React Native & Firebase Cloud Messaging: How to avoid duplicated push notification? - reactjs

I have one website(React) and mobile app (React Native) which are both connected with the same Firebase Projects.
I have a button inside my Website; every time I click the button, my application receives a push notification from firebase (Firebase Cloud Messaging).
However, in case of slow internet connection or browser gets refreshed, my user is able to send a duplicated push notification.
How do I avoid this duplicated push notifications situation? In other word, I want to replace the old push notification every time I get a new push notification.

You can clear all notification before showing new notification. Version 6 do not handle provide functionality to remove notification. But you can use version 5. It has cancelAllNotifications method. You can also use react-native-push-notification.


Make web push notifications to show for longer

We integrated web push notifications in our React App with firebase, it is working fine both in foreground and in background. When the app is in foreground we attached a event listener (onMessage) that will handle the event and will create a push notification with the Notification Object. It is also working fine.
My question is, is there any way to increase the amount of time the notification (foreground notification) will be shown to the user? currently it is visible for 5 to 6 seconds (in Brave, Linux Mint).
Thanks in advance
No you cannot increase the time your notification is shown.

want to show woocommerce webhook data in react.js application

what I want?
When someone does order from woocommerce then it show notification on my front end using React.js
What I tried?
I have setup webhook from woocommere > settings > webhooks for orders.created.
Now I want to watch for orders from woocommerce store that is: and as someone do order it show notification on my front end that is React.js
I was developing wms system for wooCommerce store and get stuck in a problem where i needed to receive push notification in react dashboard (data populated through api form wordPress wooCommerce) from wordpress wooCommerce and nothing was working fine. I tried webhookds, but could not get bread. SO finally i showed notifications through pusher. Kindly follow the steps and you will setup both backend and front very easily. Thank me later!
Go at
Click on "Get a free account". Then register yourself at it.
Create a new App at the Channels tab.
Write the name of your app anything you want.
Choose ap2 (Asia Pacific(Mumbai)) or any other closer to the region of the website's owner on the cluster tab.
Ignore everything else and click on create.
Go to the apps tab in the navigation menu and click on the app you've created.
Read documentation for further instructions

send image in push notification

I've only sent texts in push notification till now. Can I send images as well in cn1? And how can I open a specific screen through clicking push notification? Up to now, it only opens the home screen of the app.
There is an RFE for supporting rich push notifications here. It's currently pretty bare of use cases so I suggest adding those as it's scheduled for the next update.

Push Notification Ionic. How to handle data of multiple notification?

I have implemented a push notification on my ionic app using cordova push notification.
The whole Notification part is done. I receive notifications properly, but the problem is when I receive multiple notifications for eg.
If I have 3 notifications in ascending order
And if I clicked on 1st notification which is 'message1'. Further app gets open and it shows me 'message3'.
No matter whichever notification I'll click, it always shows a last notification which was received.
I'm not getting how to catch a data of notification on which I had clicked
(Is it possible by local notification plugin? which has onclick function.)

Is there any method like Iphone's application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions in Windows Phone 7?

I am implementing push notification WP7 it coming successfully in my application.I am executing specific code after receiving the notification.But the problem is that when the application is in background or closed and the push notification arrives at that time only the application's first page is coming.I want to execute the code when the application starts by notification.
In Iphone there is a method applicationdidfinishlaunchingwithoptions, in this method we can check whether the application is started by push notification or not.
Is there any method like that in WP7?
For a push notification, you set a uri for navigation. Add a url parameter to this, and handle it in the OnNavigatedTo method.
