what is aligned attribute and what are the uses of it - c

I have following lines in the code
# define __align_(x) __attribute__((aligned(x)))
I can use it int i __align_; what difference does it makes like like
I am using aligned attribute as above or if I am just creating my variable like int i; does it differ in how variable get created in memory?

I can use it int i __align_; what difference does it makes like like
This will not work because the macro is defined to have a parameter, __align_(x). When it is used without a parameter, it will not be replaced, and the compiler will report a syntax error. Also, identifiers starting with __ are reserved for the C implementation (for the use of the compiler, the standard library, and any other parts forming the C implementation), so a regular program should not use such a name.
When you use the macro correctly, it changes the normal alignment requirement for the type.
Generally, objects of various types have alignment requirements: They should be located in memory at addresses that are multiples of their requirement. The reasons for this are because computer hardware is usually designed to work with groups of bytes, so it may fetch data from memory in groups of, for example, four bytes: Bytes from 0 to 3, bytes from 4 to 7, bytes from 8 to 11, and so on.
If a four-byte object with four-byte alignment requirement is located at a multiple of four bytes, then it can be read from memory easily, by loading the group of bytes it is in. It can also be written to memory easily.
If the object were not at a multiple of four bytes, it cannot be loaded as one group of bytes. It can be loaded by loading the two groups of bytes it straddles, extracting the desired bytes, and combining the desired bytes in one processor register. However, that takes more work, so we want to avoid it. The compiler is written to automatically align things as desired for the C implementation, and it writes load and store instructions that expect the desired alignment.1
Different object types can have different alignment requirements even though they are bound by the same hardware behavior. For example, with a two-byte short, the alignment requirement may be two bytes. This is because, whether it starts at byte 0 or byte 2 within a group (say at address 100, 102, 104, or 106), we can load the short by loading a single group of four bytes and taking just the two bytes we want. However, if it started at byte 3 (say at address 103), we would have to load two groups of bytes (100 to 103 and 104 to 107) to get the bytes we needed for the short (103 and 104). So two-byte alignment suffices for this short even though the hardware is designed with four-byte groups.
As mentioned, the compiler handles alignment automatically. When you define a structure with multiple members of different types, the compiler inserts padding so that each member is aligned correctly, and it inserts padding at the end of the structure so that an array of them keeps the alignment from element to element in the array.
There are times when we want to override the compiler’s automatic behavior. When we are preparing to send data over a network connection, the communication protocol might require the different fields of a message to be packed together in consecutive bytes, with no padding. In this case, we can define a structure with an alignment requirement of 1 byte for it and all its members. When we are ready to send a message, we could copy data into this structure’s members and then write the structure to the network device.
When you tell the compiler an object is not aligned normally, the compiler will generate instructions for that. Instead of the normal load or store instructions, it will use special unaligned load or store instructions if the computer architecture has them. If it does not, the compiler will use instructions to shift and store individual bytes or to shift and merge bytes and store them as aligned words, depending on what instructions are available in the computer architecture. This is generally inefficient; it will slow down your program. So it should not be used in normal programming. Decreasing the alignment requirements should be used only when there is a need for controlling the layout of data in memory.
Sometimes increasing the alignment requirements is used for performance. For example, an array of four-byte float elements generally only needs four-byte alignment. However, some computers have special instructions to process four float elements (16 bytes) at a time, and the benefit from having that data aligned to a multiple of 16 bytes. (And some computers have instructions for even more data at one time.) In this case, we might increase the alignment requirement for our float array (but not its individual elements) so that it is aligned to be good with these instructions.
1 What happens if you force an object to be located at an undesired alignment without telling the compiler varies. In some computers, when a load instruction is executed with an unaligned address, the processor will “trap,” meaning it stops normal program execution and transfers control to the operating system, reporting an error in your program. In some computers, the processor will ignore the low bits of the address and load the wrong data. In some computers, the processor will load the two groups of bytes, extract the desired bytes, and merge them. On computers that trap, the operating system might do the manual fix-up of loading the bytes, or it might terminate your program or report the error to your program.

The attribute tells the compiler that the variable in question must be placed in memory in addresses that are aligned to a certain number of bytes (addr % alignement == 0).
This is important because the CPU can only work on some integer values if they are aligned - such as int32 must be 4 bytes aligned and int64 must be 8 bytes aligned, pointers need to be 4/8 (32/64 bit cpu) aligned too.
The attribute is mostly used for structures, where certain fields within the structure must be memory aligned in order to allow the CPU to do integer operations on them (like mov.l) without hitting a BUS ERROR from the memory controller.
If structures aren't properly aligned, the compiler will have to add extra instructions to first load the unaligned value into a register with several memory operations which is more expensive in performance.
It can also be used to bump performance in more performance sensitive systems by creating buffers that are page aligned (4k usually) so that paging will have less of an impact, or if you want to create DMA-able buffer zones - but that's a bit more advanced...


Get memory granularity of a processor

How to get the memory granularity of a CPU in C?
Suppose I want to allocate an array where all the elements are properly memory aligned. I can pad each element to a certain size N to achieve this. How do I know the value of N?
Note: I am trying to create a memory pool where each slot is memory aligned. Any suggestion will be appreciated.
In Theory
How to get the memory granularity of a CPU in C?
First, you read the instruction set architecture manual. It may specify that certain instructions require certain alignments, or even that the addressing forms in certain instructions cannot represent non-aligned addresses. It may specify other properties regarding alignment.
Second, you read the processor manual. It may specify performance characteristics (such as that unaligned loads or stores are supported but may be slower or use more resources than aligned loads or stores) and may specify various options allowed by the instructions set architecture.
Third, you read the operating system documentation. Some architectures allow the operating system to select features related to alignment, such as whether unaligned loads and stores are made to fail or are supported albeit with slower performance than aligned loads or stores. The operating system documentation should have this information.
In Practice
For many programming situations, what you need to know is not the “memory granularity” of a CPU but the alignment requirements of the C implementation you are using (or of whatever language you are using). And, for the most part, you do not need to know the alignment requirements directly but just need to follow the language rules about managing objects—use objects with declared types, do not use casts to convert pointers between incompatible types exceed where specific rules allow it, use the suitably aligned memory as provided by malloc rather than adjusting your own pointers to bytes, and so on. Following these rules will give good alignment for the objects in your program.
In C, when you define an array, the element size will automatically be the size that C implementation needs for its alignment. For example, long double x[100]; may use 16 bytes for each array element even though the hardware uses only ten bytes for a long double. Or, for any struct foo that you define, the compiler will automatically include padding as needed in the structure to give the desired alignment, and any array struct foo x[100]; will already include that padding. sizeof(struct foo) will be the same as sizeof x[0], because each structure object has that padding built in, even just for a single structure object, not just for elements in arrays.
When you do need to know the alignment that a C implementation requires for a type, you can use C’s _Alignof operator. The expression _Alignof(type) provides the alignment required for type.
… properly memory aligned.
Proper alignment is a matter of degrees:
What the processor supports may determine whether your program works or does not work. An improper alignment is one that causes your program to trap.
What is efficient with respect to individual loads and stores may affect how fast your program runs. An improper alignment is one that causes your program to execute more slowly.
In certain performance-critical situations, alignment with respect to cache and memory mapping features can also affect performance.
Short answer
Use 64 bytes.
Long answer
Data are loaded from and stored to memory in units called cache lines. If your program loads only part of the data in a cache line, then the whole line will be loaded into the CPU caches. Perhaps more importantly, the algorithm used for moving data between cores in a multi-core CPU operates on full cache lines; aligning your data to cache lines avoids false sharing, the situation where a cache line bounces between cores because it contains data manipulated by different threads.
It used to be the case that cache lines depended on the architecture, ranging from 16 up to 512 bytes. However, all current processors (Intel, AMD, ARM, MIPS) use a cache line of 64 bytes.
This depends heavily on the cpu microarchitecture that you are using.
In many cases, the memory address of an operator should be a multiple of the operand size, otherwise execution will be slow (or even might throw an exception).
But there are also CPUs which do not care about a specific alignment of the operands in memory at all.
Usually, the C compiler will care about those details for you. You should, however, make sure that the compiler assumes the correct target (micro-)architecture, for example by specifying it with the correct compiler flags (-march=? on gcc).

Why "any primitive object of K bytes must have an address that is a multiple of K"?

Computer Systems: a Programmer's Perspective says
The x86-64 hardware will work correctly regardless of the alignment of
data. However, Intel recommends that data be aligned to improve memory
system performance. Their alignment rule is based on the principle
that any primitive object of K bytes must have an address that is a
multiple of K. We can see that this rule leads to the following
K Types
1 char
2 short
4 int, float
8 long, double, char *
Why is it that "any primitive object of K bytes must have an address that is a multiple of K"?
How is "aligned" defined or what does it mean?
On a x86-64 machine,
if an object has K bytes (such as K=2 (e.g. short) or K=4 (e.g. int, or float)), "any primitive object of K bytes must have an address that is a multiple of K" means that such an object must have an address that is a multiple of K. But isn't the object aligned, as long as its storage space falls completely between two addresses which are two consecutive multiples of 8, which is a less strict requirement than that the object must have an address that is a multiple of K?
If the K of an object is smaller than 8 but not equal to 1, 2 or 4, does "any primitive object of K bytes must have an address that is a multiple of K" still apply? For example if K=3,5,6, or 7?
On a X86 machine, which has 32-bit addresses,
what is the alignment rule, and Does "any primitive object of K bytes must have an address that is a multiple of K" still apply?
Since this was tagged in C as well; do note that not only does the architecture make these decisions, but so do compilers. The C compiler often has its own alignment rules that mostly follow either the required or the preferred alignment of the architecture - especially when optimizing for speed. And the compiler's requirements are what you you need to worry about the most time, not the architecture requirement.
Even if the processor supports unaligned accesses, it might have a preferred alignment for multibyte objects that the C compiler can exploit. For example a compiler is allowed to know that a any int will reside at, and therefore any int * pointer will always point to - an address divisible by 4.
Now there are people who say that since x86-64 supports unaligned acccess, they can make an int * pointer that points to an address not divisible by 4 and things will work fine.
They're wrong.
There are some instructions in the x86-64 instruction set that require alignment. I.e. the "will work correctly regardless of alignment" means that these instructions too work "correctly, according to the specification, when given an unaligned access" - they raise an exception that would kill your process. The reason for having these is that they can be so much faster and require less silicon to implement than the versions that can deal with unaligned data.
And the compiler knows exactly when it is allowed to use these instructions! Whenever it sees an int * being dereferenced it knows that it can use an instruction that requires the operand be aligned at 4 bytes, should it be more effective.
See this question for a case where OP run into problem with C code that "should have been fine on x86-64 anyway": C undefined behavior. Strict aliasing rule, or incorrect alignment?
As for x86-32, the alignment requirement for doubles is generally 4 in C compilers because doubles need to be passed on stack and stack grows in 4 not 8 byte increments.
And finally:
If the K of an object is smaller than 8 but not equal to 1, 2 or 4, does "any primitive object of K bytes must have an address that is a multiple of K" still apply? For example if K=3,5,6, or 7?
There are no primitive objects with K<-{3,5,6,7} in x86.
The C standard's stance is that an alignment can only be a power of 2, and there are no gaps in arrays. Therefore an object with such a size would need to be padded upwards to its alignment requirement, or its alignment requirement must be 1.
The rules are different on each processor model. I will discuss one hypothetical example. We may have a processor with an eight-byte interface to the bus. Given some address X, the processor can load eight bytes from that address by requesting the memory to deliver eight bytes from its unit of storage numbered X/8. That is, the memory does not have any way to address individual bytes. The processor can only request data at a certain address that is a multiple of eight, and the memory will send the entire eight bytes at that address. (Keep in mind this is a hypothetical example to illustrate basic principles. Also, I am ignoring cache. Cache helps mask some of the effects of alignment issues, because the misalignments can be largely managed in level-one cache inside the processor. But handling this still requires extra hardware, as discussed below.)
Suppose we want the four-byte object that is in bytes 7, 8, 9, and 10. To get this, the processor has to request unit 0 from memory, which supplies bytes 0 through 7, and it has to request unit 1, which supplies bytes 8 through 15. So, already, there is a performance problem: We had to use two bus transfers to get this word that is only half the size of one transfer. That is inefficient, and the bus can only do half as many of these double transfers as it can if we loaded only aligned data requiring single transfers.
Continuing, the processor has all the bytes it needs, 0 through 15, so it extracts bytes 7 through 10, which make up the object we want. To do this, though, it has to shift the bytes to put them into a register. Ideally, if nobody did any “unaligned” loads, four-byte objects would come in from the bus only at offsets 0 and 4 in the eight-byte transfers, and the processor only needs to have wires gong from those offsets to the register destinations.
However, our processor supports unaligned loads, so it has additional switches and wires so the data can be shunted down a different path, where it will be shifted by three bytes. Keep in mind, the data from both transfers has to be shifted by three bytes and then spliced together. So a lot of extra wires and switches are needed. Two eight-byte transfers is 128 bits, so there are hundreds of extra connections involved in this.
Well, fine, the processor has these wires and switches, why not use them? To make this processor fast, it supports multiple loads and stores in progress simultaneously. As soon as the bus transfers one piece of data, we want to be getting another from the bus, while the data from the first is still on its way to a register. So there are actually multiple parts of the processor moving data around for several loads. Since we expect unaligned loads to be rare, maybe only one of the parts for handling loads has the extra components to handle unaligned loads. The others all handle aligned loads. So, if you have just one unaligned load occasionally, the processor sends it to that part, and the performance effect is unnoticeable. However, if you do many unaligned loads in a row, they all have to go through the one part, so they end up waiting in a queue instead of running in parallel, and performance decreases.
That is just for loads. When you store that four-byte object, there is no way to write just bytes 7 through 10. Since the bus and the memory only work in eight-byte units, we need to write units 0 and 1, which also contains bytes 0 through 6 and bytes 11 to 15. To implement the store, the processor must:
Load memory unit 0, providing bytes 0 through 7.
Load memory unit 1, providing bytes 8 through 15.
Move the first byte of the four-byte object into byte 7.
Move the last three bytes of the object into bytes 8 through 10.
Store the changed memory unit 0.
Store the changed memory unit 1.
Again, that is twice as much work as it would be with an aligned object (load one memory unit, move the bytes in, store the unit). And, besides the time of the operations, you are occupying more resources inside the processor—it has to use two internal registers to hold the data from memory temporarily while it is merging the changes.
Actually, it is more than twice the work and resources, because it also requires extra wires and switches to shift the bytes by non-standard amounts.
The processor bus, which is the media used to access memory is normally the processor size in bits. This means a 32bit processor normally access memory in 32bit chunks, meaning that only one memory read access is necessary to read the data from memory.
Addresses by the contrary, are byte oriented, so a double (8 bytes) normally occupies eight different contiguous memory. So to make an access to a single eight bytes data (with only one bus request) The data must begin at a single eight byte word and finish before we get to the next. For old processors this was imperative, in case you requested a memory access that is not data aligned, an exception was fired. Actual processors don't have this restriction, but beware you that in case you have for example a double in a non multiple of eight address, the processor will need to make two bus accesses (with the overhead that this implies) to get the data from memory.
For this reason (you can double or even more, the time required to execute some piece of code if all the data is unaligned, against the time required to if the data is properly aligned) the processor vendor warns you about the alignment of data.
Modern processors have several levels of caches, that are read from main memory in chunks of one cache line (64 or even more bytes) so this is not an issue. Anyway, it is good idea to have data aligned anyway, for the case you need to run your code in a non-such-advanced processor.

Naturally aligned memory address

I need to extract a memory address from within an existing 64-bit value, and this address points to a 4K array, the starting value is:
The address I need is stored within bits 51:12, so I extract those bits using:
address = start >> 12 & 0x0000007FFFFFFFFF
This leaves me with the address of:
However, the documentation I'm reading states that the array stored at the address is 4KB in size, and naturally aligned.
I'm a little bit confused over what naturally aligned actually means. I know with page aligned stuff the address normally ends with '000' (although I could be wrong on that).
I'm assuming that as the address taken from the starting value is only 40 bits long, I need to perform an additional bitshifting operation to arrange the bits so that they can be correctly interpreted any further.
If anyone could offer some advice on doing this, I'd appreciate it.
Normally, "naturally aligned" means that any item is aligned to at least a multiple of its own size. For example, a 4-byte object is aligned to an address that's a multiple of 4, an 8-byte object is aligned to an address that's a multiple of 8, etc.
For an array, you don't normally look at the size of the whole array, but at the size of an element of the array.
Likewise, for a struct or union, you normally look at the size of the largest element.
Natural alignment requires that every N byte access must be aligned on a memory address boundary of N. We can express this in terms of the modulus operator: addr % N must be zero. for examples:
Accessing 4 bytes of memory from address 0x10004 is aligned (0x10004 % 4 = 0).
Accessing 4 bytes of memory from address 0x10005 is unaligned (0x10005 % 4 = 1).
From a hardware perspective, memory is typically divided into chunks of some size, such that any or all of the data within a chunk can be read or written in a single operation, but any single operation can only affect data within a single chunk.
A typical 80386-era system would have memory grouped into four-byte chunks. Accessing a two-byte or four-byte value which fit entirely within a single chunk would require one operation. If the value was stored partially in one chunk and partially in another, two operations would be required.
Over the years, chunk sizes have gotten larger than data sizes, to the point that most randomly-placed 32-bit values would fit entirely within a chunk, but a second issue may arise with some processors: if a chunk is e.g. 512 bits (64 bytes) and a 32-bit word is known to be aligned at a multiple of four bytes (32 bits), fetching each bit of the word can come from any of 16 places. If the word weren't known to be aligned, each bit could come from any of 61 places for the cases where the word fits entirely within the chunk. The circuitry to quickly select from among 61 choices is more complex than circuitry to select among 16, and most code will use aligned data, so even in cases where an unaligned word would fit within a single accessible chunk, hardware might still need a little extra time to extract it.
A “naturally aligned” address is one that is a multiple of some value that is preferred for the data type on the processor. For most elementary data types on most common processors, the preferred alignment is the same as the size of the data: Four-byte integers should be aligned on multiples of four bytes, eight-byte floating-point should be aligned on multiples of eight bytes, and so on. Some platforms require alignment, some merely prefer it. Some types have alignment requirements different from their sizes. For example, a 12-byte long float may require four-byte alignment. Specific values depend in your target platform. “Naturally aligned” is not a formal term, so some people might define it only as preferred alignment that is a multiple of the data size, while others might allow it to be used for other alignments that are preferred on the processor.
Taking bits out of a 64-bit value suggests the address has been transformed in some way. For example, key bits from the address have been stored in a page table entry. Reconstructing the original address might or might not be as simple as extracting the bits and shifting them all the way to the “right” (low end). However, it is also common for bits such as this to be shifted to a different position (with zeroes left in the low bits). You should check the documentation carefully.
Note that a 4 KiB array, 4096 bytes, corresponds to 212 bytes. The coincidence of 12 with the 51:12 field in the 64-bit value suggests that the address might be obtained simply by extracting those 40 bits without shifting them at all.

Structure padding

I was trying to understand why structure padding is the reason structures cannot be compared by memcmp.
One small thing i dont understand about structure padding is this...
why should "a short be 2 byte aligned"or"a long be 4 byte aligned". I understand it is with their sizes but why can they not appear at any byte boundary?
Or in other words "why is 0x10004566 not a valid location for a long variable but 0x10004568 is?"
Because some platforms (i.e. CPUs) physically don't support "mis-aligned" memory accesses. Other platforms support them, but in a much slower fashion.
The padding you get in a struct is dependent on the choices your compiler makes, but it will be making those choices in order to satisfy the specific requirements of the CPU the code is targeted at.
Memory alignment is a very important issue when optimizing a program for speed. C, being a language that - generally - puts strong emphasis on speed, likes to enforce some rules which may make the program faster.
The limitation of aligned and unaligned memory accesses comes directly from the hardware used for fetching the data from the memory, which usually fetches it in chunks which are equal to the machine word in size. Say you want to access a doubleword (4 bytes) stored at location 101. This means that the memory controller would firstly have to (probably) issue a read of a doubleword at location 100, then another read of a doubleword at location 104, and then splice the individual bytes from locations 101, 102, 103, and 104 together. The whole operation takes (hypothetically) two clock cycles.
If you want to access a doubleword at location 100, there's no such issue, which should be illustrated clearly enough by the example I provided.
In fact, misaligned data access is such a big issue that SSE instructions (the "aligned" versions, there are also "misaligned" versions which don't do that) will cause a general protection fault if you try to access misaligned data with those.
As a rule of thumb, it never hurts to align 4-byte data on a 4-byte boundary, 8-byte data on a 8-byte boundary, and so forth.
The only additional example I can think of with respect to alignment is transfer of data, transfers of data (depending on the architecture) goes in blocks of say 32 bytes for example, if your data crosses a boundary it could require 2 transfers to receive the data, rather then 1.

CPU and Data alignment

Pardon me if you feel this has been answered numerous times, but I need answers to the following queries!
Why data has to be aligned (on 2-byte / 4-byte / 8-byte boundaries)? Here my doubt is when the CPU has address lines Ax Ax-1 Ax-2 ... A2 A1 A0 then it is quite possible to address the memory locations sequentially. So why there is the need to align the data at specific boundaries?
How to find the alignment requirements when I am compiling my code and generating the executable?
If for e.g the data alignment is 4-byte boundary, does that mean each consecutive byte is located at modulo 4 offsets? My doubt is if data is 4-byte aligned does that mean that if a byte is at 1004 then the next byte is at 1008 (or at 1005)?
CPUs are word oriented, not byte oriented. In a simple CPU, memory is generally configured to return one word (32bits, 64bits, etc) per address strobe, where the bottom two (or more) address lines are generally don't-care bits.
Intel CPUs can perform accesses on non-word boundries for many instructions, however there is a performance penalty as internally the CPU performs two memory accesses and a math operation to load one word. If you are doing byte reads, no alignment applies.
Some CPUs (ARM, or Intel SSE instructions) require aligned memory and have undefined operation when doing unaligned accesses (or throw an exception). They save significant silicon space by not implementing the much more complicated load/store subsystem.
Alignment depends on the CPU word size (16, 32, 64bit) or in the case of SSE the SSE register size (128 bits).
For your last question, if you are loading a single data byte at a time there is no alignment restriction on most CPUs (some DSPs don't have byte level instructions, but its likely you won't run into one).
Very little data "has" to be aligned. It's more that certain types of data may perform better or certain cpu operations require a certain data alignment.
First of all, let's say you're reading 4 bytes of data at a time. Let's also say that your CPU has a 32 bit data buss. Let's also say your data is stored at byte 2 in the system memory.
Now since you can load 4 bytes of data at once, it doesn't make too much sense to have your Address register to point to a single byte. By making your address register point to every 4 bytes you can manipulate 4 times the data. So in other words your CPU may only be able to read data starting at bytes 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, etc.
So here's the issue. If you want the data starting at byte 2 and you're reading 4 bytes, then half your data will be in address position 0 and the other half in position 1.
So basically you'd end up hitting the memory twice to read your one 4 byte data element. Some CPUs don't support this sort of operation (or force you to load and combine the two results manually).
Go here for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_structure_alignment
1.) Some architectures do not have this requirement at all, some encourage alignment (there is a speed penalty when accessing non-alignet data items), and some may enforce it strictly (misaligment causes a processor exception).
Many of todays popular architectures fall in the speed penalty category. The CPU designers had to make a trade between flexibility/performance and cost (silicon area/number of control signals required for bus cycles).
2.) What language, which architecture? Consult your compilers manual and/or the CPU architecture documentation.
3.) Again this is totally architecture dependent (some architectures may not permit access on byte-sized items at all, or have bus widths which are not even a multiple of 8 bits). So unless you are asking about a specific architecture you wont get any useful answers.
In general, the one answer to all three of those questions is "it depends on your system". Some more details:
Your memory system might not be byte-addressable. Besides that, you might incur a performance penalty to have your processor access unaligned data. Some processors (like older ARM chips, for example) just can't do it at all.
Read the manual for your processor and whatever ABI specification your code is being generated for,
Usually when people refer to data being at a certain alignment, it refers only to the first byte. So if the ABI spec said "data structure X must be 4-byte aligned", it means that X should be placed in memory at an address that's divisible by 4. Nothing is implied by that statment about the size or internal layout of structure X.
As far as your particular example goes, if the data is 4-byte aligned starting at address 1004, the next byte will be at 1005.
Its completely depends on the CPU you are using!
Some architectures deal only in 32 (or 36!) bit words and you need special instructions to load singel characters or haalf words.
Some cpus (notably PowerPC and other IBM risc chips) dont care about alignments and will load integers from odd addresses.
For most modern architectures you need to align integers to word boundies and long integers to double word boundries. This simplifies the circutry for loading registers and speeds things up ever so slighly.
Data alignment is required by CPU for performance reason. Intel website give out the detail on how to align the data in the memory
Data Alignment when Migrating to 64-Bit Intel® Architecture
One of these is the alignment of data items – their location in memory in relation to addresses that are multiples of four, eight or 16 bytes. Under the 16-bit Intel architecture, data alignment had little effect on performance, and its use was entirely optional. Under IA-32, aligning data correctly can be an important optimization, although its use is still optional with a very few exceptions, where correct alignment is mandatory. The 64-bit environment, however, imposes more-stringent requirements on data items. Misaligned objects cause program exceptions. For an item to be aligned properly, it must fulfill the requirements imposed by 64-bit Intel architecture (discussed shortly), plus those of the linker used to build the application.
The fundamental rule of data alignment is that the safest (and most widely supported) approach relies on what Intel terms "the natural boundaries." Those are the ones that occur when you round up the size of a data item to the next largest size of two, four, eight or 16 bytes. For example, a 10-byte float should be aligned on a 16-byte address, whereas 64-bit integers should be aligned to an eight-byte address. Because this is a 64-bit architecture, pointer sizes are all eight bytes wide, and so they too should align on eight-byte boundaries.
It is recommended that all structures larger than 16 bytes align on 16-byte boundaries. In general, for the best performance, align data as follows:
Align 8-bit data at any address
Align 16-bit data to be contained within an aligned four-byte word
Align 32-bit data so that its base address is a multiple of four
Align 64-bit data so that its base address is a multiple of eight
Align 80-bit data so that its base address is a multiple of sixteen
Align 128-bit data so that its base address is a multiple of sixteen
A 64-byte or greater data structure or array should be aligned so that its base address is a multiple of 64. Sorting data in decreasing size order is one heuristic for assisting with natural alignment. As long as 16-byte boundaries (and cache lines) are never crossed, natural alignment is not strictly necessary, although it is an easy way to enforce adherence to general alignment recommendations.
Aligning data correctly within structures can cause data bloat (due to the padding necessary to place fields correctly), so where necessary and possible, it is useful to reorganize structures so that fields that require the widest alignment are first in the structure. More on solving this problem appears in the article "Preparing Code for the IA-64 Architecture (Code Clean)."
For Intel Architecture, Chapter 4 DATA TYPES of Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual answers your question 1.
