arangodb lock file issue - database

So I downloaded ArangoDB via homebrew yesterday. The documentation said to use the following to get the server started:
/usr/local/Cellar/arangodb/<VERSION>/sbin/arangod &
I ended up using the prompt shown on the terminal
Don't know if that necessarily makes a difference. Nonetheless, I got the server working.
Then I wanted to set up authentication. The docs did not say how to stop a server. Since I didn't know how to, I just closed the terminal window
Then I ran
This then gave me an error
FATAL [...] database is locked by process ..: please stop it first and check that the lockfile 'usr/local/var/lib/arangodb3/LOCK' goes away. If you are sure no other arangod process is running, please remove the lockfile '/usr/local/var/lib/arangodb3/LOCK' and try again
How do I fix this? I had the webgui running but closing that didn't make a difference.
Another stack overflow question said to use the following commands:
brew services stop arangod
brew services start arangod
brew services restart arangod
None of those worked?
So, two questions:
a) how do I solve this problem
b) and, in the future, how do I properly terminate a server?

You can use "brew services start/stop/restart arangod". It is no longer necessary to start arangod explicitly. If it has been started explicitly just do a "killall arangod" to stop it gracefully and start it using "brew services start".


npm says port is allready in even if you change the port

Recently I have started to use React Native and I didn't want to use Android Studio, so I manually installed every thing including hyper-v but after that I have a really strange problem if I put any port in .env file when I run npm start it saying that the port is in use!
And the other issue was when I was using JetBrains' products (like WebStorm) it won't start. I found this in log files : Address already in use: bind
And the most strange thing was that the ports were not in use !
So after a week I found the solution .
The answer is really simple this is a problem with hyper-v and wsl2, and I don't know why it cause this problem.
I solved my problem using two commands (I'm using Windows 10) :
net stop winnat
net start winnat
I hope this fix your issue!
Even after you reset the reserved ports by the command, after a full restart then you will need to run the command again.
This is because of windows sandbox. It'll re-reserve the ports.
So to fully fix the problem you need to turn off windows sandbox in windows features, that will fully fix the problem

Node.js process getting killed on aws instances

We are trying to deploy one of our node js applications(AngularJS/NodeJS tech stack) to Production environment. Randomly, some of the ec2 instances just goes down as node process is getting killed. But no application/system level error messages are getting logged. We are unable to replicate this issue in local/dev/it environments. Has anyone faced something similar? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
I know this is an old question, just in case someone else run into the same problem.
Most probably is that your a running out of memory, as explained here. You can verify with dmesg command (linux). To fix it you can add more memory or add a swap volume.
One way is following this answer:
sudo /bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=1024
sudo /sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1
sudo chmod 600 /var/swap.1
sudo /sbin/swapon /var/swap.1
// enable after reboot
/var/swap.1 swap swap defaults 0 0
By default, nodejs application would be stopped when no client connect to it, you could use some tools like forever to keep your nodejs app running

MacPorts: install hangs/remains unusable

I've been trying to install MacPorts on a new Mac Pro with a fresh, fully updated Yosemite OS. The installer hangs on 'Running package scripts'. So I tried to build it from source. That works, with the installer stating:
Congratulations, you have successfully installed the MacPorts system.
However, it seems unusable. When I do sudo port install apache2 I get the message:
Error: Port apache2 not found
Simply trying to do a 'self update' (as root):
sh-3.2# port -d selfupdate
DEBUG: MacPorts sources location: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
---> Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
receiving file list ... done
...and then nothing... I've waited for half an hour, but it won't go any further. I can't find any logs either.
Again: there's nothing special about my setup, it's out-of-the-box Yosemite, only updated through the App store and, of course, I've installed Xcode with command line utilities and formally accepted the license, as is required according to the MacPorts site.
I've also tried uninstalling it, using the instructions from the MacPorts site, and reinstalling. But it does not make a difference.
I've read quite a few forum posts, but I can't find any post relating a problem like this. I hope someone can shed some light on this.
The installer hangs running package scripts because the last statement in these package scripts is exactly this "sudo port selfupdate" that you've been running manually afterwards.
Because this step did never run, your MacPorts installation lacks knowledge about the apache2 port (which is exactly why the installer runs selfupdate to give you a full-featured installation).
Unfortunately Apple's infrastructure ( seems to have connectivity problems at the moment, which is causing problems for quite a few people. You can try using one of the mirrors as outlined at

Opendaylight (odl) ovs-vsctl not found error

I am following this tutorial:
I am trying to use the following code in opendaylight using karaf
ovs-vsctl show
But the command window says Command not found: ovs-vsctl
I have installed all the necessary libraries and the local host server (http://localhost:8181/dlux/index.html) is running fine. But somehow odl can't find ovs.
Can anyone tell me what's the error? I am running win 8.
Thank you
You need to run this command outside of karaf terminal.
Firstly, you should have ovs(Open Virtual Switch) or Mininet installed, and then create one or two open switches.
Basically, you started the SDN controller in karaf, and now in the step you are encountering problem, the switches need to be assigned ODL controller as their manager.
You must check also that ovsdb is already installed in karaf.
For that, try to execute the next command:
feature:list | grep ovsdb
That command will display all the ovsdb components/features that are available in your karaf distribution. The third column will indicate you if a given component is already installed or not (if you see an X, that means that the component is installed). If you want to install a component/feature:
feature:install <name_of_the_feature>
After that, try to execute it outside of karaf, as Sidhant01 has indicated you before.
Try to do it with sudo:
sudo ovs-vsctl show.
If you want to configure ovsdb in an active mode:
tools-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:
tools-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
Manager "tcp:"
is_connected: true
ovs_version: "2.0.2"

How to solve 503 error accessing CollabNet Subversion Console?

I'm using Collabnate Subversion Edge.
I'm getting below error when trying to access URL http://localhost:3343/csvn.
Collbnate is set up on Windows Server 2008.
Problem accessing /csvn/. Reason:
Service Unavailable
Powered by Jetty://
How to solve it?
I spent two days fighting with the same problem. It turned out that CollabNet Subversion Edge 4.0.11 does not support Java 8.
The following procedure helped me make CN Subverion Edge 4.0.11 work again on Windows 7:
1) Uninstall CollabNet Subversion
2) Uninstall Java 8 (I had Java 7 and 6 side by side, so after uninstalling the 8, 7 picked up after I added it to PATH variable. It is important to add it at the very beginning of the path, otherwise Windows\System32\java.exe will be taken, which was not good for me also)
3) Install CollabNet Subverion (the important thing is to uncheck the "Run CollabNet ..." check box in the final screen. It looks like the installer is still creating files at the end and only after I have clicked OK in the final screen the needed configuration files have been created in data/conf folder.
4) Make sure that data/conf/httpd.conf file is created. If it is there, got to services (services.msc) and start server manually
Now launch the browser and navigate to localhost:3343/csvn.
Good luck.
1) Install Java 7
2) In file \csvn\svcwrapper\conf\wrapper.conf change from to
3) Run \csvn\svcwrapper\bat\runConsole.bat
Good luck.
Check in c:/csvn/data/logs for a log that starts with "console". Then find the error(s) and check what is wrong.
Did you try restarting the service ?
I had the same issue, CollabNet Subversion Edge version 4.0.4. In my case the problem was updating the JAVA_HOME from JDK 1.6 to JDK 1.7.
I finally resolved it changing the file:
I changed the value of the property:
So the csvn now runs with 1.6 as before. And it works again as a service automatically.
Good luck!!
There's an alternative issue that results in the same error: The database may get corrupted. This is what just happened to me. The above answers where not working in this case. As Subversion Edge 5.0.1 comes bundled with jre8, it would be rather strange if it weren't able to run against it.
To solve the problem, I had to patch the database (luckily, the user database c:\csvn\data\csvn-production-hsqldb.script is a plain text sql file).
Backup files in c:\csvn\data
Delete csvn-production-hsqldb.script and start the service (should come up now)
Exit the service
Save the file which is automatically recreated now
Compare your old file and the new working one
Replace every line starting with INSERT INTO QRTZ in your database with the corresponding lines from the working copy
Copy the new files to the proper place
Start the service
Hope it worked
I had this problem too. Upgrade to SubversionEdge 5.1.4 solved the issue.
We encounter this problem with CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.3.1 every time we patch our JDK 6 install (e.g. IAVM update). We need to install JDK 7 and 8 on this machine also so the installers are confusing the version information in the Windows Registry (not too much of a surprise there). Even if we update JDK 6 last, it gets weird too.
Nevertheless, it turns out the Subversion Console uses the Windows Registry to locate the Java install to launch the Console service. Updating the registry entry HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit\CurrentVersion to 1.6 and having a proper install of JDK 1.6 will restore console operation.
