How do I make a custom tensorflow probability layer? - tensorflow-probability

I am trying to make a tensorflow probability probabilistic model that learns the linear relation as well as the error in Linear Regression. Obviously its a toy problem and as been kind of solved in an official tutorial. There the model is
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Dense(1 + 1),
lambda t: tfd.Normal(loc=t[..., :1],
scale=1e-3 + tf.math.softplus(t[...,1:]))),
The problem is that this learns the relation where the error is a function of the independent variable.
If I do not want that I can make the following model
model = Sequential([
tfpl.DistributionLambda(lambda t: tfd.Independent(tfd.Normal(loc=t,
and indeed it gives the correct result but also the following warning
The following Variables were used a Lambda layer's call (distribution_lambda_22), but
are not present in its tracked objects:
<tf.Variable 'Variable:0' shape=() dtype=float32>
It is possible that this is intended behavior, but it is more likely
an omission. This is a strong indication that this layer should be
formulated as a subclassed Layer rather than a Lambda layer.
My question is how do I go about making the subclassed Layer the message is talking about?

I found one way to do it but it would still be useful to know a more general way to make custom Distribution layers. The way I have is to subclass the DistributionLambda layer
class MyClass(tfp.layers.DistributionLambda):
def __init__(self):
self.std_val = tf.Variable(1.)
super().__init__(lambda t: tfd.Independent(tfd.Normal(loc=t,scale=self.std_val)))
model = Sequential([


What is the main difference between instances and sub-classes?

This question is about Ontologies , I am implementing an ontology about potential physical attacks on wireless sensors as devices.
I created class Modification_Attack meaning attacks which modify in the sensor itself. I created Programming_Modification as an instance of this class, is this logical, is it better a sub-class or neither an instance nor a sub-class?
What is the main difference between instances and sub-classes?
This question isn't really unique to OWL ontologies; it comes up in object-oriented programming, and in set theory in mathematics. A class is a collection of its members. E.g.,
Person ≡ { person1, person2, … }
Suppose you have another class:
TallPerson ≡ { person63, person102, … }
A class A is a subclass of the class B if every element of A is also an element of B:
(A &subseteq; B) ≡ (x &in; A &rightarrow; x &in; B)
So, for instance, if every member of TallPerson is also a member of Person, then TallPerson is a subclass of Person.
I created class Modification_Attack meaning attacks which modify in
the sensor itself.I created Programming_Modification as an instance of
this class , is this logical , is it better a sub-class or neither an
instance nor a sub-class?
This is a choice that you need to make. It really depends on the context and how you intend to use the ontology. If you're observing attacks in the wild and trying to categorize them, you probably want a subclass, but you'll want to have instances of Programming_Modification. That is, you'll want something like:
Programming_Modification ≡ { attack24, attack89, … }
But if you've got some other kind of use case, where you you want to talk about Programming_Modification as a single entity, then it might make more sense for it to be an individual.
I have been thinking through the same issue. And I think the same thing can be both an instance and a subclass depending on whether you plan to use it conceptually or not, which can be simplified to whether you would describe it using the or a.
For example, I am working on a materials ontology, where the main class is Material. A particular type of material is Steel. If I say the steel then steel an instance of Material. If I say a steel then Steel is a subclass of Material. Further, steel is an instance of Steel. And it would be more appropriate to also give it some kind of meaningful identifier like steel-1.
It all seems to come down whether you are using a term as a conceptual class or as a name for some instance of that class. In your case, I think it would probably be more appropriate to say Programming_Modification is a subclass as you could probably have many of such modifications which you would refer to as the first Programming_Modification or the second Programming_Modification . Would love to see what you came up with though if you have a solution.

GAS API implementation and usage

I'm trying to learn and use the GAS API to implement a Random Walk over my database, associating every visited vertex to the starting vertex.
I'm having some issues understanding how I can manage to do this; I've been reviewing the PATHS, BFS, PR, and other GAS classes as examples, but I'm not quite sure how to start.
I think my implementation should extend BaseGASProgram and implement the needed methods. Also, as iterative, the frontier contains all the vertexes of the current iteration. The concept of predecessor is also clear to me.
But I don't think that I understand very well the Gather, Apply, Scatter philosophy and how to distribute the Random Walk over these three concepts.
Also, once I implement my code, how do I call it? How do I even call the already implemented algorithms (PR, SSSP, BFS, etc.) inside my code? Should I instantiate an SSSP object and then what? Or GASContext? GASRunnerBase?
Take a look at the TestBFS class in the bigdata-gas package:
final IGASEngine gasEngine = getGraphFixture()
.newGASEngine(1/* nthreads */);
try {
final SailConnection cxn = getGraphFixture().getSail()
try {
final IGraphAccessor graphAccessor = getGraphFixture()
final IGASContext<BFS.VS, BFS.ES, Void> gasContext = gasEngine
.newGASContext(graphAccessor, new BFS());
final IGASState<BFS.VS, BFS.ES, Void> gasState = gasContext
// Initialize the froniter.
gasState.setFrontier(gasContext, p.getMike());
// Converge.;
To use it outside of the test case context, you need to create a SailConnection of some sort. See the blazegraph-samples GitHub project for examples. Then you need to create a SAILGASEngine. This should get you started in terms of calling the GASEngine directly at the Java layer.

Immutable State - Propagating Changes to the GUI Efficiently

In a previous question I asked how to idiomatically implement an observer pattern for an F# application. My application now uses a MailboxProcessor as reccomended and I've created some helper functions to create sub-MailboxProcessor's etc. However, I'm at a mental block when it comes to specific case scenarios w.r.t. GUI binding.
Lets say I have a model as such:
type Document = {
Contents : seq<DocumentObject>
And the GUI (WPF, XAML) requires binding like so:
interface IMainWindowViewModel
IEnumerable<Control> ContentViews { get; }
Each ViewModel for each Control will require a DocumentObject (its underlying model) and a way of knowing if it has changed. I supply this as a sub-MailboxProcessor<DocumentObject> so that changes may be propagated correctly, I'm moderately confident this pattern works. Essentially, it maps the service outputs and wraps modification requests (outer interface example below):
let subSvc = generateSubSvc svc (fun doc -> doc.Contents[0]) (fun f -> fun oldDoc -> { oldDoc with Contents[0] = f Contents[0] })
let viewModel = new SomeDocObjViewModel(docObjSvc)
new DocObjView(viewModel)
Now, imagine a modification command now deletes a DocumentObject from MyDocument. The top-level MailboxProcessor now echoes the change to IMainWindowViewModel using it's IEvent<MyDocument>. And here's where my problems begin.
My IMainWindowViewModel doesn't really know which DocumentObject has been deleted. Only that there's a new Document and it has to deal with it. There may be ways of it figuring out but it never really knows directly. This can force me down the path of having to either re-create all the Control's for all DocumentObject's to be safe (inefficient). There are additional problems (such as dangling subSvc's) which I also haven't mentioned here for brevity.
Normally, these kind of dynamic changes would be dealt with something like an ObservableCollection<DocumentObject> which is then mapped into an ObservableCollection<Control>. This comes with all the caveats of shared mutable state and is a little 'hackish'; however, it does do the job.
Ideally, I'd like a 'pure' model, free from the trappings of PropertyChanged and ObservableCollections, what kind of patterns in F# would satisfy this need? Where is it appropriate to draw the line between idiomatic and realistic?
Have you considered using the Reactive Extensions (and Reactive UI further down the road) for the purpose of modelling mutable state (read: your model properties over time) in a functional way?
I don't see anything wrong technically to use an ObservableCollection in your model. After all, you need to track collection changes. You could do it on your own, but it looks like you can save yourself a lot of trouble reinventing the observable collection, unless you have a very specific reason to avoid the ObservableCollection class.
Also, using MailboxProcessor seems a bit overkill, since you could just use a Subject (from Rx) to publish and expose it as an IObservable to subscribe to 'messages':
type TheModel() =
let charactersCountSubject = new Subject()
let downloadDocument (* ... *) = async {
let! text = // ...
member val CharactersCount = charactersCountSubject.AsObservable() with get
type TheViewModel(model : TheModel) =
// ...
member val IsTooManyCharacters = model.CharactersCount.Select((>) 42)
Of course since we're talking about WPF, the view-model should implement INPC. There are different approaches, but whichever one you take, the ReactiveUI has a lot of convenient tools.
For example the CreateDerivedCollection extension method that solves one of the problems you've mentioned:
documents.CreateDerivedCollection(fun x -> (* ... map Document to Control ... *))
This will take your documents observable collection, and make another observable collection out of it (actually a ReactiveCollection) that will have documents mapped to controls.

OWL, Protege: Getting from a DefaultOWLObjectProperty value to the class of an individual

I'm trying to use the Stanford OWL API, and I find the documentation a bit unclear. Using Java, I load an ontology which has been prepared by some user via Protégé, and get to a DefaultOWLObjectProperty. The value of that property is meant to be an individual in some class in the ontology. How can I find the class? Code snippet below:
OWLNamedClass cls = (OWLNamedClass);
Collection instances = cls.getInstances(false);
for (Iterator jt = instances.iterator(); jt.hasNext();) {
OWLIndividual individual = (OWLIndividual);
Collection props = individual.getRDFProperties();
for (Object prop : props) {
DefaultOWLObjectProperty obj = (DefaultOWLObjectProperty) prop;
Object val = individual.getPropertyValue(obj);
DefaultRDFIndividual valInd = (DefaultRDFIndividual) val;
I'd like to get the class of valInd.
There are two methods in OWLIndividual that will make this easier for you. Let's assume you've got your OWLOntology as ontology. Then, using getObjectPropertyValues(OWLOntology), you can get a map that maps a property expression to the set of individuals that are related to individual by that property. You can iterate over the entries of that map, and then iterate over the set of individuals. Then, for each of those individuals, you can use getTypes(OWLOntology) to get the set of OWLClassExpressions that are its types. (You get a set of these rather than a single type, because OWL individuals can, and usually do, have more than one type.)
If you're just interested in the values of certain properties, then you can use the more specialized getObjectPropertyValues(OWLObjectPropertyExpression,OWLOntology) to get just the values of a specific property for an individual.
In general, I'd suggest at least skimming over all the methods that the OWLIndividual interface provides, just to have a general awareness of what you can do with it. You don't need to memorize all the details, but when you are approaching a problem, you'll have at least a vague thought that "I think the interface has something like that…" and you'll know where to look. This is good practice with any API or tool, not just the OWL API.

Encapsulation concept

I have problem with concept and implementation of encapsulation.
Can someone explain it to me?
Encapsulation is a moderately easy concept once you realise it (probably) comes from the same base word as capsule.
It's simply a containment of information.
Encapsulation means that a class publishes only what is needed for others to use it, and no more. This is called information hiding and it means classes can totally change their internals without having an effect on any of their users.
In other words, a dictionary class can begin life as a simple array and progress to a binary tree of words then even maybe to some database access functions, all without changing the interface to it.
In an object oriented world, objects hold both their data and the methods used to manipulate data and that is the pinnacle of encapsulation. One way this is done is to make sure each object knows which functions to call to manipulate its data, and ensure the correct ones are called.
As an example, here's a class for maintaining integer lists in my mythical, but strangely Python-like and therefore hopefully easy to understand, language:
class intlist:
private int val[10] # Slots for storing numbers.
private bool used[10] # Whether slot is used or not.
public constructor:
# Mark all slots unused.
for i in 0..9:
used[i] = false
public function add(int v) throws out-of-memory:
# Check each slot.
for i in 0..9:
# If unused, store value, mark used, return.
if not used[i]:
used[i] = true
val[i] = v
# No free slots, so throw exception.
throw out-of-memory
public function del(int v) throws bad-value:
# Check each slot.
for i in 0..9:
# If slot used and contains value.
if used[i] and val[i] == v:
# Mark unused and return.
used[i] = false
# Value not found in any used slot, throw exception.
throw bad-value
public function has(int v):
# Check each slot.
for i in 0..9:
# If slot used and contains value.
if used[i] and val[i] == v:
return true
# Value not found in any used slot.
return false
Now the only information published here are the constructor and three functions for adding, deleting, and checking for values (including what exceptions can be thrown).
Callers need know nothing about the internal data structures being used (val and used), or the properties of the functions beyond their "signatures" (the content of the "function" lines).
Because everything else is encapsulated, it can changed it at will without breaking the code that uses it.
I could, for example, do any of the following:
make the arrays longer;
store the data sorted, or in a binary tree instead of an array to make it faster.
change the used array into a count array (initialised to zero) so that many occurrences of a single number use just the one slot, increasing the quantity of numbers that can be stored where there are duplicates.
store the numbers in a database, located on a ZX-80 retro-computer located in outback Australia, and powered by methane produced from kangaroo droppings (though you may notice a latency change).
Basically, as long as the published API doesn't change, we am free to do whatever we want. In fact, we can also add things to the API without breaking other code, I just can't delete or change anything that users already rely on.
You should note that encapsulation isn't something new with object orientation. It's been around for ages, even in C by ensuring that information is hidden within a module (usually a source file or group thereof with private headers).
In fact, the stdio.h FILE* stuff is a good example of this. You don't care what's actually behind the pointer since all the functions which use it know how to do their stuff.
link text
I always explain it to people is think of yourself as an object. Other people can see your height, they can see if your smiling, but your inner thoughts, maybe the reason while your smiling, only you know.
Encapsulation is more than just defining accessor and mutator methods for a class. It is broader concept of object-oriented programming that consists in minimizing the interdependence between classes and it is typically implemented through information hiding.
The beauty of encapsulation is the power of changing things without affecting its users.
In a object-oriented programming language like Java, you achieve encapsulation by hiding details using the accessibility modifiers (public, protected, private, plus no modifier which implies package private). With these levels of accessibility you control the level of encapsulation, the less restrictive the level, the more expensive change is when it happens and the more coupled the class is with other dependent classes (i.e. user classes, subclasses).
Therefore, the goal is not to hide the data itself, but the implementation details on how this data is manipulated.
The idea is to provide a public interface through which you gain access to this data. You can later change the internal representation of the data without compromising the public interface of the class. On the contrary, by exposing the data itself, you compromise encapsulation, and therefore, the capacity of changing the way you manipulate the data without affecting its users. You create a dependency with the data itself, and not with the public interface of the class. You would be creating a perfect cocktail for trouble when "change" finally finds you.
There are several reasons why you might want to encapsulate access to your fields. Joshua Bloch in his book Effective Java, in Item 14: Minimize the accessibility of classes and members, mentions several compelling reasons, which I quote here:
You can limit the values that can be stored in a field (i.e. gender must be F or M).
You can take actions when the field is modified (trigger event, validate, etc).
You can provide thread safety by synchronizing the method.
You can switch to a new data representation (i.e. calculated fields, different data type)
However, encapsulation is more than hiding fields. In Java you can hide entire classes, by this, hiding the implementation details of an entire API. Think, for example, in the method Arrays.asList(). It returns a List implementation, but you do no care which implementation, as long as it satisfies the List interface, right?. The implementation can be changed in the future without affecting the users of the method.
The Beauty of Encapsulation
Now, in my opinion, to really understand encapsulation, one must first understand abstraction.
Think, for example, in the level of abstraction in the concept of a car. A car is complex in its internal implementation. They have several subsystem, like a transmission system, a break system, a fuel system, etc.
However, we have simplified its abstraction, and we interact with all cars in the world through the public interface of their abstraction. We know that all cars have a steering wheel through which we control direction, they have a pedal that when you press it you accelerate the car and control speed, and another one that when you press it you make it stop, and you have a gear stick that let you control if you go forward or backwards. These features constitute the public interface of the car abstraction. In the morning you can drive a sedan and then get out of it and drive an SUV in the afternoon as if it was the same thing.
However, few of us know the details of how all these features are implemented under the hood. Think of the time when cars did not have a hydraulics directional system. One day, the car manufactures invented it, and they decide it to put it in cars from there on. Still, this did not change the way in which users where interacting with them. At most, users experienced an improvement in the use of the directional system. A change like this was possible because the internal implementation of a car is encapsulated. Changes can be safely done without affecting its public interface.
Now, think that car manufactures decided to put the fuel cap below the car, and not in one of its sides. You go and buy one of these new cars, and when you run out of gas you go to the gas station, and you do not find the fuel cap. Suddenly you realize is below the car, but you cannot reach it with the gas pump hose. Now, we have broken the public interface contract, and therefore, the entire world breaks, it falls apart because things are not working the way it was expected. A change like this would cost millions. We would need to change all gas pumps in the world. When we break encapsulation we have to pay a price.
So, as you can see, the goal of encapsulation is to minimize interdependence and facilitate change. You maximize encapsulation by minimizing the exposure of implementation details. The state of a class should only be accessed through its public interface.
I really recommend you to read a paper by Alan Snyder called Encapsulation and Inheritance in Object-Oriented programming Languages. This link points to the original paper on ACM, but I am pretty sure you will be able to find a PDF copy through Google.
Encapsulation - wrapping of data in single unit. also we can say hiding the information of essential details.
You have a mobile phone.... there it some interface which helps u to interact with cell phone and u can uses the services of mobile phone. But the actually working in cell phone is hide. u don't know how it works internally.
hide/bind something : eg: a capsule (which we consume when v r ill)hide/bind some powder form in itself,, means that capsule encapsulate the powder contained it.
Binding of data and behavior i.e functionality of an object in a secured and controlled manner.
or the best example of encapsulation is a CLASS because a class hides class variables/functions from outside d class..
Wrapping up data member and method together into a single unit (i.e. Class) is called Encapsulation.
Eg: we can consider a capsule. Encapsulation means hiding the internal details of an object, i.e. how an object does something. Here capsule is a single Unit contain many things. But we cant see what is there in side capsule.
This is the technique used to protect information about an object from other objects. Like variable we can set as private and property as Public. When we access the property then we validate and set it.
We can go through some other examples. Our Laptop. We can use Laptop but what operations are happening inside that we are not knowing. But we can use that. Same like mobile, TV etc.
We can conclude that a group of related properties, methods, and other members are treated as a single unit or object.An encapsulated object is often called an abstract data type.
There are several other ways that an encapsulation can be used, as an example we can take the usage of an interface. The interface can be used to hide the information of an implemented class.
//Declare as Private
private string _LegName;
// Property Set as public
public string LegName
return _LegName;
public class LegMain
public static int Main(string[] args)
Leg L= new Leg();
d.LegName="Right Leg";
Console.WriteLine("The Legis :{0}",d.LegName);return 0;
Note: Encapsulation provides a way to protect data from accidental corruption.
Thank you
Encapsulation means hiding the data. In other words a class only exposes those properties or information which is authorized to be seen. Consider the below exapmle where a certain property called ConfidentialMessage is accesible only to the Admin role. This property is made private and is returned through another method which checks the role of an user and return the message only for admin.
public class Message
public Message()
ConfidentialMessage = "I am Nemo";
private string ConfidentialMessage { get; set; }
public string GetMessage(string name)
string message = string.Empty;
if (name == "Admin")
message = this.ConfidentialMessage;
return message;
Putting definition of encapsulate
enclose in a capsule, from en- "make, put in" + capsule + -ate .
now capsule meaning is box, case
In real life example if you put things on desk open then it is accessible to anyone but if you put in case then it is accessible with the key of case to open.
Same way in class if you create a variable then it accessible whenever you create object of that class.But if you create function to access the variable then you have created case and function is key to access the variable.
So in programming language we are creating wrapper of the data by using getter and setter and making it private variable.
Encapsulation is a capsule, consider it to be a class enclosing or hiding fields, properties and functions.
Please check below url encapsulation is simplified with simple programming example.
