I am confuse reactjs component design - reactjs

How do I or what is the alternative method to break this layout into react component? The code below is bootstrap 4 for simplicity and what I want to achieve is something like this https://codedthemes.com/demos/admin-templates/material-able/bootstrap/default/ where contents are dynamic which is actually consist of different components. So what I am showing here is the simplified HTML code of the actual thing but has a similar structure. The question here how do I break them into components with this HTML structure? Many thanks in advance and appreciate any helps. Thanks again.
<div class="wholepage">

What you are describing is one of the selling points of React - the ability to modularise bits of code into what React calls components.
To build something like what you have linked you would need to nest components.
Using the example you might have an app.js that looks something like this.
import React from 'react'
import graph1 from './components/graph1'
import graph2 from './components/graph2'
const app = () => {
return (
<graph1 key1="props data goes here"/>
<graph2 key1="props data goes here"/>
export default app;
graph1 and graph2 are seperate components that have been imported and then nested in the app component as shown below.
The key1 attributes in each component accept values/functions that are passed down to graph1 and graph2 components for further processing and/or display. This is what allows you to make the content dynamic.
What I've mentioned above is very rudimentary but I think answers your question. ReactJS is a massive topic and will take a lot of practice to get used to. is well documented and there is a lot of fantastic documentation, examples and discussion online such as:
React components
React Props
React Design Patterns
DISCLAIMER: Fairly new to react myself, just trying to share the knowledge :)


thinking in react with different example?

I have seen the thinking in react article found here and in short it discusses how to break down components...
while i understand the concept in their example and it looks like this..
each colored box must be a separate component...
now I am creating a login page and i am a bit confused on how to break it down as most of it will not be reused somewhere else and i started to mix multiple concepts together I am wondering if you guys can help me sort my thoughts about this topic
screen shot of similar login page to the one i am making i have already colored components that should be separated based on the react official page docs so please let me know if I am thinking correctly and if any extra tips would be appreciated
React basically is component based library which is re-usable in projects.
For Example you can create the file InputComponent.js :
import React from 'react'
function InputComponent() {
const [name , setName] = React.useState('')
return (
<input placeholder="Name" onChange={(e)=>setName(e.target.value)} type="text" ></input>
export default InputComponent;
And use it anywhere as many as you want like this :
import React from 'react'
function Home() {
return (
export default Home
The more re-useable components you can define your project will be more readable and easy foremost .
You can make a re-usable component from anything you desire like some text , input elements and etc ...
You can use component props to pass in any information to the re-usable component to display that information .
For more info you can check the react docs here .

Reusable components structure (react native)

I want to seek advice regarding reusable components structure in react-native. I wanted to make them lean and adaptive. What I thought was to have generic components as wrappers and then have specific components using those wrappers. e.g. For products carousel I pass products data to Carousel component (just a FlatList) that renders Card component multiple times that has products details and product related icons. But what If I want to have categories or anything else inside card?
What I thought is to make card content passed as props
{.... // ProductContent}
{.... // CategoriesContent}
But it seems like I am over complicating things as I'll pass data to carousel, then carousel will pass it to card then card will pass it back to my content and carousel is mere a Flatlist and card is mere a TouchableOpacity. And also it will not look clean as I will have to define the content wherever I am using the Carousel. Why not just create two separate carousel components
<ProductCarousel />
<CategoriesCarousel />
Similarly I have a <PopUpModal /> component. which I am using for showing product details. Should I pass product content as children to keep content generic or just create <ProductDetailModal /> as a component and create more modals if required
So the point is whether to have specific bits and pieces of the app as components so that connecting them will complete the puzzle or to have generic customizable wrappers like components. Or something in between
I recommend atomic design.
Its hard to explain it here, so Ill leave a link.
The key point is to break(modularize) everything into tiny, replacable & reusable bits, and actually reusing and replacing them.
Another important, yet often neglected point is that separating smart and dumb components.
This is surely neglected and also seems cumbersome to aplly, but will simplify the codebase by detaching view related logic to data(api) related logic.
So those are the two rules I try to stick to.
P.S. Just as im_baby has pointed out in the comments, there is no answer, and we all compromise at some point. So try to be long sighted and practical, dont be dogmastic to rules, neither be short sighted and mess up the overall code quality and structure for immediate comfort
You will make a component like this giving the parent component all the liberty to change it through props.
render() {
const { all the props that you want to give your component} = this.props;
return (
{this.props.childern} // like this you can design your one carosal and cahnge the data/view in the carosal.
Then in your parent component you need to import this component like this:
import CarouselComponent from '../CarouselComponent'; //path to your component
//any view you want to be rendered in the modal

declarative composition vs imperative in react js

While designing the application in react js to increase the reusability I have used the Tabs and then passed the tabs and headers something like this
const tabs ={
"tabHeader1": TabContent1,
"tabHeader2": TabContent2
<SwipableTabs tabs={tabs} />
Now my confusion arose when I had to render them permission based , In order to avoid if else juggling I have designed a component like below :
my ProtectedAction component will check for permission and will render the children based on that. Which is exactly what react suggest(be declarative).
Now when I see the above example like tabs which is data driven I am forced to use if else again which I wanted to get rid of.
Please suggest if any better approach is possible .

How to import a component or file in React using variables?

I'm building a web app using React that shows the blueprint for the building you select, in an already selected campus.
I have a "Content" component that loads the campus or building map, depending what you chose.
The "BuildingMap" component needs to load a specific blueprint according to what building you selected. It gets the props.building with the name of the building but I don't know how to load a component using that variable.
I have tried import, fetch and require but nothing seems to work.
Please help.
My code looks something like this:
//Content Component
<BuildingMap building={selectedBuilding} campus={selectedCampus} />
//BuildingMap Component
import *MyBlueprint* from (specific folder depending on the campus selected)
class BuildingMap extends React.Component {
return (
<div className="blueprint" id={this.props.building}>
Unfortunately, you cannot import/require components dynamically in React environment.
Depending on how many buildings/blueprints there are, it's possible to import them one by one, create component-building map and pick component by building ID.
If there are many/infinite components to load, I would surely pick another method - don't know content of your problem.
import BlueprintA from './BlueprintA'
import BlueprintB from './BlueprintB'
import BlueprintC from './BlueprintC'
// ...
class BuildingMap extends React.Component {
const C = {
buildingA: BlueprintA,
buildingB: BlueprintB,
buildingC: BlueprintC,
// ...
return (
<div className="blueprint" id={this.props.building}>
<C />
This question is pretty old but as I was looking for how to solve the same problem let me give my answer. It can be done with dynamic import React.lazy:
const OtherComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./OtherComponent'));
See more details here: https://reactjs.org/docs/code-splitting.html#reactlazy
To add to #Andreyco's answer:
Using a lookup table of string IDs/names to component classes is a typical React idiom. One common use case is a modal manager component that can render multiple different types of modals. For some examples, see Dan Abramov's answer at "How can I render a modal dialog in Redux?" (not Redux-specific), as well as some of the related articles in the React Component Patterns#Modal Dialogs and Redux Techniques#UI sections of my React/Redux links list.
Per #azium's comment: it is definitely possible to use dynamic importing (via require.ensure() or the new import() function) to load chunks at runtime, and you could add the exports from those dynamically imported chunks into a lookup table when they are loaded.

more extensive example implementation code for react-pouchdb-changes

I'm brand new to both pouchdb and react. I found the react-pouchdb-changes module which seems exactly like what I want to be using.
However, the example code it provides is far too sparse - I'm really at a loss as to how it would be incorporated into a basic react application.
Can someone provide a more complete example usage with some basic explanations of what each piece does?
This module seems to be merely a wrapper for the changes method. You can get a live example here. The link comes right from the documentation.
If that's not enough info you can check out the API reference with examples and example responses.
It's up to you how you want react-pouchdb-changes to integrate with React. All it does is provide you with a component to put your onChange handler on. These parts of the code example are the relevant ones:
onChange={change => console.log(change) /* do something useful with the change here instead of just logging it! */}
{/* your <App> component here */}
Just use the component in your JSX code (wrap your main component or any container component with it).
If you have difficulties with setting up a React example, try using create-react-app. You'll have a running React app within a few seconds. A good place to add your <PouchDBChanges> component would be src/App.js - just wrap the outermost <div> with the component.
