How to validate Oauth access token in foxx framework - identityserver4

I am using Identityserver4 for user Authentication. i am not able to find right solution to validate access token at services. (Using Foxx framework to build micro services.)
How can i Validate IdentityServer(OAUth) access token in foxx framework.
Thanks in advance


Jhipster Azure AD Access token

I am using Azure AD access token instead of default openID connect server (keycloak) to protect the backend REST API. Could you please let me know if i need to make any changes for AuidenceValidator class under package security.oauth2.
Application flow:
UI(React JS) will access the Spring boot API by passing access token.
Please take a look at the ms-identity-java-webapi sample. The msal-obo-sample shows how to validate an access token acquired by MSAL using Spring Security. You will be interested specifically in AADClaimsVerifier and SecurityResourceServerConfig

Protractor-net and Azure AD

I'm new to Protractor and am wanting to write C# tests that run against an Angular 8 application. The problem is, the application uses Azure AD for authentication and I don't know the correct approach to authenticate automatically when running the test. If I navigate to the application URL it redirects to the Microsoft login page for authentication but I can't seem to access this.
You can use the libraries given by Microsoft to implement applications for authenticating to Azure.MSAL is one of the libreary whiich is best to use. If you want to use MSAL to acquire a token, you need to:
Register an application in Azure AD.
Add target API, and grant consent to select permissions.
Generate a secret key.
Then you can get a token as Acquire a token and call Microsoft Graph API.
However, I think what you really want is to integrate AAD. You can easily enable AAD authentication for your .NET web application. It uses OWIN middleware.

How use Windows Login in Winforms application to access SAML Service Provider

I'm working with a company that has a WinForms application running on a corporate windows network. The application currently connects to a web application server that has its own private username/password store. The web app server has JSP based UIs, but also has some web services which support JWT based authentication.
The company would like to use use accounts from its windows domain to authenticate the users rather than using a separate set of usernames and passwords. The company's domain has an AD FS server and the web application is a SAML service provider.
The question is, is it possible to use the identity information from the original windows login to get a SAML token from ADFS and then use that token to talk to web services on the web application machine?
We're looking at Windows Identity Foundation built into the .net framework as a possibility. Open ID Connect also seems like a possibility, but we don't want to have to present the user a web page for them to log in; we want to use the original windows login identity information to automatically grant access to the service provider.
Is this possible?
SAML support is already built into the web application, but if necessary we could add support for OpenID Connect.
ADFS does have the ability to generate JWT tokens but sadly not for SAML.
There is no way to convert a SAML token to a JWT one that is signed.
SAML doesn't really have support for web API / web services.
WS-Fed does but it's WCF not web API.
The easiest way is to convert to OpenID Connect. That does deliver a JWT token that you can use to authenticate to a web API. You need ADFS 4.0 to do this.

Consuming Saml2.0 in MVC5 .net frame work 4.5 (Saml2.0 token is generated by F5 BigIp tool)

Current State of web application:
We have an existing web application designed in AngularJs, MVC5. Authentication is happening against our custom database.
We did over ride Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.UserManager and other source classes to talk to our database to get user related information.
adding the results to System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.
Passing on to "Microsoft.Owin.Security.IAuthenticationManager.SignIn(params System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity[] identities)
What I need SSO:
We would like to move the auhentication to SSO with SAML 2.0 token as we are planning to integrate 2 new vendors into our web application
Identity Provider:
We are implementing Identity provider in F5 Big Ip which does the authentication by providing the login page and generates the saml2 token. Our web application would be configured as Service provider. On redirect to the web application it will pass on the saml2.0 token.
Consuming SAML2.0 in MVC .net framework 4.5.2
All my application would need is to consume saml2.0 token and integrate with existing authentication pipeline.
Things to do:
Meta data from Identity provider has public key to decrypt saml2.0 token and as well a key which is used to sign the meta data file
My assumption would be parse the request for SAML 2.0 token and verify if the token is valid and use the data from the attributes and query the database for more details and insert the results into "System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity" and use the existing signin operation.
Need to figure out how to configure the principle.. and do we still need Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.UserManager.
In visual studio we had identity and access tool which doesnt exist from vs2013.
Went through the article on windows identity foundation and claims identity principle
I know wif support saml2.0 token but not saml2 protocols.
Here are the third party tools that was suggested to be used
I am not sure just to consume do I need to used one of the tool? As we have our IDP configured in F5 bigip and not designed in .net
Another good article I found
Also saw some suggestions about Saml2SecurityTokenHandler to process saml2.0 token.
I appreciate if someone can direct me to simpler solution to integrate to my existing web app. Just need to consume saml2.0 token and integrate with existing claims based authentication.
OK - then you have to use a SAML stack as per the link you used.
Have a look at Kentor - there's some examples on the site plus I did a write up
The way SAML works is that the client needs to send an AuthnRequest to the IDP, then the user authenticates and then the IDP sends a AuthnResponse to the client. The response contains the SAML token which contains the assertions (claims).

Forms authentication with hybrid mobile apps

We are the process of developing a android phone app using IONIC framework and Web Api as the backend.
My question is ,is it sufficient to use Forms Authentication along with SSL to keep the phone app secure.
Our background is in Asp.Net web development and we could not see any examples that uses Hybrid mobile app development along with forms authentication,that makes me wonder if we are in the wrong track.
We implemented CORS along with WithCredentials both on Angular and Web API side, and the authentication piece seems to work fine for all subsequent calls in debug mode.
Do we need to take additional steps for security ,since its a phone app ?
Edit: I was reading about bearer token authentication with Web Api, is this a recommended way to go with phone apps ?
Thanks !
Yes my recommendation is to go with bearer tokens not with forms authentication.
You need to use OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Credentials Flow which means that end-user provides the username/password only once for a specific endpoint i.e(/token) and then if the username/password valid you obtain something called Bearer Access Token.
This token is valid for specified period and you can configure this in your Web API. Once you obtain the access token, you need to store it securely in your android/hybrid app, then you keep sending it with each request to your web api protected end points using the Authorization header (Bearer scheme). I've written very detailed post which covers your scenario 100%. Please check the post Token Based Authentication and another one for authentication with AngularJS authentication which should work with your case. Let me know if you need further help.
