Choosing the right DBM-like C++ library for sequential data - database

I am trying to choose a database for a newly developing application. There are so many alternatives and it’s so easy to choose a wrong one. First of all, there is a requirement to not use database servers. A required database should be a static or dynamic C++ library. The data that needs to be stored is an array of records. They vary but are fixed for a given dataset (so they can be stored in a table). The information in each row could be from several hundred bytes up to several megabytes. And a number of rows may be millions for now and expected to grow.
The index of the row could be used as a key. No need to maintain a separate key column.
Data is inserted sequentially. Read access will be performed only by iterating all the data or some segment of it sequentially (May need to iterate with steps like each 5th).
I don’t think that relational DBs are good feet for many reasons.
a. They are mostly server-based. I know about SQLite but as far as I know, it stores data in one file which I assume may lead to issues related to maximum file size.
b. We don’t need the power that SQL provides instead we would like to have more flexibility in stored data types.
There are Key/Value non-SQL dbms like BerkeleyDB, RocksDB, or something like luxio for lighter alternatives. The functionality they provide is more than enough for the task. And this might be the right choice however I don’t know how well they are optimized for such case where we have continuous integer keys. The associative key access (which is not required for us) may have some overhead in performance.
I know there are some type of non-SQL databases called “wide-column” which I am not familiar with. However, the name sounds like it is perfect for our task. All databases I can find are server of claud based. If you know dbm-like library for such type of database please advise.
I am not experienced in databases so please correct me if I am wrong in any of 3 above stamens.

If your row data can grow to megabytes, and you're talking about only millions of records, maybe just figure out a way to lay it out in a filesystem? If you need a more database-like index, use SQLite for the keys, and have the data records point to a location on the filesystem. This kind of thing will be far quicker to implement and get right than trying to do it all in one giant database.


Relational database versus R/Python data frames

I was exposed to the world of tables and data structures in R before the RDBMS systems and other database systems. It is quite elegant in R/Python to create tables and lists from stuctured data (.csv or other formats) and then do data manipulations programmatically.
Last year, I attended a course in Database management and learnt all about structured and unstructured databases. I also noticed that it is the norm to feed data from multiple sources of data into databases rather than directly use them in R (for convenience and discipline?).
For research purposes, R seems to suffice, for joining, appending or even complicated data manipulations.
The questions that keeps arising is:
When to use R directly by using commands such as read.csv, when to use R by creating database and querying from tables using the R-SQL interface?
For instance, if I have a multi-source data, like (a) Person level information (age, gender, smoking habits), (b) Outcome variables (such as surveys taken by them in real time), (c) Covariate information (environment characteristics), (d) Treatment input (occurrence of an event that modifies the outcome - survey response) (d) Time and space information of participants taking survey
How to approach the data collection and processing in this case. There may be standard industry procedures, but I put this question forward here, to understand list of feasible and optimal approaches that individuals and small group of researchers can adopt.
What you're describing when you say "that it is the norm to feed data from multiple sources of data into databases" sounds more specifically like a data warehouse. Databases are used for many reasons, and in plenty of situations they will hold data from one source - for instance, a database used as the data store of a transactional system will often only hold the data needed to run that system, and the data produced by that system.
The process you're describing is commonly called Extract, Transform, Load (ETL), and you might find looking up information about ETL and data warehousing helpful if you decide to go in the direction of combining your data prior to working with it in R.
I can't tell you which you should choose, or the optimal way of accomplishing it, because it will vary in different situations and might even come down to opinion. What I can tell you are some of the reasons why people create data warehouses, and you can decide for yourself whether it might be useful in your situation:
A data warehouse can provide a central location to hold combined data. This means that people do not need to combine the data themselves each time they need to use that specific combination of data. Unlike something like a simple one-off report or extract of combined data, it should provide some flexibility, letting people obtain the combined set of data they need for a specific task. Very often, in enterprise situations, multiple things are then be run on top of the same combined set of data - multidimensional data analysis tools (cubes), reports, data mining, etc.
Some of the benefits of this might include:
Individuals saving time when they otherwise would have needed to combine the data themselves.
If the data which needs to be combined is complex, or some people do not have proficiency at handling that part of the process, then there is less risk of data being combined incorrectly; you can be sure that different pieces of work have used the same source data.
If the data suffers from data quality issues, you resolve this once in the data warehouse, rather than working around it or resolving it repeatedly in code.
If new data is constantly being received, collection and integration of this into the data warehouse can be carried out automatically.
Like I say, I can't decide for you whether this is a useful direction or not - as with any decision of this kind you'll need to weigh up the costs of implementing such a solution against the benefits, and both will be specific to your individual case. But hopefully this answers your core question of why someone might choose to do this work in a database instead of in their code, and gives you a starting point to work from.

Is it bad design to use arrays within a database?

So I'm making a database for a personal project just to get more than my feet wet with PostgreSQL and certain languages and applications that can use a PostgreSQL database.
I've come to the realization that using an array isn't necessarily even compliant (Arrays are not atomic, right?) with 1NF. So my question is: Is there a lack of efficiency or data safety this way? Should I learn early to not use arrays?
Short answer to the title: No
A bit longer answer:
You should learn to use arrays when appropriate. Arrays are not bad design themselves, they are as atomic as a character varying field (array of characters, no?) and they exists to make our lives easier and our databases faster and lighter. There are issues considering portability (most database systems don't support arrays, or do so in a different way than Postgres)
You have a blog with posts and tags, and each post may have 0 or more tags. The first thing that comes to mind is to make a different table with two columns postid and tagid and assign the tags in that table.
If we need to search through posts with tagid, then the extra table is necessary (with appropriate indexes of course).
But if we only want the tag information to be shown as the post's extra info, then we can easily add an integer array column in the table of posts and extract the information from there. This can still be done with the extra table, but using an array reduces the size of the database (no needed extra tables or extra rows) and simplifies the query by letting us execute our select queries with joining one less table and seems easier to understand by human eye (the last part is in the eye of the beholder, but I think I speak for a majority here). If our tags are preloaded, then not even one join is necessary.
The example may be poor but it's the first that came to mind.
Arrays are not necessary. They can be harmful if you use them wrong. You can live without them and have a great, fast and optimized database. When you are considering portability (e.g. rewriting your system to work with other databses) then you must not use arrays.
If you are sure you'll stick with Postgres, then you can safely use arrays where you find appropriate. They exist for a reason and are neither bad design nor non-compliant. When you use them in the right places, they can help a little with simplicity of database structures and your code, as well as space and speed optimization. That is all.
Whether an array is atomic depends on what you're interested in. If you generally want the whole array then it's atomic. If you are more interested in the individual elements then it is being used as structure. A text field is basically a list of characters. However, we're usually interested in the whole string.
Now - from a practical viewpoint, many frameworks and ORMs don't automatically unpack PostgreSQL's array types. Also, if you want to port the database to e.g. MySQL then you'll
Likewise foreign-key constraints can't be added to an array (EDIT: this is still true as of 2021).
Short answer: Yes, it is bad design. Using arrays will guarantee that your design is not 1NF, because to be 1NF there must be no repeating values. Proper design is unequivocal: make another table for the array's values and join when you need them all.
Arrays may be the right tool for the job in certain limited circumstances, but I would still try hard to avoid them. They're a feature of last resort.
The biggest problem with arrays is that they're a crutch. You know them already and you want to use them because they're familiar to you. But they do not work quite like you expect, and they will only allow you to postpone a true understanding of SQL and relational databases. You're much better off waiting until you're forced to use them than learning them and looking for opportunities to rely on them.
I believe arrays are a useful and appropriate design in cases where you're working with array-like data and want to use the power of SQL for efficient queries and analysis. I've begun using PostgreSQL arrays regularly for data science purposes, as well as in PostGIS for edge cases, as examples.
In addition to the well-explained challenges mentioned above, I'm finding the biggest problem in getting third-party client apps to be able to handle the array fields in ways I'd expect. In Tableau and QGIS, for example, arrays are treated as strings, so array operations are unavailable.
Arrays are a first class data type in the SQL standard, and generally allow for a simpler schema and more efficient queries. Arrays, in general, are a great data type. If your implementation is self-contained, and doesn't need to rely on third-party tools without an API or some other middleware that can deal with incompatibilities, then use the array field.
IF, however, you interface with third-party software that directly queries the DB, and arrays are used to produce queries, then I'd avoid them in favor of simpler lookup tables and other traditional relational approaches.

Database Design Questions - Need Clarifications

i m designing a database using sql server 2005
main concept of our side is to import xml feeds from suppliers
different supplier can have different representation of data
the problem is i need to design table to store imported information
some of the columns are fixed means all supplier products must have similar data coming from the feed like , name, code, price, status, etc
but some product have optional details like
one product have might color property other might dont.
what is the best way to store these kind of scenario into the database.
should i create a table for mandatory columns and other tables to hold optional column.
or i should i list down all the column first and put them into the one table. (there might a lot of null values)
there will thousands of products and database speed is very essential .
we will be doing a lot of product comparison from different supplier
our database will be something like
i hope i explain the concept well
Thousands of products (so thousands of rows.) Thats really not many at all, so you could normalize the the optional data to a few separate tables without having a dramatic effect on query time.
I would say put your indexes in the correct place, optimize your queries, make sure you have filegroups split up nicely, etc (just the usual regular old database stuff) and you should be good.
Depends on how you want to access it.
As you say, speed is important - but what are you going t do with those extra, optional, bits of information? Do you need to store them at all? Assuming you do, how often do you need to access them?
Essentially, if you will always need to at least check if they're there, probably better to put them into one table. If you need to check anyway, might as well get it over with as part of the initial query.
If, on the other hand, you can usually run without bothering to check for these extra pieces, and only need to bother when specilly requested, then it might be better to put them into a different table. The join (or subsequent lookup) will be expensive - much more expensive than pulling nulls for empty columns - but if it's very infrequent, would probably cost less in runtime execution in the long run.
Also bear in mind the tradeoff in storage and transport terms - storing lots of empty fields does take some space, and sending back lots of empty fields takes network bandwidth.
If disk space is not a concern, but bandwidth is, make the application is carfully designed to minimse unecessary lookups, and then with tight queries you can store the extra (optional) data, but not pass it back unless it's requested.
So, it really all depends on what's important to you. Once you know what your overriding design concerns are, you will know which compromises to make to address those concerns at the expense of others. A balancing act.

Is it advisable to store things such as list of cities on the db?

Hi I'm using CakePHP and I'm wondering if it's advisable to store things that don't change a lot in the database lik the list of cities?
If your application already needs a database, why would you keep data anywhere else?
If the list doesn't change (per installation) and it's reasonably small and frequently used, then it might be worth reading it once on initialization and caching the result to improve performance and reduce the load on the database.
You get all sorts of queries and retrievals out of the box, the same way you access any other of your data. Databases are as cheap as flat files today, but you get a full service.
I see this question has had an answer accepted - I still want to chime in with my $0.02
The way I typically do for arrays of static data (country list, timezone list, immutable sets you would use enum for...) is to use this array datasource.
It allows you to map relationships between db models and array based models and to use the usual find syntax / Containable on the relationships.
If it is pretty much a static list, then you can store it either in the db or a file, but keep it in memory for use. In other words, load it once whether from db or file. What you don't want to do is keep taking a hit loading it. Especially if you use it on most page views. Those little bits of time add up if you have a large number of visitors.
The flip side, of course, is if you find yourself doing this for large lists or lots and lots of little lists. Then you could run into problems of keeping too much in memory.
Bill the Lizard is right about it being important whether or not the list links to other tables. If it does, then you will need it in the db if you need queries that will include it.

More efficient to store text as file or in DB?

Imagine you're dealing with many strings of text that are about 10,000 characters long entered by users. Would it be more efficient to write those automatically onto pages or input them onto a table in a database? I hope that question is clear enough...
It depends on what sort of "efficiency" you're aiming for.
Here's what I mean:
will you be changing the content of your text strings?
what sorts of searches will you be doing?
when you extract the text do what do you do with it?
My opinion is that provided you're not going to change the content much, nor perform much analysis, you're better off with the database.
10k isn't particularly large, so either is fine. I would personally use the database, as it will allow you to easily search though.
Depends how you're accessing them, but normally using the FS would result in better performance. That's for the obvious reason the DB is another layer built on top of the FS, and using the FS directly, assuming no extra heavy processing (for example, have 100s of named files instead of one big bloated file ordered in a special order you need to parse), would save you the DBMS operations.
I'm wondering if SQLite would be the best of both worlds, or at least, the best database for that size of job.
The real answer her is what you're going to do with these strings.
Databases are meant to be able to quickly return specific records. If you're just going to SELECT * FROM Table and then concat it all together, there's no point in using a database.
However, if you have a relation between your data that you want to be able to search, then a database will likely be more efficient.
E.G., do you want to be able to pull up all the text records from a set of users on a set of dates? Find all records from users who match some records?
These kinds of loads will likely be more efficient than a naive implementation, and still probably faster than a decent one, even if it does avoid some access layers.
There are a lot of considerations. As others said - either approach would work fine for a small number of 10k rows (thousands).
But what's the rest of your app do? If it does everything in the database, then I'd be inclined to put this there as well; the opposite is true as well.
And how will you be selecting these? Do you need to do complex text searches? If so, a database might not be the best. Or, would you be adding new attributes, searching on those attributes - or matching them against data in other tables? In this common case a database would be better.
And if your data is really vast (many millions of 10k rows) and your performance requirements aren't terribly high - you may want to compress them and store them in the file system.
Lastly, how important is data quality? Given the features of a good database it's much easier to guarantee good data quality with a database.
