I want to do a search for all unique email recipients from gmail. But I'm really struggling with API. If I was interacting with a SQL database I would want something like:
SELECT DISTINCT EmailRecipient FROM MyHypotheticalGmailTable;
But I'm not sure how to translate this into a gmail API call.
I suggest you start by taking a look at the Gmail API Quickstart with Python here.
Afterwards you may want to take a look at threads.list in order to list all the threads available and then for each one use threads.get. Since there is no direct method of retrieving the unique email recipients, you will have to handle this separately from the API calls and filter the results programmatically.
Gmail API Python Quickstart;
Gmail API messages.list;
Gmail API messages.get.
I am attempting to use the Gmail API to download all the messages inside of an account. I would like to be able to allow this process to pick up where it left off in the event that it stops or has to be run again in order to find newer messages.
At first glance it looks like what I need to do is keep track of the internalDate on the messages that I am retrieving and then use that in the q variable when I call the users.messages.list endpoint. However, I am having trouble finding a way to use that when I query the API.
Does anyone know of a way to query Gmail for all messages that have an internalDate greater or less than a specific value? Or is there a better way to download all messages inside of a Gmail account?
I am building a form in react and I wanted to send it to my email when the user clicked the submit button.
I was looking at Microsoft Graph API for sending the email (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-sendmail?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=javascript), but checking it, seems that it needs a temporary token, so I can't use it as I would need to be changing the token every hour or so.
So, I'm basicaly trying to find an API like the Gmail but for office 365 accounts (https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/guides/sending), as we can create a gcp project and use the keys that it generates for us, instead of using a token like the MS Graph API
Generaly I would use a route in my API, but this site is static, so I do not have any API (neither serverlets, cloud functions or other stuff like it).
Is there any away to send an email through a Microsoft API from my web client in react, using only a token specific to the domain? Or is there a better away to acomplish this same result?
I highly recommend using https://formsubmit.co/. It's free and I personally use it in many projects. Works flawlessly with many features like email templating, captcha, reply_to, etc.
No backend knowledge is required. Can set it up in like 1 minute.
One option would be to authenticate on behalf of the user.
You can also have a small proxy API, dedicated for the purpose of allowing the users to send an email.
I am trying to make an e-commerce website in Django and react. but I am not able to find a way for this scenario.
whenever a user purchases something a confirmation email should go to the user and one to the admin that a user buy something.
can we do this just by code or we have to use something like Mailchimp?i want to do it by writing code.
You don't need a service like Mailchimp for this. You need to write your own code for sending emails.
To send emails in Django you need to configure a mail server. You can use your own mail server or use providers like AWS SES (Simple Email Service) or SendGrid.
Then you need to write the code that will send two emails after the purchase. Ideally, it should be done in the webhook that will wait for payment confirmation from your payment provider (for example Stripe).
BTW, I'm working on Django+React tutorials at SaaSitive and just committed example code how to send activation emails (after registration) https://github.com/saasitive/django-react-boilerplate
I haven't been able to find any information on an API that allows to perform an email API log search on G-Suite. For security, we want to be able to have to run a search for, say, all emails originating from user#ourgsuitedomain.com and all emails coming to. While this is possible in admin.google.com, I want to know if it's possible via an API.
All I found about this is outdated threads right here on SO.
The only option to audit emails is to create an email monitor with the Email Audit API, in the case that you may want to implement ver singular search criteria, consider that the API may not fit your requirements completely. You can find the documentation at https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/email-audit/
I'm sure that we, like many other partners using the Gmail API to support common use cases around Gmail. With the new Snoozed (and follow-up) email features we are unable to see these message in the inbox (i.e. at least with the correct date).
Is this something that is planned for the Gmail API?
I would really like to lobby for this functionality as when you pull the Gmail Inbox, it is missing this info.