local react project migration to codesandbox.io - reactjs

I want to migrate a local project (hosted local via npx on apache) to codesandbox. But I have some difficulties.
This is the project on codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/weather-app-p4h0u
This is the local code at Github: https://github.com/bastian-84/weather_app_1
I checked:
Dependencies in package.json
File structure in general
The errors I get are:
When I load the page the ${} variables are not shown. But no error messages.
When I search for a city in the form input field I get those error messages:
"Network Error"
in ./src/App.js at line 76 Axios.get( ) wont work.
stack frames were collapsed
I guess I do some fundamental error.


importing Amplify throws error "null is not an object (evaluating 'keys.filter)" in react native app

Any time I import Amplify into my React Native project's App.js file, I get the following error:
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'keys.filter')
Here is how I'm importing it:
I run the project using Expo only. If I comment the import Amplify line out, any other files which use anything related to Amplify cause the same error to occur.
Initially, when I was loading this project for the first time, I had other errors to deal with like first needing to create the aws-exports.js file. I copied this over from an old project (Because this is meant to be a re-do of another project that's already set up). Once I included that file I had to update a few lines in that file because of an improper reference to Linking from expo. Once I fixed that, it throw this error I'm referencing here. Now, even if I delete the aws-exports file it will throw this error as soon as Amplify is imported into the App.js file.
-- Update
I've found where the error is occurring. Some of my code gets executed but the error happens inside of the reactnative.js file when syncing between two memory software.
I've tried to reproduce this error inside a fresh react application by copying the package.js file and then importing Amplify into the App.js file but it doesn't throw this error.
Here is a screenshot of where the error is taking place. I'm still trying to figure out how to pinpoint where in my code this error begins.
According to Expo, you have to follow these steps
it would be best if you imported Amplify
import Amplify from '#aws-amplify/core'
All you need to follow those steps it sees the configuration issue result data is not coming that's why it gives a null value and crashes.
Follow steps below will fix your problem
The problem seems to be resolved by changing the slug attribute in the react app.json file. I changed the slug from being a camel case to an all lower case slug.
After this the error has gone away for what seems permanent. I've been able to replicate the error in small sample apps. I don't understand why this causes these errors.

CRA - Failed to register a ServiceWorker, unsupported MIME type ('text/html')

I am getting the following error when publishing my create react app but the error doesn't appear locally. I recently updated my React version and a load of packages too. I'm guessing it's possibly something to do with that as I've never had this issue before?
Error during service worker registration: DOMException: Failed to register a ServiceWorker for scope ('https://**subdomain**.azurewebsites.net/') with script ('https://**subdomain**.azurewebsites.net/service-worker.js'): The script has an unsupported MIME type ('text/html').
Any input on this will be greatly appreciated. The error doesn't appear to be breaking anything from what I can see but I'd rather not push this to production with any kind of errors
So turns out the issue was because I updated the react version. CRA doesn't have service workers out of the box anymore. The project was returning 'unsupported MIME type ('text/html')' because it was hitting 404 looking for a file that doesn't exist.
The fix was relativly simple.
I replaced the registerServiceWorker() in my index.js file with reportWebVitals(). I then added reportWebVitals.js to my src folder. (I just created a temp react project and pulled the file from that). After I did that it started to work for me. I think I also had to npm install web-vitals.

reactjs service worker not found .license file

I'm working on two React projects.
In both projects, the manifest.json file is set up correctly and The serviceworker is also registered.
In one of the projects, the question of adding to the home screen is not asked.
From the research I've done, I've found that a project that doesn't work properly can't find a file in .license format, but in a project that works properly, it's a file with a .license.txt format.
What makes the difference between the two files when it is taken from the building project? How can this problem be solved?
Photo of the project that works properly and displays the install app prompt
The project photo does not work properly and does not show the install app prompt
error message in console
Finally I found the solution to the problem. If you have ejected the project, you can add a field called extractComments with a false value in the webpack.config.js file in the TerserPlugin section. If you have not ejected the project, you can solve this problem by creating a webpack.config.js file and adding the Terser module with the default settings and adding the extractComments field with a false value. The following links may be helpful in understanding and resolving the issue.

error trying to load the config "relay" for the macro imported from "babel-plugin-relay/macro"

We are trying to upgrade our react project to latest packages including relay (7.0.0). Our application builds and works but we are getting this error message in the console (during build) on every file where we import graphql from 'babel-plugin-relay/macro'. We are doing exactly like documented here adding relay
The error is "There was an error trying to load the config "relay" for the macro imported from "babel-plugin-relay/macro. Please see the error thrown for more information." It is coming from \node_modules\babel-plugin-macros\dist\index.js in getConfig( ).
To understand how other projects were configured, I downloaded another sample relay project / installed it and it had the same problem. Interesting enough there was this recent post in that app's issues list error loading config
The solution noted worked for me (adding that noted .babel-plugin-macrosrc.yml file with empty relay plugin?) but I am not understanding why this is needed or what was causing this seemingly benign error message?

Angular 2, Webpack 2, async routes: Cannot find module

I've been working with my repo for a while, it's a clone of the angular2-seed repo. It includes webpack 2 (I think it's still beta) and async routes.
I did some tests and reverted to a previous state, but after installing packages with npm it fails loading async components with the following message in the browser:
browser_adapter.js:85 EXCEPTION: Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot find module './+tickets'.
The plus sign is not a typo, the folder is actually called "+tickets" and it contains an index.ts file. It always worked, and now for some reason it doesn't.
I tried everything, but the error is so clueless that I don't know where to watch. Maybe the webpack-dev-server is not serving the files correctly..?
An alternative plan would be to start everything from scratch and then move the modules, but I'm really interested to where the problem is for future implementations.
Thanks a lot for the help
Hi I've created Angular2 lazy loading demo using RC 6.
Please checkout https://github.com/Quramy/ng2-lazy-load-demo .
