How to map groups belonging to a User in Azure AD provisioning call - active-directory

I am setting up an SSO Enterprise APP in Azure AD and there is a feature called provisioning which requires a Scim endpoint for Azure AD to sync users between the SAAS app AD in "real-time"
The application grants access to a user based on the groups the user belongs too. This works well when SAML is used because i can include the groups as part of the SAML request, but i am having a lot of trouble mapping the groups in the Scim call, using the Provisioning functionality, so that the user does not need to launch the app to be provisioned.
Is there a way i can map the groups a User belongs to as part of the provisioning call?
I have tried mapping different values in customappsso config with no success.

Azure AD Provisioning manages group objects directly and populates values into each group's "members" attribute. The SCIM protocol does not allow manipulation of a user's group memberships via updates targeted to the user itself.
You should just need to ensure that your SCIM endpoint supports calls to /groups, that you have groups enabled in provisioning, and that the groups are assigned/otherwise in scope for provisioning in the AAD app.


Manage custom attributes for user and group in Azure AD

I have an app that is implementing SCIM 2.0.
I have connected this app to my Azure AD and I am succeeding to provision users and groups to my app from from Azure AD.
I want to add a custom attribute and manage the value of that attribute in Azure AD for every user or a group and add that data to my provisioning mapping - to send it to my app as part of the provisioning process.
I can't find where in Azure AD I can do that.
I have tried to add a custom security attributes, I have assigned it to my app. But when I go to the provisioning mapping - the attribute is not in the list of source attributes that I can choose from.
I have also tried to add a custom attribute (which I was able to choose in the provisioning mapping), but I did not find where I can manage the value of this attribute to a user in the Azure AD .It looks like it can only be filled in a user flow (login with SSO) - which is not my case.
I did not find a way to create a custom attribute for a group and manage its values in the Azure AD and then add to provisioning group mapping.
I saw that there are extension attributes, but where in Azure AD I can enter data to these attributes for a specific users or groups?
Can anyone help?
Is there a completely different way to add extra information to user / group and send it from Azure AD to my app using SCIM?
• When you provision an application in Azure AD through SCIM (System for Cross-Domain Identity Management) for the purpose of provisioning the Azure AD users to the ‘Enterprise application’ created in Azure AD tenant, you enter the URL of the application’s SCIM endpoint as ‘’ and since it requires an OAuth bearer token from an issuer other than Azure AD as it can validate this token issued by the Azure AD itself. Therefore, in the ‘Mappings’ section of the ‘Provisioning’ section for the Azure AD enterprise application, you have the option for reviewing the attributes that are synchronized from Azure AD to the SCIM provisioned app. These attributes are selected as ‘Matching’ properties and are used to match the users and groups in your app for update operations.
Also, to add the extension attributes to the user in Azure AD for them to be exported to the SCIM provisioned application, you will need to create a dynamic group with members added to them via a dynamic query as shown below. Before that, you will have to synchronize the extension attributes through Azure AD connect utility from the on-premises AD that were created there already. Then, these already created extension attributes can be selected to be mapped with the SCIM provisioned app as below: -
Complete the expression to suit your requirements. As above, the rule is set to ‘(user.extension_9d98ed114c4840d298fad781915f27e4_division -eq "Sales and marketing")’.
• Secondly, you can also create extension attributes for users that are to be synchronized from Azure AD to the SCIM provisioned application through Microsoft Graph API as shown below: -
First, create a ‘GET’ request to the object ID of the SCIM provisioned application to check the request sent status success. Then, send a ‘POST’ request to the object ID of the SCIM provisioned application as shown below with the custom extension attribute in the body of the request: -
Now, since this custom extension attribute is created without any value, you will have to update this attribute with a value so that this attribute is synchronized to the SCIM provisioned application accordingly as shown below: -
Thus, as shown above, you can add custom extension attributes to any Azure AD user and synchronize these attribute values to the SCIM provisioned app.
For more detailed information on the above, please refer to the below links: -,settings%20default%20and%20click%20Register.

Azure AD How to pass userextension attributes to multitenant app

In Azure AD i have a multi-tenant Enterprise Application and App registration that are accessed through SAML2. I receive a limited set of users attributes, including tenant-id, email, first name, last name. But the organisation that the user belongs to, has defined extension attributes in their on-premise AD that i want to consume in my application. Also i would like to receive the jobTitle and Department in the application. The organisation says they have set up synchonisation of the attributes from their on-premise AD to Azure.
I have added the attributes i want under the Enterprise Application -> Single sign-on -> User Attributes and Claims -> Additional claims. But i am obviously still missing some configuration somewhere because they do not appear in the SAML2 token.
Which API permissions do i need to grant my application to pass these attributes through to the SAML2 token? Do i need to add something else to map these attributes?
when you set up a multitenant app, when your client's users / tenant signs in, it actually creates an "enterprise application" (service principal) in their tenant for your app.
As per that, your client would have to go into the SSO (saml) setup screens for your app in their own tenant and customize the claims that they will emit to your application. It doesn't matter if you add the attribute claims to your own SSO setup. thats for your tenant, not theirs.
It turns out that the Single Sign On properties are not visible in the Service Principal, because the proper tags are not set in the Application registration.
After using Microsoft Graph Explorer to see the properties of a working Service Principal with SSO properties, i noticed that it had a tag set that was absent in the Service Principal without SSO properties in the portal.
In the Application Registration manifest i set:
"signInAudience": "AzureADMultipleOrgs",
"tags": [
Then recreated the service principal in a guest tenant using an adminconsent link ([guest tenant domain]/v2.0/adminconsent?client_id=[app registration id]...) the portal displayed the Single Sign On settings in the guest tenant.
The Azure portal seems to display SSO properties for Service Principals associated with Application registrations that have the WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryCustomSingleSignOnApplication tag.
To summarise:
Set the WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryCustomSingleSignOnApplication tag in the Application registration manifest.
Create a Service Principal in the Owning Tenant if you haven't done that already.
Use an adminconsent url to create a Service Principal in the Guest tenant.
Have the Guest Tenant Administrator fill in the single sign on properties to add the required attributes.
The attributes are returned to the application in the SAML2 token

Programmatic Testing With AAD User Accounts In Groups Synchronised Back to On-Premises AD

I want to do some automated tests of a web app (web api) in Azure that is secured with AAD. The customer is using on-premises AD to synch users and groups to AAD and is using ADFS to authenticate the users. This is enough, I believe, to stop me from using UserPasswordCredential to programmatically sign in a test user. So I have asked the customer to create me some cloud-only users that will be used in the automated tests. But we can’t add these users to the AAD groups, presumably because they are synched back to on-premises AD.
The web app is designed to check if its users are in a particular AAD group, but my test users can’t be in that group, so we may have to modify the app to check for multiple groups instead, and put the cloud-only tests users into a cloud-only group, so that we can add the cloud-only group to the list of groups allowed to call the web app.
Is this the best approach, or am I missing a better solution?
UsernamePasswordCredential is meant to work with ADFS via federated tenant, as long as the proper endpoint is enabled in ADFS.

Azure AD Graph API: Is it possible to enumerate all groups associated with an application role?

Is it possible to enumerate all users and/or groups associated with an application role using Azure Active Directory Graph API? If not, is there a programmatic work-around (as opposed to using the portal with AD Premium)?
I'm using the Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient Nuget package which wraps the AD Graph API to fetch application roles associated with an application instance. Unfortunately the AppRole object doesn't include a method to fetch mapped principals.
If you know the service principal that is associated with an application role, you can query for all the objects associated with that service principal (which include all the app roles):
The documentation for app role assignments are here:

Querying a tenants Azure AD from a multi-tenant Application

We have a multi-tenant Saas application providing sign in using our username/pwd authentication system and using Azure AD (OAuth 2.0 flows). When a user signs in using Azure AD, we can get the user's profile using{tenantid}/me. We want however to get more information using the memberOf or getMemberGroups operations to retrieve the user's groups in the tenants directory, to map specific groups from the tenant to an organizational structure in our application. However these operations always fail with a Forbidden statuscode. Are we missing required permissions or is it just not possible to query for the groups and roles of another tenant.
Thanks in advance
This is totally possible, but today requires that you request the "Read Directory" permission. This permission does require and admin of the tenant to consent. We are looking at adding some additional fine grained permissions for Graph API that will allow users to consent (to get group membership information).
Another option for you is to configure your application to request group membership claims (which should appear in any user or JWT token). You can do this by going to the azure management portal and getting to your app's config page. From there download the application manifest file and update the groupMembershipClaims property. You can see most of the properties in the application manifest described here: Once updated, you can upload this app manifest file, and this will configure your application accordingly. Once done, AAD will issue group membership claims in the token. Dushyant has written a nice blog about authorizing access to a web app, using group membership claims or app roles. You can find it via Alex Simons blog post here:
