How can i test the state in react functional components? - reactjs

I am using jest and enzyme to test my components. If i have the following class component
import React, { Component } from "react";
export class Test extends Component {
state = {
isLoading: false,
onClick = () => {
this.setState({ isLoading: true });
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.onClick}>Click button</button>
export default Test;
then to write test for this i will use:
import {Test} from "../Test";
import { shallow } from "enzyme";
import React from "react";
it('default state value for isLoading should be false', () => {
const wrapped = shallow(<Test/>);
const initialIsLoading = wrapped.state('isLoading');
it('change isLoading true on button click', () => {
const wrapped = shallow(<Test/>);
const initialIsLoading = wrapped.state('isLoading');
const newValue = wrapped.state('isLoading');
but if my component is functional then i get error - state cannot be used on functional components
when i run my tests.
How can i test my functional components state ?

shallow wrapper doesn't support hooks, which provide state to functional components. You can either use Enzyme's mount wrapper or switch to React Testing Library which is better than Enzyme for modern generation of React.
Please note that mount can render stateful functional components, but not able to access the state. These will fail:


Testing a component that uses useEffect using Enzyme shallow and not mount

// MyComponent.jsx
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const { fetchSomeData } = props;
useEffect(()=> {
}, []);
return (
// Some other components here
// MyComponent.react.test.jsx
describe('MyComponent', () => {
test('useEffect', () => {
const props = {
fetchSomeData: jest.fn(),
const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent {...props} />);
When running the tests I get:
Expected mock function to have been called, but it was not called.
The expect fails because shallow does not call useEffect. I cannot use mount because of other issues, need to find a way to make it work using shallow.
useEffect is not supported by Enzyme's shallow rendering. It is on the roadmap (see column 'v16.8+: Hooks') to be fixed for the next version of Enzyme, as mentioned by ljharb
What you're asking is not possible with the current setup. However, a lot of people are struggling with this.
I've solved / worked around this by:
not using shallow rendering from Enzyme anymore
use the React Testing Library instead of Enzyme
mocking out modules via Jest
Here's a summary on how to mock modules, based on Mock Modules from the React docs.
import React from "react";
import Map from "./map";
function Contact(props) {
return (
Contact us via
<Map center={} />
import React from "react";
import { render, unmountComponentAtNode } from "react-dom";
import { act } from "react-dom/test-utils";
import Contact from "./contact";
import MockedMap from "./map";
jest.mock("./map", () => {
return function DummyMap(props) {
return (
<p>A dummy map.</p>
it("should render contact information", () => {
const center = { lat: 0, long: 0 };
act(() => {
name="Joni Baez"
Useful resources:
React Testing Library docs - mocking
React docs - Mocking Modules
Here's a solution from a colleague of mine at CarbonFive:
TL;DR: jest.spyOn(React, 'useEffect').mockImplementation(f => f())
shallow doesn't run effect hooks in React by default (it works in mount though) but you could use jest-react-hooks-shallow to enable the useEffect and useLayoutEffect hooks while shallow mounting in enzyme.
Then testing is pretty straightforward and even your test specs will pass.
Here is a link to a article where testing the use-effect hook has been clearly tackled with shallow mounting in enzyme
So basically with jest-react-hooks-shallow for a component like
const ComponentWithHooks = () => {
const [text, setText] = useState<>();
const [buttonClicked, setButtonClicked] = useState<boolean>(false);
useEffect(() => setText(
`Button clicked: ${buttonClicked.toString()}`),
return (
<button onClick={() => setButtonClicked(true)}>Click me</button>
you'd write tests like
test('Renders default message and updates it on clicking a button', () => {
const component = shallow(<App />);
expect(component.text()).toContain('Button clicked: false');
expect(component.text()).toContain('Button clicked: true');
I'm following this advice and using mount() instead of shallow(). Obviously, that comes with a performance penalty, so mocking of children is advised.

Testing component function in React with Enzyme and Jest

I am testing a component following the Container/Presentational pattern. What I need in order to have my coverage at 100% is to test the handleChange() function in which I have a setState(). The thing is that I'm just testing the Container component and the function is called in Presentational one.
Container Component:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import DataStructureFormView from './DataStructureFormView'
export default class DataStructureForm extends Component {
state = {}
handleChange = name => event => {
render() {
return (
As you can see, the DataStructureForm is the Container component and DataStructureFormView is the Presentational one.
Test file:
import React from 'react'
import { shallow, mount } from 'enzyme'
describe('DataStructureForm', () => {
it('should call the handleChange() function and change the state', () => {
const component = mount(<DataStructureForm />)
const handleChange = jest.spyOn(component.instance(), 'handleChange')
This is one of the multiple approaches that I have done, but it is not testing the setState() inside the handleChange() method.
What else I can do?
The most straightforward solution is to check if state changed accordingly:
const component = shallow(<DataStructureForm />)
const value = 'someValue';
component.instance().handleChange('someName')({target: { value }});

React, Jest, Enzyme how to pass test App.js with store redux

Created a simple app using create-react-app then updated my App.js and added redux/store.
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<header className="header">
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return bindActionCreators(ActionCreators, dispatch);
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App);
then trying to test my App on App.test.js using Enzyme and Jest.
import React from 'react'
import Enzyme, { mount } from 'enzyme'
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
import App from './App'
Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
function setup() {
const props = {
addTodo: jest.fn()
const enzymeWrapper = mount(<App {...props} />)
return {
describe('components', () => {
describe('App', () => {
it('should render self and subcomponents', () => {
const { enzymeWrapper } = setup()
but throwing error: Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(App)". Either wrap the root component in a , or explicitly pass "store" as a prop to "Connect(App)".
Any Ideas?
This is happening because you're trying to test the component without a <Provider> (which would normally make the store available to its sub-components).
What I normally do in this situation is test my component without the Redux connect binding. To do this, you can export the App component itself:
export class App extends Component // etc...
and then import that in the test file using the deconstructed assignment syntax:
import { App } from './App'
You can assume (hopefully... ;) ) that Redux and the React bindings have been properly tested by their creators, and spend your time on testing your own code instead.
There's a little more information about this in the Redux docs.

Testing react components that have JSS injected styles with enzyme

I'm having a react component. Let's say Todo
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import injectSheet from 'react-jss';
class Todo extends Component {
// methods that incl. state manipulation
render() {
const { classes } = this.props;
return (
<div className={classes.container}>
<WhateverElse />
export default injectSheet(Todo);
I want to test it with enzyme. And there are two problems with it.
1. Access to the state
(and other component specific features)
When I shallow or mount that composer in the suite I can't get access to its state of course because it's not my component anymore but something new around it.
E.g. this code will give me an error:
it('should have state updated on handleAddTodo', () => {
const todo = shallow(<Todo />);
const length = todo.state('todos').length;
It says of course TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined because the state is not what I expect but this: { theme: {}, dynamicSheet: undefined }
This won't also give me access to props, refs etc.
2. Problems with theme provider
To provide some default colouring to the project like this:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Colors from './whatever/Colors';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={Colors}>
<WhateverInside />
And of course when running tests it gives me an error [undefined] Please use ThemeProvider to be able to use WithTheme.
So my question is the following. Is there a way to solve this problem in “one single place”. How can I make enzyme agnostic of what is my component wrapped with?
If not, then how do I solve the problem if passing the ThemeProvider features down to the component that I'm testing?
And how can I access the state, ref, props and other things of the wrapped component?
Thank you!
here's what I'd do to test the component,
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import injectSheet from 'react-jss';
const styles = {};
class Todo extends Component {
// methods that incl. state manipulation
render() {
const { classes } = this.props;
return (
<div className={classes.container}>
<WhateverElse />
export { styles, Todo as TodoCmp }
export default injectSheet(styles)(Todo);
and in the test file, I'd add the following:
import { theme } from 'your-theme-source';
const mockReducer = (prev, curr) => Object.assign({}, prev, { [curr]: curr });
const coerceStyles = styles =>
typeof styles === 'function' ? styles(theme) : styles;
const mockClasses = styles =>
Object.keys(coerceStyles(styles)).reduce(mockReducer, {});
import {TodoCmp, styles} from 'your-js-file';
// then test as you'd normally.
it('should blah blah', () => {
const classes = mockClasses(styles);
const todo = shallow(<Todo classes={classes} />);
const length = todo.state('todos').length;
Please read more about it in the nordnet-ui-kit library specifically in the test directory. Here's a quick example
It is not related to JSS specifically. Any HOC wraps your component. Ideally you don't test any internals of a component directly.
Components public api is props, use them to render your component with a specific state and verify the rendered output with shallow renderer.
For some edge cases if first and preferred way is impossible, you can access the inner component directly and access whatever you need directly. You will have to mock the props the HOC would pass otherwise for you.
const StyledComponent = injectSheet(styles)(InnerComponent)
If your component relies on theming, you have to provide a theme provider, always.

Testing React Component with Jest/Enzyme

I am trying to use Enzyme's shallow wrapper to get the instance of my component and calling my class function over it. It shows me this error:
TypeError: tree.instance(...).onCampaignSelected is not a function
class ToolbarPage extends Component {
this.onCampaignSelected = this.onCampaignSelected.bind(this);
this.state = {
item: null
onCampaignSelected (item) {
render () {
return (
<MyComponent onItemSelected={this.onCampaignSelected} />
function mapStateToProps(state){
buttons: state.toolbar.buttons
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ToolbarPage);
My test case looks like this
import { shallow, mount } from 'enzyme';
import ToolbarPage from './ToolbarPage';
import configureStore from 'configureStore';
const store = configureStore();
const props = {
isLoggedIn: false,
messageCounter: 0
describe('<ToolbarPage />', () => {
it('allows to select campaign', () => {
const tree = shallow(<ToolbarPage {...props}/>);
I also figured out that it is a wrapped component, so I won't get this function on the wrapped component. How do I access this function?
shallow does not render the full set of components with all of their properties & methods. It is intended for basic "did this thing render what I expected?" testing.
mount will give you everything and should allow you to test whatever you need. It is very useful for testing event handling & manipulating the state of components to test the interactions between components.
