npm run build takes to long in django+react app - reactjs

recently i moved to react and i am quite familiar with it , now i started using react with backend django, after i set up it was all working but ,every time i change code and i want to see it , i need to npm run build , although this works but on real world projects where maybe 100s of js file , run build is gonna take hours to build , and i cant wait that long to do changes and it is very python runserver makes instant easy updation , can you give me solution for this...

You can just run the front end with npm start or yarn start depending on your preference from the front-end directory and do live updates that way. Then you can save the actual build for when you've completed the front end. You don't even have to worry about running the django runserver command unless you have data on the backend you're collecting. In that case just run both until you want to build the final product.


Update changes on React + Django without running "npm run build" everytime

My Django + React app is integrated fine at least for most parts. Because every time I have to make changes on my React code, in order to apply those changes I have to stop django from running then run npm run build everytime.
I've already read this is there any way to run React + Django in same project without running npm run build again and again? and tried to apply it to my problem but it didn't work.
Still new in React but with a few experiences with Django. Would appreciate your help
When developing with Django and react I have often found it easier to import libraries (the minified versions usually) through script tags in the html that is served to the front end, this entirely circumvents the need to have npm in use entirely. If you do switch to this method, simply make sure that debug is set to true and you will be able to start the server by running 'python runserver' and you'll be able to access everything on the Django port that you are using.

Creating reactJs production web app and deploy to heroku

I have react web app running locally on my machine now I want to put this on heroku.I know before publishing it globally I need to run.
npm run build
In order to generate production ready code.My question is what if after generating production code and pushing it to heroku if I change something in react code so again do I need to run npm run build command before pushing it to heroku.
Someone please clear my doubt. Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, you would need to build again. However, it would be a shorter time span the next time.

Using create-react-app with "npm run dev"

I am developing a React JS app on a remote server which uses Apache.
In the past I have built a React JS app manually with webpack/babel etc. and then used "npm run dev" to run the app.
With this method I could see any errors on the fly in the terminal and test in the browser automatically through the web browser.
I am now creating a new site with create-react-app which takes care of a lot of the tedious setup for you. One thing I cannot figure out is how to use something similar to "npm run dev". My two options seem to be:
npm run build - This takes a while and I have to rerun it every time I change my code. It does put the updated code in the /build directory which I can link to from my Apache server and see in my browser.
npm start - I can see any errors right away in the terminal, but I cannot see it in my browser because it runs on localhost and does not get compiled to the build directory.
What can I do so that I get the best of both worlds? Having quick rebuilds / error reporting and being able to see remotely through my Apache server?
Or would it be better just to go back to my old manual way of doing things?

Deploying working react cosmosdb app from local to Azure

So I am new with working with react and have followed this tutorial here to assist me. All runs fine following these videos and all locally, but after doing a npm run build and then pushing to Azure via a local git repo, the UI runs as expected, but whenever the UI tries to hit the Express/Node backend, it gets an error that I am not understanding how to resolve. Looking at the build scripts that runs on both, I do not see where or if I need to change an environment variable as it is already hitting the correct port on Azure. What I get is the following:
What do I need to revise for this? Since webpack with the build script in create-react-app seems to do what it needs to, I am not quite sure where things are going wrong.

How to start my Angular Server

A couple of days ago I've started learning angular and today I've stepped over this project which looks very promissing. What commands should I use or add to my project in order to make it run in a browser? Thank you a lot
Generally this and this might help. Proper configuration will make the development process super-easy.
If the project is well organised you can start working on it like this:
git clone myapp
cd myapp
npm install
npm start
In the second link look at the section named "Keep the app transpiling and running", here's the command shown there:
npm start
The above generally runs the server, keeps track of changes in files and acts on them - translating code to typescript/javascript and re-running the server with changed files.
