Separating a 32 bit address into parts - c

In C,
If I have a 32 bit binary address, how could I take bits 6 - 10 (5 bit value) and assign them to a new variable?
For example, the address:
I want to take this section:
0000000100101001100010 01001 00011
And store it in a variable, x.

If I have a 32 bit binary address, how could I take bits 6 - 10 (5 bit value)
Addresses are not really something that have arithmetic values in particular bits - that is very implementation dependent. Code can convert an address to an integer type and then proceed.
OP apparently wants other #paddy bits: 9 to 5.
#include <stdint.h>
void *ptr = ....;
uintptr_t i = (uintptr_t) ptr;
// v------v Ignore 5 least significant bits, move all bits right by 5.
unsigned x = (i >> 5) & 0x1F;
// ^--^ Mask: Only retain 5 bits.


Extract k bits from any side of hex notation

int X = 0x1234ABCD;
int Y = 0xcdba4321;
// a) print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation
int output1 = X & 0xFF;
printf("%X\n", output1);
// b) print the upper 12 bits of Y in hex notation
int output2 = Y >> 20;
printf("%X\n", output2);
I want to print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation; since each character in hex is 4 bits, FF = 8 bits, would it be right to & with 0x2FF to get the lower 10 bits in hex notation.
Also, would shifting right by 20 drop all 20 bits at the end, and keep the upper 12 bits only?
I want to print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation; since each character in hex is 4 bits, FF = 8 bits, would it be right to & with 0x2FF to get the lower 10 bits in hex notation.
No, that would be incorrect. You'd want to use 0x3FF to get the low 10 bits. (0x2FF in binary is: 1011111111). If you're a little uncertain with hex values, an easier way to do that these days is via binary constants instead, e.g.
// mask lowest ten bits in hex
int output1 = X & 0x3FF;
// mask lowest ten bits in binary
int output1 = X & 0b1111111111;
Also, would shifting right by 20 drop all 20 bits at the end, and keep the upper 12 bits only?
In the case of LEFT shift, zeros will be shifted in from the right, and the higher bits will be dropped.
In the case of RIGHT shift, it depends on the sign of the data type you are shifting.
// unsigned right shift
unsigned U = 0x80000000;
U = U >> 20;
printf("%x\n", U); // prints: 800
// signed right shift
int S = 0x80000000;
S = S >> 20;
printf("%x\n", S); // prints: fffff800
Signed right-shift typically shifts the highest bit in from the left. Unsigned right-shift always shifts in zero.
As an aside: IIRC the C standard is a little vague wrt to signed integer shifts. I believe it is theoretically possible to have a hardware platform that shifts in zeros for signed right shift (i.e. micro-controllers). Most of your typical platforms (Intel/Arm) will shift in the highest bit though.
Assuming 32 bit int, then you have the following problems:
0xcdba4321 is too large to fit inside an int. The hex constant itself will actually be unsigned int in this specific case, because of an oddball type rule in C. From there you force an implicit conversion to int, likely ending up with a negative number.
Y >> 20 right shifts a negative number, which is non-portable behavior. It can either shift in ones (arithmetic shift) or zeroes (logical shift), depending on compiler. Whereas right shifting unsigned types is well-defined and always results in logical shift.
& 0xFF masks out 8 bits, not 10.
%X expects an unsigned int, not an int.
The root of all your problems is "sloppy typing" - that is, writing int all over the place when you actually need a more suitable type. You should start using the portable types from stdint.h instead, in this case uint32_t. Also make a habit of always ending you hex constants with a u or U suffix.
A fixed program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main (void)
uint32_t X = 0x1234ABCDu;
uint32_t Y = 0xcdba4321u;
printf("%X\n", X & 0x3FFu);
printf("%X\n", Y >> (32-12));
The 0x3FFu mask can also be written as ( (1u<<10) - 1).
(Strictly speaking you need to printf the stdint.h types using specifiers from inttypes.h but lets not confuse the answer by introducing those at the same time.)
Lots of high-value answers to this question.
Here's more info that might spark curiosity...
int main() {
uint32_t X;
X = 0x1234ABCDu; // your first hex number
printf( "%X\n", X );
X &= ((1u<<12)-1)<<20; // mask 12 bits, shifting mask left
printf( "%X\n", X );
X = 0x1234ABCDu; // your first hex number
X &= ~0u^(~0u>>12);
printf( "%X\n", X );
X = 0x0234ABCDu; // Note leading 0 printed in two styles
printf( "%X %08X\n", X, X );
return 0;
234ABCD 0234ABCD
print the upper 12 bits of Y in hex notation
To handle this when the width of int is not known, first determine the width with code like sizeof(unsigned)*CHAR_BIT. (C specifies it must be at least 16-bit.)
Best to use unsigned or mask the shifted result with an unsigned.
#include <limits.h>
int output2 = Y;
printf("%X\n", (unsigned) output2 >> (sizeof(unsigned)*CHAR_BIT - 12));
// or
printf("%X\n", (output2 >> (sizeof output2 * CHAR_BIT - 12)) & 0x3FFu);
Rare non-2's complement encoded int needs additional code - not shown.
Very rare padded int needs other bit width detection - not shown.

How to analyze bytes of a variable's value in C

is it possible to divide for example an integer in n bits?
For example, since an int variable has a size of 32 bits (4 bytes) is it possible to divide the number in 4 "pieces" of 8 bits and put them in 4 other variables that have a size of 8 bits?
I solved using unsigned char *pointer pointing to the variable that I want to analyze bytes, something like this:
int x = 10;
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) &x;
//Since my cpu is little endian I'll print bytes from the end
for(int i = sizeof(int) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
//print hexadecimal bytes
printf("%.2x ", p[i]);
Yes, of course it is. But generally we just use bit operations directly on the bits (called bitops) using bitwise operators defined for all discrete integer types.
For instance, if you need to test the 5th least significant bit you can use x &= 1 << 4 to have x just to have the 5th bit set, and all others set to zero. Then you can use if (x) to test if it has been set; C doesn't use a boolean type but assumes that zero is false and any other value means true. If you store 1 << 4 into a constant then you have created a "(bit) mask" for that particular bit.
If you need a value 0 or 1 then you can use a shift the other way and use x = (x >> 4) & 1. This is all covered in most C books, so I'd implore you to read about these bit operations there.
There are many Q/A's here how to split integers into bytes, see e.g. here. In principle you can store those in a char, but if you may require integer operations then you can also split the int into multiple values. One problem with that is that an int is just defined to at least store values from -32768 to 32767. That means that the number of bytes in an int can be 2 bytes or more.
In principle it is also possible to use bit fields but I'd be hesitant to use those. With an int you will at least know that the bits will be stored in the least significant bits.

Converting 32 bit number to four 8bit numbers

I am trying to convert the input from a device (always integer between 1 and 600000) to four 8-bit integers.
For example,
If the input is 32700, I want 188 127 00 00.
I achieved this by using:
32700 % 256
32700 / 256
The above works till 32700. From 32800 onward, I start getting incorrect conversions.
I am totally new to this and would like some help to understand how this can be done properly.
Major edit following clarifications:
Given that someone has already mentioned the shift-and-mask approach (which is undeniably the right one), I'll give another approach, which, to be pedantic, is not portable, machine-dependent, and possibly exhibits undefined behavior. It is nevertheless a good learning exercise, IMO.
For various reasons, your computer represents integers as groups of 8-bit values (called bytes); note that, although extremely common, this is not always the case (see CHAR_BIT). For this reason, values that are represented using more than 8 bits use multiple bytes (hence those using a number of bits with is a multiple of 8). For a 32-bit value, you use 4 bytes and, in memory, those bytes always follow each other.
We call a pointer a value containing the address in memory of another value. In that context, a byte is defined as the smallest (in terms of bit count) value that can be referred to by a pointer. For example, your 32-bit value, covering 4 bytes, will have 4 "addressable" cells (one per byte) and its address is defined as the first of those addresses:
| ... | x-1 | <== Pointer to byte before
| BYTE 0 | x | <== Pointer to first byte (also pointer to 32-bit value)
| BYTE 1 | x+1 | <== Pointer to second byte
| BYTE 2 | x+2 | <== Pointer to third byte
| BYTE 3 | x+3 | <== Pointer to fourth byte
| ... | x+4 | <== Pointer to byte after
So what you want to do (split the 32-bit word into 8-bits word) has already been done by your computer, as it is imposed onto it by its processor and/or memory architecture. To reap the benefits of this almost-coincidence, we are going to find where your 32-bit value is stored and read its memory byte-by-byte (instead of 32 bits at a time).
As all serious SO answers seem to do so, let me cite the Standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2018, 6.2.5-20) to define the last thing I need (emphasis mine):
Any number of derived types can be constructed from the object and function types, as follows:
An array type describes a contiguously allocated nonempty set of objects with a particular member object type, called the element type. [...] Array types are characterized by their element type and by the number of elements in the array. [...]
So, as elements in an array are defined to be contiguous, a 32-bit value in memory, on a machine with 8-bit bytes, really is nothing more, in its machine representation, than an array of 4 bytes!
Given a 32-bit signed value:
int32_t value;
its address is given by &value. Meanwhile, an array of 4 8-bit bytes may be represented by:
uint8_t arr[4];
notice that I use the unsigned variant because those bytes don't really represent a number per se so interpreting them as "signed" would not make sense. Now, a pointer-to-array-of-4-uint8_t is defined as:
uint8_t (*ptr)[4];
and if I assign the address of our 32-bit value to such an array, I will be able to index each byte individually, which means that I will be reading the byte directly, avoiding any pesky shifting-and-masking operations!
uint8_t (*bytes)[4] = (void *) &value;
I need to cast the pointer ("(void *)") because I can't bear that whining compiler &value's type is "pointer-to-int32_t" while I'm assigning it to a "pointer-to-array-of-4-uint8_t" and this type-mismatch is caught by the compiler and pedantically warned against by the Standard; this is a first warning that what we're doing is not ideal!
Finally, we can access each byte individually by reading it directly from memory through indexing: (*bytes)[n] reads the n-th byte of value!
To put it all together, given a send_can(uint8_t) function:
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(*bytes); i++)
and, for testing purpose, we define:
void send_can(uint8_t b)
printf("%hhu\n", b);
which prints, on my machine, when value is 32700:
Lastly, this shows yet another reason why this method is platform-dependent: the order in which the bytes of the 32-bit word is stored isn't always what you would expect from a theoretical discussion of binary representation i.e:
byte 0 contains bits 31-24
byte 1 contains bits 23-16
byte 2 contains bits 15-8
byte 3 contains bits 7-0
actually, AFAIK, the C Language permits any of the 24 possibilities for ordering those 4 bytes (this is called endianness). Meanwhile, shifting and masking will always get you the n-th "logical" byte.
It really depends on how your architecture stores an int. For example
8 or 16 bit system short=16, int=16, long=32
32 bit system, short=16, int=32, long=32
64 bit system, short=16, int=32, long=64
This is not a hard and fast rule - you need to check your architecture first. There is also a long long but some compilers do not recognize it and the size varies according to architecture.
Some compilers have uint8_t etc defined so you can actually specify how many bits your number is instead of worrying about ints and longs.
Having said that you wish to convert a number into 4 8 bit ints. You could have something like
unsigned long x = 600000UL; // you need UL to indicate it is unsigned long
unsigned int b1 = (unsigned int)(x & 0xff);
unsigned int b2 = (unsigned int)(x >> 8) & 0xff;
unsigned int b3 = (unsigned int)(x >> 16) & 0xff;
unsigned int b4 = (unsigned int)(x >> 24);
Using shifts is a lot faster than multiplication, division or mod. This depends on the endianess you wish to achieve. You could reverse the assignments using b1 with the formula for b4 etc.
You could do some bit masking.
600000 is 0x927C0
600000 / (256 * 256) gets you the 9, no masking yet.
((600000 / 256) & (255 * 256)) >> 8 gets you the 0x27 == 39. Using a 8bit-shifted mask of 8 set bits (256 * 255) and a right shift by 8 bits, the >> 8, which would also be possible as another / 256.
600000 % 256 gets you the 0xC0 == 192 as you did it. Masking would be 600000 & 255.
I ended up doing this:
unsigned char bytes[4];
unsigned long n;
n = (unsigned long) sensore1 * 100;
bytes[0] = n & 0xFF;
bytes[1] = (n >> 8) & 0xFF;
bytes[2] = (n >> 16) & 0xFF;
bytes[3] = (n >> 24) & 0xFF;
I have been in a similar kind of situation while packing and unpacking huge custom packets of data to be transmitted/received, I suggest you try below approach:
typedef union
uint32_t u4_input;
uint8_t u1_byte_arr[4];
un_t_mode_reg.u4_input = input;/*your 32 bit input*/
// 1st byte = un_t_mode_reg.u1_byte_arr[0];
// 2nd byte = un_t_mode_reg.u1_byte_arr[1];
// 3rd byte = un_t_mode_reg.u1_byte_arr[2];
// 4th byte = un_t_mode_reg.u1_byte_arr[3];
The largest positive value you can store in a 16-bit signed int is 32767. If you force a number bigger than that, you'll get a negative number as a result, hence unexpected values returned by % and /.
Use either unsigned 16-bit int for a range up to 65535 or a 32-bit integer type.

Read Specific values from given address?

Given the 16 bit address(memory address, not value) 0x1144, 16-bit is divided into Type bit 15- bit 16 , Module bit 9 to bit 14, group bit 1 to bit 8
Type = Bit 15 - Bit 16
Module = Bit 9 - Bit 14
Group = Bit 1 - Bit 8
Read and Print the Values in Following variables.
uint16_t Type;
uint16_t Module;
uint16_t Group;
How to read & print values using C.
I tried with
uint16_t *ptr = 0x1144;
Type = *ptr >> 14;
Module = *ptr << 2;
Module = Module >> 10;
Group = *ptr << 8;
Group = Group >> 8;
Is this the correct ?
You can use Bit fields in C which is quite commonly used while addressing individual bit positions in HW registers. Just model your bit positions in a struct by defining below (on my machine with little endian)
typedef struct {
uint16_t group:8;
uint16_t module:6;
uint16_t type:2;
}nwGroup ;
All you need to do is cast the address containing your 16 bit value to this struct type and you can access the fields individually after that.
uint16_t *val = (uint16_t *)0x1144;
nwGroup *ptr = (nwGroup*)(val);
printf("NW group: %d\n", ptr->group);
(Note: We usually number things starting from 0 in computer science, so I've interpreted your requirements from a zero-based mindset.)
Use a combination of masking and shifting. For example, if you want to be able to recover the NetworkModule value, create a mask that has 1-bits in the positions you want, and 0-bits everywhere else:
#define NetworkModuleMask 0x3E00 // that is, 0011 1110 0000 0000
Now you can use that to mask out the unwanted bits using bitwise AND:
int address = 0x1144;
int networkModule = address & NetworkModuleMask
Another way to do it, which is essentially equivalent, is to use division and modulo operators with powers of 2. For example, your NetworkGroup is the
Then, to interpret the value as a number, you'll want to shift it right by 9 bits:
#define NetworkModulePosition 9
networkModule = networkModule >> NetworkModulePosition
You can use a similar process to construct an address using component values: shift each part into position and then bitwise OR it into the address.
You can also approach the problem arithmetically, using division and modulo operators with powers of 2. Dividing an integer by a power of 2 is the same as shifting it to the right by some number of bits, and modulo by a power of 2 is the same as shifting some number of bits to the right and then clearing some number of bits on the left, so you end up doing pretty much what we did above. For example, your NetworkGroup value is the low 8 bits of the address, so you can recover it by taking the address mod 2^^8, or 256. The NetworkType is the highest 2 bits, and you can recover that by dividing the address by 2^^14, or 16384.

Left shift operator in C

#include <stdio.h>
#define macro(a) a=a<<4;
int a = 0x59;
printf("%x", a);
printf("%x", a);
For the above code, I am getting the below output:
Why am I not getting the below output as the left shift operation?
Left shifts do not truncate the number to fit the length of the original one. To get 90, use:
(a<<4) & 0xff
0x59 is an int and probably on your platform it has sizeof(int)==4. Then it's a 0x00000059. Left shifting it by 4 gives 0x00000590.
Also, form a good habit of using unsigned int types when dealing with bitwise operators, unless you know what you are doing. They have different behaviours in situations like a right shift.
You shifted a hexadecimal number by 4 places to left so you get 590, which is correct.
You had
shifted to left by 4 bits
is 590 in hexadecimal
is 90 in hexadecimal, so you might want to remove 0101 as is shown by phoeagon.
In your printf, if you change %x to %d, you get a = 89.
And after left shifting you will get a = 1424.
Generally for decimal (base 10) numbers
a = a<< n is a = a*2^n
a = a>> n is a = a/2^n
For hexadecimal (base 16) numbers, any shift by n (left or right), can be considered, as a corresponding shift of the digits of the binary equivalent. But this depends on sizeof(int), used for a given compiler.
You are using int, so you have:
If you shift it by 4 to the left, you get
If you only want to have only the first 8 bits you don't have to use "int" but unsigned char (or char):
#define macro(a) a=a<<4;
unsigned char a=0x59;
If you still want to use int, but only keep the first 8 bits, you can use a mask:
#define macro(a) a=(a<<4) & 0xFF
So could you please tell me what should I do so as to get the output
as 0x90? I need to shift the last 4 bits to the first 4 bits adding 0's
at the end
The only way you can shift the 4 last bit 4 bit to the left AND get it in the place of the first 4 bit is if your type have just 8 bit. Usually this is the case of unsigned char, not int. You will get 0x90 for
unsigned char a=0x59;
but when using int the result is 0x590
The error is not with the use of the << is with the selection of the type. (or a misuse of macro?)
