I had an interview a couple days ago and they asked me something that I dont know and I would like to ask you to see what would you do.
Scenario: an AWS instance with a web service and database running inside. How would I manage in case of autoscaling? Knowing that there are no problem with the web service if it replicates (to manage the web performance, for example) but how would I solve with the database service on it.
You cannot reliably auto scale for performance on this type of dual service instance beyond one (1) single instance. You cannot autoscale horizontally (2+) for web performance reasons, because you only ever want a single database instance.
If availabilty/100% uptime of the web app is not critical, then an ASG with a desired size of one (1) max would provide automatic replacement in case of failure. A failure of any of the two services, or instance termination, would replace the single instance automatically, with some limited downtime.
If you need to scale horizontally to two or more instances, for web performance reasons, then you need to factor out the database into its own instance, or migrate it to RDS.
I'm designing a service that will serve some business entites. Logically it will be divided into two parts:
Frontend - bells and whistels like Wiki, Pricing, Landing Page, maybe account information (billing, account status, and so on).
Service itself, where business entity's empoyers will do theirs work.
It is play 2.x framework, planning to host in heroku.
It is not clear for now how to decompose intstances and DB stuff.
Should I decompose DB for clients: business entity - one database? Or should I store all data in one database, but add for all tables id of business entity that ownes some row? What issues (performance, administrative, scaling) may come up with this decision?
If I will choose to divide databases, how can I do this? For that I need to launch app instance with DB for client that instance belongs to. Thus we have non-uniform instances that can be obstacle for scaling. And as I know, heroku doesn't support non-uniform (web)instances.
Please help, i'm totally stucked here.
Expected stack:
Play 2.0
All (except Scala, and may be Play 2.0) of this are interchangeable.
This is a pretty classic problem. You have many clients and you wonder if you should create separate databases for each client - or if they should share a database.
I would recommend starting with one shared database and then use that until you out grow it. Think of some of the disadvantages to having each client with their own database instance:
Like you mention the schema management can be tough. You'd need to write tools to maintain all databases across all servers.
If you tell clients you have structured your system this way, some of them might push you to fork the database. In other words they might argue, "I have my own database! I want a new table just for me."
It's a bit harder to run queries across servers/databases. If you wanted to count how many items all clients have, you'd have to think about that a bit.
But if you want to start by sharding based on client (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shard_(database_architecture)), you might consider:
As mentioned previously, you'll need some tools/scripts to launch a new database instance for a client. Often those tools will need to "seed" the database with configuration information - like populating a states table for addresses.
You'll want to have a tool to monitor/maintain the databases. Start one, stop another, see if one has high CPU usage etc.
You'll need some kind of system to aggregate statistics across all clients.
You'll need a tool to roll out schema changes and a plan on how you can gracefully upgrade the database while their web application is running.
Overall I would advise to start small and simple and only start worrying about scale when you get there.
I am new to servers and online databases, so please bear with me.
I have a question regarding database server communication on mobile devices as follows:
I am currently developing a game application on iOS. I have set up a non-SQL database on Cloudant and I would like to access that data on my iOS device. I have to update multiple database entries each time I complete a round, and I also need to read multiple entries on my database to refresh the leaderboard. I have tried to access multiple entries on Cloudant individually via device before, but most of them returned as timeout.
Thus, right now I have written several PHP scripts on my application server so that my device only needs to access the script once, and do multiple updates on my database or filter through the data I require from Cloudant. However, this means I need an additional server, meaning higher costs. I feel there should be a better or more elegant solution out there, and thus I would like to ask for help from everybody out here. Is it better to do all the updates directly from the device, or to enlist the help of a 3rd party?
Thanks for your time!
For security reasons alone it is necessary to use a server in front of the cloudant database. I assume you don't want every user of your app to be able to access the whole database. Also, the reasons you gave seem valid to me. It's generally a good idea to reduce the number and size of requests for a mobile application. Also, this might allow you to do some caching in the PHP server, ultimately reducing your costs.
I'm looking to develop an application for Mac and iOS-devices. The application will rely on information stored in a remote database. It needs both read (select) and write (insert, update, delete) access to the database. The application will be a multi-user application.
Now I'm looking at two different approaches to access the database:
- via web service: the application accesses the web service (REST, JSON) which accesses the database. Authentication will be done via HTTP authentication over SSL (https).
- access the remote database directly over a VPN.
The app will be used by a maximum of let's say 100 people and is aimed at small groups/organizations/businesses.
So my question is: what would be the best approach to access the database? What about security and performance? What would a typical implementation for a small business look like?
Any advice will be appreciated.
Using web services adds a level of indirection between the clients and the database. This has several advantages that are all due to the fact that the clients need to have no knowledge of the database, only of your web service interface. Since client applications are more complicated to control and update than your server side code, it pays to add a level of business logic on the server that lets you tweak your system without pushing updates to the clients. Main advantages:
Flexibility - you can change the database configuration / replace the data layer altogether and change nothing on the client apps as long as you keep the same web service interface.
Security - implement some authentication mechanism for your web services, and avoid giving clients access credentials to your database engine.
There are some disadvantages too: you pay for that flexibility by adding a level of complexity - it'd probably be faster to just code the database access into the clients and get done with it. Consider the web services layer as an investment that might pay dividends down the road. Whether it's worth it really depends on your business requirements and outlook.
Given the information you have provided, the answer is almost certainly web services, unless the VPN is fast.
If the VPN is fast enough to handle the traffic, you will save a lot of time, effort and expense by accessing the database directly from your application.
You can also provide remote access to virtual PC sessions, if that's your thing.
So it's all going to depend on what your requirements are. There are a lot of ways to do this, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Making the right decision will require a fair amount of systems analysis, probably beyond the scope of a question posted on StackOverflow.
I am new to the area of web development and currently interviewing companies, the most favorite questions among what people ask is:
How do you scale your webserver if it
starts hitting a million queries?
What would you do if you have just one
database instance running at that
time? how do you manage that?
These questions are really interesting and I would like to learn about them.
Please pour in your suggestions / practices (that you follow) for such scenarios
Thank you
How to scale:
Identify your bottlenecks.
Identify the correct solution for the problem.
Check to see you you can implement the correct solution.
Identify alternate solution and check
Typical Scaling Options:
Vertical Scaling (bigger, faster server hardware)
Load balancing
Split tiers/components out onto more/other hardware
Offload work through caching/cdn
Database Scaling Options:
Vertical Scaling (bigger, faster server hardware)
Replication (active or passive)
Clustering (if DBMS supports it)
At the most basic level, scaling web servers consists of writing your app in such a way that it can run on > 1 machine, and throwing more machines at the problem. No matter how much you tune them, the eventual scaling will involve a farm of web servers.
The database issue is way more sticky to deal with. What is your read / write percentage? What kind of application is this? OLTP? OLAP? Social Media? What is the database? How do we add more servers to handle the load? Do we partition our data across multiple dbs? Or replicate all changes to loads of slaves?
Your questions call more questions, i.e. in an interview, if someone just "has the answer" to a generic question like you've posted, then they only know one way of doing things, and that way may or may not be the best one.
There are a few approaches I'd take to the first question:
Are there hardware upgrades that may get things up enough to handle the million queries in a short time? If so, this is likely an initial point to investigate.
Are there software changes that could be made to optimize the performance of the server? I know IIS has a ton of different settings that could be used to improve performance to some extent.
Consider going into a web farm situation rather than use a single server. I actually did have a situation where I worked once where we did have millions of hits a minute and it was thrashing our web servers rather badly and taking down a number of sites. Our solution was to change the load balancer so that a few of the servers served up the site that would thrash the servers so that other servers could keep the other sites up as this was in the fall and in retail this is your big quarter. While some would start here, I'd likely come here last as this can be opening a bit can of worms compared to the other two options.
As for the database instance, it would be a similar set of options to my mind though I may do the multi-server option first as redundancy may be an important side benefit here that I'm not sure it is as easy with a web server. I may be way off, but that is how I'd initially tackle this.
Use a caching proxy
If you serve identical pages to all visitors (say, a news site) you can reduce load by an order of magnitude by caching generated content with a caching proxy such as Varnish or Apache Traffic Server.
The proxy will sit between your server and your visitors. If you get 10,000 hits to your front page it will only have to be generated once, the proxy will send the same response to the other 9999 visitors without asking your app server again.
probably before developer starting to develop the system,
they will consider the specification of the server
maybe you can decrease use of SEO and block it from search engine to craw it
(which is the task that taking a lot of resource)
try to index everything well and avoid to making search easily
Deploy it on the cloud, make sure your web server and webapp cloud ready and can scale across different nodes. I recommend cherokee web server (very easy to load balance across different servers, and benchmarks proves faster than Apache,). For ex, google cloud (appspot) needs your web app to be Python or Java
Use caching proxy eg. Nginx.
For database use memcache on some queries which are suppose to be repeated.
If the company wants data to be private , build a private cloud , Here , Ubuntu is doing very good job at it fully free and opensource : http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/private
Please I need help.
I have project in which I need application which communicates with local DB server and simultaneously with central remote DB server to complete some task(read stock quotas from local server create order and then write order to central orders DB,...).
So, I don`t know which architecture and technology do this.
Web application, .NET WinForms client applications on each computer, or web services based central application with client applications?
What are general differences between this approaches?
If you don't want to expose your database directly to the clients, I'd recommend having a web service layer in between. Depending on the sensitivity of your data and the security level of your network, I'd recommend either a web service approach (where you can manage the encryption of data yourself, and without need for expensive ssl certificates) or a web interface (which might be easier to construct, but with limitations in security).
I agree with Tomas that a web service layer might be good. However, when it comes to choosing between webforms or winforms I don't think your question includes enough information to make the choice.
I'd say that if you want a powerful and feature rich user interface and want to make development easy, Winforms is probably the way to go. But if you need it to be usuable from a varied array of clients and want easier maintenance and deployment, a web app might be best.
First, focus on the exact relationship between these databases. What does "local" mean. Right there on the user's desktop? Shared between all the users in their office? Presumably the local quotes (you do mean stock quotes and not quotas?) could potentiually be a little out of date relative to the central order server's view of the world. Does that matter? I place an order for 100 X at price 78.34, real price may be different. What is the intended behaviour.
My guess is that there is at least some business logic and so we need to decide where that runs. One (thick client) approach is to put that logic on the desktop, the desktop app then might write directly to the central DB. I don't tend to do this for several reasons:
Every client desktop gets a database connection. Scaling is not good, eventually the database gets unhappy when the number of users gets very large.
If we need a slightly different app, perhaps exposed to a different set of users via the Web or whatever, we end up reproducing that business logic.
An alternative approach (thin or browser based) keeps the UI on the desktop, but puts the logic on the server. The client can then invoke some kind of service. Now there's lots of possible ways of doing that, a simple Web Service or Rest Service will do the job. I hope it's clear that this service-based appraoch addressed my two points above.
By symmetry I would treat the local databases in the same way, wrap them in services. However it's possible that some more complex relationship between the databases exists and in which case you might need the local service layer to interact with the central service layer.
I'm touting the general pronciple of Do Not Repeat Yourself, implement each piece of business logic once.