Question on Administrative Unit in Azure AD - azure-active-directory

I have a question on administrative units in Azure AD -
If someone has User Administrator Role scoped to their administrative unit, how do we add a new user?
The reason behind the query is that I've found that because the user is not yet in that unit, and administrator has no privileges to add new one the only option is to add to the User Administrator Role without administrative unit ( entire ad) - but I want to avoid that if possible.
Anyone has come across a similar situation? Any input is appreciated.

I contacted MS Support and got a reply that it's the expected behavior currently.
Adding a member into an administrative unit is an option relating to the entire tenant so it requires a directory role rather than a unit role.
But this feature is in preview and your requirement is reasonable. So it may be changed in the future.


Not able to access any tabs in AAD

I'm not able to access any tabs in AAD. What could be the issue?
Please check if below points can be worked around in your case.
Buttions or options being greyed out maybe because , you may not have had global admin rights/user administrator rights on the azure AD tenant. There are a few roles which can create users within the directory. You may not have any roles within the directory which permit the operations.
Reference: github issue.
Even in Azure AD free edition ,one should be able to create the users if you have proper roles .
On completion of the first 30 days of Microsoft Azure’s free trial,
your ‘Free Trial’ Azure Subscription will be disabled. To fix this,
the subscription needs to be changed to the ‘Pay-As-You-Go’ plan
instead of the ‘Free Trial’ plan which it is currently on.
For example :For applications under Enterprise application, one of the following roles: Global Administrator, Cloud Application
Administrator, Application Administrator, or owner of the service
You can check Azure AD built-in roles, and by checking the
description of role , assign the required one to manage identity .
You can Assign Azure AD roles to users to manage the identities
if you have global or role administrator rights. Approach the
admin to assign the roles .Also see custom roles in Azure AD
if needed.
Please check if this issue in - Microsoft Q&A can relate .
If issue still remains you can raise a support request in troubleshoot+support blade.

Possible to login to Snowflake using SSO without a user account or default role?

I'm working on improving the user experience for our org when logging into snowflake. We have adfs sso enabled and are provisioning mapping users to roles using azure ad. I had a colleague attempt to sign in with SSO who didn't have a user account created in snowflake and they were greeted with
"The signed in user <> is not assigned to a role for the application (Snowflake)".
My question is, is it possible to have users sign into snowflake without being mapped to a default role, perhaps only have the public role assigned, and without being synced with azure ad.
If it is, i'd appreciate any pointers to documentation i can reference. The goal is to get all users that can SSO, to by default be able to login
AD group syncing occurs every 40 minutes in Microsoft, and I don't believe it's possible to force a sync or change this time frame. In addition, like the OP mentioned Snowflake cannot connect to an on-prem ADFS server so all users must be in Azure AD.
AD group syncing is somewhat configurable via the "Scope" (see Step 15 of this tutorial)
If your Scope is set to "Sync only assigned users and groups", you can either
Change the scope to "Sync all users and groups" (may cause issues if you don't want to import all this data into Snowflake)
Confirm that your desired users' AD group is one of those assigned to be synced to Snowflake (requires manually assigning these users, or that all of these users are part of the same AD group that you choose to sync to Snowflake).
By seeing the error its not allowing user who don't have appropriate role for the application.
In these why can't we create generic stored procedure to assign default role and instance to new user based on the group they belong to.! Each time if we add any new user then we have to run stored procedure to assign default role and object prior to his login to snowflake.

What permission do I need to assign managed identities to app roles?

I want to authorize several Logic Apps to access operations on an API secured by an app registration, which has several app roles describing different operations. Currently a directory administrator is doing this manually using New-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment once the Logic Apps are created, because the associated service principal doesn't exist until then.
I'd rather this were automated, because especially in development, the manual work of asking a directory administrator to re-run this script is very tedious. However I don't know how to grant the scripting account - a service principal linked to a DevOps service connection - only the permissions to do this, and not make it a directory administrator able to do anything. If the service connection is a directory administrator, developers would be able to supply it scripts to tell it to create or delete any combination of role assignments, enabling them to let themselves into anything, and also shut out people who should be able to prevent this. This is an unacceptable security hole.
What is the minimal permission needed to allow an automated process to script the creation of app role assignments but nothing else, and where is this documented?
For this requirement, you can just add the scripting account as owner of your app(just create a new user without any roles and add it as the app's owner). Then it can just add role assignment in this app but can't do other operations on role assignment of other apps.

Select permissions were revoked in SQL Server but the user can still access all tables

I have revoked select permissions for a user in SQL Server and gave them access to one table but the user can still query all tables.
REVOKE SELECT ON "dbo"."TableName" FROM "Domain\"
I have double and triple check all the permissions on both the login and user. Can someone please steer me in the right direction?
To identify all permissions someone may have in SQL, you have to look at:
The SQL Login configured for their domain login. Is it a member of any server-level groups? Does it have any server-level permissions?
What databases does it have access to?
Within those databases, what permissions does it have?
I'm guessing you've already done that. Next level:
Identify all domain groups for which SQL Logins have been created.
Determine which of these groups your user is a member of. Do the same checks as above, e.g. what can members of that group do in this SQL Instance.
Note that domain groups can contain domain groups. Depending on how in (or out of) control you Domain Administrators are, you could have crazy levels of nesting going on. And this is in the Domain, active directory, which you may or may not have sufficient access rights to review in detail.
Don't forget Local (that machine) groups, often set up by default. Is the user a member of a local machine group with elevated rights? You won't find anything out about this at the domain level.
This of course assumes that they are only using their own personal domain login, without aliasing, "Running As", SQL authenticated logins, application logins, and probably some even more obscure things I can't think of right now. (They probably aren't, unless they're griefing you.)
Note that this was off the top of my head. Configuring SQL Security is a Dark Art; figuring out who's been configured with what can be a nightmare (and worse when dealing with applications running on system accounts.) Good luck!

Is it true that SQL auth is only great for multiple role apps?

I believe Windows auth is the best practice to use to connect to SQL DB. I am hear talking about application user account..
Is it true that SQL auth is only great for multiple role apps and window auth is only good for single role app? I never heard that windows auth with muitple role os only good for smaill internal app?
multiple Windows logins = multiple connections = no pooling = poor scaling?
The problem with using Windows auth for a web application is that many web applications store their application users' credentials in the same SQL database that is used for other application data.
So you have a chicken-and-egg problem. You can't authenticate the user before connecting to the database, and you can't connect to the database without authenticating the user.
It should be possible to use Windows authentication, and then also have application-specific attributes of the user stored inside the database. But most people find this cumbersome to administer, and also limiting to portability of the application.
For example, if one of the feature of the application allows users to change their own password, then the process running your web application needs the privilege to alter a Windows password, which may mean that the application needs to run with Administrator privileges.
If you let the application manage user ID for the context of the application, then to change a user's password is just an SQL operation, and your application is in charge of enforcing security for that.
I'm not sure what you mean by single-role and multi-role app. I have built apps before where there are multiple SQL Server Database Roles, each with a Windows Domain Group of users allowed in that role. So user management is completely within Active Directory, with a 1-1 correspondence between the Domain Group and the Database Role.
We typically did not manage the security within the application itself except obviously declaratively during the database creation where each object was granted access by particular roles according to the design. Typically, in a simple case, we relied on db_datareader role being granted for general usage to non-specific groups of users like database and network administrators for troubleshooting or report-writers or business analysts for ad hoc reporting. Actual users of the app would be granted execute on the relevant SPs to be able to modify any data (so all data creation or modification was through SPs and only explicit members of the ThisAppsUsers AD group could do it). Any advanced SPs (say, merging or deleting accounts) would only be accessible by ThisAppsAdmins AD group. And that was usually all we needed for moderate-sized applications. For more complex functionality, it was also possible to interrogate AD directly for custom attributes (user is an admin only for this customer account but for others is just a user)
This same technique can be used with SQL Server logins, but of course the individual SQL Server logins have to be added to the database roles, and you don't have the richness of AD and have to build some kind of directory service into your database.
The ability to even use AD may not be possible for many applications, so in that case, the security architecture would obviously have to cater to that model.
using the integratedSecurity=true option for SQL JDBC , by including the JDBC auth .dll, should give you database connectivity without authenticating...
