How do I remove duplicate vowels from a string? - c

Question: Define an int function that removes all consecutive vowel repetitions from a string. The function should return the number of vowels removed and present the string without duplicates.
I am PT so Vogais is Vowels; Digite uma String is Write one String. A String sem duplicados fica assim ' %s ' e foram retiradas %d vogais is The string without duplicates is ' %s ' and where removed %d vowels.
Explanation: In portuguese we have some words with two consecutive vowels like: coordenador, coordenação (chqrlie example). But in thouse cases should be ignored in the context of this problem.
Problem: When I test a string like 'ooooo' it says the string without duplicate vogals is 'oo' and where removed 3 vowels. But it should be 'o' and 4 vowels removed. Another example with error is 'Estaa e umaa string coom duuuplicadoos', I am getting ' Esta e uma string com duplcdos ' and 8 vowels removed.
Note: This is a simple question so there isn't need to complicate. It only askes the consecutive duplicate vowels. The cases 'oOoO' -> 'oO' ,'abAb'->'abAb','abab' -> 'ab','aba'-> 'aba',... are in another chapter XD.
int Vogais(char *s) {
if (*s == 'A' || *s == 'a' || *s == 'E' || *s == 'e'
|| *s == 'I' || *s == 'i' || *s == 'O' || *s == 'o'
|| *s == 'U' || *s == 'u') return 1;
return 0;
int retiraVogaisRep(char *s) {
int res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; s[j] != '\0'; j++) {
if (s[i] == s[j] && Vogais(&s[j]) == 1) {
for (int k = j; s[k] != '\0'; k++) {
s[k] = s[k + 1];
return res;
int main() {
char s[38];
printf("Digite uma String:\n");
scanf("%[^\n]", s);
int res = retiraVogaisRep(s);
printf("A String sem duplicados fica assim ' %s ' e foram retiradas %d vogais.\n", s, res);
return 0;

Your code is too complicated: there is no need for nested loops for this task and you do not set the null terminator when shortening the string.
Here is a simpler version:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int retiraVogaisRep(char *s) {
int i, j; // use 2 running indices
char c, last = 0;
for (i = j = 0; (c = s[i]) != '\0'; i++) {
if (c != last || !strchr("aeiouAEIOU", c))
s[j++] = last = c;
s[j] = '\0'; // set the null terminator
return i - j; // return the number of bytes removed
int main() {
char s[100];
printf("Digite uma String:\n");
// read the user input safely with `fgets()`
if (!fgets(s, sizeof s, stdin))
return 1;
// strip the trailing newline if any
s[strcspn(s, "\n")] = '\0';
// remove duplicate consecutive vowels
int res = retiraVogaisRep(s);
printf("A String sem duplicados fica assim ' %s ' e foram retiradas %d vogais.\n", s, res);
return 0;

The question tag is C, but I will not post the actual code here.
The pseudocode:
function is_vowel(int c) {...}
start loop c = <src>
if next_char is past the last char then quit loop;
if is_vowel(c) and c == next_char and is_vowel(next_char)
then continue;
copy c to <dst>
You should elaborate on this, as the above is possibly having small issues. Nevertheless, I think this answer is somewhat shorter and gives an insight.
The above is definitly have an issue, in that the next char does not copied to the output. The mistake is easy to correct, so I will leave it up to OP.
Edited above code to indicate that OP wants to remove only identical duplicates. So, the case of a charcter is important.

Rather than a triple nested loop, consider a single walk down the string, looking for repeats.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int Vogais(unsigned char s) {
if (s == 'A' || s == 'a' || s == 'E' || s == 'e'
|| s == 'I' || s == 'i' || s == 'O' || s == 'o'
|| s == 'U' || s == 'u') return 1;
return 0;
int retiraVogaisRep(char *s) {
unsigned char *us = (unsigned char *) s;
unsigned char *dest = us;
int res = 0;
int prior = EOF;
while (*us) {
while (toupper(*us) == prior) {
prior = Vogais(*us) ? toupper(*us) : EOF;
*dest++ = *us++;
*dest = '\0';
return res;
int main() {
char buf[100] = "OoFreedaa";
printf("%d\t", retiraVogaisRep(buf));
printf("<%s>\n", buf);
return 0;
3 <OFreda>

Remove consecutive duplicate vowels
You should use tolower function from ctype.h to check for vowels, that include the letter 'y', see below working code:
You can store previous character in prev and compare it to the current character, as you are case insensitive you store the tolower version.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int Vogais(char c){
return (c == 'a' || c == 'e' || c == 'i' || c == 'o' || c == 'u' || c == 'y') ;
int retiraVogaisRep (unsigned char *s){
if (*s == NULL)
return 0;
unsigned char t[256];
memset(t, 0, sizeof(t));
int res = 0;
int j = 0;
t[0] = s[0];
char prev = tolower(s[0]);
int len = strlen(s);
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
char c = tolower(s[i]);
if (Vogais(c) && c == prev)
t[j++] = s[i];
prev = c;
memcpy(s, t, sizeof(t));
return res;
int main(){
char s[256];
printf("Digite uma String:\n");
scanf("%255[^\n]", s);
int res = retiraVogaisRep(s);
printf("Da String ' %s ' podem ser retiradas %d vogais.\n", s,res);
return 0;

Retaining the uppercase, using the Kernighan-copy
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
size_t remove_duplicate_vowels(char *str)
int old,new;
size_t dst,src;
old = 0;
for(dst=src=0; str[dst] = str[src]; old=new, src++ ) {
new = toupper( str[dst] );
if ( !strchr( "AEIOU", new )) { // Not a vowel
dst++; continue;
if ( new != old ) { // Not a repetition
dst++; continue;
return src - dst;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char test[] = "Aaa bbBb CccCC d eEeee!";
char *arg;
size_t ret;
arg = argv[1] ? argv[1] : test;
ret = remove_duplicate_vowels(arg);
fprintf(stderr, "[%zu]: %s\n", ret, arg);
return 0;


I get weird symbols in the output in the terminal

I am trying to make a program that would take a sentence from the user and reverse the order of the words while keeping the special characters ['.','?','!'] at the end.
the problem I'm getting is that I get weird symbols after the last word and the special character.
I am programming using C.
I think it's because the last element printed is not a '\0'.
but I don't know how to fix that.
My code:
#include <ctype.h>
#define N 200
int main()
char arr[N] = { 0 };
char* p, * q, mark = 0;
int c;
p = arr;
printf("Enter a sentence: ");
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && p < arr + N)
if (c == '?' || c == '.' || c == '!')
mark = c;
*p++ = c;
*p = '\0';
printf("Reversal of sentence: ");
while (p >= arr)
while (*--p != ' ' && p != arr);
if (p == arr) {q = arr;}
else {q = p + 1;}
while (*q != '\0' && *q != ' ')
printf("%c", *q++);
if (p >= arr)
printf(" ");
printf("%c", mark);
return 0;
I've fixed the overflow error when reading the sentence by removing the \0 termination. The input string is never used by anything that cares. I've also added a check for End-Of-File.
Next I changed the reversal loop to not underflow and fixed outputing an extra ' ' before the mark.
Last the printf calls can use putchar instead.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 200
int main()
char arr[N] = { 0 }; // initialization optional, nothing cares
char* p, * q, mark = 0;
int c;
p = arr;
printf("Enter a sentence: ");
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF && p < arr + N)
if (c == '?' || c == '.' || c == '!')
mark = c;
*p++ = c;
printf("Reversal of sentence: ");
while (p > arr)
while (*--p != ' ' && p != arr);
if (p == arr) {q = arr;}
else {q = p + 1;}
while (*q != '\0' && *q != ' ')
if (p > arr)
putchar(' ');
return 0;

Reverse the words in a sentence using two while loops

I cant get the right output and I wonder where my mistake is. Probably there are mistakes in loops in the counting reverse. The main problem in my whole code is that it only outputs marks but not words. Also the program must end automatically when putting these three punctuation and shows the output.
This is the expected behavior:
Input: my name is jake.//terminates when putting . and automatically shows the output
Output: jake is name my.
Here is the program fragment of my first loop:
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 70
int main(void) {
char array[N] = { 0 };
char *p;
char mark = 0;
int c;
p = array;
scanf("%d", &c);
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n') {
if (p < array + N) {
if (c == '.' || c == '!' || c == '?')
mark = c;
if (c == ' ') {
*p = '\0';
} else
*p = c;
*p = '\0';
while (--p > array) {
if (p[1])
printf("%s", p + 1);
printf("%s", array);
if (mark)
printf("%c", mark);
Your code with little modifications:
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 70
int main (void) {
char array[N+1] = { 0 };
char* p;
char mark = 0;
int c;
p = array;
//scanf ("%d", &c); //serves no purpose : are you reading sentence length here?
while ( (c = getchar()) != '\n') {
if (p < array + N) {
if (c == '.' || c == '!' || c == '?') {
mark = c;
*p++ = '\0';
break; // stop reading input
} else if (c == ' ') {
*p++ = '\0';
} else
*p++ = c;
*p = '\0';
while (--p > array) {
if ('\0' == *p && '\0' != *(p + 1))
printf ("%s ", p + 1);
printf ("%s", array);
if (mark)
printf ("%c", mark);
return 0;
There is a better way, but that will make use of string library functions.
Here is an alternative where the original string is not modified:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void print_swap(const char *s) {
int p1, p2, tail = strcspn(s, ".!?\n");
for (p1 = p2 = tail; p1 > 0; p1--) {
if (s[p1 - 1] == ' ') {
printf("%.*s ", p2 - p1, s + p1);
p2 = p1 - 1;
printf("%.*s%s", p2, s, s + tail);
int main() {
char array[80];
if (fgets(array, sizeof array, stdin))
return 0;

How can we get vowel substring from a given string

I want to get all vowel substrings from the given string.
Given string is 'auiouxaeibaou', get substrings from the given string like [auiou,aei,aou].
Here I tried something like this, but not getting the exact output.
bool isVowel(char c) {
return (c == 'a' || c == 'e' || c == 'i' || c == 'o' || c == 'u');
void substr(char str[], int low, int high)
printf("%.*s \n\n ", high-low+1, (str+low));
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
char str[] = "aeixae";
int length = strlen(str);
int start_index = 0, end_index = 0;
for (int x=0; x<length; x++) {
char c = str[x];
if (isVowel(c) == false) {
end_index = x;
substr(str, start_index, end_index - 1 );
start_index = end_index + 1;
return 0;
your attempt was close. I just added the includes and made sure that the last part of the string also was printed. See the termination of the for loop and the if where you check for the vowel.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
bool isVowel(char c) {
return (c == 'a' || c == 'e' || c == 'i' || c == 'o' || c == 'u');
void substr(char str[], int low, int high)
printf("%.*s \n\n", high-low+1, (str+low));
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
char str[] = "aeixae";
int length = strlen(str);
int start_index = 0, end_index = 0;
for (int x=0; x<=length; x++) {
if (x == length || !isVowel(str[x])) {
end_index = x;
substr(str, start_index, end_index - 1 );
start_index = end_index + 1;
return 0;
and this is the output:
gcc main.c && ./a.out
Nice program. Remember to use size_t as the proper type returned by strlen().
Well, if you want input to be auiouxaeibaou, you need to insert it at char str[] = "aeixae";
Great substr function!
You need to remember about the last substr from the string - when x reaches lenth, there is still one substring
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
bool isVowel(char c) {
return (c == 'a' || c == 'e' || c == 'i' || c == 'o' || c == 'u');
void substr(char str[], int low, int high)
printf("%.*s\n", high-low+1, (str+low));
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
// ch-ch-ch-changes
char str[] = "auiouxaeibaou";
int length = strlen(str);
int start_index = 0, end_index = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < length; x++) {
char c = str[x];
if (isVowel(c) == false) {
end_index = x;
substr(str, start_index, end_index - 1 );
start_index = end_index + 1;
// ch-ch-ch-changes
end_index = length;
substr(str, start_index, end_index - 1 );
return 0;
but not getting the exact output.
why you don't have the expected result :
you miss the last sequence of vowel, to have it just replace for (int x=0; x<length; x++) by for (int x=0; x<=length; x++) because the null character is not a vowel (that does not produce illegal access)
when you have several consecutive non vowel you call anyway substr, to avoid that you need to memorize if had or not previously a vowel
The modifications gives that (I changed the input string) :
bool isVowel(char c) {
return (c == 'a' || c == 'e' || c == 'i' || c == 'o' || c == 'u');
void substr(char str[], int low, int high)
printf("%.*s \n\n ", high-low+1, (str+low));
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
char str[] = "aeixaewwii";
int length = strlen(str);
int start_index = 0, end_index = 0;
bool wasVowel = false;
for (int x=0; x<=length; x++) {
char c = str[x];
if (isVowel(c) == false){
end_index = x;
if (wasVowel)
substr(str, start_index, end_index - 1 );
start_index = end_index + 1;
wasVowel = false;
wasVowel = true;
return 0;
BTW : 'y' is a vowel for me, you missed it in isVowel()
For fun, here is a simple way to do it without substrings, just print vowels as they come and add newlines the first time you hit a consonant.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int isVowel(char c){
if(c == 'a' || c == 'e' || c == 'i' || c == 'o' || c == 'u'){
return 1;
return -1;
int main()
char my_str[] = "auiouxxxxxxaeibaou";
int todo_newline = 1; // prevent consecutive newlines
for(int i = 0; my_str[i] != '\0'; i++){
if(isVowel(my_str[i]) == 1){
printf("%c", my_str[i]);
todo_newline = 1;
if(todo_newline == 1){ // print one newline
printf("%c", '\n');
todo_newline = -1; // don't print consecutive newlines
Alternative approach:
strspn(), strcspn() are the best tools here. #Gem Taylor
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char str[] = "aeixae";
const char *s = str;
while (*(s += strcspn(s, "aeiou")) != '\0') { // skip letters that are not aeiou
size_t len = strspn(s, "aeiou"); // find length made up of aeiou
printf("<%.*s>\n", (int) len, s); // print sub string
s += len;

Writing my own atoi function

I am trying to convert a string of numerical characters to their corresponding integral form. Please suggest what is wrong with the code. I would like to stick with pointers. I understand that the pointer str points to the first character in my string. So, each time I call my function in the loop, I want the pointer to increment by 1, and add the value of the character to one node in my array. For some reason, though I am unable to do so. Here is the code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int ctoi(char *c);
int main (void)
char *str;
int A[20];
int i = 0;
str = (char*) malloc(20 * sizeof(char));
printf("Input the string. ");
scanf("%s", str);
while(str != '\0')
A[i] = ctoi(str);
for(i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
printf("%d", A[i]);
return 0;
int ctoi(char *c)
int a;
a= *c - '0';
return a;
for (i=0;i<strlen(str);i++)
printf("%d", A[i]);
Here strlen will return 0 because you updated str in your previous loop .Replace it with :
where len is the length of your input string .Find it before using str in while loop
while(str!='\0') should be `while(*str!='\0')`
. You will get it . But for writing your own atoi function you dont need to store the number in an array
Please try this it works, the myatoi() function was lifted perhaps 20 years ago from the classic "THE C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE" , get the book.
#include <stdio.h>
char temp[99];
strcpy(temp , "34");
printf( "\n %d " , myatoi(temp));
strcpy( temp , "8642");
printf( "\n %d " , myatoi(temp));
int myatoi( char s[])
int i,n,sign;
// skip white space
for( i=0 ; s[i]==' ' || s[i]=='\n' ||s[i]=='\t';i++) ;
if( s[i]=='+' || s[i]=='-')
sign=( s[i++]=='+' ? 1 : -1 );
for( n=0; s[i]>='0' && s[i]<='9' ; i++)
n=10*n+s[i]-'0' ;
OP's code needs a few (at least 2) fixes to mostly work. See ***
int main (void)
char *str;
int A[20];
int i = 0;
// *** Cast not needed, '* sizeof(char)' not needed
str = malloc(20);
printf("Input the string. ");
scanf("%s", str);
// ***
char *str_original = str;
while(*str != '\0')
A[i] = ctoi(str);
// ***
str = str_original;
for(i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
printf("%d", A[i]);
// ***
free(str); // Good to return memory
str = NULL;
return 0;
A simple way to convert a string to an int
int strtoi(const char *s) {
int sum = 0;
char ch;
char sign = *s;
if (*s == '-' || *s == '+') s++;
while ((ch = *s++) >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
sum = sum * 10 - (ch - '0');
if (sign != '-') {
sum = -sum;
return sum;
Notes: This code accumulates the sum on the negative side of 0 to avoid UB when trying to parse the string for INT_MIN. Modified code could skip leading white-space, add text error detection, overflow detection, etc.
Here is my custom atoi funtion, who handle unsigned int with debug gestion:
int my_getnbr(char *str)
int nb;
int sign;
int i;
nb = 0;
sign = 0;
i = -1;
if (!str)
return (0);
while (str[++i])
if (str[i] < '0' && str[i] > '9' && str[i] != '-' && str[i] != '+')
return (0);
i = 0;
while (str[i] != '\0' && (str[i] == '-' || str[i] == '+'))
if (str[i++] == '-')
while (str[i] && (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9'))
nb = (nb * 10) + (str[i++] - '0');
if (str[i] == ' ')
return (((sign % 2) == 1) ? ((nb) * (-1)) : (nb));
tested with that main:
int main()
printf("%d\n", my_getnbr("-42"));
printf("%d\n", my_getnbr("-+-+--42"));
printf("%d\n", my_getnbr("-0"));
printf("%d\n", my_getnbr("590310"));
return (0);
No leaks, here is the result:
while(str!='\0') should be
You should compare the content, not the address.
And while printing the returned data, you are doing
printf("%d", A[i]);
str already parsed till the last. So length would probably be 0.
Change your while loop to
And your function to
int ctoi(char c)
int a;
a= c-'0';
return a;
There are several approaches for a simple atoi replacement without the base conversion flexibility in strtol. The simplest is generally to find the length of the string to convert, and then work backward toward the front of the string preforming the conversion from string to integer as you go. A quick example would be:
/* a quick atoi replacement */
int atoi2 (char *s)
int nmax = (1ULL << 31) - 1; /* INT_MAX */
long long n = 0; /* the number to return */
size_t m = 1; /* multiplier for place */
size_t l = 0; /* length of string */
char *p = s;
while (*p++) l++; /* get string length */
p -= 2; /* position at last char */
while (l--) /* for each char in string */
{ /* verify a digit or '-' sign */
if ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || *p == '-')
if (*p == '-') { /* if '-' is first char */
if (p == s) n = -n; /* negate value */
else { /* otherwise normal conversion */
n += (*p - '0') * m;
if (n > nmax) { /* prevent overflow */
fprintf (stderr, "atoi2() error: conversion > INT_MAX.\n");
m *= 10;
return (int) n;
A simple driver program to test could be:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int atoi2 (char *s);
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 1) return 1;
printf ("\n string : %s, conversion : %d\n\n",
argv[1], atoi2 (argv[1]));
return 0;
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/atoi2 321
string : 321, conversion : 321
$ ./bin/atoi2 -321
string : -321, conversion : -321
$ ./bin/atoi2 2147483647
string : 2147483647, conversion : 2147483647
$ ./bin/atoi2 2147483648
atoi2() error: conversion > INT_MAX.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Here is a custom atoi function that avoids using most of the standard library functions
/*** _atoi - finds the first set of integers in a given string
* #s: string entered
* Return: first number sequence
int _atoi(char *s)
int length = 0, negativeCount = 0, count = 0, num = 0;
while (s[length] != '\0')
while (count < length)
if (s[count] == '-')
if (s[count] >= 48 && s[count] <= 57)
/* ascii values for numbers */
for (; s[count] >= 48 && s[count] <= 57; count++)
num = (10 * num - (s[count] - 48));
if (negativeCount % 2 != 0)
return (num);
return (-num);

Remove preceding spaces and tabs from a given string in C language

What C function, if any, removes all preceding spaces and tabs from a string?
In C a string is identified by a pointer, such as char *str, or possibly an array. Either way, we can declare our own pointer that will point to the start of the string:
char *c = str;
Then we can make our pointer move past any space-like characters:
while (isspace(*c))
That will move the pointer forwards until it is not pointing to a space, i.e. after any leading spaces or tabs. This leaves the original string unmodified - we've just changed the location our pointer c is pointing at.
You will need this include to get isspace:
#include <ctype.h>
Or if you are happy to define your own idea of what is a whitespace character, you can just write an expression:
while ((*c == ' ') || (*c == '\t'))
A simpler function to trim white spaces
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char * trim(char * buff);
int main()
char buff[] = " \r\n\t abcde \r\t\n ";
char* out = trim(buff);
char * trim(char * buff)
int x = 0;
if((*buff == ' ') || (*buff == '\t') || (*buff == '\r') || (*buff == '\n'))
printf("PRECEDING spaces : %d\n",x);
int y = strlen(buff)-1;
if(buff[y] == ' ' || (buff[y] == '\t') || (buff[y] == '\r') || (buff[y] == '\n'))
y = strlen(buff)-y;
printf("TRAILING spaces : %d\n",y);
return buff;
void trim(const char* src, char* buff, const unsigned int sizeBuff)
if(sizeBuff < 1)
const char* current = src;
unsigned int i = 0;
while(current != '\0' && i < sizeBuff-1)
if(*current != ' ' && *current != '\t')
buff[i++] = *current;
buff[i] = '\0';
You just need to give buff enough space.
You can setup a counter to count the corresponding number of spaces, and accordingly shift the characters by that many spaces. Complexity for this ends up at O(n).
void removeSpaces(char *str) {
// To keep track of non-space character count
int count = 0;
// Traverse the given string. If current character
// is not space, then place it at index count
for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++)
if (str[i] != ' ')
str[count++] = str[i]; // increment count
str[count] = '\0';
