Flink side output for late data missing - apache-flink

This is my application code
object StreamingJob {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// set up the streaming execution environment
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
// define EventTime and Watermark
var sensorData: DataStream[SensorReading] = env.addSource(new SensorSource).assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(
.withTimestampAssigner(new SerializableTimestampAssigner[SensorReading] {
override def extractTimestamp(t: SensorReading, l: Long): Long = t.timestamp
val outputTag = OutputTag[SensorReading]("late-event")
val minTemp: DataStream[String] = sensorData
.map(r => {
val celsius = (r.temperature - 32) * (5.0 / 9.0)
SensorReading(r.id, r.timestamp, celsius)
// compute min temperature
.process(new TemperatureMiner)
val lateStream: DataStream[SensorReading] = minTemp.getSideOutput(outputTag)
lateStream.map(r => s"late event: ${r.id}, ${r.timestamp}, ${r.temperature}").print()
// execute program
env.execute("Flink Streaming Scala API Skeleton")
I am pretty sure that late data are captured because I can see log printing that TemperatureMiner is invoke multiple times for one window, hence late firing.
But the problem is that there is nothing printing by lateStream from side output for late data. Any idea why?

A side output for late data in a window is only sent data that is so late that it falls outside the allowed lateness. Perhaps none of your late data is late enough.


Flink Watermark forBoundedOutOfOrderness includes data beyond boundaries

I'm assigning timestamps and watermarks like this
def myProcess(dataStream: DataStream[Foo]) {
.withTimestampAssigner(new SerializableTimestampAssigner[Foo]() {
// Long is milliseconds since the Epoch
override def extractTimestamp(element: Foo, recordTimestamp: Long): Long = element.eventTimestamp
.keyBy({ k => k.id
.reduce(new MyReducerFn(), new MyWindowFunction())
I have a unit test
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val dataTime = 1641488400000L
val lateTime = dataTime + Duration.ofHours(5).toMillis
val dataSource = env
.addSource(new SourceFunction[Foo]() {
def run(ctx: SourceFunction.SourceContext[Foo]) {
ctx.collect(Foo(id=1, value=1, eventTimestamp=dataTime))
ctx.collect(Foo(id=1, value=1, eventTimestamp=lateTime))
// should be dropped due to past max lateness
ctx.collect(Foo(id=1, value=2, eventTimestamp=dataTime))
override def cancel(): Unit = {}
myProcess(dataSource).collect(new MyTestSink)
env.execute("watermark & lateness test")
I expect that the second element would advance the watermark to (latetime - Duration.ofSeconds(5)) (i.e. the bounded out of orderness) and therefore the third element would not be assigned to the 1 hour tumbling window since the watermark had advanced considerably past it. However I see both the first and third element reach my reduce function.
I must misunderstand watermarks here? Or what forBoundedOutOfOrderness does? Can I please get clarity?
I must have typo'd something I have it working.

Controlling order of processed elements within CoProcessFunction using custom sources

For testing purposes, I am using the following custom source:
class ThrottledSource[T](
data: Array[T],
throttling: Int,
beginWaitingTime: Int = 0,
endWaitingTime: Int = 0
) extends SourceFunction[T] {
private var isRunning = true
private var offset = 0
override def run(ctx: SourceFunction.SourceContext[T]): Unit = {
val lock = ctx.getCheckpointLock
while (isRunning && offset < data.length) {
lock.synchronized {
offset += 1
override def cancel(): Unit = isRunning = false
and using it like this within my test
val controlStream = new ThrottledSource[Control](
data = Array(c1,c2), endWaitingTime = 10000, throttling = 0,
val dataStream = new ThrottledSource[Event](
data = Array(e1,e2,e3,e4,e5),
throttling = 1000,
beginWaitingTime = 2000,
endWaitingTime = 2000,
val dataStream = env.addSource(events)
My intent is to get all the control elements first (that is why I don't specify any beginWaitingTime nor any throttling). In processElement1 and processElement2 within MyProcessFunction I print the elements when I receive them. Most of the times I get the two control elements first as expected, but quite surprisingly to me from time to time I am getting data elements first, despite the two-second delay used for the data source to start emitting its elements. Can anyone explain this to me?
The control and data stream source operators are running in different threads, and as you've seen, there's no guarantee that the source instance running the control stream will get a chance to run before the instance running the data stream.
You could look at the answer here and its associated code on github for one way to accomplish this reliably.

Apache Flink Custom Window Aggregation

I would like to aggregate a stream of trades into windows of the same trade volume, which is the sum of the trade size of all the trades in the interval.
I was able to write a custom Trigger that partitions the data into windows. Here is the code:
case class Trade(key: Int, millis: Long, time: LocalDateTime, price: Double, size: Int)
class VolumeTrigger(triggerVolume: Int, config: ExecutionConfig) extends Trigger[Trade, Window] {
val LOG: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[VolumeTrigger])
val stateDesc = new ValueStateDescriptor[Double]("volume", createTypeInformation[Double].createSerializer(config))
override def onElement(event: Trade, timestamp: Long, window: Window, ctx: TriggerContext): TriggerResult = {
val volume = ctx.getPartitionedState(stateDesc)
if (volume.value == null) {
return TriggerResult.CONTINUE
volume.update(volume.value + event.size)
if (volume.value < triggerVolume) {
else {
volume.update(volume.value - triggerVolume)
override def onEventTime(time: Long, window: Window, ctx: TriggerContext): TriggerResult = {
override def onProcessingTime(time: Long, window:Window, ctx: TriggerContext): TriggerResult = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not a processing time trigger")
override def clear(window: Window, ctx: TriggerContext): Unit = {
val volume = ctx.getPartitionedState(stateDesc)
def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = {
val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val trades = env
.map {line =>
val cells = line.split(",")
val time = LocalDateTime.parse(cells(0), DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS"))
val millis = time.toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toEpochMilli
Trade(0, millis, time, cells(1).toDouble, cells(2).toInt)
val aggregated = trades
.trigger(new VolumeTrigger(500, env.getConfig))
env.execute("volume agg")
The data looks for example as follows:
0180102 04:00:29.715706404,169.10,100
20180102 04:00:29.715715627,169.10,100
20180102 05:08:29.025299624,169.12,100
20180102 05:08:29.025906589,169.10,214
20180102 05:08:29.327113252,169.10,200
20180102 05:09:08.350939314,169.00,100
20180102 05:09:11.532817015,169.00,474
20180102 06:06:55.373584329,169.34,200
20180102 06:07:06.993081961,169.34,100
20180102 06:07:08.153291898,169.34,100
20180102 06:07:20.081524768,169.34,364
20180102 06:07:22.838656715,169.34,200
20180102 06:07:24.561360031,169.34,100
20180102 06:07:37.774385969,169.34,100
20180102 06:07:39.305219107,169.34,200
I have a time stamp, a price and a size.
The above code can partition it into windows of roughly the same size:
Now I like to partition the data so that the volume is exactly matching the trigger value. For this I would need to change the data slightly by splitting a trade at the end of an interval into two parts, one that belongs to the actual window being fired, and the remaining volume that is above the trigger value, has to be assigned to the next window.
Can that be handled with some custom aggregation function? It would need to know the results from the previous window(s) though and I was not able to find out how to do that.
Any ideas from Apache Flink experts how to handle that case?
Adding an evictor does not work as it only purges some elements at the beginning.
I hope the change from Spark Structured Streaming to Flink was a good choice, as I have later even more complicated situations to handle.
Since your key is the same for all records, you may not require a window in this case. Please refer to this page in Flink's documentation https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.4/dev/stream/state/state.html#using-managed-keyed-state.
It has a CountWindowAverage class where in the aggregation of a value from each record in a stream is done using a State Variable. You can implement this and send the output whenever the state variable reaches your trigger volume and reset the value of the state variable with the remaining volume.
A simple approach (though not super-efficient) would be to put a FlatMapFunction ahead of your windowing flow. If it's keyed the same way, then you can use ValueState to track total volume, and emit two records (the split) when it hits your limit.

backpressure is not properly handled in akka-streams

I wrote a simple stream using akka-streams api assuming it will handle my source but unfortunately it doesn't. I am sure I am doing something wrong in my source. I simply created an iterator which generate very large number of elements assuming it won't matter because akka-streams api will take care of backpressure. What am I doing wrong, this is my iterator.
def createData(args: Array[String]): Iterator[TimeSeriesValue] = {
var data = new ListBuffer[TimeSeriesValue]()
for (i <- 1 to range) {
sessionId = UUID.randomUUID()
for (j <- 1 to countersPerSession) {
time = DateTime.now()
keyName = s"Encoder-${sessionId.toString}-Controller.CaptureFrameCount.$j"
for (k <- 1 to snapShotCount) {
time = time.plusSeconds(2)
fValue = new Random().nextLong()
data += TimeSeriesValue(sessionId, keyName, time, fValue)
totalRows += 1
The problem is primarily in the line
data += TimeSeriesValue(sessionId, keyName, time, fValue)
You are continuously adding to the ListBuffer with a "very large number of elements". This is chewing up all of your RAM. The data.iterator line is simply wrapping the massive ListBuffer blob inside of an iterator to provide each element one at a time, it's basically just a cast.
Your assumption that "it won't matter because ... of backpressure" is partially true that the akka Stream will process the TimeSeriesValue values reactively, but you are creating a large number of them even before you get to the Source constructor.
If you want this iterator to be "lazy", i.e. only produce values when needed and not consume memory, then make the following modifications (note: I broke apart the code to make it more readable):
def createTimeSeries(startTime: Time, snapShotCount : Int, sessionId : UUID, keyName : String) =
Iterator.range(1, snapShotCount)
.map(_ * 2)
.map(startTime plusSeconds _)
.map(t => TimeSeriesValue(sessionId, keyName, t, ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong()))
def sessionGenerator(countersPerSession : Int, sessionID : UUID) =
Iterator.range(1, countersPerSession)
.map(j => s"Encoder-${sessionId.toString}-Controller.CaptureFrameCount.$j")
.flatMap { keyName =>
createTimeSeries(DateTime.now(), snapShotCount, sessionID, keyName)
object UUIDIterator extends Iterator[UUID] {
def hasNext : Boolean = true
def next() : UUID = UUID.randomUUID()
def iterateOverIDs(range : Int) =
.flatMap(sessionID => sessionGenerator(countersPerSession, sessionID))
Each one of the above functions returns an Iterator. Therefore, calling iterateOverIDs should be instantaneous because no work is immediately being done and de mimimis memory is being consumed. This iterator can then be passed into your Stream...

In Flink, stream windowing does not seem to work?

I tried to enhance the Flink example displaying the usage of streams.
My goal is to use the windowing features (see the window function call).
I assume that the code below outputs the sum of last 3 numbers of the stream.
(the stream is opened thanks to nc -lk 9999 on ubuntu)
Actually, the output sums up ALL numbers entered. Switching to a time window produces the same result, i.e. no windowing produced.
Is that a bug? (version used: latest master on github )
object SocketTextStreamWordCount {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val hostName = args(0)
val port = args(1).toInt
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
// Create streams for names and ages by mapping the inputs to the corresponding objects
val text = env.socketTextStream(hostName, port)
val currentMap = text.flatMap { (x:String) => x.toLowerCase.split("\\W+") }
.filter { (x:String) => x.nonEmpty }
.window(Count.of(3)).every(Time.of(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
// .window(Time.of(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).every(Time.of(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
.map { (x:String) => ("not used; just to have a tuple for the sum", x.toInt) }
val numberOfItems = currentMap.count
numberOfItems print
val counts = currentMap.sum( 1 )
counts print
env.execute("Scala SocketTextStreamWordCount Example")
The problem seems to be that there is an implicit conversion from WindowedDataStream to DataStream. This implicit conversion calls flatten() on the WindowedDataStream.
What happens in your case is that the code gets expanded to this:
val currentMap = text.flatMap { (x:String) => x.toLowerCase.split("\\W+") }
.filter { (x:String) => x.nonEmpty }
.window(Count.of(3)).every(Time.of(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
.map { (x:String) => ("not used; just to have a tuple for the sum",x.toInt) }
What flatten() does is similar to a flatMap() on a collection. It takes the stream of windows which can be seen as a collection of collections ([[a,b,c], [d,e,f]]) and turns it into a stream of elements: [a,b,c,d,e,f].
This means that your count really operates only on the original stream that has been windowed and "de-windowed". This looks like it has never been windowed at all.
This is a problem and I will work on fixing this right away. (I'm one of the Flink committers.) You can track the progress here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-2096
The way to do it with the current API is this:
val currentMap = text.flatMap { (x:String) => x.toLowerCase.split("\\W+") }
.filter { (x:String) => x.nonEmpty }
.map { (x:String) => ("not used; just to have a tuple for the sum",x.toInt) }
.window(Count.of(3)).every(Time.of(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
WindowedDataStream has a sum() method so there will be no implicit insertion of the flatten() call. Unfortunately, count() is not available on WindowedDataStream so for this you have to manually add a 1 field to the tuple and count these.
