What software deploys NEX_SDK.dll? - winforms

A site I am responsible for is reporting that when our Windows Desktop application (WinForms, .Net v4.7.2) displays a login or authorisation form, our application now reports an error:
The program can't start because nex_sdk.dll is missing from your computer.
Once this report is cleared, our program continues without issue.
Our software does not reference anything called nex_sdk and it is not on my development workstation either, and Google has never heard of "nex_sdk.dll" so I'm somewhat helpless here.
Imprivata single sign-on is in play so I'm hoping it's related to that and I can have local IT repair/reinstall but I'd need an authoritative statement that that is the case.

Update: It is the Imprivata "Single sign-on" agent service/application.


Is There Any Client Side Web Automation

I work in a public sector university
I use selenium with C# for automating routine tasks. I have admin rights so I just develop
various win forms apps to do that. But most of my colleagues cant use such apps as they do not
have admin rights. The apps are so useful and time saving that I want it to share with all colleagues
But admin rights is the issue, so please direct me to a solution that can work completely on client side.
Plz also note that I cant create setups and ask networking staff to install it on all PCs as there are
around 150 of them, and also the apps often are updated every couple of months.
PhantomJS worked without requiring admin rights, but it is already paused, as per their official page, so the only hack to my mind is, ask networking staff to install visual studio (with C# setup) on all PCs, this way I can just hand over the apps to all and they can open and run from VS, instead of direct exe, and it will eliminate requiring updating of apps as users will just need to get the latest app folder. A down side is un necessary window of VS and the memory but the benefits would outweigh this issue.

Adobe Experience Manager WorkBench Check out/in Issue

Shortly I ve Windows Server 2012 R2, AEM Forms(6.2), SQLServer(2014) and Workbench(6.2) in same server. At first when i install and configure all of them, i can check out or in my applications from Workbench succesfully. However After my software team executes some scripts at Database, we can not check in/out from workbench. The worst thing when i click check out, workbench gives any error. any log. on event log or server application. It gives nothing and don't do my transaction. I saw at forums some people have same issue but nobody writes solution.
Please if any one knows the solution, share with us. What's wrong with my workbench? what to do fix this issue?
The query that your software team ran turns off security on every single LiveCycle service and makes them run as the system user. This includes the services used by Workbench and is very bad. Some of the services rely on knowing who is logged in to operate correctly. In particular, how can LiveCycle know who has checked in/out a resource if the service always runs as system?
Your best bet is to restore the LiveCycle database - or at least the tb_sc_service_configuration table to be where it was before you ran the script.
If you need to remove security on individual services, you should do it through the admin console, but only do it for your processes. Never do it for systems services unless the Adobe documentation says it is OK.
As JeremyP pointed out, modifying the Adobe database directly is a bad idea. The database should be treated as a black box that is only manipulated by Adobe code (either by doing things in the Adobe tools or making calls to Adobe APIs).
You can either make security changes manually through the adminui (as he indicates, which is the most common way of doing it) or programatically using the Adobe client APIs. See the following links for sample code that uses the APIs:
Removing Security - http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/10.0/ProgramLC/WS624e3cba99b79e12e69a9941333732bac8-7f35.html
Setting the runAs user - http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/10.0/ProgramLC/WS624e3cba99b79e12e69a9941333732bac8-7f38.html
My company, 4Point, offers AEM Forms consulting services. We have an in-house Apache Ant library that wraps the code above to automate this (and other) common tasks that are typically required when deploying (and redeploying) AEM Forms solutions. It can be included as part of a consulting engagement.

Why can't I use a UI component (Windows form) inside of a Windows service?

I've seen several posts that essentially state that UI components shouldn't run as a service. I understand the rational that no one can respond to UI events etc. But the fact remains that are are many automation tasks that are only possible with Windows forms.
Here is a couple of great examples:
I would like to build a url crawler
service that makes thumbnails of
webpages. Currently the only way I
see to achieve this is to try and
automate the .Net WebBroswer
Automate the printing of MS-Word
Pre-Vista there was some tricks to get around this, but now there is none. My question is why is this the case, and what alternatives does one really have?
Lookup Shatter Attacks and Session 0 Isolation Feature.
Basically if two processes (of different users) share the same desktop, one process can potentially execute whatever code it wants in the other process by sending windows messages, and this was called a Shatter Attack.
There was a lot of discussion whether this was a design bug or not, and post Vista, Microsoft decided to remove any interactive desktop support for services as that was a potential security hole.
As an alternative, you can consider, running your image generation/printing code as a logged in user, who has access to an interactive desktop.
Like Moron said best thing to do is not run it as a service.
But perhaps you're stuck running it from a service anyway, because there is an existing framework of some sort that you're needing to run your code from.
So the workaround to that would be to write a server program that runs as a logged in user. You will hit that server program from your code the must be in a service. The server will do the work and return the results.
You can communicate between the 2 using WCF over named pipes as the transport, or whatever works. If that doesn't, you can use bare named pipes, or, tcp/ip on the localhost. Judging from your website in your userprofile, you should know all about localhost!
Technically, UI components requires started Windows Message Queue to work. You can run it from windows service (may be with allowed Interaction with Desktop, as far as I know this feature is disabled in Windows Vista and higher).
But things you are talking about is not UI components, it is COM components, and you can use it. At least MS Office, but it is not recommended by Microsoft, because memory leaks are possible. Latest MS Office has server edition, that can be used in application without user interface.

Launch local application with Silverlight

I would like to know if there is any way to launch a local application with silverlight. I'm having some security problems doing this with a user control embedded in IE 8, so I would like to convert this into silverlight app. This little issue is stopping me to go forward with silverlight, so if any suggestion, I would appreciate to hear it.
Thanks in advance..
This will be, theoretically possible, using COM interop with Silverlight OOB in SL4, but you will still have the same security issues, and in addition, add some deployment issues.
In order to do this directly from within IE, you'll need to make an add-in that gets installed with proper security permissions. Any "automatic" model for this would violate the standard IE security policies, so there is no direct means of getting from browser->local system.
this would totally invalidate Silverlight security model. So, good luck with that. Pretty sure you can not do it. This is what officially is known as a "Bad Thing."
Things I learned from Jurassic Park: Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD do something.
It is absolutely possible to get "Out of Browser" support using Silverlight 4. But what you need to do in order to access applications on the "Host" machine is the certify the SL4 application as being trusted.
This will involve getting a certificate for it. This could be obtained from CA (or similar for Internet applications) OR you could generate your own certificate for Intranet use and have the users simply install it or have it installed via another automated sys admin style process.
The bottom line is that when the SL4 application is running OOB AND it is trusted, it can access anything on the host machine; to a point.
Even though you can have file access and so forth, you still cannot call the application directly. That is unless it's installed as a COM object.
So what you will need to do is invoke the application using the "script" host COM object. You create a reference to the Script host and then simply pass in the command (and parameters if you like) that would invoke the application.
Hey presto, you broke the wall :-)
It should be noted that the use will still only be able to run the applications on their machine that they are currently allowed to. So you won't be able to invoke Admin tools on a user with limited control.
See here for details
It seems to me that you ought to post a question about the developement of the user control you already have. Ultimately no matter what technology you use you will need to get the user to opt-in manually. Silverlight when hosted by a browser is designed to live in nice and secure sandbox that it can't get out of. It isn't the answer to your problem in this case.
Your Silverlight application should be a trusted application because it runs on a browser.
If you want to launch an application in your local machine use the below code:
Use the namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices.Automation

What issues can a client have running Silverlight?

My company recently deployed our first Silverlight app, and, as expected, we've had a couple of small issues with getting it to run on some clients' machines. Mostly it was javascript that was disabled or using a non-supported browser, but I was wondering if there was a resource that lists the common issues that users run up against so that we can post in our FAQs section and hopefully decrease the volume of calls we recieve about it.
The user might not have Silverlight installed.
If the user doesn't have administrator permissions he or she cannot install it. -- FAIL!
The majority of users in corporate and government environments don't have administrator accounts.... to make sure they don't install stuff like silverlight. :-)
