Declaring function inside class component in React - reactjs

import React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
getTime() {
return new Date().toLocaleDateString();
state = { time: null };
render() {
return (
<div htmlFor="search">
<label className="search" htmlFor="username">Name Please: </label>
<input id="username" type="text" />
<button style={{backgroundColor: 'blue', color: 'white'}}> Submit </button>
export default App;
I've been trying to get the time and display it in React but I keep getting errors.
Line 16:11: 'getTime' is not defined no-undef
But I've been doing just as tutorial told me to. What am I doing wrong?

first of all usually we define state in the beginning so just put it before getTime function
second thing - to be able to use functions in class components in react you have to add this before so just make it

You should use this keyword for referring to the class and then methods and properties.
So this.getTime(); should be used.


Squaring the value of an input box in React

I am new to learning React and doing a little test project each day. Today, I am trying to create an input box that when I click a Submit button, it alerts the square of a number. Nice and simple. But, I am trying to do this without using State. Just trying to understand how. Here is my code but something is missing. I think I am close!
Any ideas?
import { render } from '#testing-library/react';
import React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
sayHi = props => {
squareTheNumber = () => {
alert('this is the squared number'+ );
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.sayHi}>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<input type="text" placeholder={'Enter a number to square'} />
<button onClick={this.squareTheNumber}>Submit me</button>
export default App;
Try this:
import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
class App extends React.Component {
sayHi = (props) => {
squareTheNumber = (event) => {
// Should be the same as input's "name" or "id" property
// Docs:
const { number } =;
alert(`this is the squared number: ${number.value ** 2}`);
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.sayHi}>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<form onSubmit={this.squareTheNumber}>
placeholder="Enter a number to square"
<button type="submit">Submit me</button>
export default App;
P.S.: render from #testing-library/react is used for testing purposes only. See docs here. Class components have their own field with the same name.
As said, there is no clean way to do it without state or any extensions. The best way is to use state and make things clean. But another way you can do it is to use JQuery.
For example:
You can assign the <input> an id, say myId. Then you do this:
var content = $('#myId').content;
And then you can change the content in the p by assigning it a new value.
But using JQuery kinds of defeats the purpose of React, so I would recommend using state.
You can use refs to access mounted elements directly.

what am i doing wrong with ReactJS eventHandlers

I'm trying to make suggested search entries display in from Google Api appear in the div with the id Suggested-Places using input values from the input tag with the id SearchBar. Unfortunately,the event handlers aren't firing.
here is my code
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import MdShoppingCart from 'react-icons/lib/md/shopping-cart'
export default class HeaderMin extends Component{
constructor(props) {
componentDidMount() {
const searchBar=ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.inputBox);
searchBar.addEventListener('keyUp keyPress keyDown',this.userLocationInput)
userLocationInput() {
const key="&key=AIzaSyCvfy3g8ljGFtVyfCP9idWbwRo_-HASt_0",url="";
let query=this.address;
const endPoint=url+query+key;
return fetch("http://localhost:8080/"+url+query+key)
<div className="myheader header-min">
<img src="" id="logo" alt="logo"/>
<div className="search-box search-box-min">
<input type='text' ref="inputBox" id="SearchBar" defaultValue='search your location'/>
<div id="Suggested-Places">{><p>{location}</p>)}</div>
<button className="btn-sml btn-red"></button>
<div className="header-top-button header-top-button-min">
<button ></button>
<button className="btn-red"></button>
<MdShoppingCart className="shopping-cart"/>
React use synthetic events, so your regular events won't probably work. Use the regular React way if you want it to work.
You should be using Reacts built-in event handler props. Also, you can simplify your code:
<input type='text' ref="inputBox" id="SearchBar" defaultValue='search your location' onKeyDown={this.userLocationInput}/>
You probably don't need to bind the same event to all 3 key events, onKeyDown should be enough. If you need the other ones as well, you can use onKeyPress and onKeyUp.
And after looking at userLocationInput, you'll need to make a small change:
userLocationInput(e) {
const key="&key=AIzaSyCvfy3g8ljGFtVyfCP9idWbwRo_-HASt_0",url="";
let query =; // or this.refs.textInput.value
const endPoint=url+query+key;
return fetch("http://localhost:8080/"+url+query+key)
When you bind this.address in the componentDidMount to this.refs.textInput.value, that's a one time assignment. this.address won't update everytime the value gets changed. So instead you should be using or this.refs.textInput.value.
One last note, string refs are being deprecated in React so you should be using a ref callback instead.
<input ref={ ref => this.textInput = ref } />
// Getting value from input

Material Components Web and React: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of undefined;

I am trying to build a Modal component taking advantage of React and Material Components Web. The visibility of Modal is inherited from the parent state as props:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {MDCFormField} from '#material/form-field/';
import {MDCTextfield} from '#material/textfield/';
import './modal.scss';
export default class Modal extends Component {
componentDidMount() { = new MDCTextfield(;
this.pwd = new MDCTextfield(this.pwd);
componentWillUnmount() {;
render() {
if (this.props.isModalOpen){
return (
<div id="modal-container">
<div id="mask"></div>
<div id="modal">
<form className="mdc-form-field">
<div ref={(div) => { = div}} className="mdc-textfield">
<label type="email" htmlFor="email" className="mdc-textfield__label">Your email</label>
<input type="text" id="email" className="mdc-textfield__input"/>
<div className="mdc-textfield__bottom-line"></div>
<div ref={(div) => {this.pwd = div}} className="mdc-textfield">
<label htmlFor="pw" className="mdc-textfield__label">Password</label>
<input type="password" id="pw" className="mdc-textfield__input" required minLength={8}/>
<div className="mdc-textfield__bottom-line"></div>
} else {
return null
As soon as the app initialise an error appears "TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of undefined”
Of course it does since the since as the Modal is returning null.
so i tried to initialise Material Components as
componentDidMount() { = && new MDCTextfield(;
this.pwd = this.pwd && new MDCTextfield(this.pwd);
In this case the error is not thrown anymore but obviously the components are not initialised.
I did not come up with a pattern to solve this problem. Also a css approach did not work ( the idea was to toggle .someClass {display: none} from the main container ).
/** SOLVED **/
Ok I came up with a working pattern to solve the problem.
The problem was in the architecture of the app and the encapsulation of the components was not appropriate.
This is a parent component called Modal:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import EmailField from './email-field';
import PwdField from './password-field';
import './modal.scss';
export default class Modal extends Component {
render() {
if (this.props.isModalOpen){
return (
<div id="modal-container">
<div id="mask"></div>
<div id="modal">
<form className="mdc-form-field">
<EmailField />
<PwdField />
} else {
return null
Than we have Children components as
import React, {Component} from 'react'
import {MDCTextfield} from '#material/textfield/';
export default class EmailField extends Component {
componentDidMount(){ = new MDCTextfield(;
<div ref={(div) => { = div}} className="mdc-textfield">
<label type="email" htmlFor="email" className="mdc-textfield__label">Your email</label>
<input type="text" id="email" className="mdc-textfield__input"/>
<div className="mdc-textfield__bottom-line"></div>
I was trying to init and destroy from a different scope of MDCTextfield elements.
You should try out the react version of this library.
Try to console.log( Afterwards you will see, that ref that you try to pass is not a selector, this is expected when you initialise matertial-components.
#Fawaz answer is correct, but you can instantiate it the way you want, even on div.
Did you using components like i am using there?
Use this for reference:
Material Components Textfield, Manual Instantiation

Reactjs: how to put the html template in a separate file?

I'm new to React. I'm much more familiar with Angular2+. In Angular, every component has a separate html file. However, in React, I see that render function itself includes the html template. For example,
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class HelloWorld extends Component {
render() {
return (
<h2> Hello World </h2>
export default HelloWorld;
Well I want to take
<h2> Hello World </h2>
outside the js file and put it in a separate html and import the html file to render function, for example
render() {
return (
import content of helloworld.html
Do you know how to do it?
In React you would typically make a child component and import it into the parent component.
Since your child component here would just be static markup i.e <h2>Hello World</h2>, you don't need to worry about component state.
Therefore, you could do the following:
make a functional (aka stateless or dumb) component for your text. You could name it HelloWorldText as an example.
import this functional component into your parent component HelloWorld.
Your functional component would look something like this:
const HelloWorldText = () => ( <h2> Hello World </h2> );
export default HelloWorldText;
Then you would import this functional component HelloWorldText into your parent component HelloWorld like so:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import HelloWorldText from './path/to/HelloWorldText';
class HelloWorld extends Component {
render() {
return (
<HelloWorldText />
export default HelloWorld;
Here's a CodePen Demo with this code.
Unfortunately on CodePen you can't export and import components, but hopefully it still gives you an idea on how to use a child component inside a parent component.
Note: In React you want your components to be as general as possible. You would probably end up making a Text component instead of a HelloWorldText component.
Then you would pass text dynamically into the Text component using props.
Here is a CodePen Demo of this in action.
You can move the JSX part into a separate file and import that file in your component class
Here's an example
import React from 'react';
export const SigninJsx = () => {
return (
<div className="container">
<form className="form-signin">
<h2 className="form-signin-heading"> Please sign in </h2>
<br />
<label htmlFor="inputEmail" className="sr-only"> Email address
<input type="email" id="inputEmail" onChange={this.handleEmailChange} className="form-control" placeholder="Email address" required autoFocus />
<br />
<label htmlFor="inputPassword" className="sr-only"> Password</label>
<input type="password" id="inputPassword" onChange={this.handlePasswordChange} className="form-control" placeholder="Password" required />
<br />
<button className="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" onClick={this.signIn} type="button"> Sign in
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {SigninJsx} from './Signin.jsx';
export class Signin extends Component {
this.handleEmailChange = this.handleEmailChange.bind(this);
this.handlePasswordChange = this.handlePasswordChange.bind(this);
this.state = {
this.signIn = this.signIn.bind(this)
console.log("Error Change");
alert('Email address is ' + + ' Password is ' + this.state.password);
render() {
return (
<SigninJsx />
Please checkout this Medium link
This will be your React component declaration and
you need to import the template.js file inside here and render it in context of the component 'Abc' (index.jsx):
import template from './template';
export default class Abc extends React.Component {
render() {
Separate js file will have template as follows (template.js):
import styles from './styles.module.css';
const template = () => (
<div className={styles.outerContainer}>
<div className={styles.middleContainer}>
<div className={styles.innerContainer}>Hello, World</div>
export default template;
Additionally, we can import CSS modules inside the template and maintain them in serapate file as well, as follows (styles.module.css):
.outerContainer {
backgroundColor: red;
/* etc... etc... */
for now , it is not possible to load template from html file.

React Webpack - Submit Button not retrieving input value on form submit

I'm using webpack with React and I can't for the life of me understand what is going on in this build. This is what's supposed to be happening.
The var headerInput changes to whatever value is inputted onChange.
When the form is submitted(onSubmit) the console.log logs the headerInput value.
The problem: The value that gets console logged is numerical, it's usually something like: .0.0.1. I think it's console.log'ing the click event. Why isn't the value being assigned like in the in the handlerInput function?
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks, All.
var headerInput = null;
import React from "react";
export default class Navigation extends React.Component{
headerInput =;
<form onSubmit={this.clickSubmit.bind(this)}>
<input type="text" placeholder="change header" onChange={this.handlerInput.bind(this)} />
<button>Change Header</button>
This is not the recommended way to be using React. Instead of relying on a "global" to store your state, you should be using the state API that come with components.
Like so:
import React from "react";
export default class Navigation extends React.Component{
constructor(props) {
// Set up your default state here.
this.state = { };
// Do early binding.
this.handlerInput = this.handlerInput.bind(this);
this.clickSubmit = this.clickSubmit.bind(this);
// Use setState to update the state.
// You read state via this.state
<form onSubmit={this.clickSubmit}>
/* Make sure you pass the current state to the input */
placeholder="change header"
<button>Change Header</button>
I definitely recommend you revisit the official react docs, like the thinking in react and react forms tutorials.
If the input is strictly one-way (you only read from it) then just use a ref
import React from "react";
class Navigation extends React.Component{
<form onSubmit={this.clickSubmit.bind(this)}>
<input placeholder="change header" ref={el => this.inputEl = el} />
<button>Change Header</button>
Note that...
Although string refs are not deprecated, they are considered legacy,
and will likely be deprecated at some point in the future. Callback
refs are preferred.
