Invalid_grant when requesting Access token MS Graph - azure-active-directory

thanks for reading this.
I've a problem obtaining an access token for MS Graph using Postman. I've been reading similar posts on stackoverflow, but so far, without success. In the following I added some screenshots that contain (I believe) all the information needed for this process.
Screenshot of application permissions:
The link I use to obtain an access-code:{Tenant ID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
3)After following this link I give permission and receive a code, which I use in the following postman call:
I had no problem obtaining the access token without a user, but unfortunately, I need more than just the application permissions. I hope someone can help me!
Thanks for your time!

You need to delete the "code=" in code of postman call, it looks like "OAAABAAAAiL9Kn.....". code is just the value of "code" from /authorize endpoint. The others all looks correct.
I tried with the steps in your issue, it worked well.
Get authorization code:{tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
Receive the code:
Code is 0.ATcATqvJ...vv1MbCO6MN_uCAA from the pervious.
Request in Postman:

You cannot generate a single token both Delegated (with a user) and Application (without a user). You'll need to make two separate requests.
For generating a Delegated token, you first need to retrieve an Authorization Code (i.e. the authrorization_code grant). This is done by redirecting the user to the following address (line breaks are for readability only)
client_id=[APPLICATION ID]&
redirect_uri=[REDIRECT URI]&
This will return an Authorization Code to the address you specified in the redirect_uri parameter (note that this address must also be included in your app registration). You then take this code an POST it to the /token endpoint like this:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client_id=[APPLICATION ID]&
redirect_uri=[REDIRECT URI]
For Application tokens, you simply skip the authorization code step and POST to the /token endpoint directly:{tenantDomain}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client_id=[APPLICATION ID]&


JavaBearer Token validation in Azure AD

I'm trying to validate a token (just using postman), final solution would be written in Java (spring). The problem is I don't find the exact URL to validate the token against AAD.
I found this helpful article :
And in that article they said to validate the token against this URL:<<<tenant_id>>>/v2.0/
The problem is I got 404 when I hit that URL.
I also got "200 OK status" when I hit this URL<<<tenant_id>>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize no matter what I put in the token !! Which is strange!
This link works for me:<<<tenant_id>>/discovery/v2.0/keys - and I get back a very descriptive JSON, but I am still stuck.
Could you please provide me the URL which would give me 200-ok when I have a valid token, and also to give me a bad-invalid response when I have a wrong token ?
I found some sample Postman requests here:
I got same behavior with them.
Thank you.
There is no introspection endpoint listed in
This authorization-server obviously supports JWTs only. To validate access-tokens, you'll have to configure a JWT decoder/validator in your Java app.
With Spring, this is done by configuring a JWT resource-server. Sample in this article. Skip the part about Keycloak and use in properties
not sure this authorization-server provides with user roles or groups or whatever claim to map spring authorities from (try to submit an access-token to to see if you have a claim like that)

Amazon SP API getting internal server error

I am trying to get access token from api
POST /auth/o2/token HTTP/l.l
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
But after POST request I get 500 server error.
Is it because my app is in draft status? or I am missing something while making request?
If it because of draft status then when the status will get change? any thoughts on this.
Thank you for your help in advance.
The documentation is wrong. I was getting the same exact error and came across this comment on a github issue which mentioned that the data has to be passed into the body of the request, not as query string parameters. Sure enough, this worked for me and I was able to get an access token. So just to clarify: grant_type, refresh_token, client_id, and client_secret should be passed into the body of the POST request to and NOT as query string parameters.
Draft status will not keep you from requesting and receiving the access token.
Here are a few things to check as not much can be derived from the example post request from the documentation:
Did you configure AWS IAM role / policy / user properly
Did you use the correct IAM ARN when registering the application
Are you using the correct LWA credentials (I am assuming you're not passing foodev and Y76SDl2F as those are example parameters)
Have you self authorized the application (are you using the refresh token generated
for the authorized application)
Are you 'assuming the role' before the token exchange -- this is a very important step
and is very different in comparison to how access was handled with MWS -- if
you have not, the server will reject the token exchange regardless if the refresh
token is correct. More on that here
This is a non-exhaustive list, just some common issues I have seen other developers have with getting the access token during development, if these don't work you'll need to work with support as they can see the requests hitting the token endpoint.

Graph API - Create Application with authorization_code token

I'm trying to register an application in Azure AD using Graph API with an oauth token obtained with the Authorization Code grant type. I can do it with Client Credentials, but not with Authorization Code. With the latter I can list applications, but not create them.
Here's the permissions I've set in the application:
And here's what I set in postman to get the token:
I get the token just fine and I can list the applications, but when I try to create a new one through the endpoint 'POST' I get the following response:
Anyone knows why this is happening? Thanks!
According to the last screenshot you provided, it seems the process stopped at login page(the response body is the html of login page) when do authorization code flow.
I test it in my side(also in postman) but it works fine, below is my configuration in postman for your reference:
Although I didn't reproduce your problem in my test, but I can provide you some information about authorization code backend request to know what does the response in your postman mean.
When we do authorization code flow(not in postman) to get access token, there are two steps. First we need to request the url{tenantId or commone}/oauth2/authorize?resource={clientId}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://hurytest&response_mode=query in your browser like below screenshot.
We can find the content in the red box in screenshot above is same to the response you get in postman. So I think the process stopped here(which is the first step of authorization code flow).
Second step, we need to input username and password into the login page. It will redirect to another page like below screenshot.
Copy the code after code= in the above screenshot and then use the code in below request to get access token.
In a word, I didn't reproduce your problem in my postman. But the backend request in your postman may stopped in the first step(login page) of authorization code flow which I mentioned above. So please check if you configured correct in postman. If still doesn't work, you can do authorization code flow by the two steps I provided to get the access token.

What Scope and or resource to set to get token that works with office 365 api?

We have acquired the Admin consent in both delegated and application ServiceHealth.Read permissions in Office 365 Management API for our Client app in Azure AD.
We are unable to figure out what the scope and or resource needs to be in token acquisition process if we want to make calls to the office365 management api.
Whether its the client_credentials grant method of direct token acquisition
Or the authorization code then token for signed-in user method
It would be preferable if its for the client_credentials grant method, but if it has to be through auth code, that's fine too.
We can use the following already to grab our reports but do not know how to allow that authentication to also cover Office365 Management API Service Health
curl --location --request GET "{tenantid}/oauth2/v2.0/token" \
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
--data "client_id={clientid}&client_secret={clientsecret}&scope="
When adding ServiceHealth.Read to the end or by itself it returned invalid_scope as an error
When place only in the scope it gives the error invalid_resource with the description including that the resource not found in tenant
A similar problem occurred when trying to get the authorization code and setting the resource as ServiceHealth.Read and while setting that as the scope instead gave a authorization code, the resulting token was deemed invalid.
Authorization Code Grant Flow
I quickly tried this out with an Azure AD app registration that has ServiceHealth.Read delegated permission for Office 365 Management APIs.
Scope value used -
I was able to successfully get back an access token following the Authorization Code Grant flow. I'll share the detailed request parameters passed shortly, but this should answer your direct question about what scope value to use.
Since I used Azure AD V2 endpoints, I didn't really need to specify a resource. In your sample requests mentioned in question I see that you are also using Azure AD V2 endpoint.
Detailed steps
Step 1 - Get the Authorization Code
For this step, I directly used browser and then sign in using a valid user from my Azure AD tenant.
// Line breaks only for clear reading. Remove line breaks and paste in browser URL to test.
Response should be something like
Step 2 - Acquire Token from token endpoint
Take the Authorization code from last step.
For this step I used POSTMAN. You can use CURL as well.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Body
Final Token received, decoded in
Client Credentials Grant Flow
Scope value used -
I did add the related app permission and give consent for it.
For this one I used POSTMAN again. You can use CURL as well.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Body
Final Token received, decoded in
Take a look at this Microsoft documentation around scope value for Client Credentials Grant.

invalid_grant error when obtaining access token

I am trying to build a website where a user can log in via Azure AD B2C. After logging in, I'm trying to present a secure area where the user can change their Azure B2C user attributes (first name, last name, etc) via the Microsoft Graph API.
I am attempting to follow along with the Get a Token documentation
Everything is working up to step #3, where a call gets made out to to obtain an access_token using the code I received on my return URL.
Here's the general flow of what I am doing:
End user clicks a login link on my localhost site that links out to my Azure B2C tenant policy. Link looks something like this:
User logs in and gets redirected to the redirect_uri.
redirect_uri successfully recieves code, id_token, and state values.
I take the code value from that and makes a POST request with the following body:
&client_secret=[application secret]
The response code I receive back from that endpoint is the above error message.
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS9002313: Invalid request. Request is malformed or invalid.\r\nTrace ID:6d7a8e32-bcbf-4fc4-a37a-87dae4781b00\r\nCorrelation ID:252912b7-5775-491a-968f-00ab03696dd9\r\nTimestamp: 2019-06-2722:11:18Z",
"error_codes": [9002313],
"timestamp": "2019-06-27 22:11:18Z",
"trace_id": "6d7a8e32-bcbf-4fc4-a37a-87dae4781b00",
"correlation_id": "252912b7-5775-491a-968f-00ab03696dd9"
Other StackOverflow posts mention verifying that the redirect_uri's have to match between the initial login and the subsequent access_token requests. They appear identical to me, but I am still receiving errors.
Any ideas what could be going wrong?
This is something you need to understand about OAuth on B2C before you are able to successfully request for a token.
This error means that the requested scope (resource) can’t be accessed by you (login user) because of the lack of permissions.
So, to fix that, you need to grant these required permissions to access that resource, by following these steps:
Define a new scope.
Grant Admin consent on that scope.
Request that scope when you request for a token.
In other words, in B2C-->App Registrations--> (Your App), shown in the image below, start with “Expose an API”, here you define a new scope of access, scope of resources or API, just a metadata that you know it represents some resources or API.
Then you click on “API Permissions”, here you will add the scope you just created and grand admin access in needed. But al least you need to add permissions to your newly defined scope.
The third and last step is when you hit: https://{tenant}{tenant}{policy}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Make sure to pass the scope that you added. (Use the scope that you added)
The details are explained in here but I can simplify it for you.
configure b2c
So you need to go to your B2C
Seems you are trying to get access token using Authorization Code Grant V2.0
Your request doesn't match with Authorization Code Grant V2.0 format and you have encountered that error.
You should send token request for Authorization Code Grant V2.0 is like below:
Token Endpoint: ``
See Screen shot for details:
