How to extract properties from a powershell object - arrays

I am trying to extract properties of object from the results obtained from Get-ChildItem in Powershell as it may be seen below
$folderPath = "C:\Users\me\someThing1\someThing2"
$fileNames = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -Filter *.pdf -recurse | ForEach-Object {
# Extracting properties
foreach ($file in $fileNames) {
Write-Host $file
When I use the Write-Host command, I get property values of FullName, LastWriteTime, Exists, BaseName, Extension printed to the terminal for each file. But I am unable to get individual property value.
For e.g., I tried
Write-Host $file."BaseName"
It does not work. Can someone help me extract individual property from each file?
The purpose is to store each property of each file into an array as given below
$FullNames = #()
$LastWriteTimes = #()
$Exists = #()
$BaseNames = #()
$Extensions = #()

Just posting the revised code that extracts properties into individual arrays just so that someone else might find it helpful. Thanks to all who supported.
# Edit the Folder Path as desired
$folderPath = "C:\Users\me\someThing1\someThing2"
# Getting File Objects
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -recurse
# Extracting properties into individual Arrays
$FullNames = $files.FullName
$LastWriteTimes = $files.LastWriteTime
$file_Exists = $files.Exists
$BaseNames = $files.BaseName
$Extensions = $files.Extension


Cannot remove a string from an array in powershell

I'm trying to populate an array of file paths where ever the script is located in. But I don't want
the array to include the path of the script only the other files in that folder. I have tried removing it after it is populated by using a list array instead but then I get an error that the array is a fixed size.
#To get path in which the script is located
$mypath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$myStringPath=$mypath.ToString().Replace("TestingScriptPath.ps1", "")
#Populates files inside the folder
$array = #()
(Get-ChildItem -Path $myStringPath ).FullName |
$array += $_
#display paths
for($i = 0; $i -lt $array.length; $i++)
You're better off not putting it in the array in the first place.
When updating an array the whole array has to be rewritten, so the performance tends to be terrible.
Use a different datatype if you're going to be removing item-by-item.
#To get path in which the script is located
$mypath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$myStringPath=$mypath.ToString().Replace("testingscriptpath.ps1", "")
#Populates files inside the folder
$array = Get-ChildItem -Path $myStringPath | Where-Object {$_.fullname -ne $mypath}
if you definitely want to do it the way suggested in the question (slower)
$ArrayWithFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $myStringPath
$ArrayWithoutFile = $ArrayWithFile | Where-Object {$_.fullName -ne $mypath}

Export csv via pscustomobject displaying incorrectly powershell

I have the following code:
function realtest
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\data\' -Filter *.csv
$tester = [PSCustomObject]#{
foreach ($file in $files)
$tempName = $file.BaseName
$temp = Import-Csv $file
$tester | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $tempName -Value $temp.$tempName
$tester | Export-Csv "D:\result.csv" -NoTypeInformation
I am trying to export a bunch of data to CSV however when it is display the data on csv it is shown as below
but when i do it as a print on console it displays as the below
E0798T102 E0798T103
--------- ---------
{0, 0, 0, 0...} {0, 0, 0, 0...}
Ultimately, I want E0798T102 and E0798T103 as seperate columns in the result.csv
just to note, I will have 50 csv to loop through and each should display as its own column
Here is an incredibly inefficient answer to your question. If left as is, it assumes your CSV files already have a header with the CSV file basename:
$CSVs = Get-ChildItem -path 'D:\data\' -filter "*.csv" -file
$headers = $CSVs.basename
$table = [System.Data.DataTable]::new("Files")
foreach ($header in $headers) {
$table.Columns.Add($header) | out-null
foreach ($CSV in $CSVs) {
#$contents = Import-Csv $CSV -Header $CSV.basename # If CSV has no header
$contents = Import-Csv $CSV # If CSV contains header
$rowNumber = 0
foreach ($line in $Contents) {
$rowcount = $table.rows.count
if ($rowNumber -ge $rowCount) {
$row = $table.NewRow()
$row[$CSV.basename] = $line.$($CSV.basename)
else {
$row = $table.rows[$rowNumber]
$row[$CSV.basename] = $line.$($CSV.basename)
$table | Export-Csv output.csv -NoTypeInformation
You can uncomment the commented $contents line if your CSV files do not have a header. You will just have to comment out the next $contents variable assignment if you uncomment the first.
Based on your snippet, this can be significantly simplified:
function Get-Csv {
$col = foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem -Path D:\data -Filter *.csv) {
$csv = Import-Csv -Path $file.FullName
$csv.($file.BaseName) = $csv
$col | Export-Csv D:\result.csv -NoTypeInformation
return $col
However, a csv file seems like the wrong approach because you're trying to embed objects under a header. This doesn't really work in a tabular format as you only get one layer of depth. You should either expand all the properties on your objects, or use a different format that can represent depth, like json.
The reason for your formatting woes is due to how the serialization works. You're getting a string representation of your objects.
Converting to json isn't difficult, you just trade your Export-Csv call:
$col | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath D:\result.json
Note: I specify -Depth 100 because the cmdlet's default Depth is 2.

Powershell-Azure WebApp IpRestrictions - WebApps Array

I have been struggling to come up with a working solution for days on this
What am I trying to achieve?
Foreach ($item in $webApps){
$WebAppConfig = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/config -ResourceName $item -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ApiVersion $APIVersion)
The issue is that "-resourceName" will not accept objects, but rather only a string
I am looking for a way to take the output of the following command, convert it to a string, so that it can satisfy –ResourceName, and loop through each item in the string
$webApps = (Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup | Get-AzureRmWebApp).name
This returns a nice list of Azure WebApps that exist in a specified ResourceGroup, however they are in object form, which –ResourceName will not take
I have tried several ways to convert the output of $webApps to a string, add a comma to the end, then do a –split ',' but nothing seems to work for properly, where –ResourceName will accept it
Method 1:
[string]$webAppsArrays =#()
Foreach ($webApp in $webApps){
$webAp+',' -split ','
Method 2:
webApps | ForEach-Object {
$webApp = $_ + ","
Write-Host $webApp
Method 3:
$csvPath2 = 'C:\Users\Giann\Documents\_Git Repositorys\QueriedAppList2.csv'
$webApps = (Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup | Get-AzureRmWebApp).name | out-file -FilePath $csvPath1 -Append
$csvFile2 = import-csv -Path $csvPath1 -Header Name
This ouputs a list in a CSV, however these are still objects, so I cannot pass each item into –ResourceName
I am going in circles trying to make the below a repeatable, looping script
The desired end result would be to use the below script, with an array of webApps, being queried from the provided resource group variable:
Any help would be greatly appreciated for how to use this script, but pull a dynamic list of WebApps from a specified Resource Group, keeping in mind the -ResourceName "String" restrictions in the $WebAppConfig variable
Here is the original script to create IP Restrictions for 1 Web App and 1 Resource Group, using properties from a CSV file:
#Create a Function to create IP Restrictions for 1 Web App and 1 Resource Group, using properties from the CSV file:
$WebApp = ""
$resourceGroup =""
$subscription_Id = ''
#Login to Azure
Remove-AzureRmAccount -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Login-AzureRmAccount -EnvironmentName AzureUSGovernment -Subscription $subscription_Id
Function CreateIpRestriction {
Param (
[string] $name,
[string] $ipAddress,
[string] $subnetMask,
[string] $action,
[string] $priority
$APIVersion = ((Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Web).ResourceTypes | Where-Object ResourceTypeName -eq sites).ApiVersions[0]
$WebAppConfig = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/config -ResourceName $WebApp -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ApiVersion $APIVersion)
$ipRestriction = $WebAppConfig.Properties.ipSecurityRestrictions
$ = $name
$ipRestriction.ipAddress = $ipAddress
$ipRestriction.subnetMask = $subnetMask
$ipRestriction.action = $action
$ipRestriction.priority = $priority
return $ipRestriction
#Set csv file path:
$csvPath5 = 'C:\Users\Giann\Documents\_Git Repositorys\ipRestrictions5.csv'
#import CSV Contents
$ipRestrictionArray = Import-Csv -Path $csvPath5
$ipRestrictions = #()
foreach($item in $ipRestrictionArray){
Write-Host "Adding ipRestriction properties for" $
$newIpRestriction = CreateIpRestriction -name $ -ipAddress $item.ipAddress -subnetMask $item.subnetMask -action $item.action -priority $item.priority
$ipRestrictions += $newIpRestriction
#Set the new ipRestriction on the WebApp
Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/config -ResourceName $WebApp/web -ApiVersion $APIVersion -PropertyObject $ipRestrictions
As continuation on the comments, I really need multiline, so here as an answer.
Note that I cannot test this myself
This page here shows that the Set-AzureRmResource -Properties parameter should be of type PSObject.
(instead of -Properties you may also use the alias -PropertyObject)
In your code, I don't think the function CreateIpRestriction returns a PSObject but tries to do too much.
Anyway, try like this:
Function CreateIpRestriction {
Param (
[string] $name,
[string] $ipAddress,
[string] $subnetMask,
[string] $action,
[string] $priority
# There are many ways to create a PSObject (or PSCustomObject if you like).
# Have a look at for instance.
return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
name = $name
ipAddress = $ipAddress
subnetMask = $subnetMask
action = $action
priority = $priority
#Set csv file path:
$csvPath5 = 'C:\Users\Giann\Documents\_Git Repositorys\ipRestrictions5.csv'
#import CSV Contents
$ipRestrictionArray = Import-Csv -Path $csvPath5
# create an new array of IP restrictions (PSObjects)
$newIpRestrictions = #()
foreach($item in $ipRestrictionArray){
Write-Host "Adding ipRestriction properties for" $
$newIpRestrictions += (CreateIpRestriction -name $ -ipAddress $item.ipAddress -subnetMask $item.subnetMask -action $item.action -priority $item.priority )
# here we set the restrictions we collected in $newIpRestrictions in the $WebAppConfig.Properties.ipSecurityRestrictions array
$APIVersion = ((Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Web).ResourceTypes | Where-Object ResourceTypeName -eq sites).ApiVersions[0]
$WebAppConfig = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/config -ResourceName $WebApp -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ApiVersion $APIVersion)
$WebAppConfig.Properties.ipSecurityRestrictions = $newIpRestrictions
$WebAppConfig | Set-AzureRmResource -ApiVersion $APIVersion -Force | Out-Null
The code above will replace the ipSecurityRestrictions by a new set. You may want to consider first getting them and adding to the already existing list.
I found examples for Getting, Adding and Removing ipSecurityRestrictions here, but I can imagine there are more examples to be found.
Hope that helps.

Powershell read filenames under folder and read each file content to create menu items

I've a folder called c:\mycommands
files under this folder are multiple files like:
each file has one line only, like this:
in file command1.txt:
echo "this is command1"
in file command2.txt"
echo "this is command2"
and so on
I want to read the filename and it's content into an array/variable pair in order to build a dynamic menu.
so theoretically, all I would need to do in the future is to, drop a file into the folder and program will include it as menu option dynamically. (or remove the file to have it not show up in menu option.
What's the best way to approach this? maybe a do while loop with get-content into an array? Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'm really trying limit or avoid menu maintenance but would rather have the menu bre created dynamically
Here are three variations on the same basic idea, depending on what kind of output you need.
# Storing output in a hash table (key/value pairs)
$resultHash = #{}
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\mycommands -File |
ForEach-Object {$resultHash.Add($_.Name, (Get-Content -Path $_.FullName))}
# Storing output in an array of psobjects
$resultArray = #()
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\mycommands -File |
ForEach-Object {
$resultArray += (New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{"NameOfFile"=$_.Name; "CommandText"=(Get-Content -Path $_.FullName);})
# Outputting psobjects to the pipeline
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\mycommands -File |
ForEach-Object {
New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{"NameOfFile"=$_.Name; "CommandText"=(Get-Content -Path $_.FullName);}
# Making a nice menu out of the hash table version
$promptTitle = "My menu"
$promptMessage = "Choose from the options below"
$promptOptions = #()
foreach ($key in $resultHash.Keys)
$promptOptions += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription $key, $resultHash[$key]
$promptResponse = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($promptTitle, $promptMessage, $promptOptions, 0)
If I am understanding what you want correctly, this might be able to accomplish it for you.
If will gather a list of all the files in a folder, then get the content from each one and add them to an Array one by one.
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Files = #(Get-ChildItem "C:\Logs\" |
Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $false} |
Select-Object FullName)
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$List_Of_Commands = #()
foreach ($File in $Files) {
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$File_Contents = #(Get-Content $File.FullName)
foreach ($Content in $File_Contents) {
$Array_Object = [PSCustomObject]#{
'Command' = $Content
$List_Of_Commands.Add($Array_Object) | Out-Null

how to check if a specific file extension exists in a folder using powershell?

I have a root directory that consists of many folders and sub folders. I need to check whether a particular file like *.sln or *.designer.vb exists in the folders or subfolders and output the result in a text file.
For Eg:
$root = "C:\Root\"
$FileType = ".sln",".designer.vb"
the text file will have result somewhat like below:
.sln ---> 2 files
.sln files path ---->
Any help will be highly appreciated!
Try this:
function Get-ExtensionCount {
$Root = "C:\Root\",
$FileType = #(".sln", ".designer.vb"),
$Outfile = "C:\Root\rootext.txt"
$output = #()
Foreach ($type in $FileType) {
$files = Get-ChildItem $Root -Filter *$type -Recurse | ? { !$_.PSIsContainer }
$output += "$type ---> $($files.Count) files"
foreach ($file in $files) {
$output += $file.FullName
$output | Set-Content $Outfile
I turned it into a function with your values as default parameter-values. Call it by using
Get-ExtensionCount #for default values
Get-ExtensionCount -Root "d:\test" -FileType ".txt", ".bmp" -Outfile "D:\output.txt"
Output saved to the file ex:
.txt ---> 3 files
.bmp ---> 2 files
D:\Test\New Bitmap Image.bmp
To get the all the filecounts at the start, try:
function Get-ExtensionCount {
$Root = "C:\Root\",
$FileType = #(".sln", ".designer.vb"),
$Outfile = "C:\Root\rootext.txt"
#Filecount per type
$header = #()
#All the filepaths
$filelist = #()
Foreach ($type in $FileType) {
$files = Get-ChildItem $Root -Filter *$type -Recurse | ? { !$_.PSIsContainer }
$header += "$type ---> $($files.Count) files"
foreach ($file in $files) {
$filelist += $file.FullName
#Collect to single output
$output = #($header, $filelist)
$output | Set-Content $Outfile
Here's a one-liner to determine if at least one file with extension .txt or .ps1 exists in the directory $OutputPath:
(Get-ChildItem -Path $OutputPath -force | Where-Object Extension -in ('.txt','.ps1') | Measure-Object).Count
Explanation: the command tells you the number of files in the specified directory matching any of the listed extensions. You can append -ne 0 to the end, which returns true or false to be used in an if block.
This will search the directory $root and its subdirectories for files of type $FileType, including hidden files and excluding directories:
$root = "C:\Root\";
$FileType = "*.sln", "*.designer.vb";
$results = Get-ChildItem -Path $root -Force -Recurse `
| Where-Object {
if ($_ -isnot [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])
foreach ($pattern in $FileType)
if ($_.Name -like $pattern)
return $true;
return $false;
Note that I've modified the strings in $FileType to be formatted as a wildcard pattern. Then group the files by extension:
$resultGroups = $results | Group-Object -Property 'Extension';
Then loop through each group and print the file count and paths:
foreach ($group in $resultGroups)
# $group.Count: The number of files with that extension
# $group.Group: A collection of FileInfo objects
# $group.Name: The file extension with leading period
Write-Host "$($group.Name) ---> $($group.Count) files";
Write-Host "$($group.Name) files path ---->";
foreach ($file in $group.Group)
Write-Host $file.FullName;
To write the results to a file instead of the console, use the Out-File cmdlet instead of the Write-Host cmdlet.
