Survey JS used in React App using version 17.0.1? - reactjs

I am trying to implement the Survey Creator from Survey JS in my React App. I am a new developer so could you explain how I fix this? I'm currently using Material UI in my app. If I switch to version 16.5.0 of react and react-dom, then material UI says I need a newer version of react and react-dom. Screenshot of issue below. I'm currently on react and react-dom version 17.0.1
what shows up in the console

This is a common issue of incompatible dependencies. React 17.0.1 is quite newer, hence all packages have not been updated to this version.
In your case, material-ui is suited for this version but not Survey Js. What you can do is keeping react#16.5.0 react-dom#16.5.0 and downgrading material's version, 4.11.2 might be good for instance.


Redux-form-material-ui library is not working in latest updated react app

I am working on updating the outdated react app into latest one, From React v15.x to latest version of react and also updating material-ui components.
I found redux-form-material-ui lib has been used to template values in to material-ui components using redux-form.
But after updating react and mui into latest, The react app forms are not producing the expected results as before.
Tried updating the redux-form-material-ui lib in to latest still getting this error on build](

Install Next with older version of React in it

I'm a beginner and I'm starting a new project with Next.js, but I need to install the 17.0.2 version of React (or any that is below 18) since Material UI does not work very well with the latest version of React.
I tried a lot of commands and searches to find a way to start a new project with a certain version of React or give it a downgrade correctly.
Currently I'm using Yarn.

React Native Boilerplate template

I'm a ReactJS developer, and I'm learning React Native for an upcoming project.
With ReactJS, there is a great boilerplate which is widely used by ReactJS developer: (There are also many other great boilerplate).
However, after researching for a day, I haven't figured something similar to React Native. Please, can someone suggest to me a boilerplate for React Native?. Is there a standard project structure out there?
Actually there is not much difference from ReactJs. It really depends on navigation library you are choosing. The best options are:
React Navigation (JS based navigation library)
React Native Navigation (Native navigation library)
I suggest seeing example projects of both libraries.
You should try:
Also read documentation about React Navigation.
You can use the react native Ignite CLI Github which seems to be very similar, it's probably one of the most advanced Boilerplates for React Native and can be difficult to understand, thus when starting with React Native I would advise you to use none at all or just use your React structure
I recommend using the Handidev boilerplate since it only consists of the minimum library that every react-native project uses. And it has been used in many projects. This boilerplate consists of :
latest react-native version
react-navigation and its dependencies
redux-toolkit ( state management)
react-native vector icons ( for icons)
You can check it out here:
javascript version:
npx react-native init MyApp --template #handidev/react-native-boilerplate
TypeScript version:
npx react-native init MyAppName --template #handidev/react-native-typescript-boilerplate

Meteor + React + Semantic UI - What is the best way to install this stack?

I want to use React and meteor together with Semantic UI.
I see that Semantic has an official atmosphere package
There is also a Semantic-UI-React project
What is the best way to install this stack?
Is there any reason(s) that it doesn't make sense at all?
Would react-router also fit in the stack?
Here is a starter repo for MeteorJS + ReactJS I've written. I have also installed semantic-ui under /client/lib
I am a huge fan of ReactJS and semantic-ui.
Basically you first install semantic-ui-react, then you still have to follow this link to install the actual semantic-ui library.
We have a boilerplate that may help you. It’s using the following components:
- Meteor V
- React 16.4.1
- React Router V4.3.1
- Semantic-ui-react 0.81.1

How can I specify different versions of react in my react/react-native repo

Two questions.
I currently have a react web app, using higher order components, and redux to manage state. I am using react version 15.6.1.
I am now looking to create a react-native project. Since I am planning to integrate the react-native and the react codebase into the same repo, I am trying to figure out the best way to do this, specifically regarding the version of react.
The latest version of react-native (0.53rc0) has a peer dependency on react 16.2.0.
The react app breaks when I tried to upgrade to react v16 and I don't have time to do those fixes at this stage, so I am stuck with react 15.6.1 for a while longer. Does this mean I have to use an older version of react-native (looks like 0.42 supports react v15), or is there some other way in which I can use the latest version of react for react-native only, while keeping it in the same repo.
To clarify - the reason I want to keep it in the same repo, is because I already have higher order components, so in theory I just have to write the react-native components which will to my understanding then be called by the higher order component when running in the mobile app.
If anyone has or knows of examples of repos on github where this has been done (combined react and react-native project), that would be great so that I can get an idea of what such a project would look like once done.
