How to change the favicon using nano react app?

I'm wondering how to change the default favicon on the browser tab using a nano react app and displaying it on localhost. I've already tried the whole process using but I don't have the static nor the public folder since it's a nano project... I'm not sure it's possible either
You have generated the favicon, but have not linked it to the html page. Here is the structure of the project as per the documentation on their github repo.
Here the index.html file is in the project root folder. To get it working, you can place your favicon alongside it, and in index.html you can add <link rel="icon" href="./favicon-filename" />
Since the project uses Parcel, it will find the favicon during the build process.

Offline static content in React app

I have a react app created with create-react-app. I would like to add an image not part of the react app to the offline manifest. The image is just referenced from index.html. I don't understand how I can include this in the offline manifest.
The react app is ejected.
Put the image in the public folder just as in a regular website and refer to that image. Everything in the src folder is put in a big js file after building so you cant use that
