How does fscanf interact with the file it parses information from? - c

I am kinda new to C, have written some basic programs, but other than that I know nothing special. Currently I am writing a program that needs to get its variables from a .txt file. The .txt file is always structured like this:
X Y //1st row
a1 a2 a3 a4 aX //2nd row
Where the number of a's I am getting equals the number X.(Everything in the file is an int)
The bit in my code that confuses me is this:
fscanf(txtfile,"%d %d",&X,&Y);
int input[X];
for(int i=0; i<X; i++){
Which works perfectly fine, but in my mind it shouldn't...
I thought that after getting X and Y from my .txt file, the fscanf in the loop would go through them again and I would have to find a way to bypass them, so they don't end up in my input[]. I was going to make a dummy array to store the first two ints and then transfer the other ones to the proper one, but it turned out that the dummy array worked just fine and the "proper" one ended with garbage in it. So what does actually happen? Does fscanf have some kind of pointer on the file that tells it where it stopped the last time it run? Or something completely different? I tried going through the man pages for fscanf, but i didn't find anything useful, or maybe it just went over my head.
P.S. The title may be a little bit off in regards to what I am asking, but I couldn't think of a better one.
Thanks for your time!

Does fscanf have some kind of pointer on the file that tells it where it stopped the last time it run?
Close. The FILE object that txtfile points to stores the current file position, which gets updated after each successful read (or write, if it's an output stream) operation. If you find that need to go back and re-read an earlier input item, then you'll need to reset that file position using the fseek or rewind library functions.
I/O in C is hidden behind abstractions known as streams - as far as your program is concerned, a stream is just a producer (or consumer) of bytes. Each time you successfully read from a stream you "remove" those bytes from the stream1, so you're not constantly re-reading the same data over and over again.
Logically speaking - the contents of the underlying file are not altered.


How to dynamically change the string from the i/o stream in c

I was looking at a problem in K&R (Exercise 1-18), which asked to remove any trailing blanks or tabs. That pushed me to think about text messengers like Whatsapp. The thing is lets say I am writing a word Parochial, then the moment I had just written paro, it shows parochial as options, I click on that replaces the entire word (even if the spelling is wrong written by me, it replaces when I chose an option).
What I am thinking is the pointer goes back to the starting of the word or say that with start of every new word when I am writing, the pointer gets fixed to the 1st letter & if I choose some option it replaces that entire word in the stream (don't know if I'm thinking in the right direction).
I can use getchar() to point at the next letter but how do I:
1: Go backward from the current position of the pointer pointing the stream?
(By using fseek())?
2: How to fix a pointer a position in an I/o stream, so that I can fix it at the beginning of a new word.
Please tell me my approach is correct or understanding of some different concept is needed. Thanks in advance
Standard streams are mainly for going forward*, minimizing the number of IO system calls, and for avoiding the need to keep large files in memory at once.
A GUI app is likely to want to keep all of its display output in memory, and when you have the whole thing in memory, going back and forth is just a simple mater of incrementing and decrementing pointers or indices.
*(random seeks aren't always optimal and they limit you from doing IO on nonseekable files such as pipes or sockets)

Writing matrix on binary file C

I am working in C with some binary files using the famous commands fwrite/fread.
I have to write pairs of numbers, one pair per line, like this:
double values[2];
for (int i=0 ; i<numPairs ; i++){
fwrite(&values, sizeof(double), 2, myFile);
where myFile is (as its name suggests) a file I've opened using fopen().
Although I’ve got a couple of questions:
in a binary file it is possible to write 2 numbers on the same line?
if so, will this command do the trick? I've been scavenging around for answers but I wasn't able to find something that confirms this point. It's ok with arrays and such, but for matrices...?
A binary file does not have a concept of "lines" - it's entirely up to your program.
Currently you write numPairs*2 doubles to the file, two at a time. You could equally well each double individually, or store them all in an array and wrote them all with one call to fwrite.
Likewise, the reading program is free to read them individually, or two at a time, or all at once.
I think you mean text file, since binary files don't have columns or rows just 1's and 0's which is only readable for computers

Most efficient way to replace a line in a text document ?

I am learning to code in Unix with C. So far I have written the code to find the index of the first byte of the line that I want to replace. The problem is that sometimes, the number of bytes replacing the line might be greater than the number of bytes already on the line. In this case, the code start overwriting the next line. I came up with two standard solutions:
a) Rather than trying to edit the file in-place, I could copy the entire file into memory, edit it by shifting all the bytes if necessary and rewriting it back to file.
b) Only copy the line I want to end-of-file to memory and edit.
Both suggestions doesn't scale well. And I don't want to impose any restrictions on the line size(like every line must be 50 bytes or something). Is there any efficient way to do the line replacement ? Any help would be appreciated.
Copy the first part of the file to a new file (no need to read it all into memory). Then, write the new version of the line. Finally, copy the final part of the file. Swap files and done.

How to save a 2-Dimensional array to a file in C?

I am an beginner C programmer and I am currently working on a project to implement viola jones object detection algorithm using C. I would like to know how I would be able to store data in a 2-Dimensional array to a file that can be easily ported and accessed by different program files(e.g. main.c, header_file.h etc.)
Thank you in advance.
There's not quite enough detail to be sure what you're looking for, but the basic structure of what you want to do is going to look something like this:
open file.csv for writing
for(iterate through one dimension of the array using i)
for(iterate through the other dimension of the array using j)
close your file
As has been suggested by others, this will leave you with a .CSV file, which is a pretty good choice, as it's easy to read in and parse, and you can open your file in Notepad or Excel and view it no problems.
This is assuming you really meant to do this with C file I/O, which is a perfectly valid way of doing things, some just feel it's a bit dated.
Note this leaves an extraneous comma at the end of the line. If that bugs you it's easy enough to do the pre and post conditions to only get commas where you want. Hint: it involves printing the comma before the entry inside the second for loop, reducing the number of entries you iterate over for the interior for loop, and printing out the first and last case of each row special, immediately before and after the inner for loop, respectively. Harder to explain that to do, probably.
Here is a reference for C-style file I/O, and here is a tutorial.
Without knowing anything about what type of data you're storing, I would say to store this as a matrix. You'll need to choose a delimiter to separate your elements (tab or space are common choices, aka 'tsv' and 'csv', respectively) and then something to mark the end of a row (new line is a good choice here).
So your saved file might look something like:
10 162 1 5
7 1 4 12
9 2 2 0
You can also define your format as having some metadata in the first line -- the number of rows and columns may be useful if you want to pre-allocate memory, along with other information like character encoding. Start simple and add as necessary!

Writing structure into a file in C

I am reading and writting a structure into a text file which is not readable. I have to write readable data into the file from the structure object.
Here is little more detail of my code:
I am having the code which reads and writes a list of itemname and code into a file (file.txt). The code uses linked list concept to read and write data.
The data are stored into a structure object and then writen into a file using fwrite.
The code works fine. But I need to write a readable data into the text file.
Now the file.txt looks like bellow,
I am expecting the file should be like this,
pencil aaaa
Table bbbb
pen cccc
notebook nnnn
Here is the snippet:
struct Item
char itemname[255];
char dspidc[255];
struct Item *ptrnext;
// Writing into the file
printf("\nEnter Itemname: ");
printf("\nEnter Code: ");
fwrite(ptrthis, sizeof(*ptrthis), 1, fp);
// Reading from the file
while(fread(ptrthis, sizeof(*ptrthis), 1, fp) ==1)
printf("\n%s %s", ptrthis->itemname,ptrthis->dspidc);
ptrthis = ptrthis->ptrnext;
Writing the size of an array that is 255 bytes will write 255 bytes to file (regardless of what you have stuffed into that array). If you want only the 'textual' portion of that array you need to use a facility that handles null terminators (i.e. printf, fprintf, ...).
Reading is then more complicated as you need to set up the idea of a sentinel value that represents the end of a string.
This speaks nothing of the fact that you are writing the value of a pointer (initialized or not) that will have no context or validity on the next read. Pointers (i.e. memory locations) have application only within the currently executing process. Trying to use one process' memory address in another is definitely a bad idea.
The code works fine
not really:
a) you are dumping the raw contents of the struct to a file, including the pointer to another instance if "Item". you can not expect to read back in a pointer from disc and use it as you do with ptrthis = ptrthis->ptrnext (i mean, this works as you "use" it in the given snippet, but just because that snippet does nothing meaningful at all).
b) you are writing 2 * 255 bytes of potential crap to the file. the reason why you see this strange looking "blocks" in your file is, that you write all 255 bytes of itemname and 255 bytes of dspidc to the disc .. including terminating \0 (which are the blocks, depending on your editor). the real "string" is something meaningful at the beginning of either itemname or dspidc, followed by a \0, followed by whatever is was in memory before.
the term you need to lookup and read about is called serialization, there are some libraries out there already which solve the task of dumping data structures to disc (or network or anything else) and reading it back in, eg tpl.
First of all, I would only serialize the data, not the pointers.
Then, in my opinion, you have 2 choices:
write a parser for your syntax (with yacc for instance)
use a data dumping format such as rmi serialization mechanism.
Sorry I can't find online docs, but I know I have the grammar on paper.
Both of those solution will be platform independent, be them big endian or little endian.
