Search of max value and index in a vector - c

I'm trying to parallelize this piece of code that search for a max on a column.
The problem is that the parallelize version runs slower than the serial
Probably the search of the pivot (max on a column) is slower due the syncrhonization on the maximum value and the index, right?
int i,j,t,k;
// Decrease the dimension of a factor 1 and iterate each time
for (i=0, j=0; i < rwA, j < cwA; i++, j++) {
int i_max = i; // max index set as i
double matrixA_maxCw_value = fabs(matrixA[i_max][j]);
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(max:matrixA_maxCw_value,i_max) //OVERHEAD
for (t = i+1; t < rwA; t++) {
if (fabs(matrixA[t][j]) > matrixA_maxCw_value) {
matrixA_maxCw_value = matrixA[t][j];
i_max = t;
if (matrixA[i_max][j] == 0) {
j++; //Check if there is a pivot in the column, if not pass to the next column
else {
//Swap the rows, of A, L and P
#pragma omp parallel for //OVERHEAD
for (k = 0; k < cwA; k++) {
swapRows(matrixA, i, k, i_max);
swapRows(P, i, k, i_max);
if(k < i) {
swapRows(L, i, k, i_max);
void swapRows(double **matrixA, int i, int j, int i_max) {
double temp_val = matrixA[i][j];
matrixA[i][j] = matrixA[i_max][j];
matrixA[i_max][j] = temp_val;
I do not want a different code but I want only know why this happens, on a matrix of dimension 1000x1000 the serial version takes 4.1s and the parallelized version 4.28s
The same thing (the overhead is very small but there is) happens on the swap of the rows that theoretically can be done in parallel without problem, why it happens?

There is at least two things wrong with your parallelization
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(max:matrixA_maxCw_value,i_max) //OVERHEAD
for (t = i+1; t < rwA; t++) {
if (fabs(matrixA[t][j]) > matrixA_maxCw_value) {
matrixA_maxCw_value = matrixA[t][j];
i_max = t;
You are getting the biggest index of all of them, but that does not mean that it belongs to the max value. For instance looking at the following array:
[8, 7, 6, 5, 4 ,3, 2 , 1]
if you parallelized with two threads, the first thread will have max=8 and index=0, the second thread will have max=4 and index=4. After the reduction is done the max will be 8 but the index will be 4 which is obviously wrong.
OpenMP has in-build reduction functions that consider a single target value, however in your case you want to reduce taking into account 2 values the max and the array index. After OpenMP 4.0 one can create its own reduction functions (i.e., User-Defined Reduction).
You can have a look at a full example implementing such logic here
The other issue is this part:
#pragma omp parallel for //OVERHEAD
for (k = 0; k < cwA; k++) {
swapRows(matrixA, i, k, i_max);
swapRows(P, i, k, i_max);
if(k < i) {
swapRows(L, i, k, i_max);
You are swapping those elements in parallel, which leads to inconsistent state.
First you need to solve those issue before analyzing why your code is not having speedups.
First correctness then efficiency. But don't except much speedups with the current implementation, the amount of computation performed in parallelism is that much to justify the overhead of the parallelism.


Optimizing a matrix transpose function with OpenMP

I have this code that transposes a matrix using loop tiling strategy.
void transposer(int n, int m, double *dst, const double *src) {
int blocksize;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i += blocksize) {
for (int j = 0; j < m; j += blocksize) {
// transpose the block beginning at [i,j]
for (int k = i; k < i + blocksize; ++k) {
for (int l = j; l < j + blocksize; ++l) {
dst[k + l*n] = src[l + k*m];
I want to optimize this with multi-threading using OpenMP, however I am not sure what to do when having so many nested for loops. I thought about just adding #pragma omp parallel for but doesn't this just parallelize the outer loop?
When you try to parallelize a loop nest, you should ask yourself how many levels are conflict free. As in: every iteration writing to a different location. If two iterations write (potentially) to the same location, you need to 1. use a reduction 2. use a critical section or other synchronization 3. decide that this loop is not worth parallelizing, or 4. rewrite your algorithm.
In your case, the write location depends on k,l. Since k<n and l*n, there are no pairs k.l / k',l' that write to the same location. Furthermore, there are no two inner iterations that have the same k or l value. So all four loops are parallel, and they are perfectly nested, so you can use collapse(4).
You could also have drawn this conclusion by considering the algorithm in the abstract: in a matrix transposition each target location is written exactly once, so no matter how you traverse the target data structure, it's completely parallel.
You can use the collapse specifier to parallelize over two loops.
# pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i += blocksize) {
for (int j = 0; j < m; j += blocksize) {
// transpose the block beginning at [i,j]
for (int k = i; k < i + blocksize; ++k) {
for (int l = j; l < j + blocksize; ++l) {
dst[k + l*n] = src[l + k*m];
As a side-note, I think you should swap the two innermost loops. Usually, when you have a choice between writing sequentially and reading sequentially, writing is more important for performance.
I thought about just adding #pragma omp parallel for but doesnt this
just parallelize the outer loop?
Yes. To parallelize multiple consecutive loops one can utilize OpenMP' collapse clause. Bear in mind, however that:
(As pointed out by Victor Eijkhout). Even though this does not directly apply to your code snippet, typically, for each new loop to be parallelized one should reason about potential newer race-conditions e.g., that this parallelization might have added. For example, different threads writing concurrently into the same dst position.
in some cases parallelizing nested loops may result in slower execution times than parallelizing a single loop. Since, the concrete implementation of the collapse clause uses a more complex heuristic (than the simple loop parallelization) to divide the iterations of the loops among threads, which can result in an overhead higher than the gains that it provides.
You should try to benchmark with a single parallel loop and then with two, and so on, and compare the results, accordingly.
void transposer(int n, int m, double *dst, const double *src) {
int blocksize;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(...)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i += blocksize)
for (int j = 0; j < m; j += blocksize)
for (int k = i; k < i + blocksize; ++k
for (int l = j; l < j + blocksize; ++l)
dst[k + l*n] = src[l + k*m];
Depending upon the number of threads, cores, size of the matrices among other factors it might be that running sequential would actually be faster than the parallel versions. This is specially true in your code that is not very CPU intensive (i.e., dst[k + l*n] = src[l + k*m];)

Generate same random matrix in OpenMP than sequential code

I'd like to generate a random matrix with OpenMP like it were generated by a sequential program, i.e. if any sequential matrix generator outputs me a matrix like the following one:
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
9.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
I want the parallel OpenMP version of the same program to generate the same matrix with no interleaved rows.
Here is how I gradually approached the problem.
Given my serial generator C function generating a matrix as a 1D array:
void generate_matrix_array(
double *v,
int rows,
int columns,
double min,
double max,
int seed
) {
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
v[i*rows + j] = min + (rand() / (RAND_MAX / (max - min)));
First, I naively tried the #pragma omp parallel for directive to outer for loop; however, there's no guarantee about row ordering, since thread execution gets interleaved, so they get generated in a non-deterministic order.
Adding the ordered option would solve the issue at the price of making useless multithreading in this particular case.
In order to solve the issue, I tried to partition by hand the matrix array so that thread i would generate the i-th slice of it:
void generate_matrix_array_par(
double *v,
int rows,
int columns,
double min,
double max,
int seed
) {
#pragma omp parallel \
int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
int nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
int rows_per_thread = round(rows / (double) nthreads);
int rem_rows = rows % (nthreads - 1) != 0?
rows % (nthreads - 1):
int local_rows = (tid == 0)?
int lower_row = tid * local_rows;
int upper_row = ((tid + 1) * local_rows);
"[T%d] receiving %d of %d rows from row %d to %d\n",
upper_row - 1
for (int i = lower_row; i < upper_row; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
v[i*rows + j] = min + (rand() / (RAND_MAX / (max - min)));
However, despite matrix vector gets properly divided among threads, for some reason unknown to me, every thread generates its rows into the matrix in a non-deterministic order, i.e. if I want to generate a 8x8 matrix with 4 threads and thread 3 is assigned to rows 4 and 5, he will generate two contiguous rows in the matrix array but in the wrong position every time, like if I didn't perform any partitioning and the omp parallel for directive was in place.
I skeptically tried, at last, to get back to naive approach by specifying shared(v) and schedule(static, 16) options to omp parallel for directive and it 'magically' happens to work:
void generate_matrix_array_par(
double *v,
int rows,
int columns,
double min,
double max,
int seed
) {
int nthreads = omp_get_max_threads();
int chunk_size = (rows * columns) / nthreads;
#pragma omp parallel for \
shared(v) \
schedule(static, chunk_size)
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
v[i*rows + j] = min + (rand() / (RAND_MAX / (max - min)));
The schedule option is being added since I read somewhere else that it gets rid of cache conflicts. Edit: Looks like schedule splits up data to thread in a round-robin fashion according to a given chunk size; so if I share N/nthreads-sized chunks among threads, data will be assigned in a single round.
Any question? YES!!!
Now, I'd like to know whether I missed or failed some consideration about the problem, since I'm not convinced about the fairness of my last version of the program, despite the fact that it is working.

OpenMP - Why does the number of comparisons decrease?

I have the following algorithm:
int hostMatch(long *comparisons)
int i = -1;
int lastI = textLength-patternLength;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1) num_threads(1)
for (int k = 0; k <= lastI; k++)
int j;
for (j = 0; j < patternLength; j++)
if (textData[k+j] != patternData[j])
j = patternLength+1; //break
if (j == patternLength && k > i)
i = k;
return i;
When changing num_threads I get the following results for number of comparisons:
01 = 9949051000
02 = 4992868032
04 = 2504446034
08 = 1268943748
16 = 776868269
32 = 449834474
64 = 258963324
Why is the number of comparisons not constant? It's interesting because the number of comparisons halves with the doubling of the number of threads. Is there some sort of race conditions going on for (*comparisons)++ where OMP just skips the increment if the variable is in use?
My current understanding is that the iterations of the k loop are split near-evenly amongst the threads. Each iteration has a private integer j as well as a private copy of integer k, and a non-parallel for loop which adds to the comparisons until terminated.
The naive way around the race condition to declare the operation as atomic update:
#pragma omp atomic update
Note that a critical section here is unnecessary and much more expensive. An atomic update can be declared on a primitive binary or unary operation on any l-value expression with scalar type.
Yet this is still not optimal because the value of *comparisons needs to be moved around between CPU caches all the time and a expensive locked instruction is performed. Instead you should use a reduction. For that you need another local variable, the pointer won't work here.
int hostMatch(long *comparisons)
int i = -1;
int lastI = textLength-patternLength;
long comparisons_tmp = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(comparisons_tmp:+)
for (int k = 0; k <= lastI; k++)
int j;
for (j = 0; j < patternLength; j++)
if (textData[k+j] != patternData[j])
j = patternLength+1; //break
if (j == patternLength && k > i)
i = k;
*comparisons = comparisons_tmp;
return i;
P.S. schedule(static, 1) seems like a bad idea, since this will lead to inefficient memory access patterns on textData. Just leave it out and let the compiler do it's thing. If a measurement shows that it's not working efficiently, give it some better hints.
You said it yourself (*comparisons)++; has a race condition. It is a critical section that has to be serialized (I don't think (*pointer)++ is an atomic operation).
So basically you read the same value( i.e. 2) twice by two threads and then both increase it (3) and write it back. So you get 3 instead of 4. You have to make sure the operations on variables, that are not in the local scope of your parallelized function/loop, don't overlap.

How to synchronize 3 nested loop in OpenMP?

I am writing a program that will match up one block(a group of 4 double numbers which are within certain absolute value) with another.
Essentially, I will call the function in main.
The matrix has 4399 rows and 500 columns.I am trying to use OpenMp to speed up the task yet my code seems to have race condition within the innermost loop (where the actual creation of block happens create_Block(rrr[k], i); ).
It is ok to ignore all the function detail as they are working well in serial version. The only focus here is the OpenMP derivatives.
int main(void) {
double** jz = readMatrix("data.txt");
int j = 0;
int i = 0;
int k = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(i) shared(Big_Block,NUM_OF_BLOCK,SIZE_OF_COLLECTION,b)
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
printf("THIS IS COLUMN %d\n", i);
double*c = readCol(jz, i, 4400);
#pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(j) shared(i,Big_Block,NUM_OF_BLOCK,SIZE_OF_COLLECTION,b)
for (j=0; j < 4400; j++) {
// printf("This is fixed row %d from column %d !!!!!!!!!!\n",j,i);
int* one_collection = collection(c, j, 4400);
if (get_combination_size(SIZE_OF_COLLECTION, M) >= 4) {
int** rrr = combNonRec(one_collection, SIZE_OF_COLLECTION, M);
#pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(k) shared(i,j,Big_Block,NUM_OF_BLOCK,SIZE_OF_COLLECTION,b)
for (k = 0; k < get_combination_size(SIZE_OF_COLLECTION, M); k++) {
create_Block(rrr[k], i); //ACTUAL CREATION OF BLOCK !!!!!!!
printf("This is block %d \n", NUM_OF_BLOCK);
//OpenMP for j
// OpenMP for i
Here is the parallel version result: non-deterministic
Whereas the serial result has constant 400 blocks.
Big_Block,NUM_OF_BLOCK,SIZE_OF_COLLECTION are global variable.
Did I do anything wrong in the derivative declaration? What might have caused such problem?

Longest Common Subsequence with openMP

I'm writing a parallel version of the Longest Common Subsequence algorithm using openMP.
The sequential version is the following (and it works correctly):
// Preparing first row and first column with zeros
for(j=0; j < (len2+1); j++)
score[0][j] = 0;
for(i=0; i < (len1+1); i++)
score[i][0] = 0;
// Calculating scores
for(i=1; i < (len1+1); i++) {
for(j=1; j < (len2+1) ;j++) {
if (seq1[i-1] == seq2[j-1]) {
score[i][j] = score[i-1][j-1] + 1;
else {
score[i][j] = max(score[i-1][j], score[i][j-1]);
The critical part is filling up the score matrix and this is the part I'm trying to mostly parallelize.
One way to do it (which I chose) is: filling up the matrix by anti diagonals, so left, top and top-left dependecies are always satisfied. In a nutshell, I keep track of the diagonal (third loop, variable i below) and threads fill up that diagonal in parallel.
For this purpose, I've written this code:
void parallelCalculateLCS(int len1, int len2, char *seq1, char *seq2) {
int score[len1 + 1][len2 + 1];
int i, j, k, iam;
char *lcs = NULL;
score[i][j] = -1;
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(iam)
iam = omp_get_thread_num();
// Preparing first row and first column with zeros
#pragma omp for
for(j=0; j < (len2+1); j++)
score[0][j] = iam;
#pragma omp for
for(i=0; i < (len1+1); i++)
score[i][0] = iam;
// Calculating scores
for(i=1; i < (len1+1); i++) {
#pragma omp for
for(j=1; j <= i; j++) {
if (seq1[k-1] == seq2[j-1]) {
// score[k][j] = score[k-1][j-1] + 1;
score[k][j] = iam;
else {
// score[k][j] = max(score[k-1][j], score[k][j-1]);
score[k][j] = iam;
#pragma omp atomic
The first two loops (first row and column) work correctly and threads fill up cells in a balanced way.
When it comes to fill up the matrix (diagonally), nothing works well. I tried to debug it, but it seems that threads act and write things randomly.
I can't figure out what's going wrong, since in the first two loops there were no problems at all.
Any idea?
P.S. I know that accessing matrix in a diagonal way is very cache-unfriendly and threads could be unbalanced, but I only need it to work by now.
P.S. #2 I don't know if it could be useful, but my CPU has up to 8 threads.
#pragma omp atomic means that the processors will perform the operation one at a time. You are looking for #pragma omp for private(k) : the processors will no longer share the same value. Bye, Francis
The following nested for loop
#pragma omp for
for(j=1; j <= i; j++)
will be executed in parallel, each thread with a different value of j in no specific order.
As nothing is specified in the omp for section, k will be shared by default between all threads. So depending on the order of the threads, k will be decremented at an unknown time (even with the omp atomic). So for a fixed j, the value of k might change during the execution of the body of the for loop (between the if clauses, ...).
