Retrieving Value from Object Store Mulesoft - mulesoft

I'm trying to store a simple string key value pair in the object store but when I tried to retrieve the value using the key, the value becomes byte[] type. Is there a configuration that converts the string value to byte[] type?
<os:store objectStore="SubjectObjectStore" key="#[payload.subjectId]">
Both subjectId and subjectName are String type.


Solr 7 id unique key of type Integer

I have in my database id field of type integer.
I want to index those is Solr 7.
I get "Error CREATEing SolrCore 'mycore': Unable to create core [mycore] Caused by: uniqueKey field (id) can not be configured to use a Points based FieldType: pint
That I get it, though. How can I specify id transformation so that I add document with id being of type integer, but it converts it and index it with type string.
Thank you!
It should work as you want it to by using the string type. It'll convert the integer when it has been submitted, and should work as you expect it to.
As noted the only caveat is that the returned type is a string as well, so if you're parsing a format that has serialized the type as well (such as JSON or POJO), the type returned will be a string.

Which data type is arangodb storing auto-generated keys?

can anybody tell me which data type is arangodb storing his auto-generated _key's?
Is it number or string?
If i store a "foreign key" in a document from a dataset of antoher document, is it better for querys to store it as string or number?
Greetings mok
The _key attribute in every collection is always supposed to be a string, and only string values will be stored in it.
So if your input data for _key is a number, it will be safest to convert it into a string first.

Universal E-catalog pattern

I have question about this pdf. What is ATT_TYPE in the ATTRIBUTE Table in figure 1? Firstly, I assumed that it contains database field type (like integer, varchar and so on..). But the type of ATT_TYPE field is integer. It can`t contain string like 'varchar'.

Inserting String data into Varbinary User-Defined Data Type Column SQL Server .NET

I have the requirement to insert records into a SQL table that contains varbinary and image columns.
How do I get 0x00120A011EFD89F94DDA363BA64F57441DE9 (This is the same for all records)
into this
BLOB_TYPE (MY_UDDT(varbinary(18))?
This is what I have so far, everything being very straightforward except for the SqlDbType.Udt parameter definition. With this code I'm getting the error, "Specified type is not registered on the target server.System.Byte[]", I can say 100% the 'User-Defined Data Type' exists on the server. I queried select * from sys.types and it returned the type.
Definition: CREATE TYPE [dbo].[MY_UDDT] FROM varbinary NOT NULL
cmd = New SqlCommand(sql, conn)
Dim parameter As New SqlParameter("#BLOB_TYPE", SqlDbType.Udt)
With parameter
.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Udt
.UdtTypeName = "dbo.MY_UDDT"
.Value = blobType
End With
Public ReadOnly Property blobType As Byte()
Dim Str As String = "0x00620A011EFD89F94DDA863BA64F57441DE9"
Dim bytes As Byte() = New Byte(Str.Length * 2 - 1) {}
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(Str.ToCharArray(), 0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
Return bytes
End Get
End Property
There are several things being misunderstood here:
There is a big difference between User-Defined Data Types (UDDTs) and User-Defined Types (UDTs), though it is understandable that people get confused given the similarity of the names.
What you created via CREATE TYPE is a UDDT, not a UDT. This is a T-SQL only construct.
Note for the future: when specifying a variable-length datatype, be sure to specify the length:
A UDT is a SQLCLR construct. Here is an example on MSDN of using a UDT in this manner:
You don't need anything fancy here. You just need to set:
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarBinary
Size = 18
Your blobType function is not sending the hex representation of the string that you are expecting. It is sending the hex values for each character of the string "0x00620A011EFD89F94DDA863BA64F57441DE9". Meaning, the hex value for "0" (i.e. 48 or 0x30), then the hex value for "x" (i.e. 120 or 0x78), and so on for all 38 characters.
You need to take each set of 2 characters after the "0x" (i.e. "00" then "62" then "0A" and so on), convert those to actual bytes, and send the array.
If you have the values in VB as strings and are using SQL Server 2008 or newer, you can pass the string in and have SQL Server convert it for you. You would just modify your INSERT statement to be:
The CONVERT function, using a style of "1" (meaning: a string representation of a binary, starting with "0x") will do the trick. For example:
SELECT CONVERT(VARBINARY(18), '0x00620A011EFD89F94DDA863BA64F57441DE9', 1)
Of course, then you need to change the SqlParameter properties to be:
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar
Size = 38
The problem is that the parameter value is a byte array, not an instance of the UDT you are claiming is going to be passed in, and System.Byte[] is, unsurprisingly, not a registered UDT.
It's confusing, but the "UDT" on the .NET side is used only for UDTs that are created in assemblies (CREATE TYPE ... EXTERNAL NAME) and not for UDTs based on SQL Server types (called "alias data types" in Books Online). To pass those, do not set the SqlDbType to Udt but simply pass in a value of the underlying base type. Basically, these types are only useful on the database end to ensure consistency.
Furthermore, you construct the blob incorrectly -- you need to convert the hexstring to bytes, not the characters that make up the hexstring. If it's really a constant, you can declare it as such. So:
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#BLOB_TYPE", New Byte() { &H00, &H62, &H0A, &H01, &H1E, &HFD, &H89, &HF9, &H4D, &HDA, &H86, &H3B, &HA6, &H4F, &H57, &H44, &H1D, &HE9 })
Should do the trick.
SqlDbType.Udt is for SQLCLR types. In this case, you have a varbinary column so specify SqlDbType.VarBinary along with the max size (18). For the value, pass the byte array containing the raw binary value.
You mention an 18-byte varbinary data type but the data looks to be much longer. If your intent is to convert a string in hex notation to an 18-byte binary value, that's a different question than the one asked here. I suggest you post another question if you need help with that.

Converting to Datum type in PostgreSQL

I see that the fetchfunc is used to access the column values of the sample rows fetched for statistics collection. The function returns a Datum. Individually when we know of the datatype, we can use the functions like Float8GetDatum Int16GetDatum and so on to convert to Datum type.
My problem is:
Input : a column in a relation and a valid value that the column can take.
I have to find the datatype of the column and based on that, I need to use the right function to convert the given input value to the Datum value to be stored internally.
I am very confused on how to go about this in postgreSQL.
