"Result of function call is ignored": CodeWarrior. Why is it ignored? - c

Here's a pseudo-code(ish) that I'm trying to build.
This is the interrupt function. When switch 2 is pressed, the potval = 1. When switch 3 is pressed, potval = 2. Every time the switch is pressed, the potval is updated.
void interruptJ_function (void){ //if i change to int interruptJ_function, it says that it was expecting a void function
if(Pim.pifj.byte & 0x01) { //switch2 is pressed
potval = 1;
Pim.pifj.byte |= 0x01; //clear interrupt bit
//return potval; //doing this says the result is returned in void-result-function
else if(Pim.pifj.byte & 0x02) { //switch 3 is pressed
potval = 2;
Pim.pifj.byte |= 0x02; //clear interrupt bit
//return potval;
//return potval;
Here's the main.c.
int potval;
unsigned int i;
void main ()
adt(potval); //Warning: Result of function call is ignored
for (;;); //recurring loop until interrupt initiated
int adt(int potval, unsigned int i) {
if(potval == 1){
//for (;;){
while(potval==1){ //breaks when potval =2
i= Atd0.atddr[0].d10; //ATD bits
light7segment(i); // ATD changes number on 7segment display
else if (potval == 2){
light7segment(10); //ATD turns off 7segment display

Codewarrior gives this warning when you call a function with a return value but ignore checking that return value. As you do here:
Normally the solution would be (void) adt(potval);.
Not in this case though, because the reason is a much more severe bug, namely that the function int adt(int potval, unsigned int i) doesn't return a value. On most Codewarrior target systems, it means that the caller code will grab some random value out of an accumulator, then run off into the woods. This bug could have be avoided if you had paid attention when the compiler said "return expected" in a different warning.


The ISR executed once even when the event not happened

I am using PIC24FJ128GA204 microcontroller in PIC24F Curiosity Development Board.
The ISR is executed at least once even when the event not happened.
Here is the code:
#include <xc.h>
int Random_mode_condition=0;
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, __shadow__)) _INT1Interrupt(void) {
Random_mode_condition = 44;
_INT1IF = 0;
void RC9_Switch_Config() {
_TRISC9 = 1; // Switch input
RPINR0bits.INT1R = 25;
IFS1bits.INT1IF=0;//Clear the interrupt flag
IPC5bits.INT1IP1=1;//Choose a priority
INTCON2bits.INT1EP=0;//rising edge
IEC1bits.INT1IE=1;//enable INT1 interrupt
int main() {
if(Random_mode_condition==44){ TRISC=0x0000; LATC=0xffff;}
return 0;
Random_mode_condition will equal 44 then the if statement will be executed.
Please help

C function is returning 0 even though debugger shows it returning 1

I am writing embedded C code for an MSP430 microcontroller, and I have gotten stuck on a function returning an incorrect value. When I step through the code with debugger, it shows the function should return 1, but it is returning 0 on the int that is set.
void sendUart(unsigned char string[], int length){
if(string != 0){
int BLEstatus = BLEReadyForData(); **//Function called here**
if(BLEstatus){ **//At this point, BLEstatus is 0 (incorrect)
unsigned int i;
while(!(IFG2 & UCA0TXIFG));
UCA0TXBUF = string[i];
send[sendIndex] = string[i];
sendIndex = 0;
int BLEReadyForData(){
if(P2DIR & BIT3){
P2DIR &= ~BIT3;
if(P2IN & BIT3){
return 1; //debugger step-through reaches this line of code
else return 0;
You should turn off optimization first. It makes step-through debugging confusing.
For example, in IAR it's
Project -> Options -> C/C++ Compiler -> Optimizations tab -> Level -> None

synthesizer - recording pressed keypad

I have to build synthesizer and I am using C for programing my ATmega128A. I need to record the keypads pressed and play them after some time. For keypad press I am using polling in the main.c. For playing the keypads I am using Timer1. Every time when the timer expires I am storing the keypad frequency and increment counter for it. During play, I calculate the duration firstle, then play it for that interval. When I want to play the stored song, it ticks for some time and starts to make a long sound.
Also, I want to make possible to press, record and palay simultanous keypads. Can you suggest some algorithm for this?
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "keypad.h"
unsigned char temp; // to get keyboard input to play a note
unsigned char option; //to choose the embedded music to play
#define DELAY 1000
int main(void)
DDRG = 0xff; // To send sound to BUZ speakers (BUZ is connected to PG.4)
DDRD = 0x00; // Make it input, to get corresponding key to play a note
PORTD = 0xff; // All bits are 1s, so no button is pressed in the beginning
sei(); //Set Interrupt flag as enabled in SREG register
option = no_music; //No music is played on startup, this is default mode for free playing
// This loop keeps playing forever, so the main functionality
// of the program is below
DDRB = 0xff;
DDRD = 0x00; //ready for input
temp = PIND; //store keyboard input for temporary variable
case 254: { // if 1st pin of PORTD is pressed
play_note(notes5[0]); // play corresponding note from octave 5 for 200ms
case 253: { // if 2nd pin of PORTD is pressed
case 251: { // if 3rd pin of PORTD is pressed
case 247: { // if 4th pin of PORTD is pressed
case 239: { // if 5th pin of PORTD is pressed
case 223: { // if 6th pin of PORTD is pressed
case 191: { // if 7th pin of PORTD is pressed
case 127: {
//toggling LED as the sign of playing the record
//toggling LED as the sign of record start
return 0;
#include "structs.h"
#include "play.h"
#define F_CPU 16000000UL // 16 MHz
#include <util/delay.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE 100
struct played_note buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
int i = 0;
int8_t isRecordingEnabled = 0;
int8_t recordIndex = 0;
int8_t pressedNote;
int8_t isPressed = 0;
int8_t isPlaying = 0;
unsigned int ms_count = 0;
#define INTERVAL 100
#define DELAY_VALUE 0xFF
// every time when timer0 reaches corresponding frequency,
// invert the output signal for BUZ, so it creates reflection, which leads to sound generation
//check whether the key was pressed because
//when the recording is enabled the interrupt is working make sound
if(isPressed || isPlaying)
pressedNote = DELAY_VALUE;
if(i == 0){
buffer[i].note = pressedNote;
buffer[i].counter = 0;
if(buffer[i - 1].note == pressedNote){
//the same note is being pressed
buffer[i - 1].counter++;
buffer[i++].note = pressedNote;
buffer[i].counter = 0;
void initTimer1(){
TIMSK = (1 << OCIE1A); //Timer1 Comparator Interrupt is enabled
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS12); //CTC mode, prescale = 256
void stopTimer1(){
TIMSK &= ~(1UL << OCIE1A);
TCCR1A = 0; //stop the timer1
TIFR = (1 << OCF1A); //Clear the timer1 Comparator Match flag
void enableRecording(){
isRecordingEnabled = 1;
i = 0;
ms_count = 0;
void disableRecording(){
isRecordingEnabled = 0;
void play_note_during(unsigned int note, unsigned int duration){
OCR1A = note;
pressedNote = note;
isPressed = 1;
isPressed = 0;
void play_note(unsigned int note){
play_note_during(note, INTERVAL);
void play_record(){
isPlaying = 1;
recordIndex = 0;
int duration;
while(recordIndex < i){
PORTB = buffer[return].counter << 8;
duration = INTERVAL * buffer[recordIndex].counter;
if(buffer[recordIndex].note == DELAY_VALUE)
play_note_during(buffer[recordIndex].note, duration);
isPlaying = 0;
Further references can be found in the following github repository:
Actually your question about how to record and replay key presses, should be anticipated by another question about how to play several sounds simultaneously.
Now you're using just PWM output with variable frequency. But this allows you to generate only a single wave of a square form. You cannot play two notes (except of using another timer and another PWM output).
Instead of that, I suggest you to use PWM at the highest frequency and apply a RC or LC filters to smooth high-frequency PWM signal into a waveform, and then apply that waveform to the amplifier and to the speaker to make a sound.
Having this approach you make generate different waveforms, mix them together, make them louder or more silent and even apply a "fade-out" effect to make them sound like a piano.
But your question is not about how to generate that kind of wave-forms, so if you want to know you should start another question.
So, returning to your question.
Instead of having single procedure, which is starting note, holding a pause and only then returning back; I suggest you to have a several procedures, one play_note(note) - which will start playing a note and returns immediately (while note continue playing). And, of course, stop_note(note) - which will stop specified note, if it is played. Also I suggest you to pass a note number, rather than frequency or timer period to the play function. Let's assume 0 is the lowest possible note (e.g. C2), and then they go sequentially by semitones: 1 - C#2, 2 - D2, .... 11 - B2, 12 - C3 ... etc.
For the first time, you may remake your single-note playing procedures to match that.
// #include <avr/pgmspace.h> to store tables in the flash memory
PROGMEM uint16_t const note_ocr_table[] = {
}; // a table to map note number into OCR1A value
#define NOTE_NONE 0xFF
static uint8_t current_note = NOTE_NONE;
void play_note(uint8_t note) {
if (note >= (sizeof(note_ocr_table) / sizeof(note_ocr_table[0])) return; // do nothing on the wrong parameter;
uint16_t ocr1a_val = pgm_read_word(&note_ocr_table[note]);
TIMSK = (1 << OCIE1A); //Timer1 Comparator Interrupt is enabled // why you need this? May be you want to use just inverting OC1A output?
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS12); //CTC mode, prescale = 256 // you may want to use lesser prescalers and higher OCR1A values ?
OCR1A = ocr1a_val;
if (TCNT1 >= ocr1a_val) TCNT1 = 0; // do not miss the compare match when ORC1A is changed to lower values;
current_note = note;
void stop_note(uint8_t note) {
if (note == current_note) { // ignore stop for non-current note.
TIMSK &= ~(1UL << OCIE1A);
TCCR1A = 0; //stop the timer1
TIFR = (1 << OCF1A); //Clear the timer1 Comparator Match flag
current_note = NOTE_NONE; // No note is playing
so, now your task is very simple: you should just pull the state of the keys periodically, let's say 61 times per second (based on the some 8-bit timer with 1:1024 prescaler overflow), and they to note: which keys are changed their state. If some key is pressed, you call play_note to start coressponding note. If the key is released, you call stop_note, also you're counting how many timer cycles passed since the last event.
When recording, you just push those events into array "key X is pressed" or "key X is released" or "X timer cycles expired".
When playing back, you just performing a backward process, scaning your array, and executing commands: calling play_note, stop_note, or waiting exact amount of timer cycles, if it is a pause.
Instead of writing giant switch statement, you may also use a table to scan the buttons
// number of element in the port-state arrays
#define A 0
#define B 1
#define C 2
#define D 3
#define E 4
#define F 5
typedef struct {
port_index uint8_t;
mask uint8_t;
} KeyLocation;
PROGMEM KeyLocation const key_location[] = {
{ B, (1 << 1) }, // where C2 is located, e.g. PB1
{ E, (1 << 3) }, // where C#2 is located, e.g. PE3
uint16_t ticks_from_prev_event = 0;
uint8_t port_state_prev[6] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0XFF};
for (;;) { // main loop
// latching state of the pins
uint8_t port_state[6] = {PINA, PINB, PINC, PIND, PINE, PINF};
for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < (sizeof(key_location) / sizeof(key_location[0])) ; i++) {
uint8_t port_idx = pgm_read_byte(&key_location[i].port_index);
uint8_t mask = pgm_read_byte(&key_location[i].mask);
if ((port_state[port_idx] & mask) != (port_state_prev[port_idx] & mask)) { // if pin state was changed
if (is_recording && (ticks_from_prev_event > 0)) {
put_into_record_pause(ticks_from_prev_event); // implement it on your own
if ((port_state[port_idx] & mask) == 0) { // key is pressed
if (is_recording) {
put_into_record_play_note(i); // implement
} else { // key is released
if (is_recording) {
put_into_record_stop_note(i); // implement
// the current state of the pins now becomes a previous
for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < (sizeof(port_state) / sizeof(port_state[0])) ; i++) {
port_state_prev[i] = port_state[i];
if (ticks_from_prev_event < 65535) ticks_from_prev_event++;
put_into_record_... implement as you wish.
the playback would be the same simple (below just the template, you'll suggest from the function name what they should do)
while (has_more_data_in_the_recording()) {
if (next_is_play()) {
} else if (next_is_stop()) {
} else {
uint16_t pause = get_pause_value_from_recording();
while (pause > 0) {
This approach gives you two benefits:
1) It doesn't matter how many notes the playing module can play, the keys are recorder while they are pressed and released, so, all simultaneous keys will be recorded and replayed in the same time.
2) It doesn't matter how many notes are pressed in exact the same moment. Since pause and key events are recorded separately, during the replay all the same-time key presses will be replayed in the same time, without an "arpeggio" effect

Comparion of values won't work without delay

I'm writing an application that will time mouse latency for our product.
The way it works is that it sends a mouse movement, and measures the time between then and when we get a pixel change on screen.
Why does this delay affect the program.
int check_for_pixel_change() {
// Gets the pixels R value
unsigned char value = *((unsigned char *) (0x100));
// If this delay is not here then the loop will always return 1
if(value == (0x80)) return 0;
else return 1;
int main() {
// Send move / start timer
// stop timer
return 0;
Here is the code that worked.
Thanks to #barak-manos && #santosh-a.
I needed to change the char to volatile because it would be constantly changing by a different program.
int check_for_pixel_change() {
// Gets the pixels R value
volatile unsigned char value = *(volatile unsigned char *) (0x100);
if(value == (0x80)) return 0;
else return 1;
int main() {
// Send move / start timer
// stop timer
return 0;

in this both the function why it is require to do WATCHDOG_RESET()?

void NS16550_putc(NS16550_t com_port, char c)
while ((serial_in(&com_port->lsr) & UART_LSR_THRE) == 0);
//write to the THR
serial_out(c, &com_port->thr);
if (c == '\n')
//why do we require to call this watch dog reset
char NS16550_getc(NS16550_t com_port)
while ((serial_in(&com_port->lsr) & UART_LSR_DR) == 0) {
extern void usbtty_poll(void);
//why do we require to call this watch dog reset
//return the rbr value
return serial_in(&com_port->rbr);
I don't know the context of this code.
But most likely it's because you don't want your operation to last so long that the watchdog times out (and resets your device...)
for example,
while ((serial_in(&com_port->lsr) & UART_LSR_DR) == 0) {
extern void usbtty_poll(void);
//why do we require to call this watch dog reset
In the above code, you're validating some condition repeatedly in this while loop, now this loop may run for a long time and if you don't reset your watchdog timer (or kick your watchdog), the watchdog'll likely time out eventually.
