React onClick not firing for unkown reason - reactjs

This react onClick doesn't seem to be firing. Seems perfectly normal, I've got no idea why.
const [taskWindowState, setTaskWindowState] = React.useState<boolean>(false);
const setTaskState = (event) => {
return (
<div className={styles.Page}>
{taskWindowState ? <AddTask /> : null}
<div className={styles.PlusCircleHolder} onClick={setTaskState}>
<object type='image/svg+xml' data='/plus-circle.svg' className={styles.add}/>
<div className={styles.todo}>
it doesn't come up with 'clicked' in the console. I've checked that the div is covering the SVG completely, so I've been clicking on the div. It just doesn't seem to be firing for an unknown reason.

I fixed this issue by adding pointer-event: none to my css code for my svg.

#oliver, welcome. Please mark this as answer.
Update child with pointer-event: none and it will work.


How to NOT render/ hide a React component when no prop is passed?

TLDR: Cannot figure out why component is still being rendered while no props are passed.
So I have been building a NextJS application, and I have this banner component that is shown on every page of my website. It has some header text, buttons and an image:
const Banner = (props) => {
return (
<div className={bannerStyles.wrapper}>
<div className={classnames(bannerStyles.banner, "wrap", "center")}>
<div className={bannerStyles.banner_left}>
<div className={bannerStyles.button_wrapper}>
<div className={bannerStyles.button}>
<Button>{props.button || null}</Button>
<div className={bannerStyles.button}>
<Button>{props.scnd_button || null}</Button>
<div className={bannerStyles.banner_right}>
<Image src={props.image} alt=""></Image>
Inside of this, as you can see I have two Button components (The MDEast thing is an arrow icon):
const Button = ({children}) => {
return (
<div className={buttonStyles.button}>
<Link href="/"><a>{children} <MdEast /></a></Link>
Now I want the option that if no prop is passed, that the Button component(s) do(es) not render/ is hidden from the page, so that it is optional per page. Yet the Button does still render, even though I am not passing any props on my About page. My about page:
const About = () => {
return (
header="Hello this is my code"
PS. I am fairly new to React and NextJS, so this might be a beginner mistake, or I am not understanding the fundamentals well enough, but could someone point me in the right direction please?
To conditionally render the button you can use:
props.button && <Button>{props.button}</Button>
When props.button is falsy, then button will not get rendered.

How to display a text message after onClick in react JS?

I am pretty new to ReactJS. I have created a Form that accepts a two inputs and has a button that invokes the onclick() function. I want to display a simple message like "Action complete" below the Form when the onclick() function is complete. I don't want to use alert, but display the message on the webpage itself.
What is the best way to do this?
You can either create an element with JS and append it to the form body or you can have an invisible div/p/whatever element that gets his text modified inside the onclick function and its css class/css style too so that it appears. If you need specific code solutions you can paste your code here :)
You may want to look into state hooks with react, they are found here
It sounds like you may want something similar to the following;
const Search = () => {
const [showResults, setShowResults] = React.useState(false)
const onClick = () => setShowResults(true)
return (
<input type="submit" value="Search" onClick={onClick} />
{ showResults ? <Results /> : null }
const Results = () => (
<div id="results">
Some Results

React js onMouseLeave not fire when mouse moves fast

Have a list of following items:
function UserItem (props) {
const [showPic, setMode] = useState(false);
return (
onMouseEnter={() => setMode(true)}
onMouseLeave={() => setMode(false)}
{showPic && <div>PIC</div>}
{!showPic && <div>{props.login}</div>}
The problem is that when mouse moved fast onMouseLeave not fire on all items. I understand it has something to do with delegation. But cannot figure out what exactly. Both event should fire on exact element they are attached to.
Any ideas?
I'm not sure if it's a bug. But can you try like this?
{showPic == true ? <div>PIC</div> : <div>{props.login}</div>}
If this still does not work then you should file a bug.

Can only set one of `children` or `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`

I'm trying to set the inner HTML of an alert div, but receiving the error message : Can only set one of 'children' or props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML'.
Why does this happen ?
function alertContent(alert) { return {__html: alert.text} }
const Alerts = ({ alerts=[{level: 'warning', text:'<p>Warning message!</p>'}], onDismiss }) => (
<div className="alerts">
{ =>
I had this error message in a react application.
My issue was I had code as below
<p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html:stringContainingHtml}}> </p>
My issue was the space in the <p> </p> tags - since html gets injected inside these tags the space was causing an issue as it wasn't empty.
Hope this might help some people.
This happens because dangerouslySetInnerHTML can only be applied to one element. In your case, <Alert/> is a complex element made up of multiple children. That being said, the BS Alert component does accept HTML:
<Alert bsStyle="warning">
<strong>Holy guacamole!</strong> Best check yo self, you're not looking too good.
<Alert bsStyle="warning">
<span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={alertContent(alert)} />
Solution, You have to make a separate component to render element in which you are using dangerously set.....
For Example:
const RenderHTML = (props) => (<span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:props.HTML}}></span>),i) => {
return <RenderHTML HTML={d.YOUR_HTML} />
you have to close the html tag short hand if there aren't inner HTML
<Alert dang...={} />
instead <Alert></Alert>
I have solved this issue myself.
When you are recursively rendering a component, you must separate out the part of the component where dangerouslySetInnerHTML is being used into another component and then use that component in the one you are recursively rendering.

React: Invariant Violation (without table)

I have looked some answer in stackoveflow. But most of them have something todo with <table> and <tbody>. But my problem is nothing to do with that.
I render this <GISMapDropdownMenu> component using ScriptjsLoader of react-google-maps library.
initialCustomSetup: function() {
let GISMapDropdownMenu = this.refs.cornermenu;
if ([google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT].j.length === 0) {// push only once[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT].push(GISMapDropdownMenu); = 1; = 'inline-block';
render: function() {
**** some setup ****
ref={googleMap => {
if (googleMap) {
googleMapInstance = googleMap;
layerType = self.props.layerType;
}} >
availableDesaColor={self.props.availableDesaColor} />
Here is the implementation of GISMapDropdownMenu.
<div className="gmnoprint GISMap-dropdownmenu" style={{display: 'none'}}>
<div ref="icon" className="GISMap-dropdownmenu--icon" onClick={this.handleIconClick}>
<img src={BurgerIcon} draggable="false" />
<div ref="content" className="GISMap-dropdownmenu--content" style={{display: 'none'}}>
<div className="GISMap-dropdownmenu--content_header">
<div className="GISMap-dropdownmenu--content_header__title">List of Desa ({number_of_desa})</div>
<div className="GISMap-dropdownmenu--content_header__cross" onClick={this.handleCrossCLick}>
<img src={CrossIcon} draggable="false" />
<div className='GISMap-dropdownmenu--content_list'>
{array_div_element_something} is array of this.
<div key={"desa_name-"+desa.desa_name} className={"GISMap-dropdownmenu--content_list__"+desa_color.status}>Desa {desa.desa_name}</div>;
I got this error when use <GISMapDropdownMenu /> component.
Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: processUpdates(): Unable to find child 97 of element. This probably means the DOM was unexpectedly mutated (e.g., by the browser),
I realised something:
I move the DOM of <GISMapDropdownMenu /> component after mounted. Because I need it to be in the top left of google map.
Any suggestion?
Potential problems: First off, these are guesses as I don't do React all the time, but having said that, here are some possible causes of this:
1) Unmounting components:
This probably means that setState is being called in a callback that was firing after the component that initially started the request has already been unmounted from the dom.
More details on this type of error
2) Having incomplete HTML tags in your markup
For example, adding a <p> tag without the closing </p>. The browser likes all html tags to be complete, so if it doesn't see an end tag for something, it'll add it. Try getting the HTML of your resulting component and comparing it to what you expect. Also remove the child components bit by bit (e.g. remove ) to see when it starts to work so you know what causes this problem. Your html from what I can see doesn't cause this.
3) Build your child components before rendering
Maybe you need to do as this similar answer does
4) Changing the DOM using something other than React
Is your page using jquery or something to change this component in anyway? ie bind events or add/remove anything? If so, this can be causing that as well. Try disabling this and see if it solves the problem
If none of the above help, I'd suggest adding a JSFiddle so people can see what the problem is for sure.
