LibreOffice Base: Connection to data source could not be established - database

I am trying to open an MS Access database in Base using the instructions here . (I've tried both .mdb and .accdb)
I can follow the process described by Gord with no problems until the last step, where it asks me to save the database in LibreOffice format. I choose a filename (say mylinuxdb.odb), click OK, and then Base opens with this error:
The connection to the data source "mylinuxdb" could not be established.
Note that it is complaining about the new .odb database, not the MS Access database. Nonetheless, no data is imported.
Can anyone help with this?
Thank you.

Revised answer:
It appears that this issue is specific to distributions like Linux Mint that install LibreOffice Base by default. Presumably in order to enable embedded HSQLDB databases they also install a rather old version of HSQLDB which conflicts with UCanAccess. To fix that, remove LibreOffice's copy of HSQLDB. For Linux Mint that would be
sudo apt remove libhsqldb1.8.0-java
(original answer)
I was able to reproduce your issue with LibreOffice on Xubuntu 20.04. It looks like the setup instructions on Ask Ubuntu may need to be tweaked.
In the meantime try opening your .odb file, clicking through any errors. When Base opens, choose
Edit > Database > Properties …
and notice that the "Database URL" text box has "jdbc:" in front of it.
so if the textbox contains
then apparently Base will try to use
and that won't work. We need to have just
in the text box (as in the screenshot above).

This is NOT (as per chosen answer) "specific to distributions like Linux Mint that install LibreOffice Base by default". Such statements should be avoided as they are clearly very difficult to prove except with rigorous analysis of all other situations, which is clear was not done and in practical terms cannot be done.
I just encountered this message with an LO Base form which uses a MariaDB installation on Windows 10, using a JDBC connection with the mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar connector .jar. The form was created only minutes previously.
Interestingly, I happened to have a Python application running at the same time but, and I stress, this Python application does not use any kind of connection to any mysql database whatsoever. Nor, being CPython, does it use Java in any way whatsoever.
I find that when I close the Python application I am then able to open the LO Base form. Furthermore, after having first opened the LO Base form I am then able to run the Python application.
As to why this ludicrous error should arise in these circumstances in the first place, I do not yet know. Chalk it down to yet one more LO anomaly and oddity around which you have to navigate by hook or by crook.


"Operation in progress..." Never Ends When Previewing Rows in Kettle Spoon via Salesforce

I am trying to pull data from a Salesforce API account using Pentaho/Kettle Spoon. I am able to establish a connection on Pentaho with this account. I am also able to get fields from specific modules. However, when I try and "Preview rows" (even with a small number of rows), the "Operation in Progress" window comes up and never completes the task. When I try and cancel the job, Pentaho hangs and I have to force quit it.
I am running Fedora 21. Any input is greatly appreciated.
This works for me:
Since upgrading to Fedora 22 Spoon (the client tool of PDI) was not working properly anymore. Although I could start Spoon properly and create transformations etc, once I wanted to execute a transformation or sometimes even when trying to open settings, nothing was working and the terminal window showed several (SWT:20352): GLib-CRITICAL error messages. In a nutshell, Spoon was rendered useless.
Here is how to solve this:
Go to the Eclipse Download Page and download the latest 64bit verion of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. Note: There is a separate download area for SWT; however, for Linux there is no 64 bit version available. The only way to get one is to build it yourself. So I just went the easier way and downloaded Eclipse instead.
Unzip the file and search for swt. A search result will show a few files, but the ones interesting for us are (your version number might be different): org.eclipse.swt_3.103.2.v20150203-1313.jar and org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64_3.103.2.v20150203-1351.jar.
Copy the first one of these files into <PDI_HOME>/libswt/linux/x86 and the second into <PDI_HOME>/libswt/linux/x86_64.
oth folders still have the original jar files in them. Rename them to swt-jar-old (Note: no extension, so that they are not picked up).
Start Spoon. There will be a few error messages shown, but so far Spoon is working way better for me than before.
i'm running Ubuntu 14.04, i5,6gb RAM, got same trouble..
when i check, the load in proccessor is 100%, evertime i try showing the content or other thing in pentaho, the Operation in progress is show up, and never end..
How to solve, check your access to file/connection in your database,unrecognize file,field,etc. after this resolve, my proccessor run normal, and i could run / execute the transformation.

Real remote editing without X-Forwarding, using Vim or the like

I'm currently working an a rather large web project which is written using C servlets ( utilizing GWAN Web server ). In the past I've used a couple of IDEs for my LAMP/PHP jobs, like Eclipse.
My problems with Eclipse are that you can either mirror the project locally, which isn't possible in this case as I'm working on a Mac (server does not run on OSX), or use the "remote" view, which would re-upload files when you save them.
In the later case, the file is only partly written while uploading, which makes this a no-go for a running web server, or the file could become corrupted if the connection was lost during uploading. Also, for changing some character, uploading the whole file seems rather inefficient to me.
So I was thinking:
Wouldn't it be possible to have the IDE open Vim per SSH and mirror my changes there, and then just :w (save) ? Or use some kind of diff-files for changes?
The first one would be preffered, as it has the added advantage of Vim .swp files, which makes it possible that others know when someone is already editing the file.
My current solution is using ssh+vim, but then I lose all the cool features I have with Eclipse and other more advanced IDEs.
Also, regarding X-Forwarding: The reason I don't like it is speed. It feels way slower than just editing locally, and takes up unneeded bandwidth, when all I want to do is basically "text editing".
P.S.: I couldn't find any more appropriate tags for the question, especially no "remote" tag, but if you know any, feel free to add them. Also, if there is another similar question, feel free to point it out - I couldn't find any.
Thank you very much.
If you're concerned about having to transmit the entire file for minor changes, the only solution that comes to my mind is running (either continuously, or on demand) an rsync job that mirrors the remote site to your local system (and back). The rsync protocol just transmits the delta information. According to Are rsync operations atomic at file level?, the change is atomic.
Another possibility: run everything in a virtual machine on your Mac. The server and the IDE/text editor are both on the same virtual machine so you don't have to fear network issues.
Because the source code on the virtual machine is under some kind of VCS the classic code → test → commit process is trivial (at least theoretically).

BDE Installation: there is not enough space on drive c. install to this location anyway

I am trying to install BDE Engine by executing the following command line from my installation program as follows.
ShellExecute(0, nil, 'regsvr32.exe', 'BdeInst.dll', nil, SW_SHOW);
It pops up with a message requesting permission to install BDE Engine at a particular location. When you click okay button, it pops up another a message as follows.
I did verify that I have plenty of free space in my hardrive. When you click on Yes button, it installs the BDE engine successfully.
I don't know why. Plus, there is not much information online about this.
Any input will be greatly appreciated.
First of all, the BDE is deprecated, and you should better avoid using it, even with other versions of Delphi.
You have third party components around able to connect directly to DBs without using the BDE. See e.g. DevArt, SQLDirect, DASoft (its FreeDAC is free), and a lot of other components like Zeos or our SynDB Open Source libraries.
You reached the well known "2GB rounding error". The BDE installer suffers from it, but applications using BDE also.
BDE installer is buggy.
It just does not work with newer versions of Windows.
You have other installers around, like interbase and BDE on windows 7 or Bde Installer on these Embarcadero days
BDE used in applications will suffer from the same 2GB limitation, linked to the GetDiskFreeSpace improper use.
There is a work around available on Embarcadero CodeCentral which is worth to be included in your application code.
The BDE is an old piece of software that has now been deprecated for a few years. While people do still have it running, I believe it was originally 16bit software and may never have been changed. I have a feeling the message is coming from some piece of software that can not understand your large hard drive. I don't recall if BDEInst.dll is the BDE installer from Borland, but the message may be coming from that. You also mention an "Installation program is being developed ...".
It should install to XP, and I would get it working there first. Win 7 and 8 introduce more issues. However, if at all possible, reconsider if you want to install BDE at this point in time.
The bdeinst.dll uses the Win32 API function GetDiskFreeSpace, which can report a completely misleading value when executed against a drive that is larger than 2GB - see for a developer-based workaround.
The reason I know this is because I've been hit by it before and examined the imports for the bdeinst.dll binary which indicates that it uses GetDiskFreeSpaceA (this is the ascii version of function).
If you have to use the BDE, then you just have to accept that you may see this error when you attempt to install the app

Database errors in Quantum Grid demos in Delphi XE Professional

Whenever I open one of the Quantum Grid demos in Delphi XE Pro (on Windows 7 32-bit), the following error is displayed for every table (I think) in the project:
error message
The message is:
Network initialization failed.
File or directory does not exist.
Permission denied.
Directory: C:\.
I understand permission issues writing to c:\, but the result is that while I can build and run the demo projects, no data is displayed, which makes the demos rather useless. And what kind of database writes its configuration to c:\ directory in the 21st century anyway? :) (Yes, I know very little about Paradox databases, but I won't ever be using one either. I just want to learn how to use the grid.)
Using BDE Administrator I've tried changing the Paradox "NET DIR" value to a folder with write permissions on the C drive. Result: now the database tables cannot find their data:
Path not found.
File: C:..\..\Data\GENRES.DB.
...and the unhelpfully truncated path gives no indication where the files are expected to be.
Is there a way to work around the problem so that the demos can load their sample data correctly?
Did you install the BDE correctly? It should use the DBDEMOS files. Do you see such an alias in the BDE administration utility? Can you open that database in one of the Delphi demos?
The BDE is not a XXI century database, it was developed twenty years ago and never upgraded lately. It's an obsolete tecnology, but because it comes still with every release of Delphi with a known database it is still often used in demos because nothing new has to be installed.
Anyway that file is not its configuration file. It's a sharing lock file to allow more than one user to use the database concurrently. Because it is a file based database without a central server, it has to use such kind of shared files. Usually its position is changed to a network share, but it defaults to C:\ for historical reasons.
Anyway it's not only the BDE still attempting to write in the prong directories. I still see a full bunch of applications attempting to write to C:\ (especially logs) or other read-only positions.
Using BDE Admin to change the location for PDOXUSRS.NET helped, but it wasn't sufficient. DevExpress did the right thing in specifying a relative folder for the data location, and the relative folder seems perfectly allright, but for some reason the DB can't find it.
Solution: under the \Demos\ folder find all the *.dfm files that contain the string
and replace that string with the absolute path to the demos folder. That done, all the demos open correctly.
I know this message from our own applications. It has to do with security measures introduced with Windows Vista. The operating system trying to protect critical files denies access to them. There is a method how to bypass this mechanism without compromising security. Try to run your application in compatibility mode. When application is running in compatibility mode, read / write operations from / to system folders are redirected to "safe" directories located in C:\Users[Current User]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore.
More info on

For some reason when I link against Oracle GSS starts behaving differently (Solaris)

My test program works fine. I can create a client and a server and run them against each other. I can set my KRB5_CONFIG environment variable and use a local configuration for testing.
For some reason when I place the code in our production software it fails. Even if I strip our main() function to just calling gss_import_name() with a hard coded name I end up with the message "Cannot open configuration file".
If I run truss then I see a lot of Oracle going on. It tries to open lots of different Oracle trace files. It also tries to open
instead of the file I specify.
It's as if Oracle is giving us the wrong gss, or maybe some other option in our huge and complex build system. I note -L/usr/lib/sparcv9 though this is after my -lgss now if that matters (too long since I worked in C on a regular basis!). The in that directory is larger than the one in /usr/lib - though putting that option into my test program's link command does not break it.
Any help?
- Richard
This fixed what appeared to be a similar problem for us:
export KRB5_CONFIG=/etc/krb5.conf
It does appear likely that Oracle sets this env var incorrectly if it's not already set.
Binary file /usr/lib/oracle/ matches
Binary file /usr/lib/oracle/ matches
$ grep -r '/krb5/krb.conf' $ORACLE_HOME
Binary file /usr/lib/oracle/ matches
Binary file /usr/lib/oracle/ matches
I found that the Oracle libraries contained an implementation of GSS. To make my code work I ensured I linked "-lgss" before linking any of the Oracle libraries.
I've not tested to see if this upsets Oracle in single sign-on, because we use Oracle with user name and password. That works fine.
I ran in to the very same issue with Oracle on HP-UX 11.31 and wasted almost an entire day for that. Indeed, the crappy Oracle lib peforms a putenv with /opt/krb5/krb.conf and the tip from Richard Corfield makes the app even crash. The only workaround is to create a symbolic link. I have created a service request with Oracle for that issue.
Update (2014-06-02): I have received an update from Oracle. They confirmed the bug. It seems like there is a private GSS-API which is redefining symbols.
This issue has been open since 2010-10. Terrible.
