React ref that depends by an element's reference does not get passed to the child components - reactjs

The following code creates an object ref that's called editor, but as you see it depends by the contentDiv element that's a ref to a HTMLElement. After the editor object is created it needs to be passed to the TabularRibbon. The problem is that the editor is always null in tabular component. Even if I add a conditional contentDiv?.current, in front of this, it still remains null...
Anyone has any idea?
export const Editor = () => {
let contentDiv = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
let editor = useRef<Editor>();
useEffect(() => {
let options: EditorOptions = { };
editor.current = new Editor(contentDiv.current, options);
return () => {
}, [contentDiv?.current])
return (
<div >
<div ref={contentDiv} />


How to let child access the parent data( an array of object), while having the child ability to update them

I have two components in my project.
One is App.jsx
One is Child.jsx
In App, there is a state holding array of child state objects. All create, manage, and update of the child state is through a set function from parent.
So, Child componment doesnt have its own state. For some reason, it is my intention not to have child own state, because it matters.
However, at some points, I found it that passing data into child would be hard to manage.
So, is there a way that let the child to access the data from parent by themselves not by passing down, while having them be able to update the state like my code.
People say useContext may work, but I dont quite see how.
A example to illustrate would be prefect for the improvement.
<div id="root"></div><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script>
<script type="text/babel" data-type="module" data-presets="env,react">
const {StrictMode, useState} = React;
function getInitialChildState () {
return {
hidden: false,
id: window.crypto.randomUUID(),
text: '',
function Child ({text, setText}) {
return (
<div className="vertical">
<div>{text ? text : 'Empty 👀'}</div>
onChange={ev => setText(}
function ChildListItem ({state, updateState}) {
const toggleHidden = () => updateState({hidden: !state.hidden});
const setText = (text) => updateState({text});
return (
<li className="vertical">
<button onClick={toggleHidden}>{
? 'Show'
: 'Hide'
} child</button>
? null
: <Child text={state.text} setText={setText} />
function App () {
// Array of child states:
const [childStates, setChildStates] = useState([]);
// Append a new child state to the end of the states array:
const addChild = () => setChildStates(arr => [...arr, getInitialChildState()]);
// Returns a function that allows updating a specific child's state
// based on its ID:
const createChildStateUpdateFn = (id) => (updatedChildState) => {
setChildStates(states => {
const childIndex = states.findIndex(state => === id);
// If the ID was not found, just return the original state (don't update):
if (childIndex === -1) return states;
// Create a shallow copy of the states array:
const statesCopy = [...states];
// Get an object reference to the targeted child state:
const childState = statesCopy[childIndex];
// Replace the child state object in the array copy with a NEW object
// that includes all of the original properties and merges in all of the
// updated properties:
statesCopy[childIndex] = {...childState, ...updatedChildState};
// Return the array copy of the child states:
return statesCopy;
return (
<button onClick={addChild}>Add child</button>
<ul className="vertical">
{ => (
// Every list item needs a unique key:
// Create a function for updating a child's state
// without needing its ID:
const reactRoot = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
<App />
Usually context in react is used for a global things like themes and authentication. But you can use it for actions too.
const AppContext = createContext();
In App:
const getChildState = (id) => ...
const updatedChildState = (id, updatedChildState) =>
<AppContext.Provider value={{ getChildState, updatedChildState }}>...
In ChildListItem:
const { getChildState, updatedChildState } = useContext(AppContext);
const state = getChildState(id);
const setText = (text) => updatedChildState(id, { text });
You need to pass down the id anyway so ChildListItem know what to get and what to update:
<ChildListItem key={} id={} />
Working example
Regarding your question about the theme and authentication examples let's first cite the documentation:
In a typical React application, data is passed top-down (parent to
child) via props, but such usage can be cumbersome for certain types
of props (e.g. locale preference, UI theme) that are required by many
components within an application. Context provides a way to share
values like these between components without having to explicitly pass
a prop through every level of the tree.
Material UI uses ThemeProvider to pass down theme object. Thus all components can access the palette, typography etc.
Many apps uses context to pass down information about a currently logged in user. So all components can render accordingly.
You could try jotai atoms
import { atom, useAtom } from 'jotai'
export const itemAtom = atom('')
export const App = () => {
const [item] = useAtom(itemAtom)
export const Child = () => {
const [, setItem] = useAtom(itemAtom)
<input onChange={(e) => setItem(e.value)} />

Using React hooks, how can I update an object that is being passed to a child via props?

The parent component contains an array of objects.
It maps over the array and returns a child component for every object, populating it with the info of that object.
Inside each child component there is an input field that I'm hoping will allow the user to update the object, but I can't figure out how to go about doing that.
Between the hooks, props, and object immutability, I'm lost conceptually.
Here's a simplified version of the parent component:
const Parent = () => {
const [categories, setCategories] = useState([]);
// makes an axios call and triggers setCategories() with the response
return(, index) => {
key = {index}
id = {}
firstName = {element.firstName}
lastName = {element.lastName}
setCategories = {setCategories}
And here's a simplified version of the child component:
const Child = (props) => {
defaultValue = {props.lastName}
// This is what I need help with.
// I'm a new developer and I don't even know where to start.
// I need this to update the object's lastName property in the parent's array.
Maybe without knowing it, you have lifted the state: basically, instead of having the state in the Child component, you keep it in the Parent.
This is an used pattern, and there's nothing wrong: you just miss a handle function that allows the children to update the state of the Parent: in order to do that, you need to implement a handleChange on Parent component, and then pass it as props to every Child.
Take a look at this code example:
const Parent = () => {
const [categories, setCategories] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
// Making your AXIOS request.
}, []);
const handleChange = (index, property, value) => {
const newCategories = [...categories];
newCategories[index][property] = value;
return, i) => {
return (
handleChange={handleChange} />
const Child = (props) => {
const onInputChange = (e) => {
return (
<input name={'firstName'} value={props.firstName} onChange={onInputChange} />
<input name={'lastName'} value={props.lastName} onChange={onInputChange} />
Few things you may not know:
By using the attribute name for the input, you can use just one handler function for all the input elements. Inside the function, in this case onInputChange, you can retrieve that information using;
Notice that I've added an empty array dependecies in your useEffect: without it, the useEffect would have run at EVERY render. I don't think that is what you would like to have.
Instead, I guest you wanted to perform the request only when the component was mount, and that is achievable with n empty array dependecies;

Correct way to pass useRef hook to ref property

I'm not sure how to formulate the question less vaguely, but it's about pass-by-value and pass-by-reference cases in react. And Hooks.
I am using gsap to animate a div slide-in and out is the context for this, but I'm going to guess that what the ref is used for shouldn't matter.
So, this works fine, even though this is a more class-component-typical way of passing a ref as i understand it:
const RootNavigation = () => {
var navbar = useRef();
const myTween = new TimelineLite({ paused: true });
const animate = () => {, 0.07, { x: "100" }).play();
<div className="nav-main" ref={div => (navbar = div)}> // <<<<<<<<<< pass as a callback
And this elicits a "TypeError: Cannot add property _gsap, object is not extensible" error, even though this is how the React Hooks guide would have me do it:
const RootNavigation = () => {
var navbar = useRef();
const myTween = new TimelineLite({ paused: true });
const animate = () => {, 0.07, { x: "100" }).play();
<div className="nav-main" ref={navbar}> //<<<<<<<<<<<<< not passing a callback
Could somebody explain to me what's going on here or even toss a boy a link to where it's already been explained? I'm sure some sort of Dan character has written about it somewhere, i'm just not sure what to google. Thank you!
In the first example you aren't using a ref, you are reassigning navbar through the ref callback so navbar is the DOM element.
It's the same as
let navbar = null;
return <div ref={node => (navbar = node)} />
In the second example you are using the ref object which is an object with a current property that holds the DOM element
const navbar = useRef(null)
return <div ref={navbar} />
navbar is now
{ current: the DOM element }
So you are passing the object into instead of the DOM element inside navbar.current
Now in the second example gsap is trying to extend the ref object itself and not the DOM element.
Why do we get the TypeError: Cannot add property _gsap, object is not extensible`?
If you look at the source code of useRef you will see on line 891
if (__DEV__) {
that React is sealing the ref object and JavaScript will throw an error when we try to extend it using Object.defineProperty() which is probably what gsap is doing.
The solution for using a ref will be to pass ref.current into
const RootNavigation = () => {
const navbar = useRef()
const myTween = new TimelineLite({ paused: true });
const animate = () => {, 0.07, { x: "100" }).play()
return (
<div className="nav-main" ref={navbar}>

Getting props of a clicked element in React

Currently learning React and need to get a prop of a clicked element. I managed to get it, but it does not feel like the "right" react way.
This is what I have (it works):
filterProjects = (event) => {
const value = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("filterTarget")
Initially I tried multiple things, e.g.:
const value = this.props.filterTarget or const value = event.currentTarget.this.props.filterTarget or even using ref but all returned undefined when console logging the value.
(Using this.props as it's part of a class Component.)
This is what my target element looks like:
const categories =, index) => {
return (
One simple way is passing the value itself,
onClick={() => this.filterProjects(cat.node.uid)}
And the function,
filterProjects = (value) => {

How to target a specific item to toggleClick on using React Hooks?

I have a navbar component with that actual info being pulled in from a CMS. Some of the nav links have a dropdown component onclick, while others do not. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to target a specific menus index with React Hooks - currently onClick, it opens ALL the dropdown menus at once instead of the specific one I clicked on.
The prop toggleOpen is being passed down to a styled component based on the handleDropDownClick event handler.
Heres my component.
const NavBar = props => {
const [links, setLinks] = useState(null);
const [notFound, setNotFound] = useState(false);
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const fetchLinks = () => {
if (props.prismicCtx) {
// We are using the function to get a document by its uid
const data = props.prismicCtx.api.query(['document.tags', [`${config.source}`]),'document.type', 'navbar'),
data.then(res => {
const navlinks = res.results[0].data.nav;
return null;
const checkForLinks = () => {
if (props.prismicCtx) {
} else {
useEffect(() => {
const handleDropdownClick = e => {
if (links) {
const linkname = => {
// Check to see if NavItem contains Dropdown Children
return item.items.length > 1 ? (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink onClick={handleDropdownClick} href={}>
<Dropdown toggleOpen={isOpen}>
{ => {
return (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink href={subitem.sub_nav_link.url}>
) : (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink href={}>
// Render
return (
<StyledNavBar.NavContainer wide>
<StyledNavBar.NavWrapper row center>
<Logo />
if (notFound) {
return <NotFound />;
return <h2>Loading Nav</h2>;
export default NavBar;
Your problem is that your state only handles a boolean (is open or not), but you actually need multiple booleans (one "is open or not" for each menu item). You could try something like this:
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState({});
const handleDropdownClick = e => {
const currentID =;
const newIsOpenState = isOpen[id] = !isOpen[id];
And finally in your HTML:
const linkname =, index) => {
// Check to see if NavItem contains Dropdown Children
return item.items.length > 1 ? (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink id={index} onClick={handleDropdownClick} href={}>
<Dropdown toggleOpen={isOpen[index]}>
// ... rest of your component
Note the new index variable in the .map function, which is used to identify which menu item you are clicking.
One point that I was missing was the initialization, as mention in the other answer by #MattYao. Inside your load data, do this:
data.then(res => {
const navlinks = res.results[0].data.nav;
setIsOpen(, index) => {index: false}));
Not related to your question, but you may want to consider skipping effects and including a key to your .map
I can see the first two useState hooks are working as expected. The problem is your 3rd useState() hook.
The issue is pretty obvious that you are referring the same state variable isOpen by a list of elements so they all have the same state. To fix the problems, I suggest the following way:
Instead of having one value of isOpen, you will need to initialise the state with an array or Map so you can refer each individual one:
const initialOpenState = [] // or using ES6 Map - new Map([]);
In your fetchLink function callback, initialise your isOpen state array values to be false. So you can put it here:
data.then(res => {
const navlinks = res.results[0].data.nav;
// init your isOpen state here
navlinks.forEach(link => isOpen.push({ linkId:, value: false })) //I suppose you can get an id or similar identifers
In your handleClick function, you have to target the link object and set it to true, instead of setting everything to true. You might need to use .find() to locate the link you are clicking:
handleClick = e => {
const currentOpenState = state;
const clickedLink = // use your own identifier
currentOpenState[clickedLink].value = !currentOpenState[clickedLink].value;
Update your component so the correct isOpen state is used:
<Dropdown toggleOpen={isOpen[item].value}> // replace this value
{ => {
return (
<StyledNavBar.NavLink href={subitem.sub_nav_link.url}>
The above code may not work for you if you just copy & paste. But it should give you an idea how things should work together.
