React-select onChange trigger when user select same option - reactjs

The onChange of a react-select drop down is getting triggered when I select an already selected value in the drop down. Is there a way to configure react-select to not trigger onChange event if already selected value is selected again.
handleOnChange(value) {
this.setState({ multiValue: value });
render() {
return (
As you can see the console log calling even if the value is the same. Codesandbox

You can control the value on onChange of react select.
I changed your onChange function with arrow function:
onChange={value => {
if (value !== this.state.multiValue){

I'm not sure whether you can disable the change event but as a workaround You can simply hold the current value of the selected item and return from the change handler if the selected item was the previous one like #ahmetkilinc answer, also menu items have an option
that you can change to true when one item is selected, therefore it can't be selected anymore.


check a checkbox when another checkbox is checked in react

I have three checkboxes, when one check box is checked, I want the second check box to be checked automatically. The below code is written in a modal. It will only set the state value, but the checkbox is not getting checked. The change will be reflected only when we close and open the modal again.
<Checkbox className="checkbox-wrapper" onChange={(e, data) => {
setAddAccessCheck( ...addAccessCheck,ga.groupId])
setAddAccessCheck(addAccessCheck.filter((add) => add !== ga.groupId))
setEditAccessCheck(editAccessCheck.filter((del) => del !== ga.groupId))
defaultChecked={addSubmitAccessCheck.includes(ga.groupId) ? true : false}

Checkbox only changes value when clicked twice

As title says, I set up a checkbox which has the issue that I need to click on it twice to change it's state
The first time I click it behaves as expected, but every attempt after that requires double clicking.
state = {
notification: true,
handleInputChange= (event) => {
//I use to operate since I'm trying to set up multiple checkboxes
this.setState({ []: ! });
className={"mx-1 switch-color"}
You don't need to ! when you're setting state here. It should be this.setState({ []: });, since returns the checked state of the checkbox. So, if you click the checkbox and it transitions to checked, then it will be true. Then, if you click the checkbox and it transitions to unchecked then it will be false.

Clear React Widget DropdownList if not select any item

I'm using React Widgets for the Dropdown List, I want to customize the onChange to get my state as the selected value:
const { selected } = this.state;
return <DropdownList {}
data={fitData} onSearch={}
The onChange simply like this:
change(selected) {
It works, but when I close the dropdown list without selecting any value, the selected still chosen. What could I do to remove the selected if I don't choose any value?
The onChange event will get called only on a value change.
if you want to listen to the 'closed without selecting' You should listen to the onToggle event.
You can call the same method as you did on the onChange and check the selected value is null/undefined.

React semantic-ui Dropdown onChange not working

Here's the code:
class MenuContainerComponent extends Component {
onInputWidgetMenuChange(event, data) {
render() {
var inputWidgets = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.props.cdata.widgets.inputWidgets.length; i++) {
var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(this.props.cdata.widgets.inputWidgets[i]);
var key = "inputWidget" + i;
inputWidgets.push(<Dropdown.Item key={key}>{componentName}</Dropdown.Item>);
return (
<Dropdown style={childStyle} text='Input widgets' icon='keyboard' floating labeled button className='icon' onChange={this.onInputWidgetMenuChange}>
<Dropdown.Header icon='tags' content='Select a widget to add to canvas' />
<Dropdown.Divider />
I am trying to get an event on menu selection. 'onClick' is working in similar fashion but there is no event on menu selection.
AFAIK, since you're using Dropdown.Menu inside this Dropdown, the onChange won't work. It's for normal Drodowns (like selecting a value etc). Try creating a generic onClick and assign it to <Dropdown.Item />
Giri's answer is correct. Change this line
inputWidgets.push(<Dropdown.Item key={key}>{componentName}</Dropdown.Item>);
inputWidgets.push(<Dropdown.Item key={key} value={componentId} onClick={this.onInputWidgetMenuChange}>{componentName}</Dropdown.Item>);
Where componentId is the actual value of the Dropdown.Item, (as opposed to the text displayed). Given the right circumstances componentId can be the same as the componentName too.
Another thing is that since you're using Dropdown.Menu inside the Dropdown, clicking the items on the menu won't automatically change the value of the Dropdown. (which is why the onChange of event the Dropdown component isn't fired). You need to save the current value of the Dropdown in the react state and manually set the trigger prop of Dropdown to make it look like the selected item.

React Radio Button event on "checked" attribute

I'm trying to handle an event based on the 'checked' attribute of a radio button in React.js. I want the buttons to allow for selecting more than one value, so I removed the 'name' attribute which seemed to disallow multiple selections.
The base radio button component looks like
export function Radio_Button_Multiple_Selection (props) {
return (
<input type="radio"
checked={props.form_data[props.field_name].indexOf(props.btn_value) > -1}
onClick={props.radio_effect} />
I have a form_data objec that has an array of values that correspond to the btn_value of the radio buttons, where if the value is found in the array it should come up as checked. (And this part is working fine right now, they do in fact show up checked as expected):
const form_data = {
occupations: ['student', 'merchant', 'paladin', 'troll'],
Now, I also have a react class with a method for manipulating the values in the occupations array,responding to whether the radio button being licked was already checked or not:
handleRadioButton (event) {
const target =;
const value = target.value;
const isChecked = target.checked;
console.log(isChecked) // this undefined. why?!?
if (isChecked) {
// remove it from array
// etc.
} else {
// add it to array
// etc.
My main issue is that following:
When I console.log the "checked" logic that returns a boolean inside the RadioButton component's checked attribute, it comes up as expected (true of false if it is or isnt in the array). But it always comes up as checked = undefined in the class method for handling the buttons.
You cannot uncheck a radio button in HTML either. You have to control the checked attribute with your props or state:
Even more, you should rely only on your state, instead of a mix, & state.
class Radio extends Component {
state = {}
render() {
return <input
onClick={e => this.setState({
checked: !this.state.checked
<input type="radio" />
I found the workaround:
use the 'value' attribute to store the same information that I am storing under the 'checked' attribute, with an array that has the button's value AND the checked logic boolean; e.g., value=[boolean, btn_value]
then access the 'value' attribute in the event handler. the value arrives as a full string, so I just split it at the comma and work from there.
it's hacky, but it worked.
