AngularJS - Keep route component in cache (keep-alive) - angularjs

I need to keep the state of a component A in cache, so that when I navigate from A to B or C and I come back to A it does not get re-render again (it also includes a API call in its constructor, so it's kind of slow). I will like to keep this initial state through out the whole session of the user.
In Vuejs they have a very simple way to do this using this syntax:
<keep-alive :include="include">
I will like to have something similar for AngularJS, notice I say JS so old angular. I have an hybrid application using modern angular but keeping old angularjs router.
I appreciate your help, thank you.

According you your comment I think it would make sense to build it in 2 parts.
Part 1: Keeping the state in a service
By keeping the state in a service you would limit the request send to the server and thus saving time.
Part 2 Using $templateCache
By using angularjs template cache service you should keep the time for rendering the view with your data to a minimum. You can find infos on how to use that in their docs$templateCache
If you in the end still have this flicker while rendering you should use ngCloak to prevent showing the uncompiled view (


How to load data when it's first needed and keep it to use in other places

In my Angular SPA, there's some data loaded from the backend that is used throughout the application. This data doesn't change while the app is in use, so to keep things slick for the users I'd like to only load this data once. I can see two possible solutions here:
Load the data when the app is first initialised and attaching it to $rootScope using
The first controller to need the data loads it, and then puts it... somewhere... where everything else can get to it.
Which approach is the "most Angular" way to do this, and how would I start to implement it? Most of the questions on SO seem to be about loading data with the controller rather than when the app itself starts. I'm using 1.4.7 with UI Router if that makes a difference.
You could implement a service which has been sugested by others and ALSO make the service load the data in a lazy way. (Lazy loading pattern described here:

Force Reload of AngularJS Pages

Is there any way with AngularJS to force a page to refresh after it has been changed. What I mean by this is that I have multiple users actively working in the app but a change is required to the controller.js file. At this point the only way I'm aware of is for them to manually push refresh on the browser. Is there any code that I can use to make it "actively" watch that file for changes and reload when necessary without the users having to manually push refresh?
This isn't really an angular problem. You can do polling on the client side with setInterval, hitting the file on the server to trigger a refresh on the client.
If you're looking for something to speed up development, then you're probably looking for hot module loading. The solution depends on what version of angular and build tool you're using (e.g. grunt/webpack/npm).
Check out this article for angular 2, but you can find similar solutions for angular 1:
But if you just want to force a page refresh from the client side, you would just call: $window.location.reload()

Performance testing single page application components

We have an Angular single page application that loads fairly fast. However, there are data components in the application that load (and render) asynchronously. I've looked all over the web and it seems like a fairly common problem, but without a good solution. Are there any tools out there that can perf benchmark just a component of a page, rather than the entire page? And we need to know the time between the request made for data and when rendering that data is completed.
Try the open source Chrome plugin Angular-performance, you can benchmark specific controllers, digest time and events in Angular applications:
Any chance of getting a reference to that particular view?
Similar to React + Flux, I believe Angular would be classified as a "current-state" front-end framework. Because it's functional programming and not object oriented. This is the reason company's have in the past switched over to angular, because of the speed and asynchronous nature of javascript.
If there are certain elements you don't want the DOM to render until conditions are met, I would recommend looking into ng-show and ng-hide.
I hope that helps? I am not sure what situation in particular you don't want rendering asynchronously? Let me know how I can help.

Using 2 views and sharing data in AngularJS

Im trying to share data between 2 views. I need to use the 2 views at the same time on two different machines. One is controlling the other(ex: a counter) 1st view has next(+1) and the other just displays the result. I want the data to synchronized/binded. I do not want to have to refresh the 2nd page or to have to pull data with a timer or otherwise.
My idea was to use ng-view and routeProvider, I know that when the view changes the scope is cleared so I tried to use a parent controller/scope, the data is shared but I have to refresh the page on my 2nd view. I tried a service, same thing. I tried to $watch the result of the service but on the second controller/view no event is picked up so the view doesn't update.
what is the way to go? I was thinking about broadcasting or emit a custom event and trying to catch it, will that work? Am I just not binding to the service correctly? Would ui-router work better? I feel there should be an easy way to do this.... Im not seeing it! Please help if you can.
One of the simplest (in my opinion) implementations of client-client communication is using WebSockets. While that does have compatibility limitations (some browsers), that can easily be overcome by using a library like Also, it's easy to write an Angular wrapper/service over that can be shared across components of your app, or even different modules.
It's also pretty simple to write a Node backend with
This might be a good read.
I would suggest you to focus on pushing stream rather than sharing it. Some how you need to push stream to second view which is changes in first view.
You may want to check this
Is there some way to PUSH data from web server to browser?

Loading constants from a web-service without using resolve or manually bootstrapping the app

I am working on a small piece of an angular project and need to define some constants that are derived from values in a database. I have a REST endpoint that delivers the data I need, but I can't figure out how to load the values before the app gets automatically bootstrapped.
I cannot modify the application to a manual-bootstrapping process. Typically a resolve would be used upon navigation, but I have other components (like modals) that use the constants that aren't necessarily part of any route.
What would be ideal would be some sort of "resolve", but at the application layer. I do have the ability to load npm and bower packages, but anything that changes to a 'manual' bootstrapping method isn't allowed.
In that case I can recommend you to use a $rootScope. I don't understand very well your needs, but everything that is stored in $rootScope will be available in all views. Just fill it with your REST service inside the first or main view of your app. Although, it is important to understand that if you refresh you page, the $rootScope will be as well refreshed, this is, all of your REST calls will be launched again. (Navigating inside angular views is NOT refreshing the page unless you ask for it using window.reload() or similar; it is just the same page with a new controller)
To avoid this last behavior (page refresh) you could also use local Storage, which is basically a small amount of memory inside your browser where you can save any data that you want to keep regardless of your page refreshes. I used in one of my projects this library:
It was useful for saving permanent stuff until user logs out.
Hope it helps! And sorry if I am answering something not useful for you
It seems that the only way to effectively load some values from a service prior to the app starting is to make the service-call to and then manually bootstrap the app. The idea of an app-wide "resolve" doesn't seem to exist.
