Need reason for why Vespa database stops suddenly? - vespa

I am using vespa as a database for some application. It was running perfectly okay and suddenly stops working. When checked with command vespa-get-cluster-state it returned the result as shown below:
But when I checked with command vespa-config-status it return the result as shown below:
To rectify this type of issue, I have to again deploy the application using vespa-deploy prepare && vespa-deploy activate and then restart all the services.
But I need to know the reason why the database stops suddenly. And how to handle this issue to make sure it won't happen again.

By stopped working what do you mean? You mean the port 8080 of the stateless container has stopped listening? There are multiple services making up one running Vespa instance and the socket write error could indicate that the container is no longer listening for some reason.
vespa-logfmt inside the docker container could tell you why.


How to make SolrCloud use HTTPS for creating collections?

I'm setting up SolrCloud 7.2.1 on a Windows Server 2016, following the getting started guide:
I have to specify the host because for some reason the SOLR_HOST variable does not have any effect. localhost gets tried all to time.
So specifying the host, everything works fine until a new collection has to be created.
For some reason I get the following error:
ERROR: Failed to create collection 'collectionname' due to: {solrurl:8984_solr=org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException:IOException occured when talking to server at: http://solrurl:8984/solr, solrurl:8983_solr=org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException:IOException occured when talking to server at: http://solrurl:8983/solr}
I'm a bit puzzled here because I don't understand why it uses HTTP instead of HTTPS.
I can call the URLs with HTTPS without any problems.
When creating a new collection inside the Solr web interface, the same error occures.
SOLR_SSL_ENABLED variable is set to true.
So how can I change this behaviour? Is there anything I have to do beforehand to make Solr accept changes to the and
If you want to use inter node communcation over SSL, you have to tell Solr to use that first before bringing the nodes up.
You can use the bundled zkcli tool to set the cluster property first:
server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -zkhost localhost:2181 -cmd clusterprop -name urlScheme -val https

Solr SolrCore Initialization Failures {{Core}}: {{error}}

I am trying to install Solr 7.2.1. While the installation works, i am not able to run solr successfully. Whenever i try to run, i get the following error.
SolrCore Initialization Failures {{core}}: {{error}}
Please check your logs for more information
I am not sure exactly what the error is. i dont see anything in the logs either. all i see are are some info.
Please advice.
cmd solr.cmd start
or cmd solr.cmd stop -p 8983
doesn't have any issues.
i am running solr in 8982 port instead of the usual 8983. not sure if that makes a difference.
As mentioned by others, this problem is related to the javascript interface not related to the solr server. The same thing happened to me in Chrome. Clearing the site data worked for me.
Clear site data by opening developer tools and going to Application -> clear storage
Important Note:
The usage was 0B before and after clearing the site data but after clearing the site data solr home page came up without any error.
CTRL + F5 did the trick for me :-)
The issue is with the IE only, I have faced the same error. There was nothing in the logs as well. I finally Enabled the JavaScript for IE, Closed all the browser instance and tried again. And it is working perfectly fine for me.
Please refer below image for the reference.

How to change the admin port using the Google App engine launcher?

It's easy to change the port of the application using the launcher. Go to Edit>>Application Settings (or alternatively Ctrl+i) and change the port. Since I was getting an error similar to the one given below, I changed the application port from 8080 to 48080. Unfortunately, I am not able to change the admin port from 8000 to 48000, because of which I am getting the following error. Unable to bind localhost:8000
I also tried the method illustrated in the following image (my reference being this link):
Regardless of what I try, my web-browsers (Chrome and Firefox) return a message similar to This webpage is not available. Any ideas are appreciated.
I have seen this before, when I had a crashed instance running on the port. You may have a frozen Python script running on that port. On a Mac, I can go to Activity Monitor and kill the process. Not sure if you can do that via task manager in Windows. You may need to restart machine.

EJB 3.1 lookup returns null remote object

I am using EJB3 deployed on WAS 8.
I am accessing this EJB from my WEB server using Context.lookup.
This look up works fine and the entire application works fine for the first time after WAS is restarted.
However when I run the application for the second time, the look up does happen, but a NULL value is returned.
I dont get any exception or error or any logs on WAS.
Again if I restart the WAS, the application works well.
Can anyone please guide what the issue can be?
Remote references are connection-less proxies. If the application is redeployed/undeployed or there is network failure, the proxies are invalidated.
You can use ServiceLocator pattern for caching the references of the remote objects. You can remove & again re-create them with JNDI lookup when they become invalid.

Unable to access a simple web application (running on Tomcat Server) from another System

I have written a simple web Application which is running(on Tomcat Server) fine on my local system.But when I tried to access from a different system using http:/my_ip_address:8080/Projec1/My_Application. Its showing this error
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: ""
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
I know many of you must be well versed with this kinda error.But for me its kinda new.I would be happy if you state possible reason and solutions(Please tell me if there is configuration is required in Server step wise)
Thanks All
I forgot tell you all that i found the answer of above question, actually there was proxy setting problem.This is what i did
Open internet option in IE.
Goto LAN setting in Connection option.
In LAN Setting there is advance setting tab, click it.
You will see a Exception box at the bottom.
Type the IP Address form which you want access.
eg. 10.200;*
This setting is to be done on system from where you want to access your web application.
Starting IP address where application is running 10.200.---.--- that is why in exception box it is mentioned as 10.200;*.(your Interanet Server Name)
Hope this will help.
