Updating React state after calling document.onpaste? - reactjs

I am trying to setup a functional component that allows the user to copy/paste their clipboard image into the app. In useEffect, I setup document.onpaste . This was working and I was able to get the image and upload it. But I need to have it update the state after paste, so that I can allow them to paste multiple images and keep them in array in state.
I've simplified the problem below. Basically when I paste I want to have it update the counter value, but it doesn't. Counter always = 0. If I use normal react button onclick event, it works fine. I'm guessing the onpaste event is outside of React, but then,
How can I process the paste event and also update the functional state?
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
const AddAttachmentsContainer = ({ zoneid, tableid, field }) => {
const [counter,setCounter]=useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
const GetImage = (e) => {

If I am not mistaken, I'll bet that the state is updated. useState will update the state and trigger a re-render. Since it is asynchronous, console.log will be called with the old state value.
useEffect(() => console.log(counter), [counter]);
... don't forget to add counter in the second argument of useEffect. see here...
Also see here
Alternatively, of course, you can also use refs, but be aware of the use cases for them. It is easy to allow refs to unnecessarily spread through your code.
To be honest, it might be wise to just setCounter in the useEffect you already have and call your GetImage function afterwards... from there, you can retrieve counter. There are multiple approaches to this.


How to implement promise when updating a state in functional React (when using useState hooks)

I know similar questions are bouncing around the web for quite some time but I still struggle to find a decision for my case.
Now I use functional React with hooks. What I need in this case is to set a state and AFTER the state was set THEN to start the next block of code, maybe like React with classes works:
someStateFlag: true
}, () => { // then:
this.someMethod(); // start this method AFTER someStateFlag was updated
Here I have created a playground sandbox that demonstrates the issue:
Please push the button to get the confirmation dialog opened. Then confirm with "YES!" and notice the lag. This lag occurs because the loading data method starts before the close dialog flag in state was updated.
const fireTask = () => {
setOpen(false); // async
setResult(fetchHugeData()); // starts immediately
What I need to achieve is maybe something like using a promise:
const fireTask = () => {
setOpen(false).then(() => {
Because the order in my case is important. I need to have dialog closed first (to avoid the lag) and then get the method fired.
And by the way, what would be your approach to implement a loading effect with MUI Backdrop and CircularProgress in this app?
The this.setState callback alternative for React hooks is basically the useEffect hook.
It is a "built-in" React hook which accepts a callback as it's first parameter and then runs it every time the value of any of it's dependencies changes.
The second argument for the hook is the array of dependencies.
import { useEffect } from 'react';
const fireTask = () => {
useEffect(() => {
if (open) {
}, [open]);
In other words, setResult would run every time the value of open changes,
and only after it has finished changing and a render has occurred.
We use a simple if statement to allow our code to run only when open is false.
Check the documentation for more info.
Here is how I managed to resolve the problem with additional dependency in state:
Thanks to all that helped.

Can I await the update function of the useState hook

I am building an app to understand the useState hook. This app simply has a form for entering username. I am trying to save the entered username. So, I have used react useState. And I tried to await the updating function of the useState in the event handler.
const usernameChangeHandler = async (event) => {
await setEnteredUsername(event.target.value);
console.log(enteredUsername, enteredAge);
And when I tried to log the username it doesn't show us the current state but the previous state. Why?
const usernameChangeHandler = async (event) => {
await setEnteredUsername(event.target.value);
console.log(enteredUsername, enteredAge);
enteredUsername is never going to change. It's a closure variable that's local to this single time you rendered the component. It's usually a const, but even if it was made with let, setEnteredUsername does not even attempt to change its value. What setEnteredUsername does is ask react to rerender the component. When the render eventually happens, a new local variable will be created with the new value, but code from your old render has no access to that.
If you need to run some code after calling setEnteredUsername, but you don't actually care if the component has rerendered yet, the just use the value in event.target.value, since you know that's going to be the new value of the state:
const usernameChangeHandler = (event) => {
console.log(event.target.value, enteredAge);
If instead you need to make make sure that the component has rerendered and then do something after that, you can put your code in a useEffect. Effects run after rendering, and you can use the dependency array to make it only run if the values you care about have changed:
const [enteredUsername, setEnteredUsername] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
console.log('rendering complete, with new username', enteredUsername);
}, [enteredUsername]);
const usernameChangeHandler = (event) => {
the act of setting state is asynchronous; therefore, console logging directly after setting your state will not accurately provide you with how state currently looks. Instead as many have suggested you can utilize the useEffect lifecycle hook to listen for changes in your enteredUserName state like so:
useEffect(() => {
}, [enteredUsername]);
listening for changes within the useEffect will allow you to create side effects once state has updated and caused your component to rerender. This in turn will trigger your useEffect with the enteredUsername dependency, as the enteredUserName state has changed.

Call Hooks on component change in React Native

I'm working on an react native app.
This app use a database, the main component use 2 differents hook.
The first hook retrieves the results of a SQL query and store them in a variable.
The second hook creates a list from the first variable
Like this:
const [people, setPeople ] = useState([]);
useEffect (() => {
db.getAllPeople().then(row => setPeople(row))
const [listData, setListData] = useState([]);
useEffect(()=> {
.map((_, i) => ({ key: `${i}`, name: `${people[i].name}`}))
}, [people]);
After that, my main component displays a SwipeList from the results.
Here is the problem. I am using another component to add an element to my database. When I return to my main component I would like this new element to be displayed. But the problem is that the 2 hooks are not called on the component change and the list therefore remains unchanged.
I've tried to use the useFocusEffect but it doesn't work in my case.
Any suggestions ?
I think the useState hook manages the state of the component itself, unless you are passing this state among your parent and child or using callbacks to set the state on the component that you want to render, you could use a single source of truth to handle the changes in data, react itself will notice this changes and therefore, render the changed screens, considering that you have asynchronous operations when querying the database, a combination of redux and redux saga may help you.
There're one issues with your current code, or potential issues
Your second useEffect might get called when people becomes an empty list, this will reset your list data. The cure is to put a if statement inside, ex.
useEffect(()=> {
if (!people) return;
}, [people]);
To be honest, if these two lists are connected, you shouldn't use two hook. The best way is to define listData
const listData = (a function that takes people as input), ex.
const listData = people.map(v => v)
Of course, there might be a reason why you'd like to introduce more hook in complex situation, ex. useRef, useMemo.

When updating state from props, why useEffect() instead of checking directly in the component?

When updating state when props change, the commonly held approach is to use useEffect() with the prop as a dependency:
const Component = ({prop}) => {
const [state, setState] = useState(prop);
useEffect(() => {
}, [prop]);
return <div>{state}</div>;
I have to wonder, is there an advantage to this over doing a comparison directly in the component itself, like so:
const Component = ({prop}) => {
const [state, setState] = useState(prop);
if (prop !== state) {
return <div>{state}</div>;
It looks like both approaches cause the component to execute twice -- once with the prop and state out of sync, once in sync -- but the second approach looks like it avoids adding a hook to the stack. It also looks like it could be optimized out of the DOM reconciliation, since it doesn't have to wait for the DOM to be generated the way useEffect() does. I'm not even sure it is easier to read, other than being "The Hooks Way."
Does anyone have an idea why the useEffect() route could be better than the inline check?
The official React docs use the second approach for syncing props to state:
function ScrollView({row}) {
const [isScrollingDown, setIsScrollingDown] = useState(false);
const [prevRow, setPrevRow] = useState(null);
if (row !== prevRow) {
// Row changed since last render. Update isScrollingDown.
setIsScrollingDown(prevRow !== null && row > prevRow);
return `Scrolling down: ${isScrollingDown}`;
The difference between updating state in useEffect and updating state during render is that, useEffect is called after React already commits the updates, i.e. the updates would be reflected in DOM, then you'll update state which will update the DOM again. The second way causes a re-render, but there's only one commit to the DOM.
I think it's important to understand when to use hooks and when not too.
The answer to this question is a very helpful How does React implement hooks so that they rely on call order.
We have recently discovered a lot of problems to do with the useEffect hook, one of them being
useEffect(() => {
// Called on first render and every props.foo update
}, [props.foo])
We didn't want it to be called on the first render only on every update.
Another on being useEffect gives warning when using objects & arrays, instead of a value.
I'm not saying don't use the useEffect ever I love the useEffect hook, but instead of saying why shouldn't use it. You should say do I need useEffect to get what I need to achieve.
For your example unless you are setting the state at another point I would suggest. Just using the prop. If you are setting the state I would have a look at the above link at the schema found.
The schema of a single hook is as below. It can be found in the implementation
function createHook(): Hook {
return {
memoizedState: null,
baseState: null,
queue: null,
baseUpdate: null,
next: null,
Think do I need to make use of the hooks queue when setting the state, if not then don't use a hook.
Another good use of the hook is are you going to be putting multiple values in the hook array if so it's a good idea to use it then!
Hope that helps :)

React hooks update sort of whenever they feel like it

So, I'm using hooks to manage the state of a set of forms, set up like so:
const [fieldValues, setFieldValues] = useState({}) // Nothing, at first
When setting the value, the state doesn't update:
const handleSetValues = values => {
const _fieldValues = {
console.log(fieldValues) // these won't be updated
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(fieldValues) // after ten seconds, it's still not updated
If I call the function a second time, it'll have updated, but that's not gonna work for me.
I never saw behaviour like this in class components.
Is it meant to... like, not update? Or just update whenever it feels like it? Really confusing behaviour.
setFieldValues(_fieldValues) is an async call, means you won't able to get the result in the very next line of this.
You can use useEffect hook.
useEffect(() => {
// do your work here
}, [fieldValues]);
It seems from your question that you have background of Class components of React, so useEffect is similar to componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate lifecycle methods.
useEffect calls whenever the state in the dependency array (in your case [fieldValues]) changes and you get the updated value in useEffect body.
You can also perform componentWillUnmount work in useEffect as well.
Have a brief guide.
setFieldValues is an asynchronous function, so logging the value below the statement will not have any effect.
Regarding using setTimeout, the function would capture the current value of props being passed to it and hence that would be the value printed to the console. This is true to any JS function, see the snippet below:
function init(val) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
let counterVal = 1;
So how can we print the values when the value changes? The easy mechanism is to use a useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
}, [fieldValues]);
