Initialize Flink Job - apache-flink

We are deploying a new Flink stream processing job and it's state (stores) need to be initialized with historical data and this data should be available in the state store before it starts processing any new application events. We don't want to significantly modify the Flink job to also load the historical data.
We considered writing another, separate Flink job to process the historical data, update it's state store and create a Savepoint and use this Savepoint to initialize the state in the main Flink job. Looks like State Processor API only works with DataSet API and wondering about any alternative solutions. Thanks.

The State Processor API is a good solution. It provides a sort of savepoint connector that you use in a DataSet job to read/modify/update the savepoints that you use in your DataStream jobs.

It's a pretty simple change (definitely not "significant") to support a -preload mode for your job, where the non-historical data sources get replaced by empty/non-terminating sources. I typically use counters to decide when state has been fully populated, then stop with a savepoint, and restart without the -preload option.


Flink: sharing state between functions

as we know there's no sharing state mechanism in Flink at the moment, but I suppose we can achieve it. Suppose we have a Flink job (with a single input source) and we want to know what happened at the end of it, in order to adjust the job processing steps.
I have thought:
Sinking a state into a broadcast source, then consuming it to update the state of functions
Using external services to store and retrieve it:
sink state to a db, and use an async function to retrieve it amid the job flow
use state func to update/read from external services amid the job flow
store state in a redis table and retrieve it amid the job flow
I think the first should be the more suitable, as other requires extra setup and extend the complexity to other systems.
What's your opinion on those options?
Are there other ways?
If you use Stateful Functions then it's easy to send a message from the final processing step back to the upstream operator(s).
If you're OK with potentially losing this state if it's in-flight and your job restarts (so it's a hint re adjusting job processing, versus a requirement), then you can use an IterativeStream to send it back upstream. That would remove the need for Kafka or some other external feedback system. See also How does Flink treat checkpoints and state within IterativeStream?
I used kafka. Whenever the state is changed, as a side output I sent it to Kafka sink, and other tasks which subscribed to same topic is being notified.

Flink - Lazy start with operators working during savepoint startup

I am using Apache Flink with RocksDBStateBackend and going through some trouble when the job is restarted using a savepoint.
Apparently, it takes some time for the state to be ready again, but even though the state isn't ready yet, DataStreams from Kafka seems to be moving data around, which causes some invalid misses as the state isn't ready yet for my KeyedProcessFunction.
Is it the expected behavior? I couldn't find anything in the documentation, and apparently, no related configuration.
The ideal for us would be to have the state fully ready to be queried before any data is moved.
For example, this shows that during a deployment, the estimate_num_keys metric was slowly increasing.
However, if we look at an application counter from an operator, they were working during that "warm-up phase".
I found some discussion here Apache flink: Lazy load from save point for RocksDB backend where it was suggested to use Externalized Checkpoints.
I will look into it, but currently, our state isn't too big (~150 GB), so I am not sure if that is the only path to try.
Starting a Flink job that uses RocksDB from a savepoint is an expensive operation, as all of the state must first be loaded from the savepoint into new RocksDB instances. On the other hand, if you use a retained, incremental checkpoint, then the SST files in that checkpoint can be used directly by RocksDB, leading to must faster start-up times.
But, while it's normal for starting from a savepoint to be expensive, this shouldn't lead to any errors or dropped data.

Is there a way to programmatically check if a Flink streaming job started from a savepoint before executing the stream?

Before calling execute on the StreamExecutionEnvironment and starting the stream job, is there a way to programmatically find out whether or not the job was restored from a savepoint? I need to know such information so that I can set the offset of a Kafka source depending on it while building the job graph.
It seems that the FlinkConnectorKafkaBase class which has a method initializeState has access to such information (code). However, there is no way to intercept the FunctionInitializationContext and retrieve the isRestored() value since initializeState is a final method. Also, the initializeState method gets called after the job graph is executed and so I don't think there is a feasible solution associated to it.
Another attempt I made was to find a Flink job parameter that indicates whether or not the job was started from a savepoint. However, I don't think such parameter exists.
You can get the effect you are looking for by simply doing this:
FlinkKafkaConsumer<String> myConsumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer<>(...);
If you use setStartFromEarliest then Flink will ignore the offsets stored in Kafka, and instead begin reading from the earliest record. Moreover, even if you use setStartFromEarliest, if Flink is resuming from a checkpoint or savepoint, it will instead use the offsets stored in that snapshot.
Note that Flink does its own Kafka offset management, and when recovering from a checkpoint ignores the offsets stored in Kafka. Flink does this as a part of providing exactly-once guarantees, which requires knowing exactly how much of the input was consumed to produce the results present in the rest of the state captured in a checkpoint or savepoint. For this reason, Flink always stores the offsets as part of every state snapshot (checkpoint or savepoint).
This is documented here and here.
As for your original question about initializeState, this is available if you implement the CheckpointedFunction interface, but it's quite rare to actually need this.

Are there limitations in using a State in Apache Flink?

Apache Flink allows me to use a State in a RichMapFunction. I am planning to build a continuously running job which analyses a stream of web events. Part of the processing will be the creation of a session context with session scoped metrics (like nth of the session, duration etc) and additionally a user context.
A session context will timeout after 30 minutes, but a user context may exist for a year to handle returning users.
There will be millions of sessions and users so I would end up in millions of individual states. Every state is just a few KB in size.
Is this something that can be handled properly with the Flink states?
How is Flink actually cleaning up deprecated states?
Would it make sense to think about providing a custom backend to store the state in a KV cluster?
For large state I would recommend using Flink's RocksDBStateBackend. This state backend uses RocksDB to store state. Since RocksDB gracefully spills to disk, it is only limited by your available disk space. Thus, Flink should be able to handle your use case.
At the moment you need to register timers to clean up state. However, with the next Flink release, the community will add clean up for state with TTL. This will then automatically clean up your state when it is expired.
Keeping your state close to your computation with periodic checkpoints which are persisted will keep your application fast. If every state access went to a remote KV cluster, it would considerably slow down the processing.

Apache Flink - Difference between Checkpoints & Save points?

Can someone please help me understand the difference between Apache Flink's Checkpoints & Savepoints.
While i read the documentation, couldn't understand the difference! :s
Apache Flink's Checkpoints and Savepoints are similar in that way they both are mechanisms for preserving internal state of Flink's applications.
Checkpoints are taken automatically and are used for automatic restarting job in case of a failure.
Savepoints on the other hand are taken manually, are always stored externally and are used for starting a "new" job with previous internal state in case of e.g.
bug fixing
flink version upgrade
A/B testing, etc.
Underneath they are in fact the same mechanism/code path with some subtle nuances.
You can also find a very good explanation in the official documentation :
A Savepoint is a consistent image of the execution state of a streaming job, created via Flink’s checkpointing mechanism. You can use Savepoints to stop-and-resume, fork, or update your Flink jobs. Savepoints consist of two parts: a directory with (typically large) binary files on stable storage (e.g. HDFS, S3, …) and a (relatively small) meta data file. The files on stable storage represent the net data of the job’s execution state image. The meta data file of a Savepoint contains (primarily) pointers to all files on stable storage that are part of the Savepoint, in form of absolute paths.
Attention: In order to allow upgrades between programs and Flink versions, it is important to check out the following section about assigning IDs to your operators.
Conceptually, Flink’s Savepoints are different from Checkpoints in a similar way that backups are different from recovery logs in traditional database systems. The primary purpose of Checkpoints is to provide a recovery mechanism in case of unexpected job failures. A Checkpoint’s lifecycle is managed by Flink, i.e. a Checkpoint is created, owned, and released by Flink - without user interaction. As a method of recovery and being periodically triggered, two main design goals for the Checkpoint implementation are i) being as lightweight to create and ii) being as fast to restore from as possible. Optimizations towards those goals can exploit certain properties, e.g. that the job code doesn’t change between the execution attempts. Checkpoints are usually dropped after the job was terminated by the user (except if explicitly configured as retained Checkpoints).
In contrast to all this, Savepoints are created, owned, and deleted by the user. Their use-case is for planned, manual backup and resume. For example, this could be an update of your Flink version, changing your job graph, changing parallelism, forking a second job like for a red/blue deployment, and so on. Of course, Savepoints must survive job termination. Conceptually, Savepoints can be a bit more expensive to produce and restore and focus more on portability and support for the previously mentioned changes to the job.
Those conceptual differences aside, the current implementations of Checkpoints and Savepoints are basically using the same code and produce the same format. However, there is currently one exception from this, and we might introduce more differences in the future. The exception are incremental checkpoints with the RocksDB state backend. They are using some RocksDB internal format instead of Flink’s native savepoint format. This makes them the first instance of a more lightweight checkpointing mechanism, compared to Savepoints.
Savepoints usually apply to an individual transaction; it marks a
point to which the transaction can be rolled back, so subsequent
changes can be undone if necessary.
More See Here
Checkpoints usually apply to whole systems, You can configure periodic checkpoints to be persisted externally. Externalized checkpoints write their meta data out to persistent storage and are not automatically cleaned up when the job fails.
More See Here:
On difference I would like to add is savepoint can be manually applied when we upgrade the pipeline vs checkpoint kicks in as useful in case the pipeline restarts or crashes abruptly. However, there could be side effects to later where application(pipeline) has to handle any scenarios like re-processing duplicate data etc.
