XPath 'contains()' requires a singleton (or empty sequence) - sql-server

Given the XML:
Base Price
Rush Options
Bill Rush Charges
I can use the contains() function in my xpath:
//Dial[DialName[contains(text(), 'Bill')]]/DialValue
To retrieve the values I'm after:
The above XML is stored in a field in my SQL database so I'm using the .value method to select from that field.
SELECT Dials.DialDetail.value('(//Dial[DialName[contains(text(), "Bill")]]/DialValue)[1]','VARCHAR(64)') AS BillTo
FROM CampaignDials Dials
I can't seem to get the syntax right though... the xpath works as expected (tested in Oxygen and elsewhere) but when I use it in the XQuery argument of the .value() method, I get an error:
Started executing query at Line 1
Msg 2389, Level 16, State 1, Line 36
XQuery [Dials.DialDetail.value()]: 'contains()' requires a singleton (or empty sequence), found operand of type 'xdt:untypedAtomic *'
Total execution time: 00:00:00.004
I've tried different variations of single and double quotes with no effect. The error refers to an XPath data type for attributes, but I'm not retrieving an attribute; I'm getting the text value. I receive the same error if I type the response with //Dial[DialName[contains(text(), 'Bill')]]/DialValue/text() instead.
What is the correct way to use contains() in an XQuery when it's used in the XML.value() method? Or is this the wrong approach to begin with?

You nearly have it right, you just need [1] on the text() function to guarantee a single value.
You should also use text() on the actual node you are pulling out, for performance reasons.
Also, // can be inefficient, so only use it if you really need recursive descent. You can instead use /*/ to get the first node of any name.
'(//Dial[DialName[contains(text()[1], "Bill")]]/DialValue/text())[1]',
'VARCHAR(64)') AS BillTo
FROM CampaignDials Dials
As Yitzhak Kabinsky notes, this only gets you one value per row of the table, you need .nodes if you want to shred the XML itself into rows.

The difference between your actual database case that fails and your reduced sample case that works is likely one of different data.
The error,
contains() requires a singleton (or empty sequence)
indicates that one of your DialName elements has multiple text node children rather than a single text node child as you're expecting.
You can abstract away such variations by testing the string-value of DialName rather than its text node children:
//Dial[contains(DialName, 'Bill')]/DialValue
See also
Testing text() nodes vs string values in XPath

Here is how to do XML shredding in MS SQL Server correctly.
You need to apply filter in the XQuery .nodes() method.
The .value() method is just for the actual value retrieval.
It is possible to pass SQL Server variable as a parameter instead of the hard-coding "Bill" value.
-- DDL and sample data population, start
INSERT INTO #tbl (DialDetail) VALUES
<DialName>Base Price</DialName>
<DialName>Rush Options</DialName>
<DialName>Bill Rush Charges</DialName>
-- DDL and sample data population, end
, c.value('(DialID/text())[1]', 'INT') AS DialID
, c.value('(DialName/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(30)') AS DialName
, c.value('(DialValue/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(30)') AS DialValue
FROM #tbl CROSS APPLY DialDetail.nodes('/Dial[contains((DialName/text())[1], "Bill")]') AS t(c);
| ID | DialID | DialName | DialValue |
| 1 | 24530 | Bill Rush Charges | School |


extracting certain size data from column

I have a table in MS SQL Server 2016. the table has a column called notes varchar(255)
The data that contains in the notes column contains notes entry by end user.
Select ServiceDate, notes from my_table
ServiceDate, notes
9/1/2022 The order was called in AB13456736
9/1/2022 AB45876453 not setup
9/2/2022 Signature for AB764538334
9/2/2022 Contact for A0943847432
9/3/2022 Hold off on AB73645298
9/5/2022 ** Confirmed AB88988476
9/6/2022 /AB9847654 completed
I would like to be able to extract the word AB% from the notes column. I know the ABxxxxxxx is always 10 characters. Because the ABxxxxxx always entered in different position, it's difficult to use exact extract where to look for. I have tried substring(), left() functions and because the value AB% is always in different positions, I can't get it to extract. is there a method I can use to do this?
thanks in advance.
Assuming there is only ONE AB{string} in notes, otherwise you would need a Table-Valued Function.
Note the nullif(). This is essentially a Fail-Safe if the string does not exist.
Declare #YourTable Table ([ServiceDate] varchar(50),[notes] varchar(50)) Insert Into #YourTable Values
('9/1/2022','The order was called in AB13456736')
,('9/1/2022','AB45876453 not setup')
,('9/2/2022','Signature for AB764538334')
,('9/2/2022','Contact for A0943847432')
,('9/3/2022','Hold off on AB73645298')
,('9/5/2022','** Confirmed AB88988476')
,('9/6/2022','/AB9847654 completed')
Select *
,ABValue = substring(notes,nullif(patindex('%AB[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%',notes),0),10)
from #YourTable
ServiceDate notes ABValue
9/1/2022 The order was called in AB13456736 AB13456736
9/1/2022 AB45876453 not setup AB45876453
9/2/2022 Signature for AB764538334 AB76453833
9/2/2022 Contact for A0943847432 NULL
9/3/2022 Hold off on AB73645298 AB73645298
9/5/2022 ** Confirmed AB88988476 AB88988476
9/6/2022 /AB9847654 completed NULL

Parse XML using SQL

I'm using MS SQL2016 and I have an XML file that I need to parse to put various data elements into the separate fields. For the most part everything works find except I need a little help to identify a particular node value. If I have (I put only a snippet of the xml here but it does show the problem)
DECLARE #xmlString xml
SET #xmlString ='<PubmedArticle>
<MedlineCitation Status="PubMed-not-MEDLINE" Owner="NLM">
<PMID Version="1">25685064</PMID>
<Article PubModel="Electronic-eCollection">
<ISSN IssnType="Electronic">1234-5678</ISSN>
<ISSN IssnType="Print">1475-2867</ISSN>
<JournalIssue CitedMedium="Print">
nref.value('Article[1]/Journal[1]/ISSN[1]','varchar(max)') ISSN
from #xmlString.nodes ('//MedlineCitation[1]') as R(nref)
I bypass the second ISSNType and read the first value available. I need to pull both values. What do I need to change? Thanks
You can read as second column:
nref.value('Article[1]/Journal[1]/ISSN[1]','varchar(max)') ISSN,
nref.value('Article[1]/Journal[1]/ISSN[2]','varchar(max)') ISSN2
FROM #xmlString.nodes('//MedlineCitation[1]') as R(nref)
nref.value('ISSN[1]','varchar(max)') ISSN,
nref.value('ISSN[2]','varchar(max)') ISSN2
FROM #xmlString.nodes('//MedlineCitation[1]/Article[1]/Journal[1]') as R(nref)
Or as a separate row:
SELECT nref.value('.','varchar(MAX)') ISSN
from #xmlString.nodes('//MedlineCitation[1]/Article[1]/Journal[1]/ISSN') as R(nref)
If number of ISSNs may vary, I recommend normalize your resultset:
nref.value('.','varchar(MAX)') Issn,
nref.value('#IssnType','varchar(MAX)') IssnType
FROM #xmlString.nodes('//MedlineCitation[1]/Article[1]/Journal[1]/ISSN') as R(nref)

SQL XML parsing using a attribute value supplied by another field in the same row

Context: I'm scraping some XML form descriptions from a Web Services table in hopes of using that name to identify what the user has inputted as response. Since this description changes for each step (row) of the process and each product I want something that can evaluate dynamically.
What I tried: The following was quite useful but it returns a dynamic attribute query result in it's own field ans using a coalesce to reduce the results as one field would lead to it's own complications: Get values from XML tags with dynamically specified data fields
Current Attempt:
I'm using the following code to generate the attribute name that I will use in the next step to query the attribute's value:
case when left([Return], 5) = '<?xml'
then lower(cast([Return] as xml).value('(/response/form/*/#name)[1]','varchar(30)'))
else ''
end as [FormRequest]
And as part of step 2 I have used the STUFF function to try and make the row-level query possible
case when len(FormRequest)>0
then stuff( ',' + 'cast([tmpFormResponse] as xml).value(''(/wrapper/#' + [FormRequest] + ')[1]'',''varchar(max)'')', 1, 1, '')
else ''
end as [FormResponse]
Instead of seeing 1 returned as my FormReponse feild value for the submit attribute (please see in yellow below) it's returning the query text -- cast([tmpFormResponse] as xml).value('(/wrapper/#submit)1','varchar(max)') -- instead (that which should be queried).
How should I action the value method so that I can dynamically strip out the response per row of XML data in tmpFormResponse based on the field value in the FormRequest field?
You can check this out:
<SomeAttributes a="a" b="b" c="c"/>
<SomeAttributes a="aa" b="bb" c="cc"/>
DECLARE #localName NVARCHAR(100)='b';
SELECT sa.value(N'(./#*[local-name()=sql:variable("#localName")])[1]','nvarchar(max)')
FROM #xml.nodes(N'/root/SomeAttributes') AS A(sa)
Ended up hacking up a solution to the problem by using PATINDEX and CHARINDEX to look for the value in the [FormRequest] field in the he tmpFormResponse field.

SQL Server 2014 - XQuery - get comma-separated List

I have a database table in SQL Server 2014 with only an ID column (int) and a column xmldata of type XML.
This xmldata column contains for example:
<title>a nice Novel</title>
As expected, I have multiple books, therefore multiple rows with xmldata.
I now want to execute a query for all books, where Peter is an Author. I tried this in some xPath2.0 testers and got to the conclusion that:
/book/author/concat(text(), if(position() != last())then ',' else '')
If you try to port this success into SQL Server 2014 Express it looks like this, which is correctly escaped syntax etc.:
FROM books
WHERE 'Peter' IN (xmldata.query('/book/author/concat(text(), if(position() != last())then '','' else '''')'))
SQL Server however does not seem to support a construction like /concat(...) because of:
The XQuery syntax '/function()' is not supported.
I am at a loss then however, why /text() would work in:
SELECT id, xmldata.query('/book/author/text()')
FROM books
which it does.
My constraints:
I am bound to use SQL Server
I am bound to xpath or something else that can be "injected" as the statement above (if the structure of the xml or the database changes, the xpath above could be changed isolated and the application logic above that constructs the Where clause will not be touched) SEE EDIT
Is there a way to make this work?
My second constraint boils down to this:
An Application constructs the Where clause by
expression <operator> value(s)
expression is stored in a database and is mapped by the xmlTag eg.:
| tokenname| querystring
| "author" | "xmldata.query(/book/author/text())"
the values are presented by the Requesting user. so if the user asks for the author "Peter" with operator "EQUALS" the application constructs:
xmaldata.query(/book/author/text()) = "Peter"
as where clause.
If the customer now decides that author needs to be nested in an <authors> element, i can simply change the expression in the construction-database and the whole machine keeps running without any changes to code, simply manageable.
So i need a way to achieve that
<xPath> <operator> "Peter"
or any other combination of this three isolated components (see above: "Peter" IN <xPath>...) gets me all of Peters' books, even if there are multiple unsorted authors.
This would not suffice either (its not sqlserver syntax, but you get the idea):
WHERE xmldata.exist('/dossier/client[text() = "$1"]', "Peter") = 1;
because the operator is still nested in the expression, i could not request <> "Peter".
I know this is strange, please don't question the concept as a whole - it has a history :/
EDIT: further clarification:
The filter-rules come into the app in an XML structure basically:
Operator: "EQ"
field: "name"
value "Peter"
evaluates to:
expression = lookupExpressionForField("name") --> "table2.xmldata.value('book/author/name[1]', 'varchar')"
operator = lookUpOperatorMapping("EQ") --> "="
value = FormatValues("Peter") --> "Peter" (if multiple values are passed FormatValues cosntructs a comma seperated list)
the application then builds:
- constructClause(String expression,String operator,String value)
"table2.xmldata.value('book/author/name[1]', 'varchar')" + "=" + "Peter"
then constructs a Select statement with the result as WHERE clause.
it does not build it like this, unescaped, unfiltered for injection etc, but this is the basic idea.
i can influence how the input is Transalted, meaning I can implement the methods:
lookupExpressionForField(String field)
lookUpOperatorMapping(String operator)
Formatvalues(List<String> values) | Formatvalues(String value)
constructClause(String expression,String operator,String value)
however i choose to do, i can change the parameter types, I can freely implement them. The less the better of course. So simply constructing a comma-seperated list with xPath would be optimal (like if i could somewhere just tick "enable /function()-syntax in xPath" in sqlserver and the /concat(if...) would work)
How about something like this:
INSERT INTO #Books (BookInfo)
VALUES (N'<book>
<title>a nice Novel</title>
INSERT INTO #Books (BookInfo)
VALUES (N'<book>
<title>another one</title>
FROM #Books bk
WHERE bk.BookInfo.exist('/book/author[text() = "Peter"]') = 1;
This returns only the first "book" entry. From there you can extract any portion of the XML field using the "value" function.
The "exist" function returns a boolean / BIT. This will scan through all "author" nodes within "book", so there is no need to concat into a comma-separated list only for use in an IN list, which wouldn't work anyway ;-).
For more info on the "value" and "exist" functions, as well as the other functions for use with XML data, please see:
xml Data Type Methods

How to get a particular attribute from XML element in SQL Server

I have something like the following XML in a column of a table:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<param name="paramA" value="valueA" />
<param name="paramB" value="valueB" />
I am trying to get the valueB part out of the XML via TSQL
So far I am getting the right node, but now I can not figure out how to get the attribute.
select xmlCol.query('/container/param[#name="paramB"]') from LogTable
I figure I could just add /#value to the end, but then SQL tells me attributes have to be part of a node. I can find a lot of examples for selecting the child nodes attributes, but nothing on the sibling atributes (if that is the right term).
Any help would be appreciated.
Try using the .value function instead of .query:
xmlCol.value('(/container/param[#name="paramB"]/#value)[1]', 'varchar(50)')
The XPath expression could potentially return a list of nodes, therefore you need to add a [1] to that potential list to tell SQL Server to use the first of those entries (and yes - that list is 1-based - not 0-based). As second parameter, you need to specify what type the value should be converted to - just guessing here.
Depending on the the actual structure of your xml, it may be useful to put a view over it to make it easier to consume using 'regular' sql eg
c.p.value('#name', 'varchar(10)') name,
c.p.value('#value', 'varchar(10)') value
CROSS APPLY x.nodes('/container/param') c(p)
-- now you can get all values for paramB as...
SELECT value FROM vwLogTable WHERE name = 'paramB'
