Accessing the values from Promise inside useEffect hook - reactjs

const useOnfidoFetch = (URL) => {
useEffect(() => {
const appToken = axios.get('http://localhost:5000/post_stuff')
.then((response) =>
.then((json_data) => {
const id = json_data.applicant_id;
const token = json_data.onfido_sdk_token;
return {id, token};
if (appToken) {
console.log('this is working!');
// the JWT token you generated above
token: null,
containerId: "root",
steps: [
type: 'welcome',
options: {
title: 'Open your new bank account',
onComplete: function (data) {
console.log('everything is complete');'https://third/party/api/v2/server-api/anonymous_invoke?aid=onfido_webapp', {
params: {
applicant_id: appToken.applicant_id
}, [URL]);
export default function() {
const URL = `${transmitAPI}/anonymous_invoke?aid=onfido_webapp`;
const result = useOnfidoFetch(URL, {});
return (
<div id={onfidoContainerId} />
I have refactored this dozens of times already, I am getting back some values from the appToken Promise, but I need to provide the token value from that Promise to that token property inside of Onfido.init({}) and I need to provide the id to the applicant_id property and I continue to get undefined.

If you need the token for something else as well, then i would suggest storing it in useState, and triggering OnfidoSDK.init when the value of that state changes.
Like this:
const useOnfidoFetch = (URL) => {
const [token, setToken] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
.then((response) =>
.then((json_data) => {
const token = json_data.onfido_sdk_token;
}, [URL])
useEffect(() => {
if (!token) return;
// the JWT token you generated above
containerId: "root",
steps: [
type: 'welcome',
options: {
title: 'Open your new bank account',
onComplete: function (data) {
console.log('everything is complete');'https://third/party/api/v2/server-api/anonymous_invoke?aid=onfido_webapp', {
params: {
applicant_id: appToken.applicant_id
}, [token]);

Move the entire if(appToken){ ... } inside the body of the second .then((json_data) => { ... })
Something like this:
const useOnfidoFetch = (URL) => {
useEffect(() => {
const appToken = axios.get('http://localhost:5000/post_stuff')
.then((response) =>
.then((json_data) => {
const id = json_data.applicant_id;
const token = json_data.onfido_sdk_token;
// Here. This code will be executed after the values are available for id and token
if (appToken) {
console.log('this is working!');
// the JWT token you generated above
token: null,
containerId: "root",
steps: [
type: 'welcome',
options: {
title: 'Open your new bank account',
onComplete: function (data) {
console.log('everything is complete');'https://third/party/api/v2/server-api/anonymous_invoke?aid=onfido_webapp', {
params: {
applicant_id: appToken.applicant_id
return {id, token};
// In here the promise is not yet finished executing, so `id` and `token` are not yet available
}, [URL]);
export default function() {
const URL = `${transmitAPI}/anonymous_invoke?aid=onfido_webapp`;
const result = useOnfidoFetch(URL, {});
return (
<div id={onfidoContainerId} />
For better readability, you could also move the if(appToken){ ... } block inside a separate function that takes id, token as arguments, which you can call from inside the promise.then block.


React does not rerender on updated state of nested array

I have an array of objects like so:
const [categories, setCategories] = React.useState([
id: 1,
title: 'Top Picks',
subTitle: "Today's hottest stuff",
images: [],
searchQuery: 'shoes',
Which I update with values in useEffect once like so:
React.useEffect(() => {
const newCategories = => {
fetch(`${category.searchQuery}&per_page=10`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': apiKey,
}).then(r => {
r.json().then(convertedJson => {
category.images =;
return category;
}, []);
however the child components here never rerender and I cannot figure out why. My understanding is that .map creates a new array anyhow, so the spread syntax isn't necessary in setCategories() but regardless it does not work.
{, i) => (
<CategorySlider {...category} key={i}/>
There's a few issues but the primary issue I see is you're returning the category before the fetch can complete - so even when those fetch calls inside your map complete, you already returned the category below before the fetch completes.
Try using the .finally() block:
React.useEffect(() => {
const newCategories = => {
const c = {...category}; // <--- good practice
fetch(`${category.searchQuery}&per_page=10`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': apiKey,
}).then(r => {
r.json().then(convertedJson => {
category.images =;
}).catch((err) => {
}).finally(() => {
return category;
}, []);
Thanks! Using setState before the promises resolved was indeed the problem. The solution looks like this now:
React.useEffect(() => {
async function fetchImages() {
const promises = category => {
const response = await fetch(
headers: {
Authorization: apiKey,
const convertedJson = await response.json();
category.images =;
return category;
setCategories(await Promise.all(promises));
}, []);

useMutation reload data after refetch

I am trying to reload my table of data once my useMutation has completed.
On page load i am querying:
const { loading: appLoading, data: applicationsData } = useQuery(
client: applications.client,
variables: { companyId: userDetails.companyId },
when a user selects a button to clone a record:
const [
{ loading: cloneLoading, data: cloneData, error: cloneError },
] = useMutation(applications.operations.CLONE_APPLICATION_BY_COMPANY, {
client: applications.client,
onCompleted: (data) => {
setFinalData((prev) => [...prev, data]), console.log('data', data)
im adding a record to the list but when i refresh its not there. My assumption is instead of adding it to state, I need to refetch the applications and then save that to state which in turn will automatically refresh the table.
My question is how can i do that?
const { applications } = apis
const { queryString, parameters } = getTemplatesListApiDetails()
const [finalData, setFinalData] = useState<any>([])
const [templatesList, setTemplatesList] = useState([])
const { loading, data } = useQuery(queryString, parameters)
const { loading: appLoading, data: applicationsData } = useQuery(
client: applications.client,
variables: { companyId: userDetails.companyId },
const [
{ loading: cloneLoading, data: cloneData, error: cloneError },
] = useMutation(applications.operations.CLONE_APPLICATION_BY_COMPANY, {
client: applications.client,
refetchQueries: [
{ query: applications.operations.GET_APPLICATIONS_BY_COMPANY },
useEffect(() => {
if (data && data.getCompanyTemplates)
userDetails.globalTemplates === false
? data.getCompanyTemplates
: data.getAllTemplates
if (applicationsData && templatesList) {
const newFinalData = getFinalData({
applicationsList: applicationsData.getApplicationsByCompany,
templatesList: templatesList,
}, [applicationsData, cloneData, data, templatesList])
getFinalData Function
export function getFinalData(request: {
templatesList: GetAllTemplate[]
applicationsList: GetApplicationsByCompany[]
}): FinalDataResponse[] {
const templates = => {
const applicationsForTemplate = request.applicationsList.filter(
(app) => app.templateId === template.templateId
return { ...template, applications: applicationsForTemplate }
const groupedData = _.chain(templates)
.map((value, key) => {
const templateName = _.chain(value)
.map((value, key) => key)
const createdDate = _.chain(value)
.map((value, key) => dayjs(key).format('ll'))
const lastModified = _.chain(value)
.map((value, key) => dayjs(key).format('ll'))
return {
templateId: key,
templateName: templateName[0],
createdDate: createdDate[0],
lastModified: lastModified[0],
applications: value[0].applications,
const finalData =, index) => {
return {
totalApplications: object.applications.length,
console.log('returning final data: ', finalData)
return finalData
To refetch the data automatically, you need to invalidate the previously cached results. In apollo, this is done using refetchQueries:
useMutation(applications.operations.CLONE_APPLICATION_BY_COMPANY, {
refetchQueries: [{ query: applications.operations.CLONE_APPLICATION_BY_COMPANY}]
More ways of solving this here:

pass dynamic values in API params coming from navigation in react native

I got following 2 values in id and company variable by navigating the screen.
useEffect(() => {
if (props.route && props.route.params) {
console.log("id-->", props.route.params.oved);
e,g i got 2 values like this
id--> 31
company--> 465
I want to pass the id and company value in API params.
api.js : -
const AllFormCardAPI = () => {
const [formAllAPIData, setAllFormAPIData] = useState("");
//NOTE: retrieving loginAuthToken from store
const loginAuthToken = useSelector(
(state) => state.loginAuthTokenReducer.loginAuthToken
useEffect(() => {
.get(GET_ALL_FORM, {
//TODO: take parameters from user data currently parameters are static
params: {
company: "984",
employee: "38887683",
DisplayRow: "123456",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${loginAuthToken}`,
.then((response) =>
.then((data) => setAllFormAPIData(data))
.catch((error) => {
if (error.status === 401) {
//NOTE: handling token expire
return ExpireAlertRestart();
} else {
.finally(() => console.log("finally block all form api", formAllAPIData));
}, []);
i want to pass those 2 values i,e id and company from navigation which I mentioned above and those has to be passed as string to following in API params.
My new API params should look like this. The id value should replace in employee params and company value should replace in company params.
params: {
company: "465",
employee: "31",
import { CHANGE_SELECTED_COMPANY } from "./action-constants";
export const changeCompany = (updatedCompany, updatedId) => {
return {
import { CHANGE_SELECTED_COMPANY } from "../actions/action-constants";
const initialState = {
company: "",
id: "",
const changeCompanyReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
company: {
company: action.updatedCompany,
id: action.updatedId,
return state;
export default changeCompanyReducer;
import changeCompanyReducer from "./reducers/change-company-reducer";
const rootReducer = combineReducers({changeCompanyReducer});
How can i store the update values getting from navigation in Redux?
could you please write code for redux??
const AllFormCardAPI = (props) => {
//New lines
const id = props?.route?.params?.oved;
const company = props?.route?.params?.company;
//New lines end
const [formAllAPIData, setAllFormAPIData] = useState("");
//NOTE: retrieving loginAuthToken from store
const loginAuthToken = useSelector(
(state) => state.loginAuthTokenReducer.loginAuthToken
useEffect(() => {
.get(GET_ALL_FORM, {
//TODO: take parameters from user data currently parameters are static
params: {
company: company,
employee: id,
DisplayRow: "123456",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${loginAuthToken}`,
.then((response) =>
.then((data) => setAllFormAPIData(data))
.catch((error) => {
if (error.status === 401) {
//NOTE: handling token expire
return ExpireAlertRestart();
} else {
.finally(() => console.log("finally block all form api", formAllAPIData));
}, []);

Reactjs - Firebase : Cancel Old Requests

I'm new to Firebase Realtime Database, and i'm trying to implement a search field that allow users to search for other users and view their profiles.
The Problem Is:
I want to make the search realTime(on each input change).but whenever a new request's sent, the old request is still working in the backend which's causing unexpected behavior,i've wrapped this functionality in a useEffect Hook,old sideEffects has to be cleaned up to make the query results predictable,how can i abort the previous request.
useSearchOwner Custom Hook:
const useSearchOwner = () => {
const [{ SearchValue, SearchResult, Search }, dispatch] = useReducer(
SearchValue: "",
SearchResult: "",
Search: false,
const isFirstRender = useRef(true);
const onChangeHandler = (e) =>
payload: { searchValue: },
useEffect(() => {
if (isFirstRender.current) {
isFirstRender.current = false;
dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.START_SEARCHING });
const DispatchQueryByResult = async () => {
const ArrayOfOwners = await FirebaseUtilityInstance.SearchOwnerResult(
payload: { searchResult: ArrayOfOwners },
dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.STOP_SEARCHING });
return () => {
}, [SearchValue]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [SearchResult]);
return {
onChangeHandler: onChangeHandler,
Query: SearchValue,
QueryResult: SearchResult,
isSearching: Search,
Firebase Method To Do Query:
SearchOwnerResult = async (Query) => {
const { firstName, lastName } = getFirstNameAndLastName(Query);
let ArrayOfOwners = [];
await this.Database()
.once("value", (snapshot) => {
const OwnersContainer = snapshot.val();
const keys = Object.keys(OwnersContainer);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const CurrentOwner = OwnersContainer[keys[i]];
if (
CurrentOwner.FirstName === firstName ||
CurrentOwner.LastName === lastName
) {
return ArrayOfOwners;

useState does not support a second callBack, what could be the easy fix?

This is my useEffect
useEffect(() => {
let pageId =
props.initialState.content[props.location.pathname.replace(/\/+?$/, "/")]
if (props.initialState.currentContent.Url !== props.location.
setCurrentContent({ currentContent: { Name: "", Content: "" } }, () => {
fetch(`/umbraco/surface/rendercontent/byid/${pageId}`, {
credentials: "same-origin"
.then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
return Promise.reject(response);
.then(result => {
currentContent: { Name: result.Name, Content: result.Content }
}, []);
I have tried things like useCallback/useMemo but yet no luck, I'm sure this is a simple fix but I must be missing the bigger picture, thanks in advance.
What you can do is write an effect that checks if the currentContent state is changed and empty and takes the necessary action. You would however need to ignore the initial render. Also unline setState in class components you don't pass on the state value as object instead just pass the updated state
const ContentPage = props => {
const [currentContent, setCurrentContent] = useState({
Name: props.initialState.currentContent.Name,
Content: props.initialState.currentContent.Content
const initialRender = useRef(true);
useEffect(() => {
let pageId =
if (
initialRender.current &&
currentContent.Name == "" &&
currentContent.Content == ""
) {
initialRender.current = false;
fetch(`/umbraco/surface/rendercontent/byid/${pageId}`, {
credentials: "same-origin"
.then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
return Promise.reject(response);
.then(result => {
setCurrentContent({ Name: result.Name, Content: result.Content });
}, [currentContent]);
useEffect(() => {
if (props.initialState.currentContent.Url !== props.location) {
setCurrentContent({ Name: "", Content: "" });
}, []);
export default ContentPage;
