Click on all elements found - React Testing Library - reactjs

I'm trying to click on all elements found with the same data-testid, but what i've tried doesn't worked.
get elements() {
return this.screen.findAllByTestId("test");
async clickAllElements() {
const elements = await this.elements;
elements.forEach(element => {;
If i log the "elements" variable it shows an array with 2 elements, but it doesn't click on them.


Is this a React prevState issue and how can I solve it?

This is kind of complicated to explain. I'm trying to make a toggle function that adds and deletes items on a different page with useContext. Everything adds and deletes fine until I tab to the other page, and that's where the error begins. Once I do that the function ignores what's in the array and will duplicate items in the array. What's odd about it is if I console.log or manually check the new item with the current array items it shows me everything. For example in order to add the new item to the array it checks if the index of new item is -1. If it is it will add the item and if not it will delete the item. However once I leave the page it doesn't see the item anymore and adds it anyway. If I console.log the item name and new item name, I can see both, and if I use === to check it also works fine until I switch tabs and then even though it's still console logging both names somehow it's still adding the item and ignoring that it already contains the item.
The code directory in my sandbox is src/Helpers/MyPicsContext. Here is the link to my sandbox codesandbox
The tabs on the website are Picks and the search page which you can access on Picks before any items are added or by clicking the magnifying glass in the top right of page.
And here is the actual code for the context page.
export const MyPicksContextProvider = props => {
const [picksList, setPicksList] = useState(
useEffect(() => {
localStorage.setItem("picksList", JSON.stringify(picksList));
}, [picksList]);
const deleteCoin = coin => {
if (picksList.length === 1) {
} else {
setPicksList(picksList.filter(list => {
return list !== coin;
const toggleCoin = (coin) => {
if (picksList.length === 0) {
setPicksList([...picksList, coin]);
} else {
if (picksList.indexOf(coin) === -1 ) {
setPicksList([...picksList, coin]);
console.log('added 1')
} else {
Perhaps I just don't understand useState and prevState, but I can't seem to find any examples that apply to what I'm trying to do here. It makes total sense in creating a counter or something simple like that.
The issue is that .indexOf checks for referential equality of items, same as using ===. This means that const a = {id: 'x'}; const b = a; console.log(a === b); will output true, but const a = {id: 'x'}; const b = {id: 'x'}; console.log(a === b); will output false.
In your situation, upon changing pages / refreshing, the state is reset and loaded from local storage. However, this creates new objects which are not referentially equal. Instead of using .indexOf you want to use .find, something like array.find((element) => === to find the index of the item. You could also do your own deep equality check (confirming every field matches), but I suspect the ID alone is sufficient.
In fact, I would also recommend only keeping the array of "picks" as an array of string ID's. Then you can lookup the full data from your table for each of these ID's. Otherwise the current price will be stored in localStorage, and could be out of date.

React - useState appending to the array changes previously appended objects

Hi all,
I have a small react app that is creating (mapping from an array) new tabs (and panels) when there is a new message over the websocket.
There is an initial setup, that is hardcoded for the test purposes which sets up 2 tabs on load, any new ones should be appended to these two.
id: 1,
child_component_config: {...}
id: 2,
child_component_config: {...}
const template = {
child_component_config: {...}
The code, simplifed:
const [current_array, setNewArray] = useState( INITIAL_ARRAY);
export default function ParentComponent() {
useEffect(() => {
const client = new ws...
client.onConnect = function (frame) {
var message = clientDesk.subscribe( '/topic/desks/4', function (message) {
// on message
var new_tab = TEMPLATE; = Math.max( elem => ) ) + 1;
setNewArray([...current_array, new_tab]);
}, [ current_array ]);
const tabs = map tabs
cosnt panels = map panels
The problem:
On first message from the WS the third element is added to the array properly (example-1)
, fourth one is added properly but it also overwrites the third element (example-2)
making them exactly the same. After fourth it gets strange, where some are overwritten and some are not.
I've tried:
Moving the state updating out of useEffect or removing useEffect completly
Storing current_array in a temp var before any logic
Adding a counter to track which tab's id is the latest -> tracking state of just one number works
const [tab_count, setTabCount] = useState( INITIAL_ARRAY.lenght );
Using counter to try to force rendering
Setting up a fixed number of objects in the initial array and just update which ever is needed (with and without counter)
Updating based on the previous value
setNewArray( prevArray => {
return [...prevArray, new_tab];
After the first WS message, if the code is changed/saved and webpack compiled, the next message will add a new element to the array properly.
EDIT - Solved:
Managed to solve this by building a new object (instead of using the template) before adding it to the array.

How to find a user in different collections in Firestore using ReactJS?

I have two collections: users_unprocessed and users_processed. When a user is new, he will be added to the users_unprocessed collection. If he is processed, he will be deleted and added to the users_processed.
I want to create a list with all users. Therefore I need to find a user in users_processed or users_unprocessed. The list should be reactively and show live updates, therefor I need to use .onSnapshot().
database.collection("users_unprocessed").doc(id).onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.numChildren > 0) {
} else {
database.collection('users_unprocessed').doc(id).onSnapshot((snap) => {
if (snapshot.numChildren > 0) {
} else {
// Error Handling
This code is not giving my any result no matter of the doc exists in the users_unprocessed or users_processed.
If both collections are correctly set you just need to use the forEach function on each of them and put them on an array or list or whatever you want. Something like that:
const allUsers = [];
database.collection("users_unprocessed").onSnapshot((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
And then you can do the same with the other collection in the same list. If you don't want to put them on an Array but you have any other method or function you just need to change the last part.

How to verify sorting of multiple ag-grid columns in Protractor

I am using protractor for e2e testing.
There is a ag-grid table where multiple columns are sorted in ascending order.
How do i go about verifying this?
Picture of Sample table
In AgGrid the rows might not always be displayed in the same order as you insert them from your data-model. But they always get assigned the attribute "row-index" correctly, so you can query for it to identify which rows are displayed at which index.
So in your E2E-tests, you should create two so-called "page objects" (a selector fo something in your view, separated from the text-execution code, google for page object pattern) like this:
// list page object
export class AgGridList {
constructor(private el: ElementFinder) {}
async getAllDisplayedRows(): Promise<AgGridRow[]> {
const rows = $('').$$('');
await browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(rows.get(0)), 5000);
const result = await rows.reduce((acc: AgGridRow[], elem) => [...acc, new AgGridArtikelRow(elem)], []);
return await this.sortedRows(result);
private async sortedRows(rows: AgGridRow[]): Promise<AgGridRow[]> {
const rowsWithRowsId = [];
for (const row of rows) {
const rowIndex = await row.getRowIndex();
rowsWithRowsId.push({rowIndex, row});
rowsWithRowsId.sort((e1, e2) => e1.rowIndex - e2.rowIndex);
return => elem.row);
// row page object
export class AgGridRow {
constructor(private el: ElementFinder) {}
async getRowIndex(): Promise<number> {
const rowIndexAsString: string = await this.el.getAttribute('row-index');
return parseInt(rowIndexAsString, 10);
And in your test:
it('should display rows in right order', async () => {
const rows = await gridList.getCurrentDisplayedRows(); // gridList is your AgGridList page object, initialised in beforeEach()
// now you can compare the displayed order to the order inside your data model
What this code does: you make page objects for accessing the table as a whole and for accessing elements within a row. To accessing the list in the same order as it is displayed in the view, you have to get all displayed rows (with lazy loading or pagination it should be below 100, otherwise your implementation is bad), get the rowIndex from each of them, sort by it and only then return the grid-list to the test-execution (.spec) file.

How to use protractor to check if an element is visible?

I'm trying to test if an element is visible using protractor. Here's what the element looks like:
<i class="icon-spinner icon-spin ng-hide" ng-show="saving"></i>
When in the chrome console, I can use this jQuery selector to test if the element is visible:
<i class=​"icon-spinner icon-spin ng-hide" ng-show=​"saving">​</i>​
> $('[ng-show=saving].icon-spin:visible')
However, when I try to do the same in protractor, I get this error at runtime:
invalid element state: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Document':
'[ng-show=saving].icon-spin:visible' is not a valid selector.
Why is this not valid? How can I check for visibility using protractor?
This should do it:
Remember protractor's $ isn't jQuery and :visible is not yet a part of available CSS selectors + pseudo-selectors
More info at
The correct way for checking the visibility of an element with Protractor is to call the isDisplayed method. You should be careful though since isDisplayed does not return a boolean, but rather a promise providing the evaluated visibility. I've seen lots of code examples that use this method wrongly and therefore don't evaluate its actual visibility.
Example for getting the visibility of an element:
element(by.className('your-class-name')).isDisplayed().then(function (isVisible) {
if (isVisible) {
// element is visible
} else {
// element is not visible
However, you don't need this if you are just checking the visibility of the element (as opposed to getting it) because protractor patches Jasmine expect() so it always waits for promises to be resolved. See
So you can just do:
Since you're using AngularJS to control the visibility of that element, you could also check its class attribute for ng-hide like this:
var spinner ='i.icon-spin');
expect(spinner.getAttribute('class')).not.toMatch('ng-hide'); // expect element to be visible
I had a similar issue, in that I only wanted return elements that were visible in a page object. I found that I'm able to use the css :not. In the case of this issue, this should do you...
In the context of a page object, you can get ONLY those elements that are visible in this way as well. Eg. given a page with multiple items, where only some are visible, you can use:
this.visibileIcons = $$('i.icon:not(.ng-hide)');
This will return you all visible i.icons
If there are multiple elements in DOM with same class name. But only one of element is visible.
return ele.isDisplayed();
In this example filter takes a collection of elements and returns a single visible element using isDisplayed().
This answer will be robust enough to work for elements that aren't on the page, therefore failing gracefully (not throwing an exception) if the selector failed to find the element.
const nameSelector = '[data-automation="name-input"]';
const nameInputIsDisplayed = () => {
return $$(nameSelector).count()
.then(count => count !== 0)
it('should be displayed', () => {
nameInputIsDisplayed().then(isDisplayed => {
To wait for visibility
const EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(element(by.css('.icon-spinner icon-spin ng-hide')))).then(function() {
//do stuff
Xpath trick to only find visible elements
element(by.xpath('//i[not(contains(#style,"display:none")) and #class="icon-spinner icon-spin ng-hide"]))
.then(function (isVisible) {
if (isVisible) { // element is visible
} else { // element is not visible
console.error("Element is not found! ", err);
Here are the few code snippet which can be used for framework which use Typescript, protractor, jasmine
browser.wait(until.visibilityOf(OversightAutomationOR.lblContentModal), 3000, "Modal text is present");
// Asserting a text
OversightAutomationOR.lblContentModal.getText().then(text => {
this.assertEquals(text.toString().trim(), AdminPanelData.lblContentModal);
// Asserting an element
OnboardingFormsOR.customFormActionViewBtn.isDisplayed().then((isDisplayed) => {
// Asserting a form
formInfoSection.getText().then((text) => {
const vendorInformationCount = text[0].split("\n");
let found = false;
for (let i = 0; i < vendorInformationCount.length; i++) {
if (vendorInformationCount[i] === customLabel) {
found = true;
Something to consider
.isDisplayed() assumes the element is present (exists in the DOM)
so if you do
but the element is not present, then instead of graceful failed expectation, $('[ng-show=saving]').isDisplayed() will throw an error causing the rest of it block not executed
If you assume, the element you're checking may not be present for any reason on the page, then go with a safe way below
* element is Present and is Displayed
* #param {ElementFinder} $element Locator of element
* #return {boolean}
let isDisplayed = function ($element) {
return (await $element.isPresent()) && (await $element.isDisplayed())
and use
expect(await isDisplayed( $('[ng-show=saving]') )).toBe(true);
waitTillElementIsPresent(locator: Locator): promise.Promise<boolean>
const EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
return browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(element('xyz')), browser.params.explicitWaitTime, 'Element taking too long to appear in the DOM');
const isDisplayed = await $('div').isDisplayed().then(null, err => false)
