edit dimension of array vba - arrays

I have an array like this
dim arr(1 to 5) as string
arr(5) = "c"
(arr(2),arr(4) are empty).
How can I redim this arr(1to5) to exclude empty values and save also values "a","b","c" (I want the output like arr(1to3), arr(1)="a", arr(2)="b", arr(3)="c")?
In general I do not know how many of them will be empty, so I need some general code for this (not for this specific example).
I was thinking about new temporary array to save all nonempty values and then redim arr(1to5).
Maybe it is a better (quick) way to do it?
I wrote sth similar:
Sub test()
Dim myArray() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim y As Long
ReDim Preserve myArray(3)
myArray(1) = "a"
myArray(3) = "c"
Dim myArray2() As String
y = 1
For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
If myArray(i) <> "" Then
ReDim Preserve myArray2(y)
myArray2(y) = myArray(i)
y = y + 1
End If
Next i
ReDim myArray(UBound(myArray2))
myArray = myArray2
End Sub
However I would like to avoid creating new array.

create a new array of the same size. Loop the first array and insert the values when not empty into the new array keeping track of the last spot with value in the new array, then redim preserve the new array to only the size that has values.
Sub kjlkj()
Dim arr(1 To 5) As String
arr(1) = "a"
arr(3) = "b"
arr(5) = "c"
Dim newArr() As String
ReDim newArr(1 To UBound(arr))
Dim j As Long
j = LBound(newArr)
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If arr(i) <> "" Then
newArr(j) = arr(i)
j = j + 1
End If
Next i
ReDim Preserve newArr(LBound(newArr) To j - 1)
'do what you want with the new array.
End Sub

Alternative via Filter() function
"However I would like to avoid creating new array."
A negative filtering allows a basically simple alternative, however you have to
declare your array dynamically (i.e. without preset number of elements) to allow a rebuild overwriting the original array,
execute a double replacement over the joined array elements to allow insertion of a unique character that can be filtered out.
Sub testFilter()
Dim arr() As String
ReDim arr(1 To 5)
arr(1) = "a"
arr(3) = "b"
arr(5) = "c"
'Debug.Print Join(arr, ",") ' ~~> a,,b,,c
'rearrange arr via RemoveEmpty()
arr = RemoveEmpty(arr) ' >> function RemoveEmpty()
Debug.Print Join(arr, ",") ' ~~> a,b,c
End Sub
Help function RemoveEmpty()
Adding an unused unique character, e.g. $, to the empty elements plus eventual negative filtering allows to remove these marked elements.
Note that the double replacement is necessary to allow to mark consecutive empty elements by the $ mark, as VBA would skip additional characters here.
Function RemoveEmpty(arr)
Dim tmp
tmp = Replace(Replace(Join(arr, "|"), "||", "|$|"), "||", "|$|")
RemoveEmpty = Filter(Split(tmp, "|"), "$", False)
End Function


Function gives Value error when returning array of arrays

I am trying to create a TextSplit function in Excel that can accept either a single reference or a range.
If it is a single string it returns an array of sub strings.
If it is a range it should return an array of sub string arrays.
A single string works but when I pass it a single column range it give me a #VALUE! error.
The commented lines work.
If I store the result of Array to arr Excel displays a grid of "test" strings.
If instead I set TextSplit to just arr(1) I get a single array of substrings similar to the single string version.
Function TextSplit(text, delimiter)
If IsArray(text) Then
Dim arr() As Variant: ReDim arr(0 To text.Count - 1)
For i = 1 To text.Count
arr(i-1) = Split(text(i), delimiter)
'arr(i-1) = Array("test", "test")
TextSplit = arr
'TextSplit = arr(1)
TextSplit = Split(text, delimiter)
End If
With the help of a different question Array and Split commands to create a 2 dimensional array
I was able to work your question out a bit, however I'm still unable to fill out the array from the cell where you'd call the function like with your single string which fills out in the columns next to it.
If it's for a column, you could just autofill text.split(cell,delimiter) if you're working from Excel.
If you're working from out vba and want to return the split array (2D like #Tim said) back to a sub:
Sub testingTextSplitter()
Dim arr As Variant, tArr As Variant
Dim testStr As String
testStr = Range("A1").Value 'Testing single cell
Range("G2").Value = TextSplit(testStr, "-")
arr = Range("A1:A8").Value
tArr = TextSplit(arr, "-")
For i = 0 To UBound(tArr, 1)
For j = 0 To UBound(tArr, 2)
Cells(i + 3, j + 3).Value = "'" & tArr(i, j) 'fills out from Range("C3"), adjust as needed
' This writing out is basically the same as fillingdown the formule of text.split() btw
Next j
Next i
End Sub
With the Function
Function TextSplit(tArray As Variant, delimiter As String) As String()
If IsArray(tArray) Then
Dim uBoundInput As Long, uBoundCells As Long 'I couldn't get your arr.Count to work on my end so gotta use the UBound
Dim arr() As String, testArr() As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long, maxColumns As Long
uBoundInput = UBound(tArray)
maxColumns = 0
For i = 0 To uBoundInput - 1
Debug.Print (tArray(i + 1, 1))
testArr = Split(tArray(i + 1, 1), "-")
uBoundCells = UBound(testArr)
If maxColumns < uBoundCells Then
maxColumns = uBoundCells
End If
Next i
ReDim arr(0 To uBoundInput - 1, 0 To maxColumns)
For i = 0 To uBoundInput - 1
testArr = Split(tArray(i + 1, 1), "-")
For j = 0 To UBound(testArr)
arr(i, j) = testArr(j)
Next j
Next i
TextSplit = arr()
TextSplit = Split(tArray, delimiter)
End If
End Function
I'm quite new to VBA as well so apologies in advance for redundancies like not filling testArray when figuring out the maxColumns, I couldn't figure that one out. First time working with 2D arrays.
Other question that might help:
VBA UDF Return Array
(I tried using the array formulay with {} but got same Value error as before)
Hope this helps.
I don't know what happened, but the array branch of my code is now working. I have been messing with a few things, but I am not sure why it is working. The "As Variant()" declaration is new from the above code, but that may have been omitted before. (This code is on my work machine but I wrote the original post from my personal computer so I couldn't copy and paste. I am on my work computer now.)
The only other change that I made was to the index values of the arr array.
Thanks for your help, not sure what was wrong or how it got fixed though.
Function TextSplit(text, delimiter) As Variant()
If IsArray(text) Then
Dim arr() As Variant: ReDim arr(1 To text.Count)
For i = 1 To text.Count
arr(i) = Split(text(i), delimiter, -1, 1)
TextSplit = arr
TextSplit = Split(text, delimiter, -1, 1)
End If
End Function

Excel list an array in one row (without duplicate)

In Excel, I have an array from A1 to P30 filled with names. Some cells have the same name (duplicate).
Is there a formula possible to list all the content of this array in one single column (on another sheet)? This list must gather only unique name (no duplicate).
Thanks in advance.
Try this:
Function Unique(strRng As String) As Variant()
Dim Arr() As Variant
ReDim Arr(0)
Dim rng As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim Duplicated As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
j = 0
Set rng = Range(strRng)
For Each c In rng.Cells
Duplicated = False
If c.Value <> vbNullString Then
For i = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
If c.Value = Arr(i) Then
Duplicated = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
If Not Duplicated Then
ReDim Preserve Arr(j)
Arr(j) = c.Value
j = j + 1
End If
End If
Next c
Unique = Arr
End Function 'Unique
Seems you insist to using a function. Easy. Create a User Defined Function (UDF) as below:
Function Unique(rng As Range) As Variant()
Dim Arr() As Variant
ReDim Arr(0)
Dim c As Range
Dim Duplicated As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
j = 0
For Each c In rng.Cells
Duplicated = False
If c.Value <> vbNullString Then
For i = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
If c.Value = Arr(i) Then
Duplicated = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
If Not Duplicated Then
ReDim Preserve Arr(j)
Arr(j) = c.Value
j = j + 1
End If
End If
Next c
Unique = Arr
' OR
'Unique = Application.Transpose(Arr) 'Use this when you want transpose your range from row to column or back.
End Function 'Unique
How to use the function?
Note that this is an array form function.
Write second code in VBA.
select the range you want to return your unique values. (In each sheet and each part of column)
Write =Unique(A1:P30) in formula bar and then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter from keyboard. (Dont press Enter only)
Now, you have a formula that return you unique values of a range as you said.
I prefer to use a Collection or Dictionary to check for duplicates.
In this example I use an ArrayList
Sub ProcessNames()
Dim v As Variant
Dim list As Object
Set list = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
For Each v In .Range("A1:P30").Value
If Not list.Contains(v) Then list.Add v
End With
'1 Dimensional 0 Based Array which will span 1 Row
v = list.ToArray
'2 Dimensional 1 Based Array that will span 1 Column
v = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(v)
End Sub

Access VBA loop through listbox select items and add to array

I'm trying to loop through a listbox and add the contents to an array....
My code is this:
Private Sub exportfolders_Click()
Dim list As String
Dim folderlist As String
Dim folderarray() As String
'Dim i As Interger
For i = 0 To Me.selectedfolders.ListCount - 1
'folderlist = (Me.selectedfolders.Column(0, i))
'folderarray() = Join(Me.selectedfolders.Column(0, i), ",")
list = (Me.selectedfolders.Column(0, i))
folderarray() = Join(list, ",")
ReDim Preserve folderarray(i)
Next i
folderlist = folderarray
'folderarray() = Join(folderlist, ",")
MsgBox (folderlist)
End Sub
You can see the bits I have commented out, trying all sorts to get it to work. But I keep getting the message "Can't assign to array" at folderarray(i) = Join(list, ","). Any pointers as to where I am failing?
You can concatenate the list box items into a string, and then use Split() to load your array. That way, the array is sized automagically without you needing to ReDim.
I tested this code in Access 2010:
Dim folderarray() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim strList As String
For i = 0 To Me!selectedfolders.ListCount - 1
strList = strList & "," & Me!selectedfolders.Column(0, i)
' use Mid() to exclude the first comma ...
folderarray = Split(Mid(strList, 2), ",")
Note I don't know what you want to do with the array after loading it. MsgBox folderarray would throw Type mismatch error. MsgBox Mid(strList, 2) would be valid, but if that's what you want, you wouldn't need the array.
1) declare the array. Take a look at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/wak0wfyt.aspx
2) No need of support variable
3) Assign the values to your array with the correct syntax
Private Sub exportfolders_Click()
Dim folderarray() As String
Dim i As Interger
Redim folderarray (Me.selectedfolders.ListCount-1)
For i = 0 To Me.selectedfolders.ListCount - 1
folderarray(i) = Me.selectedfolders.Column(0, i)
Next i
' Write here what you want to do with your array
End Sub
You could try something like this:
Private Sub ListToArray()
Dim folderArray() As Variant
Dim currentValue As String
Dim currentIndex As Integer
Dim topIndex As Integer
topIndex = Me.selectedfolders.ListCount - 1
ReDim folderArray(0 To topIndex, 0 To 1)
For i = 0 To topIndex
currentValue = Me.selectedfolders.Column(0, i)
folderArray(i, 0) = i
folderArray(i, 1) = currentValue
Next i
End Sub
Note my example is a multi-dimensional array which will give you the ability to add more than one item should you chose to do so. In this example I added the value of "i" as a placeholder/ index.

Print Dynamic Error Array to Sheet

I'm having troubles getting my Error array to print to a range. I'm fairly sure I'm resizing it incorrectly, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I created a test add which just added garbage data from columns A and B, but normally AddPartError would be call from within various Subs/Functions, and then at the end of the main script process the array should be dumped onto a sheet. Here are the relevant functions:
Sub testadd()
For Each i In ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A10")
Call AddPartError(i.value, i.Offset(0, 1))
Next i
tmp = PartErrors
PrintArray PartErrors, ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").[D1]
Erase PartErrors
tmp1 = PartErrors
PartErrorsDefined = 0
End Sub
Sub PrintArray(Data As Variant, Cl As Range)
Cl.Resize(UBound(Data, 1), 2) = Data
End Sub
Private Sub AddPartError(part As String, errType As String)
If Not PartErrorsDefined = 1 Then
ReDim PartErrors(1 To 1) As Variant
PartErrorsDefined = 1
End If
PartErrors(UBound(PartErrors)) = Array(part, errType)
ReDim Preserve PartErrors(1 To UBound(PartErrors) + 1) As Variant
End Sub
Ok. I did a bit of checking and the reason this doesn't work is because of your array structure of PartErrors
PartErrors is a 1 dimensional array and you are adding arrays to it, so instead of multi dimentional array you end up with a jagged array, (or array of arrays) when you actually want a 2d array
So to fix this, I think you need to look at changing your array to 2d. Something like the below
Private Sub AddPartError(part As String, errType As String)
If Not PartErrorsDefined = 1 Then
ReDim PartErrors(1 To 2, 1 To 1) As Variant
PartErrorsDefined = 1
End If
PartErrors(1, UBound(PartErrors, 2)) = part 'Array(part, errType)
PartErrors(2, UBound(PartErrors, 2)) = errType
ReDim Preserve PartErrors(1 To 2, 1 To UBound(PartErrors, 2) + 1) As Variant
End Sub
Sub PrintArray(Data As Variant, Cl As Range)
Cl.Resize(UBound(Data, 2), 2) = Application.Transpose(Data)
End Sub
NB. You also need to Transpose your array to fit in the range you specified.
You code is a little hard to follow, but redim clears the data that is in the array, so I think you need to use the "Preserve" keyword.
Below is some example code you can work through to give you the idea of how it works, but you will need to spend some time working out how to fit this into your code.
Good luck!
Sub asda()
'declare an array
Dim MyArray() As String
'First time we size the array I do not need the "Preserve keyword
'there is not data in the array to start with!!!
'Here we size it too 2 by 5
ReDim MyArray(1, 4)
'Fill Array with Stuff
For i = 0 To 4
MyArray(0, i) = "Item at 0," & i
MyArray(1, i) = "Item at 1," & i
' "Print" data to worksheet
Dim Destination1 As Range
Set Destination1 = Range("a1")
Destination1.Resize(UBound(MyArray, 1) + 1, UBound(MyArray, 2) + 1).Value = MyArray
'Now lets resize that arrray
ReDim Preserve MyArray(1, 6)
For i = 5 To 6
MyArray(0, i) = "New Item at 0," & i
MyArray(1, i) = "New Item at 1," & i
'and let put that next to our first list
' "Print" data to worksheet
Dim Destination2 As Range
Set Destination2 = Range("A4")
Destination2.Resize(UBound(MyArray, 1) + 1, UBound(MyArray, 2) + 1).Value = MyArray
End Sub

Excel VBA - How to Redim a 2D array?

In Excel via Visual Basic, I am iterating through a CSV file of invoices that is loaded into Excel. The invoices are in a determinable pattern by client.
I am reading them into a dynamic 2D array, then writing them to another worksheet with older invoices. I understand that I have to reverse rows and columns since only the last dimension of an array may be Redimmed, then transpose when I write it to the master worksheet.
Somewhere, I have the syntax wrong. It keeps telling me that I have already Dimensionalized the array. Somehow did I create it as a static array? What do I need to fix in order to let it operate dynamically?
Sub InvoicesUpdate()
'Application Settings
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Instantiate control variables
Dim allRows As Long, currentOffset As Long, invoiceActive As Boolean, mAllRows As Long
Dim iAllRows As Long, unusedRow As Long, row As Long, mWSExists As Boolean, newmAllRows As Long
'Instantiate invoice variables
Dim accountNum As String, custName As String, vinNum As String, caseNum As String, statusField As String
Dim invDate As String, makeField As String, feeDesc As String, amountField As String, invNum As String
'Instantiate Workbook variables
Dim mWB As Workbook 'master
Dim iWB As Workbook 'import
'Instantiate Worksheet variables
Dim mWS As Worksheet
Dim iWS As Worksheet
'Instantiate Range variables
Dim iData As Range
'Initialize variables
invoiceActive = False
row = 0
'Open import workbook
Workbooks.Open ("path:excel_invoices.csv")
Set iWB = ActiveWorkbook
Set iWS = iWB.Sheets("excel_invoices.csv")
iAllRows = iWS.UsedRange.Rows.Count 'Count rows of import data
'Instantiate array, include extra column for client name
Dim invoices()
ReDim invoices(10, 0)
'Loop through rows.
'Check for the start of a client and store client name
If ActiveCell.Value = "Account Number" Then
clientName = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 6).Value
End If
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value <> Empty And ActiveCell.Value <> "Account Number" And ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0) = Empty Then
invoiceActive = True
'Populate account information.
accountNum = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value
vinNum = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
'leave out customer name for FDCPA reasons
caseNum = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value
statusField = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value
invDate = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value
makeField = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value
End If
If invoiceActive = True And ActiveCell.Value = Empty And ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value = Empty And ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value = Empty Then
'Make sure something other than $0 was invoiced
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value <> 0 Then
'Populate individual item values.
feeDesc = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value
amountField = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value
invNum = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value
'Transfer data to array
invoices(0, row) = "=TODAY()"
invoices(1, row) = accountNum
invoices(2, row) = clientName
invoices(3, row) = vinNum
invoices(4, row) = caseNum
invoices(5, row) = statusField
invoices(6, row) = invDate
invoices(7, row) = makeField
invoices(8, row) = feeDesc
invoices(9, row) = amountField
invoices(10, row) = invNum
'Increment row counter for array
row = row + 1
'Resize array for next entry
ReDim Preserve invoices(10,row)
End If
End If
'Find the end of an invoice
If invoiceActive = True And ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9) <> Empty Then
'Set the flag to outside of an invoice
invoiceActive = False
End If
'Increment active cell to next cell down
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
'Define end of the loop at the last used row
Loop Until ActiveCell.row = iAllRows
'Close import data file
This isn't exactly intuitive, but you cannot Redim(VB6 Ref) an array if you dimmed it with dimensions. Exact quote from linked page is:
The ReDim statement is used to size or resize a dynamic array that has
already been formally declared using a Private, Public, or Dim
statement with empty parentheses (without dimension subscripts).
In other words, instead of dim invoices(10,0)
You should use
Dim invoices()
Redim invoices(10,0)
Then when you ReDim, you'll need to use Redim Preserve (10,row)
Warning: When Redimensioning multi-dimensional arrays, if you want to preserve your values, you can only increase the last dimension. I.E. Redim Preserve (11,row) or even (11,0) would fail.
I stumbled across this question while hitting this road block myself. I ended up writing a piece of code real quick to handle this ReDim Preserve on a new sized array (first or last dimension). Maybe it will help others who face the same issue.
So for the usage, lets say you have your array originally set as MyArray(3,5), and you want to make the dimensions (first too!) larger, lets just say to MyArray(10,20). You would be used to doing something like this right?
ReDim Preserve MyArray(10,20) '<-- Returns Error
But unfortunately that returns an error because you tried to change the size of the first dimension. So with my function, you would just do something like this instead:
MyArray = ReDimPreserve(MyArray,10,20)
Now the array is larger, and the data is preserved. Your ReDim Preserve for a Multi-Dimension array is complete. :)
And last but not least, the miraculous function: ReDimPreserve()
'redim preserve both dimensions for a multidimension array *ONLY
Public Function ReDimPreserve(aArrayToPreserve,nNewFirstUBound,nNewLastUBound)
ReDimPreserve = False
'check if its in array first
If IsArray(aArrayToPreserve) Then
'create new array
ReDim aPreservedArray(nNewFirstUBound,nNewLastUBound)
'get old lBound/uBound
nOldFirstUBound = uBound(aArrayToPreserve,1)
nOldLastUBound = uBound(aArrayToPreserve,2)
'loop through first
For nFirst = lBound(aArrayToPreserve,1) to nNewFirstUBound
For nLast = lBound(aArrayToPreserve,2) to nNewLastUBound
'if its in range, then append to new array the same way
If nOldFirstUBound >= nFirst And nOldLastUBound >= nLast Then
aPreservedArray(nFirst,nLast) = aArrayToPreserve(nFirst,nLast)
End If
'return the array redimmed
If IsArray(aPreservedArray) Then ReDimPreserve = aPreservedArray
End If
End Function
I wrote this in like 20 minutes, so there's no guarantees. But if you would like to use or extend it, feel free. I would've thought that someone would've had some code like this up here already, well apparently not. So here ya go fellow gearheads.
here is updated code of the redim preseve method with variabel declaration, hope #Control Freak is fine with it:)
Option explicit
'redim preserve both dimensions for a multidimension array *ONLY
Public Function ReDimPreserve(aArrayToPreserve As Variant, nNewFirstUBound As Variant, nNewLastUBound As Variant) As Variant
Dim nFirst As Long
Dim nLast As Long
Dim nOldFirstUBound As Long
Dim nOldLastUBound As Long
ReDimPreserve = False
'check if its in array first
If IsArray(aArrayToPreserve) Then
'create new array
ReDim aPreservedArray(nNewFirstUBound, nNewLastUBound)
'get old lBound/uBound
nOldFirstUBound = UBound(aArrayToPreserve, 1)
nOldLastUBound = UBound(aArrayToPreserve, 2)
'loop through first
For nFirst = LBound(aArrayToPreserve, 1) To nNewFirstUBound
For nLast = LBound(aArrayToPreserve, 2) To nNewLastUBound
'if its in range, then append to new array the same way
If nOldFirstUBound >= nFirst And nOldLastUBound >= nLast Then
aPreservedArray(nFirst, nLast) = aArrayToPreserve(nFirst, nLast)
End If
'return the array redimmed
If IsArray(aPreservedArray) Then ReDimPreserve = aPreservedArray
End If
End Function
I know this is a bit old but I think there might be a much simpler solution that requires no additional coding:
Instead of transposing, redimming and transposing again, and if we talk about a two dimensional array, why not just store the values transposed to begin with. In that case redim preserve actually increases the right (second) dimension from the start. Or in other words, to visualise it, why not store in two rows instead of two columns if only the nr of columns can be increased with redim preserve.
the indexes would than be 00-01, 01-11, 02-12, 03-13, 04-14, 05-15 ... 0 25-1 25 etcetera instead of 00-01, 10-11, 20-21, 30-31, 40-41 etcetera.
As only the second (or last) dimension can be preserved while redimming, one could maybe argue that this is how arrays are supposed to be used to begin with.
I have not seen this solution anywhere so maybe I'm overlooking something?
Here ya go.
Public Function ReDimPreserve(ByRef Arr, ByVal idx1 As Integer, ByVal idx2 As Integer)
Dim newArr()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
ReDim newArr(idx1, idx2)
For x = 0 To UBound(Arr, 1)
For y = 0 To UBound(Arr, 2)
newArr(x, y) = Arr(x, y)
Arr = newArr
End Function
Here is how I do this.
Dim TAV() As Variant
Dim ArrayToPreserve() as Variant
TAV = ArrayToPreserve
ReDim ArrayToPreserve(nDim1, nDim2)
For i = 0 To UBound(TAV, 1)
For j = 0 To UBound(TAV, 2)
ArrayToPreserve(i, j) = TAV(i, j)
Next j
Next i
A small update to what #control freak and #skatun wrote previously (sorry I don't have enough reputation to just make a comment). I used skatun's code and it worked well for me except that it was creating a larger array than what I needed. Therefore, I changed:
ReDim aPreservedArray(nNewFirstUBound, nNewLastUBound)
ReDim aPreservedArray(LBound(aArrayToPreserve, 1) To nNewFirstUBound, LBound(aArrayToPreserve, 2) To nNewLastUBound)
This will maintain whatever the original array's lower bounds were (either 0, 1, or whatever; the original code assumes 0) for both dimensions.
i solved this in a shorter fashion.
Dim marray() as variant, array2() as variant, YY ,ZZ as integer
Redim marray(1 to 1000, 1 to 10)
Do while ZZ<100 ' this is populating the first array
marray(ZZ,YY)= "something"
'this part is where you store your array in another then resize and restore to original
array2= marray
Redim marray(1 to ZZ-1, 1 to YY)
marray = array2
You could do this array(0)= array(0,1,2,3).
Sub add_new(data_array() As Variant, new_data() As Variant)
Dim ar2() As Variant, fl As Integer
If Not (isEmpty(data_array)) = True Then
fl = 0
fl = UBound(data_array) + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve data_array(fl)
data_array(fl) = new_data
End Sub
Sub demo()
Dim dt() As Variant, nw(0, 1) As Variant
nw(0, 0) = "Hi"
nw(0, 1) = "Bye"
Call add_new(dt, nw)
nw(0, 0) = "Good"
nw(0, 1) = "Bad"
Call add_new(dt, nw)
End Sub
