I am using angular-oauth2-oidc lib for authentication. After successful authentication, I want to fetch roles/ other properties from the access token. But as of now, there is no direct method which can parse token and gives its internal attributes.
Is there any way via which can get all the roles or other attributes of the token? Any help would be much appreciated.
Depends on where you store roles. Often, the access token is just an opaque string; at least, to the library it is opaque. You might know it's JWT, if I recall correctly you'd need to parse that yourself using said library.
What does work is if it's (also) part of the identity. Calling this.oauthService.getIdentityClaims() should give you an object with wall the claims by key, for example roles could be part of it, depending on your server setup.
We are looking at integrating our apps with Openid connect for our react based apps. We have ui and relevant permissions based on user - menus, navigations etc.
Can anyone point to spec or suggest on how do we handle such permissions in relation to openid connect or oauth. Basically how do we make this permissions available to ui, one approach is dedicated API for ui permissions again authorized by access token.
Another approach is permissions in token itself. Scope is one way of holding info, but it is for delegated access. Hence we are thinking to use multivalued custom attributes for holding roles and permissions in access token. But these permissions can also be huge sometimes and thinking hence if it is good idea to keep permissions in access token.
Any valuable pointers or any design approaches for handling ui permissions list please let know, we highly appreciate it.
The most flexible option is a custom API endpoint. An access token should hold important identity values such as these:
User ID
Company ID
Tenant ID
Country Code
Subscription level
These are claims, and are populated at runtime for each user, unlike scopes, which are fixed at design time.
Access tokens are designed only to be used by APIs, and clients should never read their payload. A good practice can be to return opaque unreadable access tokens to clients, to enforce this.
The actual permissions for a role can be looked up by the API once, then cached. This is preferable to storing large payloads in access tokens.
Finally, permissions for UIs may originate from two data sources: the identity data and your business data. The API can combine a result from both data sources, and transform the result to what the UI needs. Eg which columns are visible, which are read only and so on.
Currently, I'm trying to access Graph API from within a (Standard) Logic App to search for Sharepoint documents. To do so, I try using the following flow (I need delegated permissions, application permissions cannot use search endpoint):
As one can see in the blog post above, there is a step where the following string gets passed into the body of the first request to get an access token for a delegated user:
Now the client secret and service account password are two things which I absolutely don't want to have visible in the Logic App code and/or designer screen. Is there a way to securely read these from for instance the 'app settings' (in which I could reference them from a KeyVault)? I really can't find a good way on how to achieve this and I think it's a must to not be able to read these secrets/passwords from the Designer/code view.
Definitely use a KeyVault and make sure that for all steps involved, secure the inputs/outputs where ever that secret information may be visible.
The below example is the call to get the secret and therefore, I only want the outputs to be secured.
With your HTTP call, it's likely that you'll only want the inputs to be secured.
Be sure to use a managed identity on your LogicApp and then assign that managed identity to the KeyVault Secrets User role on the KV itself.
There's plenty of documentation on this topic ...
We have implemented IdSrv4 on top of AspNetCore Identity and we use ADFS as external IdP. From ADFS we wan´t to get the users AD-groups, upn and som other claims. The claims will be used both inside our IdSrv4 implementation, but will also be sent to our API-resources as part of the access token.
The current situation in our IdSrv4 implementation:
ADFS has been configured so that it emits the claims that we want and in our IdSrv4 implementation those claims are received as expected in the "ExternalLoginCallback" method of the AccountController.
IProfileService has been implemented in order to fill the "IssuedClaims" list with claims.
BUT, I haven't managed to build the connection between those to steps. What is the preferred way to preserve the claims received in "ExternalLoginCallback" and put them into the generated access_token in the IProfileService class?
Right now I have managed to get it working by saving the token using the method "UpdateExternalAuthenticationTokensAsync", which will save the token in the database. Then in the profile service I fetch the token and read the claims into the emitted token.
But this doesn't feel right and while searching for the proper way I´ve seen examples use the class IdentityServerUser that has "AdditionalClaims" property, but I can't find a way to plug that type into the event flow.
Also, when configuring the external IdP you have these "ClaimActions" that can be mapped, but I don't understand what they are.
Finally, I assume that the database tables "IdentityClaims" and "ClientClaims" with corresponding entities should be used for this purpose but I can´t figure out how. Or should they be saved in the "AspNetUserClaims" table to save the actual claim type/values and not only claim mappings?
So basically, there must be a best practice for this scenario that seem to avoid me and I would be greatful if someone could share it.
The main issue in my problem was that the problems I first encountered with persisting the Claims in the AspNetIdentity-Db led me to a wild goose chase.
Returning to this after a week or so made me give this another shot. Turns out that the DI injected "_userManager" wasn't "connected" to the current DI injected "_signInManager". If someone has an explanation for this, please share!
What did work was to use the "_signInManager.UserManager" to update Claims on the user. This properly stores the Claims in the "AspNetUserClaims" table, and can then be retrieved in the profile service.
Of course there was a logical answer to that as well. A user manager is created by default even if you don't call "AddUserManager" on your identity setup during startup. BUT, in my case I have extended the IdentityUser class and now by doing it like this it all works as excpected (where "UserIdentity" is my derived class):
.AddIdentity<TUserIdentity, TUserIdentityRole>(options =>
options.User.RequireUniqueEmail = true;
I am looking to implement SSO in all my future php/angular applications. I see there are services (Auth0, oauth.io, etc) that are sort of the middle man of an SSO app and there are protocols such as OAuth 1.0/2.0 but in regards to creating a custom SSO solution (using aforementioned OAuth protocols, I assume), I am a little foggy on the complete flow of the process.
What I do get:
App gets Access Token
(optional) App validates Access Token
App (with Access Token) gets access to a particular API and returns result. For
example, Facebook profile information.
What I don't get:
What to do with that information once I have it. Do I retain the access token and request information from the API source each time they login? How do I relate my own application data to the API data? Would I create a different kind of user record that just contains the access token and application's userid?
Do I retain the access token and request information from the API source each time they login?
If the token does not expire, you can hold on to it in a data store and use it with each request. Many times, though, the token will expire, and you need to request a new one each time you start a session. In this case you'd probably store the token in memory instead of a permanent storage location.
How do I relate my own application data to the API data?
I think we'd need to know a little more about your application to answer this question.
Would I create a different kind of user record that just contains the access token and application's userid?
Again, we'd probably need a little more information about your application. If you were persisting the token (in the case that it doesn't expire), then you need to make some considerations about how you want to store it. If not, you can probably just put it into a local variable or session.
I've got AngularJS and Web.API WAAD authentication up and running. For client side I use great library ADAL.JS. For backend I use Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth. This part went quite smooth.
Now I want to implement authorization based on roles (which will be mapped to WAAD groups). Groups are not included in authentication token so I must ask Azure Graph API for them. I saw various ways to do it, using custom claims providers, adding web services to project, etc. Some examples already providing mapping between groups and roles to use in [Authorize] attribute.
But what is just the simplest example of how to get a list of group ids/names from WAAD providing User ID or username, when I'm already authenticated?
Also, is there any way to get this data in JS to use in Angular frontend, or should I create an API service which Angular should call for roles info?
In the non-JS case, the simplest way of getting groups in the token is by opting in. Download your application’s manifest, locate the “groupMembershipClaims” entry, change its value to “SecurityGroup” or “All”, upload back the manifest.
However note that this won't work for your scenario, because it uses the implicit grant - here the token is returned in an URI fragment, hence a big token would risk blowing past the URL length limits of the browser.
You can always request groups to the Graph and make it available to your frontend via custom action on your API, but from what you wrote you are already familiar with that. Let me discuss the matter here - if there's a simpler route to make this work in SPAs, I'll get back to this thread.
Update: I verified and in the implicit grant case you will receive groups always via the overage claim. Please refer to https://github.com/AzureADSamples/WebApp-GroupClaims-DotNet/tree/master/WebApp-GroupClaims-DotNet - it will show you how to process the overage claim to retrieve groups. All you need to do is apply the same guidance to a web API instead, and if you need to make the info available to the client expose one or more actions doing so.