SCIM : How to restrict Group type members in Group patch request while provisioning from Azure AD - azure-active-directory

I'm implementing SCIM group provision from Azure AD. But I don't support nested groups.
Below is the patch call from Azure AD (When a member is added).
"schemas": [
"value": "45"
I'm unable to identify whether the member is of user type or group type resource.
Kindly, help me how I can restrict this in the code or is there any way I can restrict it directly from Azure AD to not send the Group type members.

From the config of the Azure AD Enterprise App, go to Provisioning -> Mappings -> Provision Azure Active Directory Groups -> Show Advanced Options(bottom of screen) -> Edit attribute list for customappsso
This will bring you to the schema editor UI for AAD's representation of the SCIM app's schema for group objects. On the far right side in the column "Referenced Object Attribute", you'll see there are 2 selected values for the members attribute. Open the dropdown and unselect urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group, then save.
That should work. If it doesn't, please let me know (or for faster turnaround, open a support case from the Azure portal).


Where does AzureAD store the "id" attribute returned by a SCIM endpoint?

I am integrating AzureAD with a SCIM endpoint. So far integration seems to work: AzureAD sends "POST" requests to create users, then later it queries/updates users using their 'id'.
Reminder from SCIM standard (RFC 7643): The 'id' is
A unique identifier for a SCIM resource as defined by the service provider
My SCIM endpoint generates this unique ID upon user first creation. It sends this ID to AzureAD in the reply, as required by the standard. I know that AzureAD stores the ID somewhere, because it uses it in subsequent requests.
My question: where is this ID stored in AzureAD? I need to read it, so I can forward it somewhere else. Using Graph Explorer I tried a lot of properties:$select=id,userPrincipalName,extensions,employeeId,externalUserState,identities,externalId
But none of them work. They are empty or do not contain the SCIM id.
Does anyone know if the property is publicly available?
Azure AD Provisioning has an internal data store that is not exposed via any external/customer-facing APIs where this is stored. If the service is evaluating an object that it does not know the SCIM ID value for it will try to locate that using a filtered GET such as GET /Users?filter=userName eq "", but once it has located that object the service will store internally a record stating that object X in Azure AD with objectId value of 123 is matched to object Y in with ID value of 456.
To specifically answer your end goal of "I need to find this value in Azure AD and forward it somewhere else" - this is not possible.
It is not like you think that AAD will save the user id from SCIM.
You can use Provision on demand to understand how it works.
Simple steps:
Click on "Provision on demand" in SCIM enterprise app.
Then select an AAD user and click on "Provision".
After it is executed successfully, you will be able to see the following:
Import user is retrieving User from Azure Active Directory.
Determine if user is in scope is determining if User in scope by evaluating against each scoping filter.
Match user between source and target system is retrieving User from SCIM and matching it with the AAD User in step 1. This is the point that you didn't know before. AAD will Get User by query in this step.
GET /Users?filter=userName eq "{userName}"
Then the user id from SCIM will be returned (As above screenshot shows).
Perform action updates User in SCIM using the id from step 3.
So AAD doesn't store the id from SCIM. It queries the user in SCIM firstly to get the id and then use this id to send update request to SCIM endpoint.

How to work with Azure Active Directory Schema Extensions in Multi-Tenant Scenario

I want to use an Azure AD schema extension to extend one property, I have successfully created a schema extension with id "myverifiedaaddomain_extensionid".
Schema Extension :
"#odata.context": "$metadata#schemaExtensions/$entity",
"id": "myverifiedaaddomain_extensionid",
"description": "myverifiedaaddomain_extensionid",
"targetTypes": [
"status": "InDevelopment",
"owner": "owner",
"properties": [
"name": "isExtended",
"type": "Boolean"
NOTE: It is working perfectly fine in single tenant scenario.
Multi-tenant scenario :
Scenario -
I have a host tenant T1
Registered multi-tenant AAD AAP A1 (in T1
with all required permissions)
I want to on-board tenant T2
Register schema extension on T2 after successful on-boarding
When I on-board T2, all schema extensions from T1 where owner is A1 get's imported in T2's directory without any notification or prompt.
So currently It is working in multi-tenant scenario as well but I am not sure about getting all schema extensions exported to partner tenant(T2), is it expected behaviour or a bug?
There is no clear documentation available here or
Apart from this there is no clear documentation on permissions as well, for example :
They mentioned that, in order to read/update extended data, you need all permissions mentioned on that resource permission page. For User resource we will need to have all permissions mentioned here
This is not working, I am not able to read extended data via other AAD apps(A2, A3 etc.) which has all permissions mentioned in above page(
Sorry for some of the challenges you are coming across here. Just to double check - have you used Azure AD Directory Schema extensions in the past? I'm asking because it seems like you have some preconceptions about how extensions work - and they behave a little differently in Microsoft Graph.
In terms of documentation - it is documented in the section about schema extension lifecycle in Maybe we can do a better job of providing a full on scenario. But here's the relevant bit when setting the schema definition state to Available:
The schema extension is available for use by all apps in any tenant.
After the owner app sets the extension to Available, any app can
simply add custom data to instances of those resource types specified
in the extension (as long as the app has permissions to that
resource). The app can assign custom data when creating a new
instance or updating an existing instance.
Only the owner app can
update the extension definition with additive changes. No app can
delete the extension definition in this state.
The owner app can
move the schema extension from Available to the Deprecated state.
In terms of the permissions not working, what permissions were granted to the multi-tenant application, or the other apps A2 and A3? What response are you seeing (can you provide the request as well please)?
Hope this helps,

Custom Attributes/Properties in AAD .. Finding them in MS Graph

I have large AAD Dynamic group that I need to search and query membership for (100K+ member group) and search for users by name. This group is generated based on a custom attribute on the user in AAD.
I am trying to figure out if I can get this information out the MS Graph or if I need to move these calls to the AAD Graph ?
I've checked the users for extensions and schema data but there doesn't seem to be anything there.
Are custom attributes not replicated in MS Graph?
The problem I am trying to solve is:
I have a people picker that I want to return results that satisfy membership of a this group. The problem is MS Graph doesn't support OData queries of the members of a group on their displayName. Since the group is driving by the custom attribute I was hoping to take a short cut and include that in my query
You may need to get the custom attribute with AAD Graph instead of MS Graph, seems the MS Graph will not return the custom attribute.
Sample of AAD Graph:
"odata.metadata": "{tenant}/$metadata#directoryObjects/Microsoft.DirectoryServices.User/#Element",
"odata.type": "Microsoft.DirectoryServices.User",
"objectType": "User",
"extension_917ef9adff534c858b0a683b6e6ec0f3_CreatedTime": 1518602039
Here are two posts related to this issue, see : How to get/set custom Azure Active Directory B2C user attributes in ASP.NET MVC? and How to read Azure B2C Custom Attributes with Graph API (works OK with Azure AD Graph)

When creating a custom role in Azure AD, what do the parameters in "Actions" really do?

I'm looking into creating a custom Azure AD role to use as part of [Authorization] in an Azure web app service. When you include a list of "Actions", are you creating Permissions as well within that role?
Can the "Actions" be empty? Lets say I just want to test a Role in a controller and then control the data access from there? Do I really need anything in the "Actions" section?
There are two very different concepts:
Custom Roles in Azure (for Role based access control of Azure resources)
Application Roles in Azure AD (for authorization in an application that uses Azure AD)
Based on your question, you need to be looking closely into the 2nd one, i.e. Application Roles. They don't have any list of "Actions" as part of their definition. I'll try to give a little more detail on both 1 and 2 below to make it clear.
Custom Roles in Azure (they have "Actions" list, but won't be helpful in implementing authorization logic in your web application)
Microsoft Documentation - Custom Roles in Azure
Purpose - Azure already provides built-in roles as part of Azure Portal to manage access to your resources in Azure Portal based on assigned roles. If you have a scenario where none of the built in roles meet your requirement, you can create a custom role, but the purpose is still that you will assign this custom role to someone in order for them to be able to manage/work with provisioned resources in Azure. E.g. Owner or Reader for an Azure SQL database server or one or more virtual machines. You will use these roles from Azure portal/PowerShell/CLI etc.
These roles are very helpful in a big organization, where everyone cannot be an owner/administrator at the Azure Subscription level, but can still be given access at a granular level to only some of the Azure Subscription Resources (like databases, vms, logic apps, storage accounts or anything available in Azure subscription for that matter). This is done through Role-based Access Control through portal/PowerShell/CLI.
"Name": "Virtual Machine Operator",
"Id": "88888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888",
"IsCustom": true,
"Description": "Can monitor and restart virtual machines.",
"Actions": [
"NotActions": [
"DataActions": [
"NotDataActions": [
"AssignableScopes": [
Application Roles in Azure AD (these don't have "Actions" list, but are meant to be used for Authorization logic in your application)
Microsoft Documentation - Application Roles
Purpose - These roles are defined in the Application Manifest for an application that your organization is developing and that is registered in your Azure Active Directory. These roles are very specific to your application and can be used in application's code to implement Authorization logic for the authenticated users.
Using the "allowedMemberTypes" you can control who can be assigned these roles (to Users, Groups or even Applications).
You can then assign roles from Azure Portal or programmatically.
One simple way would be like shown in screenshot below -
When trying to implement your Authorization logic, these roles will be available as role "claims". So you will be able to check for roles with code like below
if (context.User.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Admin")) { ... }
Sample Application that creates application roles and then uses them for Authorization
Authorization in a web app using Azure AD application roles & role claims
This is the JSON that will go as part of your application manifest.
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Creators can create Surveys",
"displayName": "SurveyCreator",
"id": "1b4f816e-5eaf-48b9-8613-7923830595ad",
"isEnabled": true,
"value": "SurveyCreator"
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Administrators can manage the Surveys in their tenant",
"displayName": "SurveyAdmin",
"id": "c20e145e-5459-4a6c-a074-b942bbd4cfe1",
"isEnabled": true,
"value": "SurveyAdmin"

How to provision salesforce prmission sets using okta?

I'd like to have multiple salesforce "apps" in okta, each configured with provisioning. There will be a "base" one which actually provisions the base salesforce account. But then I want additional salesforce "apps" configured in okta which just provision (or remove) additional permission sets - adding or removing permission sets to the base account. These permission sets represent granting or revoking access to custom apps hosted in the same salesforce org.
I have tried doing this using the following mapping:
Okta User Profile / user
Arrays.add(salesforce_1.publicGroups,'My perm set')
maps to: (add my perm set) / appuser
the idea being that the above would just add the "my perm set" permission set to whatever permission sets the salesforce account already has.
but its giving me the following error:
Unable to resolve salesforce_1 in expression Arrays.add(salesforce_1.publicGroups,
'My perm set'). Attributes from the same profile cannot be mapped to each other.
I'm also not seeing where I would have the opportunity to configure the deprovisioning logic... which would be:
Arrays.remove(salesforce_1.publicGroups,'My perm set')
Is there any way to achieve what i'm trying to do here?
The provisioning in Okta is tied to a named account in SFDC. What you are trying to do will not work because each SFDC app in Okta will provision or deprovision the actual SFDC account of the user. You can't really split things up as you've intended within Okta.
You will need to rely on updating the user profile in a single okta app instance - keeping track of the consolidated permissions needed each time you update the user to make sure "all the permissions" governing "all the custom force apps" are captured.
