How do I prevent a Phoenix Live View from removing DOM elements put there by JavaScript? - phoenix-live-view

I haven't yet found a way to consistently prevent Phoenix Live Views from removing elements from the DOM that were put there by JavaScript. Here is a snippet from a crude chat app that uses JavaScript to add a smiley face after the page loads:
<span><%= live_patch "New Chat", to: Routes.chat_index_path(#socket, :new) %></span>
<div id="smiley" style="font-size: 80px" phx-update="ignore"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
The phx-update="ignore" attribute prevents the smiley face from disappearing right away, but adding a new chat causes it to disappear:

You can prevent it from disappearing after New Chat by using phx-hook like this:
<div id="smiley" style="font-size: 80px" phx-hook="Smiley"></div>
and in app.js:
let Hooks = {}
Hooks.Smiley = {
mounted() {
this.el.innerHTML = '😃'
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken}, hooks: Hooks})
The complete code is here:
One caveat: for some reason this does not prevent Delete from removing the smiley face.


Removing inline formats in Quill

I'm having some trouble getting removeFormat to work as it should. Funnily, I thought I had this working a couple days ago; but now when I check it it's not right. It is removing the block-level formatting regardless of where the selection is. A simple example, using the Quill Quickstart with a few modifications:
var editor = new Quill('#editor', {
modules: { toolbar: '#toolbar' },
theme: 'snow'
let Block = Quill.import('blots/block');
let Parchment = Quill.import('parchment');
class BlockquoteBlot extends Block { }
BlockquoteBlot.scope = Parchment.Scope.BLOCK;
BlockquoteBlot.blotName = 'blockquote';
BlockquoteBlot.tagName = 'blockquote';
let quill = new Quill('#editor');
$('#italic-button').click(function() {
quill.format('italic', true);
$('#bold-button').click(function() {
quill.format('bold', true);
$('#blockquote-button').click(function() {
quill.format('blockquote', true);
$('.cust-clear').click(function(ev) {
var range = quill.getSelection();
quill.removeFormat(range.index, range.length);
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Create the toolbar container -->
<div id="toolbar">
<button id="bold-button" class="ql-bold">Bold</button>
<button id="italic-button" class="ql-italic">Italic</button>
<button id="blockquote-button" class="ql-blockquote">Blockquote</button>
<button class="cust-clear" title="Clear Formatting">X</button>
<!-- Create the editor container -->
<div id="editor">
<p>Hello World!</p>
In this example, if I apply bold to "Hello" and make the entire line a blockquote, all looks as it should. If I then select "Hello" and click my X button to remove the formatting, it removes the blockquote formatting even though I'm nowhere near a "\n" character. Am I misunderstanding removeFormat, or is there an error in how I've created my BlockquoteBlot? I took that code mostly from the Medium demo on the Quill site, but I found in some cases I needed to specifically define the scope so that the tag would be recognized as block (that may not be necessary for this demo, but I'm including it in case it poses an issue).
The way removeFormat is supposed to work currently does remove all block formats a user highlights, even if it is not across the "\n" character. This makes more sense when the user is selecting multiple lines Issue #649 but perhaps it should not work this way when there is only one line partially selected. I've created a Github Issue to discuss this. Please feel free to chime in.
I am aware that this is an old thread - as an additional to your code in case someone hasn't selected anything - works on Quilljs 1.2.6
$('.cust-clear').click(function(ev) {
var range = quill.getSelection();
if (range.length ===0) {
let leaf, offset = quill.getLeaf(range.index);
quill.removeFormat(range.index - offset, range.index + leaf.domNode.length);
} else {
quill.removeFormat(range.index, range.length);
This should work
var range = editor.getSelection();
if (range){
if (range.length > 0) {
editor.removeFormat(range, Quill.sources.USER);

Changing the template data not refreshing the elements

I have searched and tried suggestions mentioned in various posts but no luck so far.
Here is my issue.
I have created a custom element <month-view id="month-view-element"></month-view> in my mainpage.html. Inside mainpage.html when this page is initially loaded i created a empty json object for all the 30days of a month and print a placeholder type cards in UI. Using the code below.
var json = [];
for(var x = 0; x < total; x++) {
json.push({'hours': 0, 'day': x+1, 'year': year});
monthView.month = json; //Doing this line. Prints out the desired empty cards for me in the UI.
created a month-view.html something like below:
<dom-module id='month-view'>
<template is="dom-repeat" items= "{{month}}">
<paper-card class="day-paper-card" heading={{}}>
<div class="card-content work">{{}}</div>
<div class="card-actions containerDay layout horizontal">
<div style="display:inline-block" class="icon">
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:done" data-hours = "8" data-day$="{{}}" data-month$={{item.month}} data-year$={{item.year}} on-click="updateWorkHours"></paper-icon-button>
<paper-tooltip>Full day</paper-tooltip>
is: "month-view",
updateWorkHours: function (e, detail) {
console.log(e);'updateWorkHour', {day:,
There is another file script.js which contains the function document.addEventListener('updateWorkHour', function (e) { // doStuff });. I use this function to make a call to a google client API. I created a client request and then do request.execute(handleCallback);
Once this call is passed i landed in handleCallback function. In this function i do some processing of the response data and save parts of data into json variable available in the file already. And once all processing is done i did something like below.
monthView.month = json;
But this above line is not refreshing my UI with the latest data. Is there anything I am missing? Any suggestions or anything i am doing incorrectly.
You need to use 'set' or 'notifyPath' while changing Polymer Object or Arrays in javascript for the databinding/obserers to work. You can read more about it in
In your case try below code
Updated suggestions:
Wrap your script on main page with. This is required for non-chrome browsers.
addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function() {})
This could be scoping issue. Try executing 'document.querySelector('#month-view-element');' inside your callback addWorkHoursCallBack. Also, Use .notifyPath instead of .set.

Create a form into Polymer - (Google App Engine & Python)

I'm building a small app on Google App Engine using Polymer, I' ve a little menu and other cool things but I' m a little bit confused about a simple step, I' d like to give some input to the app, these variables will be saved into the datastore and retrieved in other pages.
How have I to build the form? I' ll try to be more specific, in the different pages I' d like to insert different so user will make a numeric choice and pressing a button that values will be sent to the server. I' m googling since yesterday and i found different answers.
There' s someone could give me a link to specific lesson that talks about interaction with Polymer or the right manner to do this?
You should consider using ajax-form.
bower install ajax-form in your commandline.
Using it
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/ajax-form/ajax-form.html">
Please enter the correct path here. I'm assuming you're structuring your elements like root/elements/element-name/element-name.html
Creating a form
<form is="ajax-form" action="/api/user/create" method="post">
<label>Enter your name: <input type="text" name="full_name"></label>
Receiving the call on the server
import webapp2
class CreateUserHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self): # not needed (yet), you can decide to leave this function out
def post(self):
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/api/user/create', CreateUserHandler)
], debug=True)
i posted this answer on another post just a second ago but will paste it here as well.
to do a form i first make a polymer element for this example i will call it "my-form". in that element we will make a created function that will set up our object we are sending to the server. below is a simple version with only 1 input field but should give you a idea how it works.
<polymer-element name="my-form">
<div id="invalid">
<input is="core-input" id="data" required committedValue="{{item.firstItem}}" pattern="^[A-Za-z0-9]+$">
<paper-toast id="toast"></paper-toast>
Polymer('my-form', {
created: function () {
// sets up the object
this.item = {};
checkData: function () {
// this function will check data of all inputs in the invalid div to make sure it matches data type and pattern
var $d = this.$.invalid.querySelectorAll('paper-input-decorator'),
that = this;$d, function (d) {
d.isInvalid = !d.querySelector('input').validity.valid;
// the timeout gives time to mark as invalid before checking
setTimeout(function () {
// for each input you are checking you will need another variable and also to add the check to the following if statment
var invalid = that.$.check.classList.contains("invalid");
if (!invalid) {
}, 100);
responseChanged: function () {
// do something on response i like to use a paper-toast here alerting the user the data has been accepted or rejected
this.$.toast.text = response;
same example on plunker

Changing list-item css class using ng-class when mousing over Leaflet Map Markers

I've got a doozy of an ng-class problem.
So I have an app with a map/markers on the right and a list-item menu on the left with info about the markers (like Yelp or Foursquare).
With some of my beginner hacking, I got the hover events to sort of work:
But it's odd, the list-item (pink background on hover) only works when I mouseout of the marker. I'm trying to set it up so that when you mouse over the marker, the appropriate list-item's background changes and when you mouseout, it goes back to white. Most of the other ng-class examples/questions I read through seem to work quite differently (they're going for a different functionality).
Ok, to the code:
<div class="col-md-6" id="leftCol">
<div class="list-group" ng-controller="ShowsCtrl">
<div class="nav nav-stacked list-group-item" id="sidebar" ng-repeat="(key, show) in shows.features" ng-mouseover="menuMouse(show)" ng-mouseout="menuMouseout(show)" ng-class="{hover: $index == hoveritem}">
The key part there is the ng-class="{hover: $index == hoveritem}"
Now I'll show you where hoveritem comes from
$scope.hoveritem = {};
function pointMouseover(leafletEvent) {
var layer =;
$scope.hoveritem =;
function pointMouseout(leafletEvent) {
var layer =;
$scope.menuMouse = function(show){
var layer = layers[];
$scope.menuMouseout = function(show){
var layer = layers[];
// Get the countries geojson data from a JSON
$http.get('/json/shows.geojson').success(function (data, status) {
angular.extend($scope, {
geojson: {
data: data,
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
mouseover: pointMouseover,
mouseout: pointMouseout
layers[] = layer;
So mousing over a marker
mouseover: pointMouseover,
mouseout: pointMouseout
fires the appropriate functions which then changes the icon colors.
I connected the; to $scope.hoveritem so that my HTML can then use that as the index c. When you mouseover a marker, it then feeds the marker id through to $scope.hoveritem which then it turn goes into the $index part of the HTML, thus changing it's CSS class.
But something is awry. It only changes to the correct list item on mouseout instead of mouseover. Furthermore, I can't figure out to get it to return to the default white state. None of the list items should look active if the mouse is not on a marker.
Any ideas or hints on this would be very appreciated.
The reason for the delay in the mouseover effects was because of the angular $apply digest cycle. Angular basically wasn't aware of the changes to hoveritem. Wrapping it with $scope.$apply did the trick:
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.hoveritem =;

Ember ArrayController binding to view

I've snipped out the init function which sets up the initials array.
This is an array of arays indexed as "A", "B", "C" etc.
Each of these contains station object that begin with that letter.
I have buttons that fire off setByInitial which copy the relevant initial array into content.
works fine and my view updates, but is horribly slow (150ms +) station objects are pertty big and there are over 3500 of them...
Is much fatser (around 3ms) updated the content aray (as can be seen with some logging to console), but does not cause the view to update.
is even faster, but also does not update the view.
I've tried using arrayContentDidChange() etc. but can't get that to work either.
How do I inform the view that this dfata has changed if I use the faster method? Or is there another wau to do this?
App.StationListController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
content : [],
initials : [],
setByInitial : function(initial)
// this.content.setObjects(this.initials[initial])
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="stationList">
{{#each content}}
<li>{{#linkTo "station" u}}{{n}}{{/linkTo}}</li>
Thanks to #mike-grassotti example I can see that what I was doing ought to work, but it still doesn't! As is often the case, what I have posted here is a simplification. My real app is not so straight forward...
My index template contain several views. Each view has it's own data and controller. So it seems it's something in that complexity which is breaking it. So, I've started with Mike's example and added just a little - in order to move towards what I really want - and promptly broken it!
I now have:
var App
= Ember.Application.create({}) {
this.resource('index', {path: '/'});
this.resource('station', {path: '/:code/:name'});
this.resource('toc', {path: '/toc/:code/:name'});
App.Station = Ember.Object.extend({});
App.IndexController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
needs : ["StationList"],
listStationsByInitial: function(initial)
App.StationListView = Em.View.extend({
stationsBinding : 'App.StationListController',
init : function()
console.log("view created",this.stations)
App.StationListController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
content : [],
initials : [[{u:1,n:'Abe'},{u:2,n:'Ace'}],[{u:3, n:'Barb'},{u:4,n:'Bob'}],[{u:5,n:'Card'},{u:6,n:'Crud'}]],
init : function()
listByInitial : function(initial)
t type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="application">
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
<button {{action listStationsByInitial '0'}}>A</button>
<button {{action listStationsByInitial '1'}}>B</button>
{{#view App.StationListView controllerBinding="App.StationListController"}}
{{#each stations}}
<li>{{#linkTo "station" u}}{{n}}{{/linkTo}}</li>
<li>No matching stations</li>
<button {{action listByInitial '2'}}>C</button>
Firstly, I no longer see the list of station rendered. Neither initially, nor on the click of a button.
I expected {{#with content}} to get the data from App.StationListController.content, but that didn't work. So, I created App.StationListView with a binding stationsBinding to that controller. Still no joy...
What am I doing wrong here?
Secondly, my function listStationsByInitial is called when I click button A or B. So I'd expect listByInitial (in StationListController) to be called when I click button C (since it's inside of the view where I've said to use StationListController). But instead I get an error:
error: assertion failed: The action 'listByInitial' did not exist on App.StationListController
Why doesn't that work?
I'm doubly frustrated here because I have already build a pretty large and complex Ember app ( using 1.0.pre version and am now trying to bring my konwledge up-to-date with the latest version and finding that almost nothing I learned applies any more!
How do I inform the view that this dfata has changed if I use the faster method?
You should not have to inform the view, this is taken care of via bindings. I can't see anything in your example that would prevent bindings from updating automatically, and made a simple jsFiddle to demonstrate. Given the following, the list of stations is modified when user hits one of the buttons and view updates automatically:
App = Ember.Application.create({}); function() {
this.route('stationList', {path: '/'});
this.route('station', {path: '/station/:station_id'});
App.Station = Ember.Object.extend({});
App.StationListController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
content : [],
initials : [
[{u:1,n:'Abe'}, {u:2,n:'Ace'}], [{u:1,n:'Barb'}, {u:2,n:'Bob'}]
setByInitial : function(initial)
console.log('setByInitial', initial);
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="stationList">
<button {{action setByInitial '0'}}>A</button>
<button {{action setByInitial '1'}}>B</button>
{{#each content}}
<li>{{#linkTo "station" u}}{{n}}{{/linkTo}}</li>
