I have a ComboBox in WPF, and a table (Trainer) in my DataBase. They are linked together as following:
comboTrain.ItemsSource = (from t in ctx.Trainers select t).ToList<Trainer>();
Also, I bind it in xaml as following:
<ComboBox x:Name="comboTrain" ItemsSource="{Binding TrainerCollect}"
DisplayMemberPath="Name" SelectedValuePath="TrainerId"/>
So, when I run the application, I see the name of all trainers in ComboBox. Now, I want to show only the name of trainer who is selected in ComboBox.
How can I do that?
I found a solution for my question: with using "comboTrain.Text" I could get the selected item as a string.
Here I checked both ItemSource and SelectedItem and they both have the values I want. 'Tedarikciler' comes from database so it is an ObservableCollection which has a list of 'DynamicProxy.Tedarikci'. The type of SeciliIplik.Tedarikci is also 'DynamicProxy.Tedarikci. But no item is selected when I run the code. I'm sure that both items are binded correctly.
<ComboBox materialDesign:HintAssist.Hint="Tedarikçi Seçin" ItemsSource="{Binding Tedarikciler}" SelectedItem="{Binding SeciliIplik.Tedarikci}" DisplayMemberPath="Adi"/>
It seems like it's a reference problem but is there ant way to achive this.
Thanks in advance
The instance returned by the SeciliIplik.Tedarikci property must be present in the collection returned by the Tedarikciler property, e.g.:
SeciliIplik.Tedarikci = Tedarikciler.FirstOrDefault();
The other option is to override the Equals method of the Tedarikci type.
I have created search option using combobox, for example
In combobox1 items are m1,m2,m3,m4,m5 based on that, if m1 item selected then
another combobox2 displays with items a,b,c,d and if a item is selected another
combobox3 dispalys, based on last combobox it searches on the datagrid.
I think it is long process, use of many combobox makes it lenghty. Is any
other way is their to implement this. plz help
<ComboBox Grid.Column="1"
IsEnabled="{Binding IsOther}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource enumTypeOfType}}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SearchType,Mode=TwoWay}"
SelectedIndex="{Binding CmdResIndex,Mode=TwoWay}"
So if i get this right, you have a collection a, which goes to collection b,etc, and the second collection will change based on the selected item of the first? You have to remember, that since the data will change for each selection, hard coding the value is out of the question.
Knowing this, WPF provides you with a great mechanism for this. Using a stackpanel, with a list view will actually work.
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{binding collections}" ItemTemplate="{binding TemplateForListViewItems}" ItemPanelTemplate="{binding itemPanelTemplate}"></ItemsControl>
Now, with the items control, one can simply set an ItemTemplate/DataTemplate, to set the styling of each control. Linking to the onclick event, or using interactions, you can simply do collections.Add to add your new list view with generated data for the selection, and done.
I'm learning WPF and am really trying to drill down on binding until I can do it like a boss. But I'm having a bit of an issue.
In xaml, I have a ListBox like so:
<ListBox Name="AccountsDisplay"
ItemsSource="{Binding Accounts}"
And I have a TextBox that's pulling "Username" from said ListBox.
<TextBox Text="{Binding ElementName=AccountsDisplay, Path=SelectedValue}"/>
Note: Accounts is both an ObservableCollection and all objects added to it are of type Account, which is purely a data class that extends INotifyPropertyChanged, and has properties such as Username, Password, etc.
The TextBox is pulling the Username property properly, and updates any time I change selection in the ListBox (which is populated with pretty lil' Account info entries, as intended), but I cannot then click on the TextBox and attempt to update the Username portion of entries in the ListBox.
My gut tells me I'm going about this TextBox the wrong way, since I won't be able to make other TextBoxes and pull any additional Account properties (thanks to SelectedValuePath already having a value), but I'm too new to WPF & XAML to see where the error is in my ways!
Am I barking up the right tree, or is there a more appropriate way to get a TextBox to synchronize with (and edit) the data in another UI Element?
Consider binding to the property of the actual DataContext of the list item selected.
I do not use SelectedValue because I am not sure of it's purpose.
Because of my ignorance regarding the use of that particular property, I just rely on SelectedItem.
I can then specify the property name that I want to bind to relative to the DataContext of the selected list item.
<TextBox Text="{Binding ElementName=AccountsDisplay, Path=SelectedItem.Username}"/>
My WPF4 combobox dropdown list is incorrectly displaying the class name of my EF4 entity. Here is the relevant XAML:
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="myEntitiesViewSource"/>
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource myEntitiesViewSource}}" DisplayMemberPath="CategoryDescription" SelectedValuePath="CategoryID" />
Here is the code in my Window_Loaded event:
var categoryList = from p in _context.Categories
orderby p.CategoryNumber
select p;
System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewSource myEntitiesViewSource = ((System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewSource)(this.FindResource("myEntitiesViewSource")));
// Load data by setting the CollectionViewSource.Source property:
myEntitiesViewSource.Source = categoryList;
My database has a many to many relationship between Projects and Categories with a join table called ProjectCategories. The Categories entity was automagically created as a single entity to represent two database tables:
1) the lookup table of Categories containing an ID, CategoryDescription and CategoryNumber and
2) the join table ProjectCategories containing only two fields - the IDs from the tables Projects and Categories. The entity model lives in a separate project from my WPF window.
My goal is to allow the user to select a CategoryDescription from the dropdown list, then click an Add Category button to add the selected Category to a separate list of ProjectCategories. With the current code I see the correct CategoryDescription in the combobox text area but the dropdown list displays only the entity class name Categories (preceded by it's namespace) multiple times!
How do I make this simple lookup combobox bind correctly and display a list of CategoryDescriptions and a SelectedValue of CategoryID? Note: I'd accept a code only approach leaving out the CollectionViewSource in XAML if it's possible.
Nevermind. I asked this question and have answered it myself. There was nothing wrong with my code or XAML. The problem was caused by the use of a third party theme to style my controls. Once I removed the theme the combobox binding problem went away. For more details see this post.
What about something like this?
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Categories}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Category}" DisplayMemberPath="Description" />
Instead of using a Selected Value, I would store the whole object. The selected value approach is old ASP style for my taste.
SelectedItem="{Binding Category}" is your Category object. Basically it has stored the selected item of the ComboBox.
When the user clicks a button for example, you can fire a Command from the ViewModel and you will have the corresponding selected Category object.
I´ve got a problem with a Combobox in a ListView.
I´ve got a class called "Substrate". This class contains an object of a class called "SubstrateType". I want to show the objects of the class "Substrate" in a Listview. Each property of the "Substrate" is presented in the columns of the Listview. For the different "SubstrateType" I want to use a combobox.
In the XAML I tried it like this:
<ComboBox Name="CBType"
ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=SettingsSubstrate, Path=TypeList}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=Substrate.SubstrateType}"
In the code-behind I got two ObservableCollections. One for all Substrates and one for all possible SubstrateTypes. The combobox displays all SubstrateTypes if you click on it. But the combobox has no selecteditem if you dont select one.
Thanks in advance.
I do not know your exact code, but if your ListView rows display objects of type Substrate, then your Binding Path for the SelectedItem should be just SubstrateType because the DataContext of a ListViewItem is already set to the Substrate object:
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SubstrateType}"
Furthermore, you need to make sure that your SubstrateType instances are actually considered as equal. If the SubstrateType instance in your Substrate object is not exactly the same as the one from the TypeList property, it will not be selected. You can fix that by overriding the Equals(...) method and define your custom comparison for equality.
If this does not work, please provide more code, e.g. the surrounding XAML and the code of Substrate and the code-behind/ViewModel/whatever.