Does function parameter names has a place in memory in C? - c

I dont think function parameter names are treated like variables and they doesnt get stored in memory. But I dont get how we can use these parameters in functions as variables if they dont have any place in memory. Can anyone explain me whats going on with function parameters and if they have place or not in memory

All variables are either allocated somewhere or optimized away in case the compiler found them unnecessary. Function parameters are variables and are almost certainly stored either in a CPU register or on the stack, if they are used by the program.
The only time when they might not get allocated is when the function is inlined - when the whole function call is optimized away and the function code is instead injected in the caller-side machine code. In such cases the original variables used by the caller might be used instead.
Function parameter names however are not stored anywhere in the final executable, just like any other identifier isn't stored there either. Names of variables, functions etc only exist in the source code, for the benefit of the programmer alone.

Although your title asks about “function parameter names,” it appears your question is about function parameters, which are different.
Commonly, arguments are passed to functions by putting them in processor registers or on the hardware stack. Each computing platform has some specification of which arguments should be passed where. For example, the first few small arguments (such as int values) may be passed in certain processor registers, while more or larger arguments may be put on the stack.
To the called function, these are parameters. The called function uses them from the processor registers or the stack.

I'm writing this answer assuming you know what the stack and CPU registers are. If you don't, I'd suggest you look them up before seeing this answer.
I dont think function parameter names are treated like variables and they doesnt get stored in memory.
At the assembly level, function parameter names don't really exist. But for function parameters, it depends on the assembly generated based on the compiler's level of optimization. Consider this simple function:
int foo(int a, int b)
return a + b;
Using Compiler Explorer, I checked the generated disassembly of x64 GCC 10.2. On -O0, it looks like this:
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], edi
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], esi
mov edx, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
add eax, edx
pop rbp
These two lines:
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], edi
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], esi
interestingly show that the arguments are passed to edi and esi for a and b respectively, and then moved into the stack, presumably in case the registers need to be used elsewhere in the function. The rest of the function uses the space in the stack as opposed to the registers:
mov edx, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
add eax, edx
(In case you didn't know, eax/rax generally holds the value for functions and edx in this case just serves as a general-purpose register, so these three lines are besaically eax = a; edx = b; eax += edx).
Ok, so that makes sense. The arguments are passed to registers and copied to the stack, where they are used for the rest of the function. What about -O1?
lea eax, [rdi+rsi]
Now that is a lot shorter. Here, eax gets the value of rdi + rsi and the function ends. All the copying to the stack is completely skipped and the registers are used directly. So yes, in this case, the memory is never used.
After writing this answer, I went and checked the generated assembly with the -m32 option and noticed that arguments were always pushed to the stack before the function was called. Assembly generated from -O0 looks like this:
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov edx, DWORD PTR [ebp+8]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebp+12]
add eax, edx
pop ebp
Here, since the arguments are passed to the stack before the function is called, they don't have be copied from the registers to the stack (because they're already there). So the function is shorter, and amount of registers used is reduced. However, on higher levels of optimization, the function ends up becoming longer because of this:
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp+8]
add eax, DWORD PTR [esp+4]
So with -m32 set, parameters are always placed in memory.


Why the first actual parameter printing as a output in C

#include <stdio.h>
int add(int a, int b)
if (a > b)
return a * b;
int main(void)
printf("%d", add(3, 7));
return 0;
In the above code, I am calling the function inside the print. In the function, the if condition is not true, so it won't execute. Then why I am getting 3 as output? I tried changing the first parameter to some other value, but it's printing the same when the if condition is not satisfied.
What happens here is called undefined behaviour.
When (a <= b), you don't return any value (and your compiler probably told you so). But if you use the return value of the function anyway, even if the function doesn't return anything, that value is garbage. In your case it is 3, but with another compiler or with other compiler flags it could be something else.
If your compiler didn't warn you, add the corresponding compiler flags. If your compiler is gcc or clang, use the -Wall compiler flags.
Jabberwocky is right: this is undefined behavior. You should turn your compiler warnings on and listen to them.
However, I think it can still be interesting to see what the compiler was thinking. And we have a tool to do just that: Godbolt Compiler Explorer.
We can plug your C program into Godbolt and see what assembly instructions it outputs. Here's the direct Godbolt link, and here's the assembly that it produces.
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], edi
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], esi
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
cmp eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
jle .L2
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
imul eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
jmp .L1
pop rbp
.string "%d"
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov esi, 7
mov edi, 3
call add
mov esi, eax
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
mov eax, 0
call printf
mov eax, 0
pop rbp
Again, to be perfectly clear, what you've done is undefined behavior. With different compiler flags or a different compiler version or even just a compiler that happens to feel like doing things differently on a particular day, you will get different behavior. What I'm studying here is the assembly output by gcc 12.2 on Godbolt with optimizations disabled, and I am not representing this as standard or well-defined behavior.
This engine is using the System V AMD64 calling convention, common on Linux machines. In System V, the first two integer or pointer arguments are passed in the rdi and rsi registers, and integer values are returned in rax. Since everything we work with here is either an int or a char*, this is good enough for us. Note that the compiler seems to have been smart enough to figure out that it only needs edi, esi, and eax, the lower half-words of each of these registers, so I'll start using edi, esi, and eax from this point on.
Our main function works fine. It does everything we'd expect. Our two function calls are here.
mov esi, 7
mov edi, 3
call add
mov esi, eax
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
mov eax, 0
call printf
To call add, we put 3 in the edi register and 7 in the esi register and then we make the call. We get the return value back from add in eax, and we move it to esi (since it will be the second argument to printf). We put the address of the static memory containing "%d" in edi (the first argument), and then we call printf. This is all normal. main knows that add was declared to return an integer, so it has the right to assume that, after calling add, there will be something useful in eax.
Now let's look at add.
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], edi
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], esi
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
cmp eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
jle .L2
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
imul eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
jmp .L1
pop rbp
The rbp and rsp shenanigans are standard function call fare and aren't specific to add. First, we load our two arguments onto the call stack as local variables. Now here's where the undefined behavior comes in. Remember that I said eax is the return value of our function. Whatever happens to be in eax when the function returns is the returned value.
We want to compare a and b. To do that, we need a to be in a register (lots of assembly instructions require their left-hand argument to be a register, while the right-hand can be a register, reference, immediate, or just about anything). So we load a into eax. Then we compare the value in eax to the value b on the call stack. If a > b, then the jle does nothing. We go down to the next two lines, which are the inside of your if statement. They correctly set eax and return a value.
However, if a <= b, then the jle instruction jumps to the end of the function without doing anything else to eax. Since the last thing in eax happened to be a (because we happened to use eax as our comparison register in cmp), that's what gets returned from our function.
But this really is just random. It's what the compiler happened to have put in that register previously. If I turn optimizations up (with -O3), then gcc inlines the whole function call and ends up printing out 0 rather than a. I don't know exactly what sequence of optimizations led to this conclusion, but since they started out by hinging on undefined behavior, the compiler is free to make what assumptions it chooses.

How does assembly code determine how far down variables are placed on the stack?

I am trying to understand some basic assembly code concepts and am getting stuck on how the assembly code determines where to place things on the stack and how much space to give it.
To start playing around with it, I entered this simple code in's compiler explorer.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int num = 1;
return num;
and got this assembly code
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-20], edi
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-32], rsi
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1
add DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
pop rbp
So a couple questions here:
Shouldn't the parameters have been placed on the stack before the call? Why are argc and argv placed at offset 20 and 32 from the base pointer of the current stack frame? That seems really far down to put them if we only need room for the one local variable num. Is there a reason for all of this extra space?
The local variable is stored at 4 below the base pointer. So if we were visualizing this in the stack and say the base pointer currently pointed at 0x00004000 (just making this up for an example, not sure if that's realistic), then we place the value at 0x00003FFC, right? And an integer is size 4 bytes, so does it take up the memory space from 0x00003FFC downward to 0x00003FF8, or does it take up the memory space from 0x00004000 to 0x00003FFC?
It looks like stack pointer was never moved down to allow room for this local variable. Shouldn't we have done something like sub rsp, 4 to make room for the local int?
And then if I modify this to add more locals to it:
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int num = 1;
char *str1 = {0};
char *str2 = "some string";
return num;
Then we get
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-36], edi
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-48], rsi
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-16], 0
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-24], OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
add DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
pop rbp
So now the main arguments got pushed down even further from base pointer. Why is the space between the first two locals 12 bytes but the space between the second two locals 8 bytes? Is that because of the sizes of the types?
I'm only going to answer this part of the question:
Shouldn't the parameters have been placed on the stack before the call? Why are argc and argv placed at offset 20 and 32 from the base pointer of the current stack frame?
The parameters to main are indeed set up by the code that calls main.
This appears to be code compiled according to the 64-bit ELF psABI for x86, in which the first several parameters to any function are passed in registers, not on the stack. When control reaches the main: label, argc will be in edi, argv will be in rsi, and a third argument conventionally called envp will be in rdx. (You didn't declare that argument, so you can't use it, but the code that calls main is generic and always sets it up.)
The instructions I believe you are referring to
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-20], edi
mov QWORD PTR [rbp-32], rsi
are what compiler nerds call spill instructions: they are copying the initial values of the argc and argv parameters from their original registers to the stack, just in case those registers are needed for something else. As several other people pointed out, this is unoptimized code; these instructions are unnecessary and would not have been emitted if you had turned optimization on. Of course, if you'd turned optimization on you'd have gotten code that doesn't touch the stack at all:
mov eax, 2
In this ABI, the compiler is allowed to put the "spill slots," to which register values are saved, wherever it wants within the stack frame. Their locations do not have to make sense, and may vary from compiler to compiler, from patchlevel to patchlevel of the same compiler, or with apparently-unconnected changes to the source code.
(Some ABIs do specify stack frame layout in some detail, e.g. IIRC the 32-bit Windows ABI does this, to facilitate "unwinding", but that's not important right now.)
(To underline that the arguments to main are in registers, this is the assembly I get at -O1 from
int main(int argc) { return argc + 1; }
lea eax, [rdi+1]
Still doesn't do anything with the stack! (Besides ret.))
This is "compiler 101" and what you want to research is "calling convention" and "stack frame". The details are compiler/OS/optimizations dependent. Briefly, incoming parameters may be in registers or on stack. When a function is entered, it may create a stack frame to save some of the registers. And then it may define a "frame pointer" to reference stack locals and stack parameters off the frame pointer. Sometimes the stack pointer is used as a frame pointer as well.
As for registers, usually someone (company) would define a calling convention and specifies which registers are "volatile", meaning that they can be used by a routine without issues, and "preserved", meaning that if a routine uses them, they will have to be saved and restored on function entry and exit. The calling convention also specifies which registers (if any) are used for parameter passing and function return.

What happens to a function called in C from the time being called to the time it returns?

Whenever I read about program execution in C, it speaks very less about the function execution. I am still trying to find out what happens to a function when the program starts executing it from the time it is been called from another function to the time it returns? How do the function arguments get stored in memory?
That's unspecified; it's up to the implementation. As pointed out by Keith Thompson, it doesn't even have to tell you how it works. :)
Some implementations will put all the arguments on the stack, some will use registers, and many use a mix (the first n arguments passed in registers, any more and they go on the stack).
But the function itself is just code, it's read-only and nothing much "happens" to it during execution.
There is no one correct answer to this question, it depends heavily upon how the compiler writer determines is the best model to do this. There are various bits in the standard that describes this process but most of it is implementation defined. Also, the process is dependent on the architecture of the system, the OS you're aiming for, the level of optimisation and so forth.
Take the following code:-
int DoProduct (int a, int b, int c)
return a * b * c;
int result = DoProduct (4, 5, 6);
The MSVC2005 compiler, using standard debug build options created this for the last line of the above code:-
push 6
push 5
push 4
call DoProduct (411186h)
add esp,0Ch
mov dword ptr [ebp-18h],eax
Here, the arguments are pushed onto the stack, starting with the last argument, then the penultimate argument and so on until the the first argument is pushed onto the stack. The function is called, then the arguments are removed from the stack (the add esp,0ch) and then the return value is saved - the result is stored in the eax register.
Here's the code for the function:-
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,0C0h
push ebx
push esi
push edi
lea edi,[ebp-0C0h]
mov ecx,30h
mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
mov eax,dword ptr [a]
imul eax,dword ptr [b]
imul eax,dword ptr [c]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
The first thing the function does is to create a local stack frame. This involves creating a space on the stack to store local and temporary variables in. In this case, 192 (0xc0) bytes are reserved (the first three instructions). The reason it's so many is to allow the edit-and-continue feature some space to put new variables into.
The next three instructions save the reserved registers as defined by the MS compiler. Then the stack frame space just created is initialised to contain a special debug signature, in this case 0xCC. This means unitialised memory and if you ever see a value consisting of just 0xCC's in debug mode then you've forgotten to initialise the value (unless 0xCC was the value).
Once all that housekeeping has been done, the next three instructions implement the body of the function, the two multiplies. After that, the reserved registers are restored and then the stack frame destroyed and finally the function ends with a ret. Fortunately, the imul puts the result of the multiplication into the eax register so there's no special code to get the result into the right register.
Now, you've probably been thinking that there's a lot there that isn't really necessary. And you're right, but debug is about getting the code right and a lot of the above helps to achieve that. In release, there's a lot that can be got rid of. There's no need for a stack frame, no need, therefore, to initialise it. There's no need to save the reserved registers as they aren't modified. In fact, the compiler creates this:-
mov eax,dword ptr [esp+4]
imul eax,dword ptr [esp+8]
imul eax,dword ptr [esp+0Ch]
which, if I'd let the compiler do it, would have been in-lined into the caller.
There's a lot more stuff that can happen: values passed in registers and so on. Also, I've not got into how floating point values and structures / classes as passed to and from functions. And there's more that I've probably left out.

Why is the compiler generating a push/pop instruction pair?

I compiled the code below with the VC++ 2010 compiler:
unsigned int __cdecl __mm_getcsr(void) { return _mm_getcsr(); }
and the generated code was:
push ECX
stmxcsr [ESP]
mov EAX, [ESP]
pop ECX
Why is there a push ECX/pop ECX instruction pair?
The compiler is making room on the stack to store the MXCSR. It could have equally well done this:
sub esp,4
stmxcsr [ESP]
mov EAX, [ESP]
add esp,4
But "push ecx" is probably shorter or faster.
The push here is used to allocate 4 bytes of temporary space. [ESP] would normally point to the pushed return address, which we cannot overwrite.
ECX will be overwritten here, however, ECX is a probably a volatile register in the ABI you're targeting, so functions don't have to preserve ECX.
The reason a push/pop is used here is a space (and possibly speed) optimization.
It creates an top-of-stack entry that ESP now refers to as the target for the stmxcsr instruction. Then the result is stored in EAX for the return.

Accessing parameters passed on the stack in an ASM function

I am writing an assembly function to be called from C that will call the sidt machine instruction with a memory address passed to the C function. From my analysis of the code produced by MSVC10, I have constructed the following code (YASM syntax):
GLOBAL _sidtLoad
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,0C0h
push ebx
push esi
push edi
lea edi,[ebp-0C0h]
mov ecx,30h
mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
sidt [ebp+8]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
add esp,0C0h
cmp ebp,esp
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
Here is the C function signature:
void sidtLoad (void* mem);
As far as I can see everything should work, I have even checked the memory address passed to the function and have seen that it matches the address stored at [ebp+8] (the bytes are reversed, which I presume is a result of endianness and should be handled by the machine). I have tried other arguments for the sidt instruction, such as [ebp+12], [ebp+4], [ebp-8] etc but no luck.
P.S I am writing this in an external assembly module in order to get around the lack of inline assembly when targeting x64 using MSVC10. However, this particular assembly function/program is being run as x86, just so I can get to grips with the whole process.
P.P.S I am not using the __sidt intrinsic as the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) doesn't seem to support it. Or at least I can't get it to work with it!
Your code will write the IDT into the memory address ebp+8, which is not what you want. Instead, you need something like:
mov eax, [ebp+8]
sidt [eax]
int sidLoad_fake(void * mem) {
return (int)mem;
to assembly, and then look at where it pulls the value from to put in the return register.
I think that the first few arguments on x86_64 are passed in registers.
