What does "Objects did not meet prerequisites: Procedure WRITETOFILE is invalid" mean? - sql-server

I am attempting to migrate on-prem Oracle database to an Azure SQL Server instance using the SQL Server Migration Assistant. When running the Assessment Report I receive the above error on one of the Oracle schemas and have been unable to find an answer in Google. I assume it is a permissions issue but unsure where since I have met all of the user permission prerequisites in both databases.


Database migration MS SQL Studio 17 to Microsoft Azure SQL database

I have received the below errors while trying to migrate the MS SQL database to Azure SQL database.
Error Validating elements [Login_Name]: User:[Login_Name] has an unresolved reference to Login [AMD_Readonly]
The element User:[Login_Name] has property AuthenticationType set to a value that is not supported ij Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12.
Please guide me how to get rid from this issue.
With this given information, I suggest you to use Azure Data Migration Assistant (DMA) to detect compatibility issues that can impact database functionality in your new version of SQL Server or Azure SQL Database.
As you have given below error:
The element User:[Login_Name] has property AuthenticationType set to a
value that is not supported in Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12.
It seems like this is a feature in your source database which doesn't supported in Azure SQL Database, hence you are getting this error. To detect similar issues and recommendation, you can use DMA.
You can find the other DMA Capabilities to know more.
Check for SQL Server Compatibility Issues when Migrating to Azure using DMA

Azure SQL Automation stored procedures

I am migrating on premises SQL server database to Azure PaaS SQL database using Data Migration Tool. I am not using Data Migration Service Instance mechanism to migrate the database as it would require VPN on the corporate network and I do not see any benefit doing that way in my case.
There is one error which I am stuck on and a bit confused. When migrating a stored procedure which use automation stored procedures, I get the following error:
When I run Alter procedure script directly on Azure SQL database , I get this error;
Reference to database and/or server name in 'MASTER..sp_OACreate' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.A few answers to similar question on stackoverflow suggest that Azure SQL does not support automation stored procedures but the Microsoft link has a green tick against Azure SQL which suggest it does; https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/stored-procedures/ole-automation-sample-script?view=sql-server-2017.
A snippet of the sp is:
Is it true that automation stored procedures are not supported in Azure SQL and if thats hte case then what is hte workaround apart from rewriting the sp?
SQL Azure prevents you from calling server resources. sp_OACreate attempts to create a reference to an OLE object on the server; that's simply not allowed on Azure SQL Database. So you will need to redesign your solution to move this type of logic in a middle-tier of some kind, such as a Web Role in Windows Azure.

SQL Server to Oracle Migration Cannot Find User

I migrated a SQL Server database to Oracle 11 Express and have trouble to connect to the converted database in Oracle SQL Developer. I followed the instruction here: Oracle Migration the only difference is I am using an on-line migration.
I have successfully converted the database, but what I am struggling with is I cannot connect to the converted database because there is no user migrated (or created). Please see image below. I wonder if anyone has the same problem before or can give me directions how to solve this.
much appreciated for any suggestions/helps.
SQL Server to Oracle Migration - connect migrated user
If your migration is completed and your repository has recorded all migration transactions.
It is confirmed that before migration you created Oracle User. you are well aware about the password.
If you have lost after migration.
Just log in as System or Sysdba user and change the particular username password. That's it.
Now connect to migrated user.

table access security - ms sql server azure

I read somewhere that "table access level security" does not exist for sql server azure. Unfortunately, I cannot find the blog/page anymore. Can experts please clarify this, ideally with some evidence? Thanks.
You have heard it wrong probably; It's allowed. Per MSDN Documentation On: SQL Server Feature Limitations (Azure SQL Database)
The limitation list doesn't include table level permission security.
Again, per MSDN Documentation On: GRANT Object Permissions it says
Applies to: SQL Server (SQL Server 2008 through current version),
Azure SQL Database.
Which apparently implies that, you can grant table level access permission in SQL Azure as well.

Transition of SQL Server's Login/User concept to Oracle

in SQL Server users are first registered on the server level as Logins, and after that they are added to all necessary databases on that server as Users.
Is there something comparable in Oracle? I understand that the Oracle object Tablespace kind of represents the database object in SQL Server, but nevertheless it appears to me as if in Oracle solely database users are registered which gain access to database objects via fine-granular GRANT/DENY operations and role memberships.
Thanks in advance,
Check this post:
Difference between a user and a schema in Oracle?
I (too) started with Sql Server and had to learn the different phrasing for Oracle.
