InMemoryCache from #apollo/client gives warning - reactjs

I have started getting this warning, when I update an "Transaction" with a mutation.
The code is old and have newer showed this warning before. I do not know when this regression started.
Oddly enough, In my mind there should be no cache either, since fetchPolicy: "network-only" is set.
How can I get rid of the warning?
invariant.esm.js:42 Cache data may be lost when replacing the transactions field of a Query object.
To address this problem (which is not a bug in Apollo Client),
define a custom merge function for the Query.transactions field,
so InMemoryCache can safely merge these objects:
existing: [{"__ref":"Transaction:5feabda25e7967001267ffd2"},
incoming: [{"__ref":"Transaction:5feabda25e7967001267ffd2"},
For more information about these options, please refer to the documentation:
* Ensuring entity objects have IDs:
* Defining custom merge functions:
From code that looks like this:
mutation updateTransaction($input: UpdateTransactionInput!) {
updateTransaction(input: $input) {
export const DealBlotterGrid = ({ startDate }: DealBlotterGridPropsType): ReactElement => {
const swedenIsoString =, "Europe/Stockholm").format();
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_TRANSACTIONS, {
variables: { tradeTimestampStart: swedenIsoString },
fetchPolicy: "network-only",
pollInterval: 10000
const [updateTransactionStatus] = useMutation(UPDATE_TRANSACTION, {
refetchQueries: [
variables: { tradeTimestampStart: swedenIsoString }


Graphql urql refetch every n seconds

Im using Typescript, React- and graphql with the urql client library.
My Query looks something like this:
query objectId($id: Int!) {
object(id: $id) {
This is how I call the query:
const [{ data }] = useObjectIdQuery({ variables: { id }, pause: !id });
How can i refetch every n seconds without reloading the page?
My backend reads JSON files and they update consistently.
Now I have looked into the documentation here, and also on a bunch of Stackoverflow and no-name sites.
Thank you.
I found out that the documentation provides a function for that. I built myself a hook to use it in the whole project for any query. Just becareful with the query parameter, it has to be the already build graphql DocumentNode as parameter.
You can import them like this for each Query:
import { ObjecIdDocument } from "../../graphql";
The graphql path may be different in your case.
This is the full Hook:
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useQuery } from "urql";
import { DocumentNode } from "graphql";
const useRefreshingQuery = (variables: object, query: DocumentNode, delayInSec: number, pause: boolean) => {
const [result, reexecuteQuery] = useQuery({
query: query,
variables: variables,
pause: pause,
useEffect(() => {
if (result.fetching) {
const timerId = setTimeout(() => {
reexecuteQuery({ requestPolicy: "network-only" });
}, delayInSec * 1000);
return () => clearTimeout(timerId);
}, [result.fetching, reexecuteQuery, variables]);
return result;
export default useRefreshingQuery;
You can use the Hook like this:
import { ObjecIdDocument } from "../../graphql";
const result = useRefreshingQuery({ id: UID }, ObjectIdDocument, 10, !UID);

remove undefined from graphql rest query

I'm using graphql all across my app. The problem is on the front end I also have to make a query to a 3rd party rest API and to remain consistent I used #rest directive of graphql to make a get request. Now the issue is, I want graphql to not send the query params that are undefined but the issue is with #rest directive it sends the undefined value too which is becoming an issue for me. Can somebody please tell me how can I fix this? Thanks
const getNftsQuery = gql`
query Nfts($limit: Int, $owner: String!) {
# eslint-disable-next-line #graphql-eslint/fields-on-correct-type
entities: nfts(limit: $limit, owner: $owner)
# eslint-disable-next-line #graphql-eslint/known-directives
#rest(method: GET, path: "/api/v1/assets?owner={args.owner}&limit={args.limit}&cursor={args.cursor}", type: "[Nft]") {
list: assets {
function useGetNfts(owner: string, limit: number, cursor: string | undefined): QueryNftsResults {
const { loading, error, data, networkStatus, fetchMore } = useQuery<Pagination<NFT>>(getNftsQuery, {
variables: { owner, limit, cursor },
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true,
context: { clientName: ClientName.nftClient },
return { loading, error, data, networkStatus, fetchMore };
export default useGetNfts;

How to use useQuery hook without variables?

I'm using Typescript, and I know how to use useQuery hook with variables, but now I have a GraphQL query without variables like below:
const GetTopAlertsQuery = gql`
query getTopAlerts {
getTopAlerts {
Basically I just need it return all the data in the database without doing any filtering. I have already implemented the back-end and it works successfully, so the query should be good.
I also have set up these two interfaces to hold the data:
interface topAlertValue {
ens: string;
walletAddress: string;
interface jsonData {
topalerts: topAlertValue[];
And I have tried the below ways, but none of them work:
// attempt #1
const { data } = useQuery<jsonData>(
// attempt #2
const data = ({ topalerts }: jsonData ) => {
// attempt #3
const data = <Query<Data, Variables> query={GetTopAlertsQuery}>
{({ loading, error, data }) => { ... }}
If you know how to use useQuery hook without variables, please help me out! Thanks!

ApolloClient v3 fetchMore with nested query results

I'm using ApolloClient 3 the GitHub GraphQL API to retrieve all releases from a repo.
This is what the query looks like:
query ($owner: String!, $name: String!, $first: Int, $after: String, $before: String) {
repository(owner: $owner, name: $name) {
releases(orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC}, first: $first, after: $after, before: $before) {
nodes {
pageInfo {
This is what the result payload looks like:
This returns me the first x entries (nodes). So far, all good.
I need to implement pagination and I make use of the fetchMore function provided by ApolloClient useQuery. Calling fetchMore fetches the next x entries successfully but these are not displayed in my component list.
According to the ApolloClient Pagination documentation, it seems necessary to handle the merging of the fetchMore results with the ApolloClient caching mechanism. The documentation is understandable for simple situations but I am struggling to implement a solution for the situation where the actual array of results that needs to be merged togeher is deeply nested in the query result (repository -> releases -> nodes).
This is my implementation of the InMemoryCache options merge:
const inMemoryCacheOptions = {
addTypename: true,
typePolicies: {
ReleaseConnection: {
fields: {
nodes: {
merge(existing, incoming, options) {
const previous = existing || []
const results = [...previous, ...incoming]
return results
The results array here contains the full list, including the existing entries and the new x entries. This is essentially the correct result. However, my component list which is using the useQuery and fetchMore functionality does not get the new entries after the fetchMore is called.
I have tried various combinations in the inMemoryCacheOptions code above but so far I have been unsuccessful.
To add more context, this is the related component code:
export default function Releases() {
const { loading, error, data, fetchMore } = useQuery(releasesQuery, {
variables: {
owner: "theowner",
name: "myrepo",
first: 15
if (loading) return null;
if (error) {
return null;
if (data) {
const handleFetchMore = () => {
variables: {
first: 15,
after: data?.repository?.releases?.pageInfo?.endCursor
return (
{data?.repository?.releases?.nodes?.map(release => (
<li key={}>{}</li>
<button onClick={handleFetchMore}>Fetch More</button>
After fetchMore the component doesn't rerender with the new data.
If anyone has any other ideas that I could try, I'd be grateful.
I finally managed to solve this. There was no change to the react component code but the InMemoryCacheOptions now looks like this:
const inMemoryCacheOptions = {
addTypename: true,
typePolicies: {
Repository: {
fields: {
releases: {
keyArgs: false,
merge(existing, incoming) {
if (!incoming) return existing;
if (!existing) return incoming;
const { nodes, } = incoming;
// We only need to merge the nodes array.
// The rest of the fields (pagination) should always be overwritten by incoming
let result = rest;
result.nodes = [...existing.nodes, ...nodes];
return result;
The main change from my original code is that I now define the typePolicy for the releases field of the Repository type. Previously I was trying to get directly to the nodes field of the Release type. Since my Repository type the root of the gql query and used in the component, it now reads the merged results from the cache.
If I specified the typePolicy for Query as mentioned in the docs, I would not be able to specify the merge behaviour for the releases field because it would be one level too deep (i.e. Query -> repository -> releases). This is what lead to my confusion in the beginning.

Apollo Client is not reading variables passed in using useQuery hook

Having a weird issue passing variables into the useQuery hook.
The query:
const GET_USER_BY_ID= gql`
query($id: ID!) {
getUser(id: $id) {
Calling the query:
const DisplayUser: React.FC<{ id: string }> = ({ id }) => {
const { data, error } = useQuery(GET_USER_BY_ID, {
variables: { id },
return <div>{JSON.stringify({ data, error })}</div>;
Rendering the component:
<DisplayUser id="5e404fa72b819d1410a3164c" />
This yields the error:
"Argument \"id\" of required type \"ID!\" was provided the variable \"$id\" which was not provided a runtime value."
Calling the query from GraphQL Playground returns the expected result:
"data": {
"getUser": {
"id": "5e404fa72b819d1410a3164c",
"fullName": "Test 1",
"role": "USER"
And calling the query without a variable but instead hard-coding the id:
const GET_USER_BY_ID = gql`
query {
getUser(id: "5e404fa72b819d1410a3164c") {
const DisplayUser: React.FC = () => {
const { data, error } = useQuery(GET_USER_BY_ID);
return <div>{JSON.stringify({ data, error })}</div>;
Also returns the expected result.
I have also attempted to test a similar query that takes firstName: String! as a parameter which also yields an error saying that the variable was not provided a runtime value. This query also works as expected when hard-coding a value in the query string.
This project was started today and uses "apollo-boost": "^0.4.7", "graphql": "^14.6.0", and "react-apollo": "^3.1.3".
In reading through the stack trace I noticed the issue was referencing graphql-query-complexity which I was using for validationRules. I removed the validation rules and now everything works! Granted I don't have validation at the moment but at least I can work from here. Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond!
I had also ran into a similar issue and was not really sure what was happening.
There seems to be similar problem reported here -
We have 2 options to fix the issue.
- First one is a simple fix, where in you don't make the ID mandatory when it takes only a single parameter ( which is not an object )
const GET_USER_BY_ID= gql`
query($id: ID) {
Second option is to use an object as a parameter instead of a primitive. I went ahead with this and it seemed to work fine for me even though I made the object and the property inside to be required.
// On the client
const GET_USER_BY_ID= gql`
query($input: GetUserInput!) {
getUser(input: $input) {
const { data, error } = useQuery(GET_USER_BY_ID, {
variables: { input: { id }},
// In the server, define the input type
input GetUserInput {
id: ID!
const { data, error } = useQuery(GET_USER_BY_ID, { id });
